German-Russian myths about the supernatural, superstitions, witches, merlins, ghosts, fairies, and other phenomena.....
Last Updated: 31 Aug 2003
A goddess.
Perhaps someone could tell me which myth this statue present.
Found on the ground of San Souci, a Hohenzolern Palace, Potsdam, Germany.
Remmick-Hubert Collection, 1991
There were other god and goddesses from other places... There were, also, other creatures such as elves who were divided into two groups, the light and the dark [black]. The elves of light were more important than the dark in the known tales.....
The end of the old world occurred and the new world began.
The gods who survived Ragnarok were Baldr "the beloved" and his brother Hod as did Hoenir.
The sons and daughters of the Aesir and Vanir gods who survived Ragnarok were: Odin's sons Vidar and Vali; Thor's sons.... Bor's son Vili and Ve....
They met in council on the plain of Ida where Asgard once was.
Thor's sons would be heir of their father's hammer Mjolnir... Bor's sons would help rule the heavens with the other sons....
Gimle would house the gods in peace and bounty.
Good and evil would exist as it always had and always will.
Hel was called Nastrond.
The dragon Nidhoff would continued to gnaw on the roots of the Yggdrasil [Tree of Life] and the bodies of the dead.
The new mortals who sought shelter under the branches of the Yggdrasil were called Lif and Lifthrasir who lived on the nurishment of the dew drops at the begining and had many children to populate the earth.
The Ash tree would radiant rays of light and down from the skies and the sun will have a daughter [daughters]....
There was two sets of worship by the Germanic tribes. One set of rites were performed in the home and the other was among the community. Public. The rites performed outside the home were those preformed at the work place or place of worship where changed were due to outside influences [by rulers, laws, etc.]. The rites at home held different forms. Private. These "private rituals" were the ones within the household. They were often the ones held important to family, love and health. And these "private rituals" changed in degrees from family to family.
370 A.D. The interruption of everything that had evolved as Germanic tribes occurred when the Huns invaded Europe. The Huns had weaken the Roman hold and when the Huns left, the Germanic tribal chiefs replaced the Roman leaders... The Germanic tribes who rose to power were:
(1) Alans
(2) Vandals
(3) Sueves
(4) Alemans
(5) Franks
(6) Ostrogoths
(7) Jutes
(8) Saxons & Anglo-Saxons
(9) Britains
(10) Angles
(11) Scots
(12) Franks & Frisians Franks
(13) Lombards
(14) Vandals
Now, we are beginning to see groups we recognize.
At this time, most of our ancestors world were govern by their kitchen gods, wood gods, barn gods, field gods, water gods, mountain gods, animal gods, bird gods, sky gods..... If a person did not give full attention to each of these gods, a person would have to pay the consequences. Therefore, our ancestors were captured like flies in a spider's web. The more our ancestors struggled to survive, the more entangled they became with the gods....
420 - When Kind Pharamond the Merovingian ruled the area of France in the early 400s the people living in France and Germany were still nothing more than tribesman who had rebelled against the Roman invasion and had no intention of being like the Romans who had started a good base for a new civilization with good roads, buildings, estates, acquaducts, sewers in towns.... baths..... Baths!? Romans took baths not Meroviangians, unless a person was some kind of king or high official....
That may seem simplexic a statement but it doesn't bend the truth even the slightest.
If you have ever seen the Phantom of the Opera, some of the scenes are in the old sewers under the old Opera House. These sewers were built by the Romans.
In one of the greatest museums is the British Museum of History. They have a section where a person can walk through and see London from the times of the early tribes through the Roman times and how they, too, rejected the baths, sewers, etc. etc. and after a long time how the Londoners realized their error....
481 to 511 - Clovis, The King of the [German] Franks (House of Merovingian) rose into power He took a Christian Princess as his wife who converted him. With the help of his new found Christian God, and, defeated the Germans. He set up his court in Paris. Then attempted to unit all the Franks.
496 - The Franks defeated the Alemani [known, later as Swabians] and these Germanic people were forced to accept the Catholic religion.
The pagan gods found the Catholics were a group of people who an unrelentless enemy.
As the legend stated, Loki took on all forms to trick the gods because it was his role in the spirit world to take them all to their domesday....
The Christians spread their religion and their anti-pagan campaign across Europe.
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Communion Vessels These particular communion vessels are on display in the Dontra-Dame Cathedral known as the Lutheran Evangelical Reform Memorial Church which was built in memory of Martin Luther and all those who were leaders in the Protestant Movement in the German city of Speyer . In Berlin on 1 Nov 1539 Elector Joachim II of Brandenburg (1535-1571) and his wife received communion in both bread and wine and thus introduced Lutheranism officially into his county. Note the handel of the pitcher. It is that of a winged dragon. The old beliefs continued to be seen in the church rituals in many different ways and forms.
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The Druids were replaced with monks, priest and a pope in Rome. The Druid and the Christian supernatural, superstitions, witches, ghosts and fairies became entangled. It is almost impossible to separate them, although, the Christian tried very hard to eliminate the old beliefs. This task proved nearly impossible. Then someone in the Catholic church made the decision to mask the Keltic with new Christian names and rituals. And, the Christians built churches over the old sacred places.... New names were stubsituted for the old festivals to the old rituals... There are many books written which try untangle the Christian from the Germanic beliefs from the Keltic beliefs and from the people who had migrated into the area with their eastern cultures known as Indo-Europeans [Greek, Persian, Medes, Hindoos and Slavonic tribes and maybe others like the Sacians [Turkomen], Ossetics...]. With the findings of old graves and with the help of DNA, the sorting out of ancestors will become more and more accurate.... It will be interesting to see who's theory, if any, are correct. I remember when I took a photograph of an old portal tomb in Ireland, I wondered how many of us living on that particular day were descendants of the person in that stony grave.
Poulnabrone Domen is Portal Tomb which dates back to 2500 / 2000 BC which was the Bronze Age
Burren Region of Clare, Ireland
Discovering blood lines, however, will not give to us the lost names or stories of the people who influenced our ancestors and their beliefs. It will, however, help us understand our history.
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