.........Last Updated: 18 March 2014..........


28 May 2009

New Chicks

Because my father's chickens were quite old, a few have gone to chicken heaven, and,  we've lost a few to natural predators.  Since it takes chickens about 6 months before they begin to lay eggs,  I have bought 8 new chicks which keeps me under the allowed number of chicken we can have for our size of property. Four Amerciancanas, two Silber Polish and two Golden Lace Wyandottes. 


Day One



I jury-rigged a temporary chick area with a dog cage, ladder and a heat lamp.  When the chicks are big enough, I'll have a small pen made in the larger chicken yard to keep these little girls safe from the lage hens.  I can't let them just run free in the large yard, because they don't have a mother hen to protect them, and, they'd be perfect size meal for the cat, hawks and foxes.

