Last Updated: 20 April 2007

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Ladies of the Class of 1960

Lodi Union High School

It's time to gather to celebrate just being alive AND turning 65! YEAH!

Mark Friday, April 27, 2007, (last Friday in April) at 11:30 AM with lunch being served around 12:30 PM, at Dee Dee's 1170 S. Cherokee Lane, Lodi, CA. I chose there only because they will let us order off the menu and give separate tickets, which just makes life so much easier.

For a mixer, please think up a story about you consisting of Two Truths and One Lie. It's a fun activity to get us laughing and chatting before we start in on our ailments.

Please don't make this activity an excuse for not attending, as I'll accept a joke or just YOU without any lies or jokes.

I'm trying to keep this very simple and getting the word out will be up to you! I only have, at the most, 25 eddresses of classmates, so PLEASE spread "the word".

Please do get back to me as to your intentions, as I do need a total count. If you're emailing me for the first time, pretty please put YOUR MAIDEN NAME or CLASS OF 60 on the subject line, so I'll be sure and open it, or else it will be deleted in my Trash File, as I have my account set up that way.

Actually there are about 200 of us "Ladies" in our class with close to 70 living fairly close to or in Lodi.

I don't plan on sending any hard copies out to anyone, but rather just click the mouse to do all of my work. I'm getting quite lazy in my retirement days.

If this proves a success, perhaps we could continue gathering every six months or even every three months. We'll see.

So, I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon.

Best regards,

Marsha Sanger



20 April 2007

Hi Everyone,

Has this been quite a year.  I'd like to thank everyone for their kind letters I've recieved about my mother's condition.  As some of you know,  she had triple by pass survery back in Oct.  and since I'm the only child and living 1 hour and 22 mintues away by car,  I've been busy busy.  Added to this my Dad is  in early stages of Alzheimer and I had to spend a great deal of time with my Dad until my mother recovered enough so I could come back home for a few days.  Now,  I visit them a couple days every two weeks.   Still have all those doctor's appointments and groceries and grain for the chickens, etc. etc. to buy.   My old Volvo wagon is holding up but as soon as we get the addition to our house done and moved my folks here to Lafayette,  I'll need a new vechile.  

Looks like the ladies and I have our 65th birthday luncheon  coming up soon, the end of the month arranged for us by Marsha Sanger, so,  I'll see some of you then.

All my best to all of you,

Judy A. Remmick-Hubert


Hi everyone

This is our new email address, please update your contact lists as we are no longer able to recieve email from inreach.

Carla and Coke


Have something you'd like to write?  Saved a space here for you.


Judy A. Remmick-Hubert


Lodi Uniorn High School

Class of 1960


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