Remmick-Hubert Special Page - Lodi Union High School, Class of 1960-Newsletter
Vol.11: 25 Nov 2003-
Page 2
It has been almost a year since we had our last newsletter. A lot has occurred in our family, your families and the world.
As I write this morning, I have the Fox News on the television listening to the news about the warrant by Iraq judge for the arrest Al-Sadar who is believed to have been one of the leaders who had murdered the religious leader some months ago. Next they showed Spain with a scene showing the apartment where terrorists blew themselves up into pieces to avoid arrests..... At home, it is a presidential electoral year, so, we have Republicans and Democrats verbally fighting.... Thank goodness our elections are bloodless and with often times just tediously boring due to a year of "if you vote for me, I will....". This is not to say we don't have serious issues. We do. But a couple of months is enough to cover the differences between Bush and Kerry..... I switched to CNN.... The next story: Do we have enough protection at home to prevent terrorism?. And, on Thursday, Rice will testify to the commission on investigation on who was or wasn't doing what they should have before 9/11 for our national security. "Boys of Summer" have opening day and I finally have something to watch on television until Sept.. I like the looks of some of the Oakland "A's" pitchers and the SF Giants..... Well, it's going to be a loooooong summer for them, I think.
This writing is being done in my kitchen on my ibook. I am in the process of boxing all my "stuff" in my studio which is slipping down our hill side. The building needs serious repair so, I don't have the "stuff" to make this newsletter a very long one. I will have to depend on all of you to give the newsletter the "life" it needs this time around.
We usually have questions. Since we have plenty of important subjects lets do.
#Question One: Do you think USA will be able to turn Sovereignty over to the Iraq citizens by July?
#Question Two: If we exclude Iraq and Terrorism, what do you think is the most important subject Bush and Kerry should be debating?
#Question Three: Avoiding anything to due with war and politics: What important subject would you like to talk about and how did it affect your and your family?
#Question Four: For those of you who live in or near Lodi, this is for you to answer: How has Lodi changed? For the good? Changes you think are negative? For those who had a recent visit, since it is Easter Sunday in six days, what have you noticed or experienced due to the sameness or changes?
#Question Five: If there something that has happen to you that you'd like to share with your old classmates? Could be serious. Could be funny. Could be about birds or your cat or seeing a grandchild being born or playing baseball or ......
#Question Six: What do you think about the steroid controversy in our American sport Baseball? Do you think players who were taking steroids should have their records placed under question? And, if proven then throw out any records and old records of the old timers return to their proper place? Or do we draw a line and say, after the year 2003 season, anyone caught in 2004 and later then faces the new laws and regulations, and, all those records before 2004 remain as they are?
Judy A. Remmick-Hubert
LUHS - Class of 1960
#Question One: Do you think USA will be able to turn Sovereignty over to theIraq citizens by July?
A-The question is: Are Iraqi's ready to shed their own blood for their own freedom in their own country? Ready or not....
#Question Two: If we exclude Iraq and Terrorism, what do you think is the most important subject Bush and Kerry should be debating?
A-Who are our real friends and allies? Foreign and domestic and tell me again why we still give them aid?
#Question Three: Avoiding anything to due with war and politics: What important subject would you like to talk about and how did it affect your and your family?
A-When is Jesus finally going to come back and clean up this mess?
#Question Four: For those of you who live in or near Lodi, this is for you to answer: How has Lodi changed? For the good? Changes you think are negative? For those who had a recent visit, since it is Easter Sunday in six days, what have you noticed or experienced due to the sameness or changes?
A-While I have been gone for many ears I believe Lodi to be one of the BEST places to live, grow up and to raise a family. My proof is my treasured memories of it. I remember the LODI city limits sign out on Cherokee lane that said LODI pop 16,623 ele. 51. Every time Mom & Dad took us to town. I envy all of you who stayed.
#Question Five: If there something that has happen to you that you'd like to share with your old classmates? Could be serious. Could be funny. Could be about birds or your cat or seeing a grandchild being born or playing baseball or ......
A-When Earlene and I see our 10 grand children laughing and playing together.... in some one else's backyard.
Earlene & I will be celebrating the 40th year of our meeting. We met on her 19th birthday in Lodi. I was home on leave from the Navy. We Married on December 15th, 1964 and I was sent to Vietnam on January 5th, 1965.
We have 3 grown and married children. Mike, born 1967 in Manteca, Andrea, 1972 in Lodi, and Janelle, 1975 in Lodi.
#Question Six: What do you think about the steroid controversy in our American sport Baseball? Do you think players who were taking steroids should have their records placed under question? And, if proven then throw out any records and old records of the old timers return to their proper place? Or do we draw a line and say, after the year 2003 season, anyone caught in 2004 and later then faces the new laws and regulations, and, all those records before 2004 remain as they are?
A-Baseball??? BASEBALL??? Yawn... HELP ME I'm falling into a coma and I can't get up. Might as well go out to the BBQ and root for that $50.00 piece of meat you just threw on the fire. So... that expensive hunk batted .500, hit 50 home runs, blah, blah, blah... Haven't watched it since the strike... uhhh the first one. Please pass me another cold one... I think a football game just came on anyway.
Big Grin,
Love Ya' Judy and Thanks
See you at the A&W.
Mike & Earlene Johns & family
#Question One: Do you think USA will be able to turn Sovereignty over to the Iraq citizens by July?
A - I think Bush is determine to show the USA is not going to be ruling over them forever and is pushing the date to prove this as a fact. I don't see us giving the Iraq complete control until the leaders realize what democracy means and that it can police themselves, take criminals to jail and trial.... It will be almost impossible for these religious Moselums to understand there needs to be a seperation of church and state. Even after all these years, many citizens here in the USA stilll don't understand this concept.
#Question Two: If we exclude Iraq and Terrorism, what do you think is the most important subject Bush and Kerry should be debating?
A - Education. I am troubled by the way our youngsters have no idea about the history of the US and world. And when history is taught it is often one sided. I don't mind the liberals giving their opinion. Nor do I think conservatives are always right. What I'd like to see is a balanced delivery of facts presented to the students.
#Question Three: Avoiding anything to due with war and politics: What important subject would you like to talk about and how did it affect your and your family?
A - I'm getting tired of the medical world telling us one thing and then say: "Oops, we were wrong..." This encludes everything from eating eggs to meat to pasta to drugs and their side effects.... And, I think doctors take advantage of our elderly parents .... And, the other thorn in my cap is: insurance companies are withholding treatments needed because it might cost them too much money.....
#Question Four: For those of you who live in or near Lodi, this is for you to answer: How has Lodi changed? For the good? Changes you think are negative? For those who had a recent visit, since it is Easter Sunday in six days, what have you noticed or experienced due to the sameness or changes?
A - When I shop in a store, I miss the old small town feel, because I liked it when everyone knew everyone....
#Question Five: If there something that has happen to you that you'd like to share with your old classmates? Could be serious. Could be funny. Could be about birds or your cat or seeing a grandchild being born or playing baseball or ......
A- It's great fun watching my grandchildren growing up.....
#Question Six: What do you think about the steroid controversy in our American sport Baseball? Do you think players who were taking steroids should have their records placed under question? And, if proven then throw out any records and old records of the old timers return to their proper place? Or do we draw a line and say, after the year 2003 season, anyone caught in 2004 and later then faces the new laws and regulations, and, all those records before 2004 remain as they are?
A -Many of the ball players were taking steroids for a long period of time. Who's too blame.? The men running a business rather than a sport and demands illegal use of steroids and drugs so they don't lose money? What about ourselves? We aren't blameless. Many of us only buy tickets for teams who will be winners and have forgotten a game is a place to have fun with your spouse / family / friend? What about the press turning "bad boys" into sport heroes? The steroids is just the tip of the iceberg. Our society here in the USA needs to be redirected to a life without drugs of all kinds unless needed for an illness, respect for authority and the laws of this land and something simple to live by, something like: "Do onto others as you would have them do on to you."
Judy A. Remmick-Hubert
Aloha Judy
Thank you again for your time and efforts in keeping us all "in touch" . . . ! Now that we're past Passover / Easter and approaching your suggested deadline of the 20th . . . let's see what I may offer.
#Question One: Do you think USA will be able to turn Sovereignty over to the Iraq citizens by July?
A - Hmmm . . . tough one . . . I guess my questions would be . . . which Iraq citizens? chosen / selected by whom? July of what year? I guess I'm not real optimistic.
#Question Two: If we exclude Iraq and Terrorism, what do you think is the most important subject Bush and Kerry should be debating?
A - As of this past weekend the "news pundits" seem to be saying "U.S. Foreign Policy" and "the economy" . . . I think I rather agree.
Me? My life right now? Maui . . . ! "Six-nights-uh-week" I'm working "technical support backstage" at a magic club in Lahaina . . . . . . and on Sundays I'm at the console of the organ at an old Hawaiian church in Makena . . . . . . things are good . . . we are blessed!
I think that's enuff fer right now . . . will be looking forward to hearing from others.
[Dan Brown]
Questions #1-- Yes I think they can if they can bring the outside rebels in line. There is a lot of people from other countries trying to see that this does not happen. The problem with putting a limit on when things are going to happen also tell those who do not want this sovereignty to take place put up resistance until the deadline and then it is deemed that we have failed. We would be best served to restate the time for turning over sovereignty to the Araq Citizens to some time in the future. And leave it at that.
Questions 2. --I believe the economy is then next thing after the war on terrorism. Also Imigration.
Questions #3. The two subject that peak my interest are Education and the Delivery of Medical service. As we grew up in Lodi in the 40's and 50's I feel we had a very good educational system.. WE had a Principal, Assistant principal, and teachers for grade school. for Highschool we had Dean of Boys, Dean of Girls, and about 6 councilors. Some how we all were educated. The Dick and Jane books worked. So why did we have to change.. Have the children changed? NO. Does 2 + 2 still equal 4. Does gravity still work. Has the perodic table of elements changed? Yet our school system is changed drasticly. We are top heavy with administrators. YEt our children do know know how to balance a check book. Shop for food. or understand history. We are not making our children to be self sufficiant. They are being trained to depend upon government for their well being. They need to learn how to depend upon themselves.
Questions 4. The questions of Steroids should be so noted on any athletic acomplishments. We can not do anything about those records that have been broker but we can so not the records that the person that broke the old record was artifically stimulated with steroids and therefore The new record should be so noted.
As for funny stories the funniestd thing that happen to me was on the Thanks Giving week last year when I flew out ot have Thanks giving with my family and I sat next to a Lesbian, Attorney, for the Sierra Club, who lived in Davis California and was Jewish and was complaining about the seperation of her lover because her lover was taking her Child from her.
Both women(? ) had been artifically insiminated buy the same donor therefore both children were step brothers. This was one of the most entertaining conversations I have had in years. After the flight my head was spining. How can someone get so screwed up. I said a pray for the children.. The real losser in this arrangement. She was a very entertaining person but with all her education she could not see how her life had gone wrong and how it had effected three other people. I laughed, and shook my head. What else can we generate in Humanity.
Best of luck with the renovations.
Thanks for the thoughtfull questions.
Clyde Ehrhardt
Where were your answers?
Index Page: Senior Year
Index Page: Class of 1960