Last Updated: 22 Aug 2012
Margaretha (Margaret) Schweikert m. Peter Lepp
Margaretha Schweikert b. 6 April 1897 Borodino/ Bess. S. Russia d. 16 Oct 1971 Billings, MT, USA , dau. of Karl Schweikert and Katrina Henke, m. 4 Aug 1915 to Peter Lepp, Jr. b. 29 Jan 1889 Neu -Danzig, S. Caucasus, Russia, d. 4 Jan 1983 Billings, MT, USA, son of Peter and Caroline Lepp.
Backward Glance
1880's - 1980's
Ulm, Leiter, Ucross, Clearmont
A Century of History
The Lepp family is part of the history of Torrington, Wyoming area since 1910. On page 174 it is written:
the Lepp Lineage
LEPP: Peter
Born: New (Neu) -Danzig, South Russia in 1889
Died: 1983
Married Margaret Schweigert on August 3, 1915 in Torrington, Wyoming
Born: April 6, 1897 in [Borodino ] South Russia
Died: 21 October 1971
Children" William Peter, Edward, Katherine, Leonora, Carl, Margaret
Both the Lepp and the Schweikert families came from Russia to the Torrington area around 1910. Pete and Margaret, my parents, were married therre, where they farmed and raisesd us five children.
I, Katherine, the middle child at that time, moved with my parents in 1935 to a farm between Ucross and Clearmont where my sister, Margaret was born.
Our mother delivered her completely alone. Dad had gone to a sale not expecting the baby to come that day. Mom had done a huge wash on the board. Four of us kids were sick in bed with the measles. She moved us all into one bedroom and went about preparing for the birth.
Dad came home with a baby buggy and was surprised to find a baby to put into it.
We later moved to the Leiter area to farm and raise sugar beets. My parents moved to Buffalo, Wyoming in 1945 and on to Montana in 1951, where dad worked for Hager's hatchery until he retired in 1959. He enjoyed gardening. He and mother had 18 granchildren. When she died there were nine great-grandchildren and when dad died 12 years later, there were 22 great-grandchildren.
pps. 176-177
Christine, nee Hein, Lepp wrote:
"...Ed was starting to farm on his own at Clearmont when we were married..."
Ed Lepp wrote:
"...When we left Clearmont our son, Donald, was eight years old.....While we were living at Torrington he [Donald] left for the Army. After his army life he went to Colorado and bought a litttle ranch near Howard and later a horse ranch near Alamosa. We "retired" to the Howard ranch.
We have a grandson, Alrin, Don's boy, who lives with his dad. Both Don and Arlin are ropers and have their own roping calves.... They train theri own horses for roping at the horse ranch at Alamosa...This is a side line, as Don's job is being an appraiser for the Bureau of Reclamation.
A few years ago, Christine and I moved to Cortez where we are now retired."
LP: This is Peter Lepp's parents
and his sibilings
shows the birth of Peter Lepp on 8 March 1858 in Lakendorf____,
Elbing, Regierungs, Prez. Danzig, Westprussia. m. (1) 11 Oct 1881 to
Carolina Schock b. 1860 m. (2) Wife as Sophia Ruehler b. 1 Dec 1861 in
Marienfeld, Taurien , Russia. They were married in Oct 1892 in Nikolay,
Cherson, S. Russia Children listed were:
m. (2)
Sophie, nee Ruehler, and Peter Lepp, Sr. Issue:
Family history found in Ulm, Leiter, Ucross, Clearmont, A Century of History-Wyoming, ISBN 0-9631706-1-9