Last Updated: 22 May 2013

of German-Russian Villages
Abatschi-Alexandrow Estate / Bess
Akkerman / Besss.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps. 69-70/ A sea port city.... which held German settlers
Albota / Bess
[White Horse]
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 43
Alecksuesswerth / Bess.
[Aleck, Suess, Werth] See Paris / Bess.
Alexanderfeld / Bess.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps 44-45. Per.
Note: Sergeant Paff mentioned.
Bought from Elisabetha Nikolaewna Garting and waas known as Gartenfeld
in the earlier years
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from Germany to
Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 564
Alexanderhilf / Kau
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. p. 942
Alexandrowka / Bess
Land was purchased from the family of Abatschi-Alexandrow
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 45-46.
Alisowka / Bess.
(de) Allmaida Estate / Bess.
See Neu Alexandrowka / Bess. and Hoffnugsfeld / Bess.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps. 81-83
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from Germany to
Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 952
Alt-Elft / Bess
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps. 53-54.
It also held the names Champenoises I and Michaelsruhm
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from Germany to
Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 502
Alt-Montal / Tau
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from Germany to
Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 880
Alt-Nassu / Tau
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from Germany to
Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 883
Alt-Oneschti / Kischniev / Bess.
Leased by Glaician Germans from ____, who's owners lived in
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert
Kern, p. 110
Alt-Postal / Bess Alt-Posttal/ Bess.
Also known as Malojaroslavetz II.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps. 63-65
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from Germany to
Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 504
Alt-Schwedendorf / Kher
Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from Germany to Russia in the Years 1763
to 1862 p. 808
Andrejewka / Bess.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps. 70-71
Annenfeld / Kau
Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from Germany to Russia in the Years 1763
to 1862 p. 943
Annowka / Bess.
I909 2,000 desjatines of land was purchased from Countess Anna
Gagarina Sturdza. The village of Annowka was created by German-Russians
Alisowka / Bess. see Halle [Heils] Chutor
Anastsoevla Chutor / _____
Families mentioned in Glueckstal / Od. Births and Marriages, 1833-1900
(H. Ehrman)
Antijakoska Chutor n. Gross Liebental [Grossliebental] / Od. S. Russia
The following Roemmich is listed as having lived at the Antijakoska
Sophie Roemmich b. abt 1861 d. 11 Feb 1884 Lichtenfeld [23 years, 1
month and 23 days old] m. Jakob Lauer
Lauer, Sophia b. 23 Dec 1860 Alexanderhilf d. 21 May
1884 Rosenthal, dau. of Jakob Laur and
Sophia Roemmich, #1895617-1 894 3 0y.3m.20d., Chutor Antijakoska
GrossLiebental File: Freudental Death Records, 188x
(R. Wiseman) >> Lauer Sophia , d.
11 Feb 1884 Lichtenfeld , dau. of ___ Roemmich and Jacob Laur, #1895617-1
893 1 23y.1m.18d., Worms, B: 23 Dec 1860Alexanderhilf File:
Freudental Death Records, 188x (R.
Annowka Chutor / _____
Families mentioned in Glueckstal / Od. Births and Marriages, 1833-1900
(H. Ehrman)
Families mentioned in Glueckstal / Od. Births Records 186X (D. Wahl)
Aiperspach m. Lechner
Hieb m. Schnabel
Schnabel m. Kirschenmann
Atmagea, Dubrudscha
families from Beresina / Bess. migr. into this area
By 1926 there were 3 Rumanian families, 79 German Lutherans families
[450 persons counted]...
Lutheran Church built in 1865
When there wasn't enough land some migr. to Mamalia and Caratai
Arzis / Bess
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from Germany to
Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 507
Aswadurow Estate / Bess.
Avaszim? / Chutor
Baden / Od
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from Germany to
Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 627
Bagdanow Chutor... See Bagdanow Chutor
Baimaklia / Bess.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps 46-47
Bajusch / Bess.
Very small German-Russian community
In the Neu Sarata Parish
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 153
Bajusch / Bess
Founded before the German-Russian community by the same name
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 151
Balabanka Estate / Bess.
Next ot Fuch Estate on the shore of the Black Sea
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 167
Balois Estate / Bess
Bals Estate /Bess.
the Bals were a prominent Romanian family gained land grants in 1812
data found p. 58 THE RUSSIAN ANNEXAION OF BESSARABIA 1774-1828 by Georg
F. Jewsburg
Bas Glueckstal Chutor / ___
Families mentioned in Glueckstal / Od. Births and Marriages, 1833-1900
(H. Ehrman)
Basyrjamka / Bess.
Translated means "Salt Hole"
Gottfried Schulz purchased the estate of Caesar Antonovich Belikovich
and resold the land to German-Russian settlers
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps. 164-165
Some colonists bred Orlov and Nonius horses
Also bred re Angus buills from Holstein and Caracul sheep
Mentions an Emanuel Sauter as a
Brick factory
Bel. = Belowesch by Tschernigow / Volga
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from Germany to
Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 823
Belowesch District's German Colonies / Kher settled abt 1766 by
Belikovich Estate / Bess.
Bender / Bess.
Germans migr. here abt the year 1812.... In 1908 there were 80
families who were part of a German congregation. Homeland Book
of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern, p. 111
Benkendorf Estate / Bess.
General Count Alexander Christoforovich von Benckendorff
[1783-1844] owned an estate of 110,863 acres of land.
Was one of the men who dealt with Tsar Paul I which resulted in Alexander
I becoming Tsar of Russia....
Comandat of Moscow after Napoleon's retreat in 1812
Chief of Police
Aide-de-camp of Tsar Alexander I
Commanded the troops that halted the Decembrists Revolution of 1825
His land was purchased by German-Russians in 1863 some 5,547.6
Villagers named their village after Benckendorff...
His land was purchased by German-Russian in 1873 some 7,694
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern
pps 165-166
Benkendorf / Bess
1812 Count Benkendorff was given 28,000 desiatinas of land in
Bessarabia p. 59 The Russian Annexation of Bessarabia 1774-1828 by
Georg F. Jewsbury
German-Russians in 1863 some 5,547.6 acres from General
Count Benkendorf...
Villagers named their village after Benckendorff...
His land was purchased by German-Russian in 1873 some 7,694
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern
pps 165-166
Berdjansk Colonies - Germans [Swabens] from Wuerttemberg :
Beresina /Bess
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern pps.
122-124. Under a User's Rights Bill and the villagers did not own their
land from 1814 to 1871 when the land was allowed to be purchased by
the German-Russians.
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 509
Beresaner District's German Colonies:
Waterloo I (Borodino)
Waterloo II
Berg Chotor / ____
Berg Family is mentioned in Glueckstal/Od. Deaths, 1833-1885 (E. Ehrman)
Families in death records of Freudental / Od
Bergdorf / Bess
Translated means Mountain Village
1921 established
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 154
Bergdorf / Od.
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 658
Bernadotti Estate / Bess.
Besrukowa Chutor / ____
Families Listed in Glueckstal Deaths, 1833-1885 (E. Ehrman):
Mueller m. Stoebner; Casselers [fr. Cassel/Od
Families mentioned in Glueckstal / Od. Births Records 186X (D. Wahl)
Katharina Hoffer b. 1 May 1868, dau. of Michael Hoffer
Ketterling m. Merkel
Bess. = Bessarabia, S. Russia
See Bessarabia Newsletter:
Remmick's Web Site: A little history and some dates of importance:
German Colonies:
Alt-Elft (fere-Campenoise, Michaelstruhn)
Alt-Postal (Malojareslawetz II)
Beresina (Kogelnik)
(before 1812:Sak, Soak Creek, Saok; abt 1814:Alexander, aft. 1814 Borodino
and up to the present 2002....)
Brienne (Peterwunsch
Dennewitz (Tockerkolonie)
Gnadental (Neu-Sarata)
Kloestitz (Tschaga)
Kulm (Paulsberg)
Leipzig (Skinos)
Tarutino (Anschakrak
Wittenberg (Malojareslawewtz I)
Billersfeld / Dnj
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 851
Bisakova Chutor /___
Bender family is mentioned as being connected to the Bisakova Chutor
in the Gluekstal Deaths 1833-1885 (E. Ehrman)
Blumental / Bess.
Leased land.... from Russow
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
Blumental / Tau
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 886
Bodamer Estate
See Krontal II
See Friedrichsfeld / Bess.
Bogdanow [Bagdanow] Chutor / ____
Families mentioned in Glueckstal / Od. Births Records 186X (D. Wahl)
Bochmel_ Chutor / __
Families mentioned in Glueckstal / Od. Births Records 186X (D. Wahl)
Borodin / Omsk, NSib
Borodine / Kher
Borodino / Mozhaisk [west of the City of Moscow]
Battle of Borodino, 26 August 1812, which is 128 km from Moscow
Borodino /
VC is Judy A. Remmick-Hubert , E-mail:
B = Symbol which
shows which villages held people who migr. from Borodino
The original village was Turkish and known as Soak Creek. The
early German emigrants called it "Soak". In 1814 the village was renamed
Alexander after the Tsar of Russia Alexander I then it was, again,
renamed . This time the villagers called it Borodino after the Battle
of Borodino in which some of the men had fought. Some 38,151.5
acres were purchased for this German -Russian. and a great deal of land
was leased from the local Russian nobility [names are not known
at this time]
Information can be found in the following books:
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern pps
1939 the last count of horses were 1,200. It is not known the count
before the Russian Revolution. One of the main independent breeders
Hein who traveled at least once a year to Persia to purchase
Arabian stock. Hein breed three varieties: calvary horses for officers,
fast Orlov-Arabian trotters and a horse that resembled the huge
Belgium ..... Some of his horses were in the stables of Tsar
Alexander III and later his son, Tsar Nicholas II.
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 512
Borodino, Bess.
Borodino, Bess.
Borodino / Kher., Od
See Waterloo II / Kherson, Odessa
Bratuleni / Bess.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 111. There was a German section within the Russian village
Brenzi Chutor/ n. Glueckstal/Od
Families mentioned in Glueckstal / Od. Births and Marriages, 1833-1900
(H. Ehrman)
Brienne / Bess
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps. 83-84
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 515
Brailov Estate, Bess.
See book:Before the Revolution by Kyril FitzLyon and Tatiana
Browing 300 photographs Personal interest: Page 88 is
the 1890 photo of Karl von Meck's estate at Brailov / Bessarabia. Here, his
widow, became patron of Tschalkovsky. Show s a sugar [beet ]
Budaki / Bess
48 German-Russians settled in the Russian resort village before
WII - known for it's medicinal sludge...
German-Russian Teachers Ass. owned a hotel in this resort village
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 166
Burg [Berg] Chutor / ____
Berg Family is mentioned in Glueckstal/Od. Deaths, 1833-1885 (E. Ehrman)
Buslinowa Chutor / ____
Families in death records of Freudental / Od
Calmatzuie / Bess
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 111
Cantacuzene Estate /Bess.
the Cantacuzene were a prominent Romanian family gained land grants
in 1812
data found p. 58 THE RUSSIAN ANNEXAION OF BESSARABIA 1774-1828 by Georg
F. Jewsburg
Carpenko Estate / Bess.
Catargui Estate / Bess.
the Catargui were a prominent Romanian family gained land grants in
data found p. 58 THE RUSSIAN ANNEXAION OF BESSARABIA 1774-1828 by Georg
F. Jewsburg
Caucasus = Kaukasus
South Kakukaasus German Colonies:
Champenoise I/ Bess.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps. 53-54. Also held the names of Alt Elft and Michaelsruhm
Champenoise II / Bess.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps 57-59. It was created by dividing Alt Elft in half. Was known also
as Neu Elft
Cherson , See Kherson
Chulitsch Estate / Bess
Church Properties
See Neu Tarutino
Russian Greek Orthodox Church Lands in Bessarabia in 1812 were 241,970
desiatinas of land, p. 59, The Russian Annexation of Bessarabia
1774-1828 by Georg F. Jewsbury
Ciobana Estate / Bess.
Land owned by Baron Stuart who leased d a small portion of his land
to German-Russians stablished a small community known as Hirtenheim / Bess.
.Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern, pps.
Cr = Crimea [Kr = Krimea ] District's German Colonies:
Daguli, Bess.
Daschkow Estate / Bess
Reimann family purchased land. See Reimann Estates
Dianow Estate / Bess.
Darmstadt / Gr
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 874
Delakeu Estate
Demischeant / ____
Families in death records of Freudental / Od
Demidow Estate / Bess.
Land was purchased by Nathanael Reimann. See Reimann Estates
See Roduner-Gassert Estate
Demir Chadschi Estate / Bess.
In 1861 Konrad Renz purchased from the Russian Duchess Muruzowa 6,763
hectares (16,704.6 acres). Homeland Book of the Bessarabian
Germans, text by Albert Kern, pps. 95-96. Renz sold and leased
some of his lands to Christian Radkle, Jakob Hornugh.... A "farming village
" was conected to Gnadental/ Bess....
Dennewitz / Bess.
Land was part of the Hambur Estate and the original coly was called
Hamburg then it was renamed Dennewitz. Homeland Book of the Bessarabian
Germans, text by Albert Kern, pps. 54-55
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 516
Dimachi Estate /Bess.
the Dimachi were a prominent Romanian family gained land grants in
data found p. 58 THE RUSSIAN ANNEXAION OF BESSARABIA 1774-1828 by Georg
F. Jewsburg
Dnj = Dnjepropetrowsk
Dob = Dobrudscha = Dobruja
Dobrudscha [Garden of Eden]
A strip of land south of Bessarabia where the Danube Rivber and
the Prut River meet togather flow toward the mouth of the Danube
River which flows into the Black Sea with it's southern border
as Bulgaria in the early 1800s.....
Many Bess.-German-Russians migr. to this area
Area belonged to the Turkish gov. until 1878 and after the Russo-Turkish
war the area was given to Rumania... In 1940 Germans entered the area and
repartriation the German colonists, who's numbers were about
There were German-Russian Lutheran (L), Baptists (Bap), Adventists (Ad)
and Catholic (C) communities mixed with Turks, Tatars, Rumanains, Bulgarins,
Greeks, Poles, Italians.....
See AHSGR Work Pager No. 8, May 1972
See AHSGR Journal, Vol. 7, No. 4, Winter 1984
Villages mentioned are:
Malcoci (C)
Cataloi (L, Bap.)
Ortachioi (L)
Ciucurova (L)
Cogealac (L)
Tariverde (L, Bap)
Chermette (L)
Caramurat (C)
Culelia (C)
Cogealia (L)
Palaz Mare (C)
Constanta (L, C)
Anadolchioi, Horoslar, Pallas [Suburbs of Constanta] (L)
Neue Weingarten (L, Ad)
Techirghiol (L, C)
Grossmangeapunar, Leinmangeapunar (L, C)
Mangalia (Bap)
Calfa (C)
Tschupanujus (L)
Agemler (L)
Ebechioi Omurcea (L)
Manuslia (L)
Cobadin (L, Bap)
Sofular (L)
Caratai (L)
Fachria (L)
See pixel's Kobelenz Exodus Questionares Form List:
Dox / Bess.
Dubrovski Estate / n. Kremtshug / Poltava [left bank of Dnieper
and Before... - Owned by Grand Duke Demetrius Constantinovich
who bred and raised the Orlov Trotters here
Durlach / Tau
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 887
Dyck Manor [Black Sea]
Known as the Steinbach manor on the Molotschnaja, owner Jakob Dyck
Ebenfeld / Bess.
1913 Land was purchased from Count Manuk-Bey
Translated it means level field
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps. 154-156
Eckert Estates
See Sarazika Eckert / Bess.
Eichendorf / Bess.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps 48-49
Eichwald / Gr
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 875
Eigenfeld / Bess.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps. 98-99.
It's earlier name was Nadescha. The land was purchased from Rodi
This land had once been part of Geneal Marino Estate until1
1861 when the lands were turned over to the Russians by Tsar Alexander II
who had set the Russian slaves free and land was needed....
Eigenheim / Bess.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps. 71-72
Elisabethdorf / Gr
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 875
Elisabethtal / Kau
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 944
Elsass / Od
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 631
Ensslen Estates
Gottfriedn Ensslen nd his desc. held estates of Maltscha and held other
sections of land..
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps 88-89 & p. 105
Ensslen Negrowo Estate which was purchased from Negri who
had been leasing the land...
Ensslen Estate on the shore of the Black Sea
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 166
Purchased lands from Count Demidow with Reimann, Fuch....
Eskaporitu Estate /Bess.
the Eskaporitu were a prominent Romanian family gained land grants in
data found p. 58 THE RUSSIAN ANNEXAION OF BESSARABIA 1774-1828 by Georg
F. Jewsburg
Feodosia / Kr
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 922
Figuera Estate / Bess.
See Neu Alexandrowka / Bess.
Fibulsk Chutor / Od.
Michael [1799-1848] and Catharina, nee Dewald,
Hoffer are listed as having lived on the Fibulsk
Chutor when their daughter Elisabeth D. Hoffer was b. 25 April 1866. They
had migr. from Neudorf / Od. S. Russia. He was the son of
Peter Hoffer
and Margareta, nee Hofwald] and nephew to Michael
Hoffer b. 1794..... Judy A. Remmick-Hubert
Fischersdorf / Dnj
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 855
Franzfeld / Od
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 569
Franzfeld / Od
Friedensfeld / Bess.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps. 100-101. Familar names for my family are found here: J.
Schweigert, who was re-elected mayor several
times... Other leaders mentioned: J.
Reinhardt, F.
More information can be found under the title of "Friedensfeld 1879-1940,
Memories of a Schwaebian Village on the Steppe In South Bessarabia by Paul
Jundt and Traslated by Victor Knell p. 38 to 47, GRHS Heritage Review, Vol.
30 #3, September 2000. Data fr. the article:
Jacob Schweikert from Borodino/ Bess and
Michael Loeffenbein were elected by a group of 36 to purchase land of 1700
dessjatines (4,590 acres) from the estate owner Nawrotzki which was
39 milies from Akkermann. On 5 Oct 1878 they purchased the land for
35 rubles per dessjatine. Secured a loan from the Odessser Bank. More
land was purchased later by individuals and the estates are named in this
Has a list of founders and the villages from which they came.
Talks about:
domestic economy...
the funding of the church
brick factory
Friedrichsfeld Bess.
Bodamer Estate - Family owned 17,290 acres
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 133
Friedenstal / Bess
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps 85-86.
Known as Parcel #13 sset up for 87 farms with each being 60 desjatines
(148.2 acreas).... later more land was purchasaed from "Duchess Tolstoi"
and "A. Hoffmann"....
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 517
Friedental / Kr
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 918
Friedrichsdorf / Bess.
In 1911 land was purchased from Feodor O. Tultschianow. Homeland Book
of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern, pps. 86-87
Friedrichsfeld Estate / n. Kloestitz/ Bess.
Purchased by Friedrich Bodmaer
7,000 desjatins of land
Hereditary estate went to Johann Bodmaer
"1917 estate was plundered and burned to the groun" See Story Bessarabia
Newsletter, Vol. 5, Issue 3, p. 39
only 200 hectars remained in the family after 1917 to son Gottlieb Bodamer
(100) and a dau. Ema Bdamer (100)
Friedrichsfeld / Tau
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 888
Freudenfeld / Bess.
In 1860 ___ Kipperwasser of Kischnev / Bess. bought the estate
and leased it to German-Russians... Homeland Book of the Bessarabian
Germans, text by Albert Kern, p. 100
Freudental / Od
See Pfaff Family
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 572
Fuch Estate / Bess.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern p.
Lands purchased from Countess Tolstoy
See Walerianowka Estate
Fuch estate on the shore of the Black Sea
1912 - Purchased from Count Tschermisow
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 167
Fundu-Sarazika / Bess
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 157
Fuerstenfeld I
1895 - German-Russians lease land from ____
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p 155
Fuerstenfeld II
7,410 acres wer purchased from a Russian owner _____
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 156
Gartenfeld / Bess.
See Alexanderfeld / Bess above....
Garting Estate / Bess
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 44:
Estate owned by Elisaabetha Nikolaewna Garting. Land was 2, 683
desjatines (6,627 acres) and sold abt 1907
See Gartenfeld and Alexanderfeld/ Bess.
Gassert Estates / Bess [Roduner-Gassert Estate]
Lands, 1,235 acres) were purchased from the Demidow family by
Gottlieb Gasssert
One of the heirs, Eduward Roduner held more than lands
Hotels in Akkerman
Hotel in St. Petersburg [renamed Hotel Bucharest] ...
Helped expan the spa at Budaki....
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps 173-174
Gerling Estate / Bess.
Estate owner was Christian Gerling from Tarutino / Bess and his wife
Anna-Sofie , nee Hommel.... They had three children...
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 167
Gerstenberger Estates / Bess.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern p.
Lands purchassed from Countess Tolstoy...
See Tamurka Estate
See Tschiligider Estate
Pototzkaja, - Estate of Countess
Pototzkaya Estate [Tamuerer Valley n. Kloestitz / Bess]
purchased from Countess Pototzkaja
3,000 desjatin 9abt 8,194 acres)
Purchased by Johann Gottlieb Gerstenberg b. 3 Jan 1823 from Beresina
/ Bess.
son - was Johann Gerstenberger b. 20 June 1862
story in Bessarabia Newsletter, Vol. 3, Isue 2, p. 18
elected twice to the Rumanin parliament
Des. of Beresina Colonist in 1815
Bought the estate of Countess Pototzkaja in the Taumuerer Valley n.
Kloestitz / Bess.
Ghica Estate / Bess.
the Chica were a prominent Romanian family gained land grants in
data found p. 58 THE RUSSIAN ANNEXAION OF BESSARABIA 1774-1828 by Georg
F. Jewsburg
Ginsberg Estate / Bess.
Purchased in 1858 by Borodino Bess colonists ..... See Mathildendorf
/ Bess.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps. 149 - 150
Glueckstal / Bess.
In 1912 German-Russian purchased 1,303 desjatines (3,218.4 acres)
of land from Ivan and Grigori Martinowitsch Nasarov.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert
Kern, pps. 112-113.
A lso known as Nasarewka.
There is mentioned something about the Delakeu Estate.A Jacob
Sauter bought 50 desjatines of this property.
Glueckstal District's German Colonies / Od
Glueckstal / Od
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 669
Glueckstal / Od..... A chutor near this village
see Bass Glueckstal
chutor near Glueckstal not named accept location
Families mentioned in Glueckstal / Od. Births and Marriages, 1833-1900
(H. Ehrman)
Gnadenfeld / Bess.
In 1879 the Fukelmann Estate was purchassed for a German-Russian
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern pps.
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 519
Gnadenburg / Kau
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 956
Gnadenheim / Bess.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps. 126.
Heier family of Alt Posttal leased the Semsotka Estate...
... until it was purchased in 1909 by Johann Wonneberg and Kison from
Eigenheim and another a Hoehn who's village is not mentioned.
In 1913 Hoehn and Kison sold 250 desjatines to Gottfried Goetz,
150 desjatines Gottfreid "s son Reinhold Goetz and 50 desjatines to
the twin brothers Immanuel and Michael Hofer
of Hoffnungstal.
Gnadental / Bess
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps 106-108
Goettland / Gr
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 875
Goetz Estates
See Semsotka / Bess. [Gnadenheim]; also one in Tshaga Valley / ____
Gorsky Chutor
Friedrich and Eva, nee Pleiness, Bender fr. Gorsky Chutor are mentioned
in Glueckstal / Od. Births and Marriages, 1833-1900 (H. Ehrman)
Note: "Casselers [GRs from Cassel Colony] were in Chutor Gorsky"
Gregele Chutor / ____
Families mentioned in Glueckstal / Od. Births and Marriages, 1833-1900
(H. Ehrman)
Gregowa Chutor / _____
Families Listed in Glueckstal Deaths, 1833-1885 (E. Ehrman):
Gretscheni Estate, Kahul Dist., Bess.
Christian Kroll purchased this land in 1911.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 96
Grossliebental Od
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 577
Gross Werder / Volga
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 833
Gruental / Tau
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 891
Gr = Grunau District's German Colonies [known also as
Darmstadt (Nowgorod)
Elisabethdorf (Jelisawetowka)
Grunau (Alexandronewsk)
Kampenau (Kamenskoje)
Kronsdorf (Kasenoslesk)
Ludwigstal (Romanowka)
Marienfeld (Marinopolje)
Miarau (Mirskoje)
Reichenberg (Bogatowka)
Rosengarten (Rajgorod)
Rundewiese (Lugansk)
Tiegenhof (Jasinowka)
Wickerau (Kuznezowka)
Grunau / Gr
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 876
Gueldendorf Od
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 891
Gutheim / Bess.
Jakob Renz purchased the lands from Countess Anna Gagarina Sturdza.
Later he sold the estate of Grosshans of Friedenstal.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern p.
Gumen-Bey Castle and Estate / Bess.
Guensburg Estate / Bess.
See Peterstal / Bess.
Kurudschika / Bess. also known as Guensburgdorf
[Guensburg Chutor]
Halbstad District
Mennonite Colonists - All Germans came from Danzig / West Prussia:
Halle [Heils] Chutor known also as Alisowka [Aleksowka, Alysowak] Chutor
/ Bess.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps 72-73. Also known as Alisowka.
Heil family I assumed owned the chutor
Other Families mentioned in Glueckstal Death Red of 1833-1885 (E. Ehrman]
Reule m. Jans.
letter Borodino / Bess. Genealogy
Hambur Estate / Bess.
Purchased from the Hambur family in 1834 ....
...and the colony became known as Hamburg then
renamed Dennewitz.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps. 54-56
Hamburg / Bess.
Purchassed from the Hambur family and the colony became known as Hamburg
then renamed Dennewitz. Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text
by Albert Kern, pps. 54-56
Hahn Estate / Bess
See Sarazika Eckert / Bess.
See Tschiligider / Bess.
Hannowka / Bess.
Founded 1896. Parts had been purchase/ Parts had been
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 146
Hantscheschti Estate / Bess.
1898 a small Lutheran German-Russian village was established on the
estate and leased their land from the same estate. The estate owner's
grandfather was a Turkish nobelman Gumen-Bey who had served as Minister
of Defense for the Sultan. Here he built Hantscheschti castle , which
was known as the Versailles of the Bessarabian Steppes.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert
Kern, p. 113
Hatzfeld-Trachtenberg Estate
See Kurudschika Estate / Bess.
Heidelberg / Tau
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 891
Heier Estate
Heilbrunn / Kr
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 920
Heim Estate / ?Od.
B -
Three Catholcis and Michael Hein, a Lutheran from Borodino,
purchased the land which lay on the border of Beresan
[Beresjon] border [of the valley?] abt 1865...
Heinrichstal / Zaporoshje- Prischib
Helendorf / Kau
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 945
Helenowka / Bess
Leased land from Couness Gagarina Sturdsa who owned 98,800 acres
of land.....
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert
Kern, p. 147
Some of the colonists breed horses.
Helental /Od
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 600
Herschmann Estate / Bess.
Hirtenheim / Bess.
I887 - German-Russians leased land from Baron Stuart [small parts
of the land was purchased later]..
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps. 113-114. See Cioibana,
See Melody Harris' Story: [Dietrich and Loffelbein Families]
Hochheim / Tau
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 895
Hochstaedt / Tau
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 896
Hoehn Estate / Bess.
Hofer Estate
Hoffental / Tau
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 898
Hoffmann Estates / Bess
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert
Kern, pps 133-134
1845 Johann F. Hoffmann purchased several thousand acres of land near
Kloestitz/ Bess. which was called Lamborwka. The youngest son. Alred
Hoffmann inherited Lamborowka estate which was documented as being 2,964
acres. From his grandfather he inherited 1,235 acres which was called
Vladimirowka Estate. He married Emilie
[See the Remmick
Family]. The Bolsehviks destroyed his estate in 1917..... He and
his family were allowed to live on his Vladimirowks Estate.....
Roemmich-Hoffmann Estate.
See Philoppowka / Bess.
See Lamborwka Bess.
Roemmich-Hoffmann family bred Orlov trotter horses
The Hoffman's estate was liguidated by the Bolsheviks in 1922
and broken into small sections and given to landlesss families....
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 126
Hoffmannsfeld / Bess.
The Hoffman's estate was liguidated by the Bolsheviks in 1922
and broken into small sections and given to landlesss farms....
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 126
Hoffnungsfeld / Akkerman Dist., Bess.
Land was purchased from Countess Almaida in 1864. Homeland Book of the
Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern, pps 87-88
Hoffnungstal / Od
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 678
Hoffnungstal / Bess.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps 126-128
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 523
Hrubscha Estate
Irion Estate / Bess.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
Next to Fuch Estate on the Black Sea Shore
Land, 274.1 acres, was purchased from Count Demidow in 1899 by
Daniel Irion of Neu Elft / Bess and owned land in Hessen Germany.
Jakobstal / Bess.
Land was leased from ____ in 1873 for a German-Russian community.
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern
Janko Estate
Estate was known as Jargara
Purchased by Mr. Janko who sold it in 1882 to Lukas Seefried
of Neu Elft....
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 157
Jamburg / Dnj
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 860
Jargara Estate
Estate of 1,729 acres was owned by Mr. Janko
1882 - Lukas Seefried from Neu Elft purchased the estate and settlers
came and established a German-Russian community
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 157
Jekaterinoslaw (Dnjepropetrowsk) District's German Colonies
Mennoniten Colonies
Einlage (Kitschkas)
Inssel Choritza
Evang (Lutheran) and Catholic Colonies:
Fischerdorf (Rybalsk)
Jekaterinowka Estate / Bess.
Land was owned by the widow of General Miloschewitsch (nee Burzewa)
and part of it, 7,657 acres, to German-Russians in Oct. of 1907
for a price of 19,226 rubles and 60 kopecks...
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
pps. 138-139
Mention of Kraenbring Mill
Daniel Braun from Borodino was mentioned
Johannestal / Od
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 714
Jorgatchov Estate / Bess.
Purchased by Andreas Bodamer. Se Korntal II / Bess.
Josefsdorf /Bess.
Founded in 1865
One of the men who leased land was from Borodino ....
Homeland Book of the Bessarabian Germans, text by Albert Kern,
p. 147
Josefstal / Od
Josefstal / Dnj
List of Early Colonists - Karl Stumpp, The Emigration from
Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 p. 862
K to Z