Last Updated: 23 Feb 2012
Bessarabian History continuted......
Abbreviations of German Genealogist's
a. = aus = Auswanderungsort und lander = from a place such as state
or district of Germans who migrated to a place such as Poland, Russia,
abt. = about
Baron = Baron
bei = by
Berg = mountain
Bruder = brother
Burg = castle
c. = century
ca. = means about that date
Dufel = uncle
Ev. = Evangelical Lutheran Church [sometimes an author of a book will
use Ev in references to the general term of being a Prostestant
Familien = Family
Fr. = Frau = wife
Fraulein = unmarried female
Freiherr = Free Man
Fuerst = Royal Prince
geb. = geboren = born = * = b.
Geb. = Gebiet = district
getraut = married = oo = m.
gestorben = died = + = d.
Graff = Count
Gross = gross = grand Example: Grossmutter = grandmother
Kaiser = Emperor of Germany
K = Kath. = Katholisch = Catholic
Kinder = children
m.= getraut = married = oo
n. = nach = to
nee = denotes that the following name is the maiden name of the woman
which is usually by her married name. Example: Judy A., nee Remmick,
N.S. = New Style which refers to Greorgian calender used by Europe,
but not used by Russia [see O.S.] until after World War I.
O.S.= refers to the Old Style = Russian Julian Calender that was 12
to 13 days behind the calender used in Europe. The Russians changed
over to the Greorgian calendar, known as the N.S., used by Europe after
World War I.
Prot. = Protestant
RN - Registered Number in Judy A. Remmick-Hubert's Family Roots
Schwaeger [Schwager] = brother-n-law
Schwaegerin [Schwagerin] = sister-in-law
Sohn = S. = son
Tante = Aunt
Tochter = T. = daughter
Vater = Father
von = from / or part of a title of an aristocrat from Germany
Vorname = first name
Ww = Witwer bzw. = widow or widower
Months of the Year
Januar = January
Februar = February
Marz = March
Mai = May
Juni = June
Julyi = July
August = August
September = Septermber
Oktober = October
November = Novemeber
December = December
Hein Genealogy