Trier, Rhineland-Pfalz [Palatinate] , Germany Map: Hubert Families who migr. to Perjamosch /Banat, Austria-Hungary
Last Update: 12 Aug 2002
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Saarland & Trier / Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany -Year 2000
Present Day Map of German States [Kreis] |
Hubert Family Villages in the German States List of Huberts Who Migr. In 1747 To Perjamosch / Banat, Austria-Hungary [Rumania] in the Early 1700s from area which were German States of the Many of the Perjamosch colonists are listed as being from ["aus"] Trier area ["Trierischen"], the oldest recorded German city known which still exists. The map above shows you Trier which is the capital of Pfalz [Palatinate]. Not all the colonists listed as "Trierischen" were from the Trier area or even from Pfalz. Many were from the German state of Saarland s far north-west corner which is near Trier. This city of Trier was used as a reference point for those recording in far away Banat area of Austria-Hungary. A person has to browse a map of modern day Germany and the surrounding countries that may have been at one time within the boundaries of an old German State. A good example is the Alsace-Lorraine which shifted back and forth between German and French ownership many times during the course of history. The rulers of Trier were quite powerful throughout the ages and held a great deal of land known as Palatinate [Pfalz] and as the royal heirs died land shifted through the various heirs. Today much of this palatinate area is divided into Rhineland-Pfalz and North Rhineland-Westfalia and Bavaria. See the history of these various states and rulers in Remmick German Facts Web Site which explains the various states and rulers. It is not yet known the village of origin of Garry J. D. Hubert's ancestor Franz Xavier Huber[t] but according to family stories they were Saxons from the Black Forest. The only Huberts who seem to fit this description are: *Hubert from Oberkirch / [Black Forest], Baden-Wu."..... Most people living in the Black Forest were known as Swabian Germans not Saxon, however, there were pockets of Saxons who had migr. here. This history can be found in the village of Saabach. "...early settlers may have been Saxon...." What was a Saxon in the centuries before the 12th century? They were an ancient Germanic people who lived near the mouth of the Elbe River who invaded the area of Great Britain in the 5th and 6th centuries. Their language is the base of the English and German Lowlanders [reference to Germans living in the southern lowlands and does not refer to Germans who held low status in German society].. See Linguistic Chart Showing German dialect spoken by Palatines. In modern terms it is a person from the state of Saxony. Oberkirch is located in todays map in northeastern Ortenaukreis on the western edge of the Black Forest by the River Rench and has a population under 19,000. For more information see Oberkirch Page. The difficulty in discovering the original village in Germany for the Huberts is explained by Anton Kraemer , my research person in Germany, in one of his letters which states the following: "...parochial registers from Perjamosch since 1724-1852 can't unfortunately be found; it is said that they were destroyed at a flood-disaster. From these first 30 years exists only a list of those people who had damage from this flood-disaster in 1731 and listing with the names of the taxables. In this listing already the names Deller and Zilich occur, ...1747 Hubert, Schuch and Werkmann" appear." ..."In the register of deaths are sometimes mentioned the places from which the settlers originated. So came 189 families of Perjamosch from villages of todays federal state of Saarland, 141 of them from the Kreis [county] of St. Wendel as i.e.: Fixmer from Schwemlingen (Kr. Merzig); Huber from Schwarzenholz/ St. Wendel; Zilich from Bliesen / St. Wendel; Schuch originated from Bettenburg / Alzette in Luxemburg and Werkman from Forst / Kr. Kuerkheim and der Weinstrasse [on the Wine Road]. [letter dates 1993] The Berger family's origin can be found in quite a different record. Martin Berger did not "emigrate voluntarily. He was condemned as one of the ringleaders of the fifth "Salpeterer-rebellion" and was sent to the Banat. His place of birth is the small town of Indlekofen, which then belonged to the parish of part of the town of Waldshut and Schaffhausen. [letter dated 1993] Anton Kraemer's letters were written as he was gathering his material for his own families and because of his records and his ambition, several books were published. Two of them are important to the Hubert family. They are records of the villages of Perjamosch and Sackelhausen. His family and the Hubert families often have the same ancestor and he was, therefore, very helpful in my research. Anton sent German maps marked showing the Hubert and Kramer villages in Germany. Many times I have thank him, and do so here, again.
Families recorded while looking for Hubert connections in the earlier letters were: *Andres [See Endres] fr. Merschbach / n. Morsbach, Rhineland-Pfalz Asler [See Eisler] ..... *Berger from Indlenkofen /Waldshut-Tiengen, Baden-Wuerttemberg *Bernhard [See Benard] fr. Merscheid / n. Morsbach, Rhineland-Pfalz Britz from Ruemmelbach / .....Saarland *Eisler [Eysler, Asler, Aysler] from Lornhoff / ....Baden-Wuerttemberg Engelberg fr. .. poss Black Forest n. Breisgau in Baden-Wu..... *Fingerhut from Cassel /Biebergemuend n. Gelnhausen which is east of Frankfurt, Wuerttemberg Finkler from Mettnich /Merzig, Saarland Fixmer from Schweimlingen / Merzig , Saarland *Fluegell from Oberalphen which I understand is near Indlenkofen/ Walshut-Tiengen, Baden-Wuertemberg Goetz from Soetern / ...Saarland Gross from Niedersaubach / ...Saarland *Heldrich from "Trierisch"... Hoffmann from Entscheider Hof .... Hoffmann m. in Lebach north of Saarbrucken and southeast of Merzig/ Saarlanden Hoffmann from Niedersaubach / ..... Saarland Horas from [Bubach-] Calmesweiler n. Lebach /Saarland Horas from ?Mexweiler, [poss Urexwseiler] St. Wendel, Saarland Huber [Hubert] from Schwarzenholz / St. Wendel Hubert [Huber] from Urexweiler / St. Wendel, Saarland Hubert from Serrig / Saarburg in Saarland [n. Trier] *Hubert from Oberkirch / [Black Forest], Baden-Wu. *Hubert from Luxemburg to Beschenowa Huppert from Mettlach / Merzig, Saaralnd to Neu Beschenowa [in church records there..... *Hummel from Trier / Pfalz Jost from Blisen-Niederhofen / St. Wendel.... *Kraemer from Blankenrath /Trier, Pfalz Kraemer from Lampaden n. Trier..... *Krindler from Bambach , Kr. Birkenfeld....... [Germany] Kuehn married in Nunkirchen / Saarland Kuehn from Grossaubach, Dt. ______ Lambert from Schwarzenholz / St. Wendel, Saarland [same as Hubert] Laur from Weiten / ...Saarland Meyer from Eiweiler n. Primstal which is east of Merzig .... also from Muehlfeld/ Saarland Werkman from Forst / Kr. Kuerkheim and der Weinstrasse [on the Wine Road] Zillich from Bliesen-Niederhofen / St. Wendel, Saarland, [same as Jost], however, they originally were from Bettenberg / Alzette, Luxemburg....
*Family not listed as having migr. from Saarland |
Perjamosch / Banat, Austria-Hungary
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