Montana memories of the Hein family who had farms and ranches near Marsh and Sidney, MT in the early 1920s, 1930s and 1940s. Copyright Notice, Map of northeast corner of MT showing Sidney and Marsh....
Last Update: 7 Oct 2001
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Copyrighted material from Borodino / Bessarabia, S. Russia from "A" to "Zzzz" by Judy A. Remmick-Hubert.
No part of these stories may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electroic including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from author and publisher.
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Lillian Hein Remmick with her daughter Judy A. Remmick-Hubert
by Judy A. Remmick-Hubert
My mother was born on the Hein Ranch which was near Marsch, Dawson County, Montana in the year 1922. Today, she is 79 years young and continues to write about her youth which was lived for the most part near Marsch then Sidney, Richland County, MT. Both her parents , Ludwig and Christina, nee Schweikert, Hein, were German-Russians who migrated from Borodino / Bessarabia, S. Russia in 1910 with one child, Maggie on the ship Main. Mother would have 14 siblings of which 10 survived to be adults. For more information on the family click and go to the details . In 1940 she married Edwin Remmick, who was born in Streeter, ND Edwin's father and his mother's parents were German-Russian immigrants. I, their daughter, Judy, was born in Sidney.
The stories in THOSE WERE THE DAYS are about the years my mother loved in Montana which was from 1922 to the winter of 1942. There was a short period of time they returned to Sidney but then they left, again, for Lodi, CA. when my father became part of the USA Navy in which he served on the USS New Jersey. Our family returned to Lodi in 1944 where I grew up... Both my parents are still living and have retired to a small farm near Lodi..... This last Nov. they celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary.
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