Perjamosch Family List Connected to Hubert Families
Last Update: 11 July 2003
Perjamosch / Banat, Austria-Hungary
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Endres [Andres] Family continued .......
Endres [Andres]
In a message dated 7/8/03 1:14:55 PM, writes:
<< Hello ,
Enclosed you receive the Endres families of the familybook Berglicht/Merscheid. I know also the FB of Perjamosch and I`m interested on the people, who emigrated from the region of Merscheid in the Banat or to America.
Two years ago I had corresponded with Faye Bradley, TX, who has discovered the FB of Perjamosch in the internet. She was looking for further ancestors in Germany. Her family tree began also with Johann Endres, born 2/16/1749 d. 08/15/1830 (E 246). But there was an other Johann Endres with the same birth date and the same parents (A57). Therefore she concluded that they were twins. Because this will bring a lot of difficulties in the everyday life, I didn`t believe it. (Two siblings with the same first name) I wrote a letter to the author of the FB of Perjamosch, Anton Krämer. He answered with a letter of more than 3 pages and said that he had made a fault. Johann Endres (E 246) b. 2/16/1749, d. 08/15/1830 could not be the son of Peter Endres and Ottilia. He must be born about 1752 and must be the son of Nikolaus Endres, born 03/08/1713 (A 55). I have tried to translate the part of the letter with the explanations of Anton Krämer and I hope, that you understand the translated comments of Anton Krämer enclosed as a data file. I also like to send you the complete correspondence in German, if you have the possibility of an translation.
The second enclosed data file of the Endres family is copied out of the FB Berglicht/Merscheid. 2 persons have checked the dates therefore I`am rather sure that there is no error.
There is also an other ancestor and emigrant from Merscheid to Perjamosch, Jakob Bernard b. 13 Oct. 1746 (B 308). His ancestors are also documented in the FB of Berglicht/Merscheid. An other emigrant,
Johann Gihl (Gehl) b. 29. Jan 1749 emigrated from Rapperath, which belongs to the parish of Morbach. From the parish of Morbach is also existing a FB edited by Peter Bungert, which is not in my possession,but I have the hope to get informations somewhere, if nescessary.
A last remark to the position of Merscheid and the other villages: They all are near Bernkastel in the State Rheinland-Pfalz and not in the Saarland as documented in the Remmick Hubert Home Site
So far for today. I`m interested to receive your comment.
regards Karl-J Schwickart
Schwickart's Data #1
ENDRES Johannes + 18.4.1710 Gräfendhron oo vor 1669 NN Margarethe
ENDRES Emmerich + 18.06.1704 Merschbach oo l [m. 1] vor1679 NN Angela + 14.2.1679 Merschbach oo ll [m. 2] vor 1681 NN Eva + 15.11.1705 Merschbach
ENDRES Mathias * in Merschbach S.v. Johannes & Margarethe NN oo 25.2.1688 Berglicht NN Barbara + 15.12.1739 Horath
ENDRES Johann Jakob + 26.10.1706 Merschbach oo vor 1690 NN Anna Maria + 21.2.1740 Merschbach
ENDRES Johannes * 28.10.1668 Merschbach + 30.1.1736 Merscheid S.v. Johannes & Margarethe NN oo 9 5.1693 Berglicht BERNARD Anna Maria * 11.6.1672 Merscheid T.v. Wilhelm & Anna NN
ENDRES Nikolaus oo vor 1695 NN Timothea
ENDRES Andreas * 24.9.1682 Merschbach S.v. Emmerich & Eva NN ool 25.8.1695 Berglicht NN Elisabeth * in Merscheid + 3.7.1702 Merscheid
ooll 8.10.1703 Berglicht NN Susanne * in Riedersberg (Riedenburg)
ENDRES Peter * Juli 1684 Merschbach + 17.3. 1754 Merschbach S.v. Emmerich & Eva NN
ooI vor 1705 NN Maria + 19.11.1708 Gräfendhron
ooll vor 1713 NN Maria
ENDRES Peter + 25.11.1705 Gräfendhron
ENDRES Johannes * 1.11.1680 Merschbach S.v. Emmerich & Eva NN oo vor 1708 NN Catharina
ENDRES Johannes * 13.3.1689 Horath + 23.4.1741 Horath S.v. Mathias & Barbara NN ooI vor 1710 NN Margarethe
ENDRES Peter + 28.2.1711 Gräfendhron
ENDRES Caspar * 23.4.1693 Horath S.v. Mathias & Barbara NN oo vor 1712 NN Anna Maria
ENDRES Johann Jakob * 8.7.1691 Horath S v Mathias & Barbara NN oo vor 1714 NN Magdalena, genannt Helena
ENDRES Andreas + 16.11.1760 Licht oo vor 1714 WAGNER Catharina * 22.3.1683 Merschbach + 19.1.1744 Licht T.v. Mathias & Elisabeth GODDART
ENDRES Anton + 28.3.1753 Elzerath oo vor 1720 NN Anna Margarethe + 22.7.1760 Elzerath
ENDRES Johann Adam * 14.09 1698 Merscheid + 20.12.1756 Merscheid S.v. Johannes Anna Maria BERNARD oo vor 1724 NN Catharina 5.1.1765 Merscheid
ENDRES Johannes 21.4.1710 Merscheid S.v. Johannes & Anna Maria BERNARD oo vor 1735 NN Maria
ENDRES Johannes * 19.8.1715 Horath + 18.2.1764 Horath S.v. Johannes & Catharina NN oo um 1739/1740 Horath (Kirchenbuch 1 Seite 179 lfd. Eintrag 4) STUDER Elisabeth * 20.1.1711 Gräfendhron T.v. Bernhard & Margarethe NN
ENDRES Peter * 15.2.1720 Merscheid + 23 1.1774 Elzerath S.v. Johannes & Catharina NN oo vor 1740 NN Otilia + 16.7.1758 Elzerath
ENDRES Peter * 12.3.1718 Merschbach + 23.11.1782 Merschbach S.v. Peter & Maria NN oo 11.2.1744 Merschbach BIRCK Anna * 10.2.1721 Gräfendhron + 12.7.1771 Merschbach T.v. Mathias & Anna NN
ENDRES Nikolaus (* 08.03.1713, ausgew.nach (emigrated to) 1751, + 30.11.1789 Perjamosch), oo vor 1745 NN Magdalena
ENDRES Christoph * 20.10.1726 Merscheid S.v. Johann Adam & Catharina NN oo vor 1751 NN Anna Maria
ENDRES Jakob * 24.1.1728 Merschbach + 13.6.1766 Horath S.v. Peter & Maria NN oo vor 1753 GÖHL Susanna, genannt Anna * um 1737, + 13.1.1801 in Merscheid
ENDRES Jakob * 29.09.1724 Elzerath S.v. Anton & Anna Margarethe NN oo vor 1756 THÖNES Anna Maria * 29.9.1730 Gräfendhron T.v Johannes & Anna Maria NN
ENDRES Peter * 25. 03.1734 Merscheid + 24 4.1776 Merscheid S.v. Johann Adam & Catharina NN oo 10.2.1756 Merscheid MARTINI Anna Catharina * in Merscheid
ENDRES Nikolaus * 17.9.1730 Merschbach + 16.12.1796 Horath S.v. Peter & Maria NN oo 15.2.1757 Berglicht WIRTZ Margarethe * 21.12.1736 Horath T.v. Johann Jakob & Anna Maria KRÖWER
ENDRES Peter * 5.4.1732 Elzerath S.v. Anton & Anna Margarethe NN ool vor 1759 MARTINI Maria Catharina + 10.4.1771 Merscheid
ooll 3.11.1771 Merscheid SCHOMMER Catharina * 20.1.1728 Horath Witwe von Mathias WEY, T.v. Johannes & Angela ENDRES
ENDRES Peter in Elzerath ( welcher ?) K NN + 22.03.1759 Elzerath
ENDRES Jakob * 8.12.1736 Merscheid + 28.10.1819 Merscheid S.v. Adam & Catharina NN oo 24.01.1758 Morscheid-Walholz (siehe Morbach A38) GEHL Susanne * 26.8.1737 Hunolstein T.v. Eberhard & Elisabeth NN
ENDRES Elisabeth + 10.11.1759 Merschbach
ENDRES Nikolaus * 6.12.1736 Elzerath + 25.2.1802 Elzerath S. v. Anton & Anna Margarethe NN oo 12.2.1760 Berglicht KÜMLING Anna Catharina * 5.3.1737 Gräfendhron + 25.2.1799 Elzerath T.v. Johannes & Margarethe RESCH
ENDRES Johann Peter oo vor 1763 FELTEN Anna + 20.11.1797 Elzerath als Witwe
ENDRES Anna Maria + 25.7.1764 Elzerath
ENDRES Mathias oo vor 1765 NN Catharina
ENDRES Peter * 5.10.1736 Horath + 15.9.1797 Horath S.v. Johannes & Maria NN oo vor 1767 NN Anna Maria
ENDRES Mathias * 19.10.1740 Horath S.v. Johannes & Elisabeth STUDER oo vor 1768 GREBLING Anna Catharina
ENDRES Peter * 7.1.1756 Rapperath + 14.4.1814 Gonzerath S.v. Christoph & Anna Maria GEHLEN ool 14.01.1779 Morscheid-Walholz ( siehe Morbach A45) MAURI Margarethe * 05.11.1760 Riedenburg + 16.12.1779 Riedenburg T.v. Peter & Catharina MARX
ooII 09.05.1780 Merscheid KYFFER Anna Margarethe * 6.12.1754 Merscheid + 23.1.1798 Rapperath T v. Johann Adam & Maria Catharina SAUER
ooIII 22.05.1798 Bischofsdhron MARX Anna Maria * 15.9.1765 Rapperath T.v. Johannes & Margarethe SCHIEWER
ENDRES Mathias, Schuhmacher, * 2.3.1768 Merscheid + 23.12.1810 Merscheid S.v. Peter & Maria Catharina MARTINI oo 8.5.1787 Merscheid PETERS Anna Margarethe * 6.7.1766 Heinzerath + 19.3.1831 Merscheid T.v. Bernhard & Maria Catharina PRIESCH (siehe Morbach P28 )
ENDRES Jakob * 4.6.1764 Horath S.v Nikolaus & Margarethe WIRTZ oo 1790 Berglicht GEMMEL Susanne * 12.6.1766 Bischofsdhron T.v Mathias & Susanne FRIEDRICH (siehe Morbach G 108)
ENDRES Mathias * 15.4.1772 Horath S.v. Mathias & Anna Catharina GREBLING oo März 1791 Berglicht EIFFLER Barbara * 25.6.1767 Gutenthal + 19.1.1810 Morscheid-Ruwer T.v. Johann Georg & Maria Margarethe SPÄDER (siehe Morbach E25)
ENDRES Mathias * 18.9.1762 Merscheid + 25.8.1824 Merscheid S.v. Jakob & Susanne GEHL oo 31.1.1792 Merscheid KIEFFER Anna Margarethe * in Merscheid + 8.7.1810 Merscheid (47 Jahre alt) T.v. Mathias & Margarethe REUTER
ENDRES Johann Adam * 26.9.1771 Merscheid + 21.2.1834 Merscheid S.v. Jakob & Susanne GEHL oo 17.1.1797 Merscheid BERNARD Catharina * 15.10.1767 Merscheid + 26.5.1850 Merscheid T.v. Johannes & Anna Maria SCHNEIDER
Schwickart's Data #2:
Translation of the letter from Anton Krämer beginning with line 62
( ) my additions and comments in italic
line No
52 First I want remark, that no one of the Andres/Endres-emigrants is to be found in the sources of Vienna (Book with the title: Sources of the German history of settling in South-East-Europe; Dr. Franz Wilhelm and Dr. Josef Kaltbrunner) or in the "Regesten" of the emigrants of Werner Hacker, title: Emigration out of Rhinepfalz and Saarland in the 18th century.
It is true that the sources of Vienna begin with 1749 but in the beginning of the emigrations are only registered the names of the emigrants not this of their wives and not the number of their children and not at all the home town. Further the churchbooks of Perjamosch from 1724 1755 are missing. The peg, which could bring more light in this matter are the names of the godparents. Therefore I have tried to reach my target with them. I try to declare it in the following.
62 Andres, Nikolaus (A55) (richtig: Endres), is the oldest bearer (of the name Endres) in Perjamosch. Probably he is emigrated after 1751 with his wife Magdalena NN and 5 (or 6) children. From these children could be find out the birth-dates of the first and the fourth child in (the FB of) Merscheid and (in the FB of) Hinzerath. Their first child, who was born in Perjamosch and documented was the son Adam (*29.04.1756). His godfather, Adam Kiefer, was later also a witness to a marriage of Peter Endres
(E 244), the oldest son of (A 55), who married 17th May 1768 Maria Katharina Ludwig, daughter of Joh. Ludwig and Kath. Kiefer, the second witness to a marriage was Anton Schuch. Anton Schuch was a brother of the brother in law from Anton Endres, Andreas Schuch. Andreas Schuch was the husband of Angela Endres.
71 Endres, Peter, son of Nikolaus Endres and Magdl. NN. (E 244). The godparents of their 11 between 1769 1790 in Perjamosch baptized children (of Peter Endres and Magdl. NN) are the siblings of the father of these children. As godparents are registered the siblings of the father: Anna Maria, Eva Margareta, Adam and a Johanna Endres, who was in all probability a brother of Peter Endres, because there was living in Perjamosch at this time no other Johann Endres.
76 Endres, Johann (E 246) is if you reckon back from his age at his death - born in 1752, and not as wrongly assumed, on the 16th Feb.1749. Besides is documented, he was an Æincola loci" this means a resident or a person, who is born on the place, therefore no immigrant.
From the Christian name of the godparents of his children can concluded that he must be a son of Nikolaus Endres and Magdalena (A 55). He is probably the first child born in Perjamosch of this married couple and should be arranged between the daughters
Eva Maria and Anna Marg. Because the churchbooks of this time are missing, it is not possible to verify this assumption. For his children (of Endres Johann, E 246) of the first and the second marriage are documented as godparents his siblings Anna Maria (Vogt), Gertrud (Kilburg) and Adam Endres as well as his sister-in-law Maria Katharina Endres, girlsname Ludwig; For the seven children of the third marriage Peter, Barbara and Elisabeth Endres are mentioned as godparents. Also this would confirm, that Johann Endres, was a son of Nikolaus Andres and Magdalena NN and not of Peter Endres and Ottilie
- 2 -
89 The genealogical line of Mrs. Faye Bradley would guide therefore from Peter Endres
*11.Jan.1897 (E 309) back over the family-numbers 276.9 259.8 246.7 back to the immigrant Nikolaus Andres/Endres (A55)
92 The supposed "twin brothers", Johann Endres * 16. Feb. 1749 in Merscheid (A 57)
93 could therefore supposed as a son of Peter Endres and Ottilie. But if you calculate back from the age at his death you receive an other year of birth: that is 1752 likewise. As he can be excluded as an direct ancestor of Mrs. Bradley, he shouldnąt disturb us no longer as well as the question if Joh. Peter Endres (E 245) was his brother. After the inspection of the godparents of his 14 children born in Perjamosch, I have the tendency to assume, that it could be more likely the Peter Andres (be the brother of Johann Endres, E 245) born in Kudritz ( 58.2) because among the godparents are the siblings Friederich and Nikolaus Andres and other relatives by marriage, but not these of the relationship of Nikolaus Endres (A 55) or Joh. Endres (E 246) respectively.
102^ Finally to the Endres from Pergamosch, who emigrated in the USA. In the homepage of Dave Dreyer are registered 10 Endres` (Aug. 2001), among these also the family of Franz (Frank) Endres (E 309), who emigrated the 3rd Nov. 1907 to Cincinnati (from Hamburg to New York with the ship Blücher) with his wife Katharina, girlsname Flesch, and the children Franz, Jacob, Peter, Katharina und Barbara. Dave Dreyer has find out of the military files for Cincinnati their recruit-numbers: 1.819.803, 1.819.806 and 1.819.806 (remark: the two last numbers are the same, perhaps an error of Anton Krämer). Peter Endres and his wife Elisabeth Dukarm from Engelsbrunn were also registered as subscriber of the German- Hungarian home-calendar from 1932 to 1942. With this is proved that they lived there until 1942. From here Mrs. Bradley is able to continue with the history after which the relatives had been smuggled from Engelbrunn over Canada into The USA etc.
German abbreviations in the FB Perjamosch
Tz Trauzeuge witness to a marriage
T.v. Tochter von daughter of
S.v. Sohn von son of
Wwe. Witwe widow
From an other FB which contents also the name of the godparents I conclude, that it was usual in this time to give the child the Christian name of the godfather if he was a boy and of the godmother if she was a girl. I assume that this custom was also usual in Pergamosch at this time.
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