23 Feb 2010
Russian Ducks
From Alfred Hein's Photo Collection #301
American Ducks
A great site to discover information about chickens and ducks see the following web site by
Barry Koffler: http://www.feathersite.com/
Roast Ducks
2 ducks
1/2 cup cognac
1/2 cup wine
Margarine or butter
1 tbs flour
Water cress
Apple Mint Jelly and or spicy mustard
1. Soak the ducks in salt water for 24 hours. (Mixture is 1 tsp of salt for each 1 quart of water need to cover the 2 ducks).
2. The next day drain and rise the 2 ducks with fresh water, cover with fresh water and let stand at room temperature for about 2 hours.
3. Drain away the water, dry with a soft lent free cloth and season with salt and pepper.
4. Set over and 350 degree F.
5. Place the ducks into a baking pan, rub each duck with butter or margarine for about 25 minutes.
6. Pull the pan out and use the cognac (about 2 tbs) and wine (about 4 tbs) and pour over each bird. Push the pan back into the over and continue to cook the 2 ducks for about another 20 minutes.
7. Continue to add cognac and wine until the bird is cooked to your liking. Perhaps another 20 minutes.
8. Remove birds from pan and mix in the flour and place on burner on top of stove and brown the gravy.
9. Cut the duck in pieces to serve and place on the platter with the water cress as garish.
10. Serve with mint apple jelly and/ or spicy mustard for guests to add to their plate to eat with the duck.
---photo from http://www.flickr.com/photos/9605794@N05/2429792631/ -----
Recipes from Menno, SD.
Method #1
Boil duck for an hour to two in slightly salted water, then remove duck from the water and put duck in a roasting pan and put in the oven stuffed with sauerkraut, sprinkle with salt and pepper and bake in oven just until it gets a crispy brown. From the water you used to boil the duck, you can make anten suppe (duck soup) . This is made by taking the hot duck broth and adding what the Hutterites call gaschtel or we call rivels or rivelet. These rivels are made by taking your regular noodle dough and using a coarse grater, grate the noodle dough until it makes little "rivels" or small pebble like lazy noodles. We dry these out and make them ahead of time, just like we do noodles. They keep well if you get them dry and you don't want them to cook in the duck broth too long. Just until soft, not until the puff up. Garnish the soup with pieces of parsley and serve.
Roast duck or goose #2
Take your duck or goose and rub it well with lard. Put bird back side down in the pan, of course. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, stuff with kraut and bake in the oven. For each pound of bird, about 20 minutes at 350 F. An alternative to this which we use often, especially for goose is to lay strips of fatty bacon over the breast before putting bird in the oven. This can be done too with a turkey, chicken, or whatever. The grease from the bacon as it cooks, will baste the bird for you. Makes a lovely, moist golden bird and in our family , the kids fight over the bacon; that includes the "big kids" my wife's four older brothers. :)