Perjamosch Family List Connected to Hubert Families
Last Update: 11 Nov 2011
Perjamosch / Banat, Austria-Hungary
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R / S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z
Magdalena Hubert, age 26, from Setschan, Thursday, 21 March 1901 via Bre/NY on ship Lahn to Ney York, NY. Joining husband.
Maria Hubert, age 21, from Perjamosch, Thursday, 21 Spet 1905 to Philadelphia, Pa via Ham/Ny, Ship-Graf Waldersee. Going to join cousin, Nikolaus Hubert. She was b. 5 Jan 1884, dau. of Hermann Hubert and Anna Junger.
Marianne , nee Hubert , Gillich [S-PFBk H853.1]
b. 25 March 1878 d. 15 Jan 1962 Perjamosch, dau. of
Johann Hubert and Suxanne
Jost, m. 27 Jan 1901 to Franz
Gillich [PFBk. G316) b. 26 March 1876 Perjamosch
d. 7 Feb 1941 Perjamosch, son of Jak. Gillich and Barbara Teisler. On
15 Nov 1905 they migrated to Rutland, Maryland, USA [Note: Dates may
not be given if it is poss. they are still living] Issue:
Maria [Marianne] , nee Hubert, Gillich 30, 19 Nov 1908 Rhein Bre/Bal Cincinnati. Accompanied by daugther, Susanna, 2. Both were born at Perjamosch. Father, Johann Hubert, lives at Perjamosch. Was previous in the U.S., 1906-1908. Going to join husband, Franz Gillich.
Maria, nee Hubert, Schmidt is mentioned in migr. papers of brother: Peter Hubert, age 29, listed in father's migr.: Johann Hubert, [b. ca 1851], age 63 from Billed, Thursday, 2 July 1914 via Ham/NY on ship K Augusta Victoria to Fresno, CA with wife Elisabeth, age 59, and children Peter 29, Georg 32 with his wife Magdalena, age 33 and their daughter Katharine 5. All were born in Billed. Sister, Maria Schmidt, lives in Billed. Going to join son-in-law Thomas Linnebach
Marin Hubert, dau. of Devin Hubert, son of Garry J. D. Hubert and Judith A. Hubert, and Erica Huseby, dau. of James Huseby and Carol Sabo
Mathias Hubert.was in USA before 8 Nov 1903 and living in Philadelphia, PA by this date. His brother is listed as:Johann Hubert b. 18 Feb 1889 Billed, son of Johann Hubert and Magdalena Enderle, migr. , age 14, Sunday, 8 Nov 1903 via Ham/NY on ship Deutschland to Philadelphia, PA. Joining brother
Gen. 102: Mathew [Matthais]
Philip Hubert m. E. [Pat]
NOTE: Mathew was Catholic and married Pat, who was Lutheran. Pat raised their children as Lutheran. The majaority of the other Huberts were / are Catholic. |
Mathias Hubert, age 23, Thursday, 28 Nov 1907 Hannover via Bre/Bal to Cincinnati. Born at Perjamosch 19 July 1884 d. 14 July 1947 Chicago [note: incorrect because he died in Bush, LA, USA, he lived in Chicago for a period of time]. Mother Susanna Hubert who still lives at #15 Perjamosch. Going to join father, Johann Hubert. See Gen. 103: Matthais [Mathias] G. Hubert
Gen. 103: Matthais [Mathias]
G. Hubert b. 19 July 1884 Perjamosch / n. Arad, Banat, Austria-Hungary
d. 14 July 1947, Lousiana [LA], USA, son of Gen. 102 Johann Hubert and Suzanne
Jost, m.
11 Jan. 1912 Chicago, Illinois, USA to Josephine
b. 18 June 1893 Sackelhausen / n. Temesvar, Banat, Austria-Hungary, dau.
of Johann Hummel and Katharina
He migrated to USA on the MS Hannover
to Baltimore on 28 Nov 1907 and settled in Chicago, Illinois where he
met his future wife Josephine Hummel. His occuaption was barber.
Mathias Hubert, age 17, from Perjamosch, Thursday, 20 June 1907 to Philadelphia, PA via Bre/NY, Ship-Prin Alice. Goin to join brother-in-law Nikolaus Strunk. He was b. 16 Feb 1890, son of Kaspar Hubert and Elisabeth Marx m. 9 Jan 1913 to Margareta Pfaffenrauth b. 9 Oct 1895 d. 2 Jan 1922 Perjamosch
Mathias Hubert and wife Barbara Szeyler are metnioned in papers of migr. of son: Josef Hubert b. 20 Feb 1879 d. 11 April 1949, son of Mathias Hubert and Barbara Szeyler, age 24, from Billed, Saturday, 19 July 1902 via Ham/NY on ship Furst Bismarck to New Brunswick, NJ with wife Barbara,(nee Mager), age 27. Joing Peter Schmidt, a uncle.
Martin Hubert [S-PFBk H845] my be listed incorrectly under Hubert Martin [S-PFBk M148].....
Maximlian Huber[t] [S-PFBk. H821] b. ca. 1742 d. 18 Dec 1812 m.
9 Sept 1764 Perjamosch to widow Maria Eva, nee Roemer,
Gensinger, b. ca. 1740 d. 22 Sept 1781 Perjamosch. Issue:
NOTE: Might be the brother to Franz Xasvier Huber[t]. He is listed as being a witness in Fraz;s wedding. |
Michael Hoeber [S-PFBk. H286] b.5 July 1780 m. 29 Jan 1799 to
Anna Christina Bernard b. 9 July
1781 Lenauheim, dau. of
Jak. Bernard and Anna M.
Funtrich [See
Barbara Bernahrd, wife of Anton Hubert]
Michael Hubert is mentioned in migr. papers of sister: Sophia Hubert, age 32, b. Detta, Tuesday, 18 June 1907 via Bre/NY on ship Friedrich D Gr to Ranken, PA. Joining brother Michael Hubert.
Nikolaus Hubert, 27, 15 Sept 1903 Kaiser Wilhlem II Bre/NY Philadelphia
Nicholas Hubert mentioned in wife's migr.:Agnes Hubert, age 26, from Perjamosch, Thursday, 16 Feb 1905 , To:- Philadelphia, PA-via Bre/Ny, Ship- Barbarossa.
Nicholas Hubert is mentioned in migr. papers of cousin: Maria Hubert, age 21, from Perjamosch, Thursday, 21 Spet 1905 to Philadelphia, Pa via Ham/Ny, Ship-Graf Waldersee. Going to join cousin, Nikolaus Hubert. She was b. 5 Jan 1884, dau. of Hermann Hubert and Anna Junger.
Paula Hubert b. ca. 1864, age 43, [female] from Lugosch via Ham/NY on ship Amerika to New Brunswick, NJ with daughters Wilma, 19, Gez 11 and Helen 10. All born in Lugosch. Joining husband and father, Kaspar Hubert
Paul Hubert, age 27, from Schag, Monday, 13 Nov 1905 via Fiu/NY on ship Carpathia to Philadelphia, PA with wife Elisabeth. Joining cousin Peter Leb.
Paul Hubert b. 10 Feb 1883 d. 15 Nov 1947 Perjamosch, son of Johann Hubert and Eva Keller, age 26, Monday, 1 March 1909, Ship- Main , via Bre/Bal to Cincinnati. with wife, Katharina,(nee Portscher) 30. Both were born at Perjamosch. Mother-in-law, Eva Portscher, lives at #286 Perjamosch. Going to join cousin, Johann Niesel, in Cincinnati [Ohio]
Peter Huber b. 5 June 1819, son of Anton Hubert and Barbara Benard or Bernard, [parents are possible Jak Bernard and m. 4 Aug 1851 to Elis. Schuch* [S-PFBk 828.2]
Peter Hubert, b. 26 Nov 1881, son of Franz Hubert and Anna Brachthauser, age: 29-From Jerjamosch-DtAr: Sunday, 14 Aug 1910-To: New Yrok, NY-via: Ham/HY-Ship: Cincinnati Father: Franz Hubert lives in Perjamosch. Going to join brother-in-law, Andreas Poth. Was previously in New Yor, 1904-=1909.
Peter Hubert, age 29, listed in father's migr.: Johann Hubert, [b. ca 1851], age 63 from Billed, Thursday, 2 July 1914 via Ham/NY on ship K Augusta Victoria to Fresno, CA with wife Elisabeth, age 59, and children Peter 29, Georg 32 with his wife Magdalena, age 33 and their daughter Katharine 5. All were born in Billed. Sister, Maria Schmidt, lives in Billed. Going to join son-in-law Thomas Linnebach
Peter Hubert, age 30, from Bogarosch, Friday, 2 March 1906, via Ham/NY on ship Pennsylvania to Allegheny, PA with wife Katharine, age 22. Joining step-brother Josef Schulz
Peter Hubert, age 27, from Bogarosch, Monday, 13 Jan 1902, via Ham/NY on ship K Augusta Victoria to New York, NY
Peter Hubert, age 34, from Josefsdorf, Saturday, 15 Jan 1898 via Bre/NY on ship Gera to Newcastle, PA. Brother-in-law Louis Michael lives in St. Louis.
Peter Hubert m. Elisabeth Joszt mentioned in dau. migr. papers: Elisabeth Hubert, b. 10 Jan 1896 Billed, migr. age 18, Tuesday, 17 March 1914, via Bre/NY on ship Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm to Philadelphia, PA. Father is Peter Hubert who lives in Billed. Going to join uncle Georg Hubert. Her mother is listed as Elisabeth Joszt.
Peter Hubert, son of Peter Hubert and Margaret Hensz, m. Anna Brachhaueser are mentioned in migr. papers of son: Franz Hubert, age 45, 26 June 1903 Deutschland Ham/NY Peeksville PA. Going to join nephew Karl Melcher.
Peter Hubert and wife Margaret Hensz were mentioned in migr papers of grandson: Franz Hubert, age 45, 26 June 1903 Deutschland Ham/NY Peeksville PA. Going to join nephew Karl Melcher.
Peter Hubert was mentioned in migr. papers of wife: Katharina Hubert , age 24, b. Bogarosch, Sunday, 2 June 1907 via Ham/NY on ship Bluecher to St. Louis, MO. Joining husband Peter Hubert
Peter Hubert mentioned in migr. papers of wife: Katharina Hubert , age 24, b. Bogarosch, Sunday, 2 June 1907 via Ham/NY on ship Bluecher to St. Louis, MO. Joining husband Peter Hubert
Philip Hubert [b. bef 1867] and wife Katharina,nee Lorch, are mentioned in migr of son: Adam Hubert, age 25, 17 Sept 1907 Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse Bre/Ny Philadelphia, PA, Born Perjamosch. Going tojoin a brother, Nickolaus Hubert at 1723 4th Street West, Philadelphia. Father, Philip Hubert, remains at Perjamosch.
Sarah J. McGinness [Hubert] , dau. of Devin Hubert and Maureen McGinness
Sebastian b. 16 April 1826, dau. of Anton Hubert and Barbara Bernard, [S-PFBk H828.5]
Sophia Hubert, age 32, b. Detta, Tuesday, 18 June 1907 via Bre/NY on ship Friedrich D Gr to Ranken, PA. Joining brother Michael Hubert.
Stefan Hubert b. St Martin, age 35, from Mercydor, Thursday, 1 Jan 1914 via Ham/Ny on ship Pennsylvania to New York, NY with wife and daughter born in Mercydorf. Brother Thomas Hubert lives in Arad. Going to join brother-in-law Franz Srenedro
Stefen Hubert is mention in daughters migr. papers: Eva Hubert, age 30, 29 Sept 1913 Bermen Bre/NY Detroit MI. with sister, Katharina 26. Both were born at Perjamosch. Father, Stefan Hubert, lives at 298 Perjamosch. Going tojoin brother-in-law, Martin Schmidt at 131 Humbolt Avenue, Detroit.
Suzanne Phyllis P. Hubert, dau. of Mathew
[Matthais] P. Hubert and E. "Pat" Johansen,
m. Rex Kiner Issue:
Susanna, nee Schuch, Hubert age: 33-From Perjaomsoch-DtAr: Friday, 31 Dec 1909-To: Philadelphia, PA-Via: Ham/NY- Ship: Pennsylvania. Father, Philipp Schuch, lives in Perjamosch. Going to join husband, Johann Hubert. Was previously in Philadelphia, 1908-1909 [b. 19 Feb 1876, dau. of Philipp Schuch and Elisabeth Graf].
Theresa, nee ____, Hubert is listed in migr. with husband: Anton Hubert, age 35, from Bogarosch, Monday, 19 June 1905 via Hav/NY on ship La Bretagne to Pittsburg, PA. with wife, Theresia, age 31, and children Dorbala 10, Peter 8, Anton 4 1/2 and Anna 2. Anton and wife were previously in the USA from 1902 to 1905. Going to brother-in-law Johann Neikli
Thersa Josephine Hubert , dau. of Matthias Hubert and Josephine Hummel, m. Frank Pack
Wilhelm Hubert is mentioned in migr. papers of brother: Johann Hubert, age 26, 17 April 1906 Karlsruhe Bre/Bal Philadelphia with sister Elisabeth, 18. Going to join brother, Wilhlem Hubert.
Perjamosch / n. Arad Banat, Austria-Hungary [Rumania] |
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