Remmick-Hubert Web Site: Hein Genealogy - Roedel / Reddel / Rittel Home Site: Gen. 1: Margaret Rodel b. 1808 Wu m. Jakob Christian Stehr b. abt 1816 poss Lutzelsachsen / Mannhein, Baden, Germany
Last Update: 23 July 2013
Hein Genealogy Page 15 continued....
Hein Family continued...
[Redel, Reddel, Rettel, Rittel, Riettel, Rodel, Roedel, Rudel, Ruddel, Ruedel]
The family history may take us to Schwaigern / Heilbronn, Wu. with family ties to Lutzelsachsen / Mannheim-Baden, Germany. The family appears to have been German and took up the religion of Evangelican Lutheran quite early. The families in southern Russia appear to be either craftsmen such as coopersmiths or vineyardists. One of the larger vineyards near Kischnev was owned by the Roedel family and mentioned in early records of Bessarabia. Also listed was a Rudel who was coppersmith who lived in Hoffnungstal....
The word Roedel [Raedel which sounds like Riddel, however, is not of German origin, it is from old English meaning "young counselor.
The variety of spellings of this name are so numerous, it is almost impossible to list them all, but, all of them are from old English..
Addition: Just recently, Andrew Merkle corrected my translation of Roedel.
Here is what he wrote:
In a message dated 3/26/03 4:44:51 PM, writes: << I believe you are mistaken about the origin of the Roedel name. It is not English. It is German and goes back to pre-1600 in Lutzelsachsen and other surrounding villages. Andrew Merkel >> who goes on to tell us: In a message dated 3/27/03 9:30:45 PM << Rodel is derived from the verb rodeln which has to do with the warping of planks for the making of the bow of the boat. I would think that this same process was applied to the making of staves for barrels in the cooperage process. I surmise that a rodel(er) was the artisan who made the staves. the cooper (Kufre meister) made the whole barrel...>>.
In this illustration one can see the staves which are curved for the barrel maker. The curving of the staves is called "rodeln" English=German The barrel is a "das Fass. The body [cask] of the barrel is a "der Fassrumpf" The hoop around the barrel is "das Fassband". The stave of the barrel is "die Fassdaube". The barrel maker and seller is "der Boettcher" [Bottcher, Boetticher, Bottechaere, Boetticher]. The men who placed the "copper" [Kupper] hoops around the barrel were Fasbinder or Fassreifen. The men who created the cooper hoops were "Kupfre". Those who were called "Kurfe Meister" were similar to what we'd called "master coppersmiths", a person who has qualified as an expert.
Not knowing German, I often times have to rely on books and people like Andrew help me to make this site more accurate for all of us. Thanks Andrew. While on this subject, I do recall something about the old chain shirt-like protection worn by a knight which I think was called a "reddel", so named because of the small rings that make up the protection.... |
Additions #2 | |
In a message dated 2/8/05 5:41:09 PM, writes: Hello Roedel , Rodeln is sleighing with a sledge in German .Rodel is a sledge. In German Rudel is a pack as in a pack of wolves .In Dutch Roedel means the same and is written the same way as your name . Küfermeister is the head of a wineceller in a restaurant or vinyard , has nothing to do with making the barrels .A cooper is in German ein Küfer (in the north of Germany neighbouring Holland ), Bötker, Böttker Bödker, Bötcher , Böttcher , Bodiker , Büttner (all in the south of Germany), Fassmacher (in the middle and east (Berlin) of Germany). Küfer and cooper is comming from the Dutch word kuiper , which is a cooper who makes a special kind of half barrel = Kuip in Dutch . Copper has allmost never been used for hoops (only some gun powder barrels have them because of the danger of sparks), hoops were made of iron or wood and seldom out of rope. A hoopmaker in German is a Reiffner , Reifenbinder , Fassbinder or Hupenmacher , Hupner . The word Küfer has nothing to do with copper or in German Kupfer , but everything with the dutch word Kuiper .
Tony Luiten Kerkepad 7 1619 AD Andijk The Netherlands Oldfashioned hand-cooper in an open air museum in Holland
In one of the Russian documents mentions a Roedel von Rethin [Reten] being the father of Margaret /[Margaretha] Roedel [Rodel/ Rettle/ Reddel] but the other family researchers have not found any connection to Roedel von Rethin's family.
The Roedels sold their properties in Wu., Germany abt 1815/16 and joined a religious group who believed God's son Jesus would return to Mt Ararat in 1817. [See maps and history and maps.]
This was known as the "Second Coming". They traveled from Germany to Bessarabia..... probably in wooden boats on the Danube River from Ulm, Wu. to Ismail near the mouth of the river by the Black Sea. Illness and death took many lives on this trek. Stopped for a time in Bessarabia then on to Kherson and east around the Black Sea ... [See Black Sea maps]... then southward through the Caucasus Mts. to Tifilis / Georgia where they were halted by officials. The Turks were having political uprising and gaining permission to continue to Mt. Ararat was impossible. Some of the families retreated to Tifilis while others withdrew to Kherson/Od. Margaret Roedel who was about eight/nine years old, remained with one or both parents. The "Second Coming" did not occur. The religious leaders scrambled for an answer and announced their calculations had been incorrect. The "Second Coming" would occur later..... It did not. Meanwhile, the Rodels, who gained permission to travel to Jerusalem, made the necessary arrangements. Many times Margaretha , nee Roedel, Stehr [mohter of Christina, nee Stehr, Hein] told the story how she traveled from Russia to Jerusalem [Israel] by camel. The family lived in the Holy City for a time and Margaretha was by then old enough to become interested in herbs and other healing potions. She became a person who knew how to mix the right items to help those who were ill. Today we would call her a kind of pharmacist. It is not known how long she lived in the Holy Land nor when or where she was married. It is estimated she married about 1839 to Herr [Mr.] Stehr, who's first name might have been Jakob. . Both may have been married and widowed before they wedded each other.. It was unusual for a woman not to wed until she was thirty years old.
Records in Beresina / Bessarabia don't show a Margaretha and Jakob Stehr living in Beresina/ Bess where their daughter Christina was b. abt 1845/46.
Below you will find that many genealogist researching this family believe there wasn't a Margaretha and Chrstina was the daughter of Jakob Chrstian and Anna Rosina, nee Roedel, Stehr.
More information was gained from my grandfather Ludwig Hein's wife, my grandmother, Christine, who remembered . Margaretha.
No one talked very much about Margaretha's husband. HIs name might have been Jakob and he was very strong and could bend a train rail with his bare hands to prove his strenght. . This seem to have occurred just about the time the railroad was being built in Bessarabia. This , also, appears to be a common description of a man who was a smithy of some kind. Perhaps Jakob was a blacksmith or cooper.....
My grandmother, Christine , nee Schweikert, Hein, said Margaretha had a child very late in life. In those times a child born after menopause was called "a late child". This would be in the age of 50+. Wilhelmina was her last child and must have been born after 1864. Margaretha would have been nearing sixty. It seems even in giving birth she was an unusual woman. My grandmother Christine said that Margaretha and her husband left Beresina / Bess. and migrated to Dobrudscha area in hopes to find "the garden of Eden". Christine could not remember where they settled, only the fact that it was in 1906 when Margaret died at the age of 98. It was after Christine married my grandfather Ludwig Hein, son of Michael Hein of Borodino in 1904. Christine lived with her in-laws while my grandfather was in the Russian Army.
It is said that the children of Margaretha migrated to America and were spread out from Canada to Oklahoma and, Texas. USA.
Margaretha Roedel [Rettel, Roedel, Ruedel, Redel]
Resarching Roedel Family who lived in and around Betrdins and southern Russia
[Source: Ingrid Reule]
Anna Rosine Roedel, dau. of ____NN____
Jakob Christian Stehr [Stier, Steer]
Gen. 2
___NN___ Roedel
Roedel's, family were from a group that was similar to the "Harmonies".
A group called the "Harmonies" did exist before 1817 and did believe Christ would use Mt. Ararat as his stepping stone back to earth. One of the members of the Harmony, Frau von Kruedener, spoke loudly about human and spiritual harmony. It's not a surprise to read the various religious leaders objected and called Kruedener and her following as "dangerous fanatics". One of her "fanatical followers" Alexander I created a group called the Bible Society and, after the defeat of Napoleon, the first League of Nations.... Another Kruedener followers was a Berlin priest known as Ignatz Lindl who left the Catholic Church and settled in Bessarabia and founded the community church and he brought into his congregation Lutherans and Catholics. Many people in Besesina and Borodino and other villages joined Lindl's "community" church.
For more information see GRHS Heritage Review, Vol. 39 No. 4, Dec. 2009, pps. 2 - 17 Article "History of the Parish of Kloestitz".
In several documents there is a mention of a Roedel von Rethin [Rethen]
. We do not know if there is any connection. I am trying to research just the name and it appears to b a place called Rethen which is part of the municipality of Vordor in North Germany. It is north of Brauschweig between the Harz and the Lueneburg Heath. There were "masters of Reten" into the 16th century. The rights of the land became part of the family of Marenholz and were exercised up to the death of the last patron, the baron of Marenholz-Nolte in 1969. Rethen / Vordorf Municipality, Dist of Gifhorn (Lower Saxony).
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