Last Updaated 24 Jan 2007
Friederick, nee Rott, and Jacob Guthmueller (Guthmiller), the younger Child #9 of Martin Rott II and Catharina Sauter Friederika Rott b. 12 Apr 1850 Glueckstal #1882651-3-310-84, d. 24 March 1913 Tripp, SD m. (1) 13 Feb 1868 Glueckstal / Od. #1884092-1 4663 to Jacob Guthmueller, the younger b. Aug 1874 Neudorf / Od. S. Russia d. 3 Feb 1924 Tripp, SD, USA . ,[R-59, Corrections 25 Jan 2001], Letter #2 Migr. to USA in 1877 Letter #3 Jacob Guthmiller and his wife Fredericka (Rott) came to America from Neudorf, South Russia on or about 1876 or 77, with three small children. He homesteaded land that same year six and half miles south of Tripp in Bon Homme County. Jacob devoted most of his life to erecting a farm and turning the sod. The first buildings were made from mud and hay, which had been sun dried and then cut into blocks. Farming methods were silmilar to those used in Russia. Jacob did have enough money to purchase a team of horses and a breaking ploaw. To haarrow the groun he tied plum thickts behind the team. Seeding was complished by hand and for leveling a board was used. Eleven children were born to Jacob and Frederica, all who now with their parents have gone to join the blessed. Their names are Jacob, Jr., Wolsely, SD, Katharina (Mrs. Hennry Renke), Zap, ND, Ludwig of Tripp, Karolena (Mrs. John Buecher), Zap, ND, Frederick, Tripp, Christina (Mrs. John Buechler), Zap, ND, Frederick, Tripp, Christina (Mrs. Geroge Goehring), Lodi, CA, John J. , Tripp, Emelia, (Mrs. John Pudwill), Avon, Lydia (Mrs. Henry Hof)f, Tripp, Maria (Mrs. Henry Hoff), Tyndall, Mathilda (Mrs. Charley Pietz). Tripp.
Jacob and his family were devout members of the Immanuel Reform Church.
In 1908 Jacob turned over most of the responsibility of the farm too his son John but continued tolive on the farm with them until Fredercka's deah on March 24, 1913. Jcob later married Sophia Kraft and with her tretired to Tripp until his death on February 3, 1924. Sophie died in 1933. Ruben Guthmiller, a grandson of Jacob continues on the homestead. Little is known of the hardships in the lives of Jacob and Fredericka: as was the custom, unnpleasant matters were not told to the children. To be a pioneer you had to be strong. America was a new world and a different way of life. Passports and immmigration papers either lost or destroyed. A fire burned the summer kitchen on the old hoestead; thus many articles of interest were lost, including the highly treasure spinning wheel.
Although long gone, remnants of this families survival is still vividely discussed by their descendants.
See large photo of family.
*Information in navy on this page is informatiion from Leona Koth
#2 Child
Ludwig Guthmiller
Ludwig and Katharina, nee Heib, Guthmiller (Guthmueller)
Ludwig and Katharina (Hieb) were married by Rev. Michael Nuss on January 30, 1898 in the Immanuel Reform Church,
Ludwg as a child emigrated to America with his parents and an older brother and sister about 1876-77. His father, Jacob homesteaded on land six and one half miles south of Tripp, the farm owned by Rueben Guthmiller. There Ludwig grew to manhood with three brothers and seven sisters leaning the trade of farming.
Ludwig's wife Katharina was born in Bon Homme County on July 8, 1877 to Christian and Magdalena (Neiffer) Hieb who came to America as newly weds with Magdalena's parents (Michael Neiffer) during 1869-1870. They homesteaded land south of Tripp where Mr. and MRs. Bejamin School now live.
The first year Ludwig and Katharina were married they lived with his parents. On March 26, 1899, their first child was born. She was name Athalia who later married Henry Tesky. She died in Jan, 1928 leaving three small children: Leona, Alvin and Ervin.
In 1900 Ludwig rented a farm in Bon Homme County. On February 17, 1901, their second child was born, Solomon, who now with with his wife lived in Tripp. In 1901 Ludwig homesteaded a claim in Oak Hollow township and purchased some other acreage. He moved in 1902 with his wife and two small children. Nine more children were born on the new farm: Samuel, Emanuel, Otto, Bertha (Mrs. Ervin Buchholz) in Tripp, Carl on the home far, Konnie and Leo Deceased.
Ludwig was enthusiastic and industrious. He and his wife and family worked hard, yet all took time out to hunt and fish. His first gun still is in the family and usable. His rod and reel lay in the deep waters of Lake Andres (put there by one of his children accidentally).
Ludwig became involved in the affairs of his township and community. For many years he was township supervisor, treasurer of Oak Hollow school for 15 years, shareholder of Tripp Farms Union, Farmers Elevator and Lummberyard. He was a religious man taking an active interest in the welfare of his church. In 1907 he helped organize and build the New Salem Church south of Delmont located southwest of Delmont.
Today, Ludwig and Katharina sleep in the country churchyard among many other friends who were members of that congregation. Ludwig passed away March 26, 1924, and Katharina on June 17, 1939. Although long gone, a legacy of memories is fondly remember by their children.
NOTE: I believe this information is from a Tripp, SD book on families who lived in the area.
#7 Child
John J. Guthmiller
Back Rot:
Alma (Mrs. Ed Bartunek), Ruber, Harold, Thelma (Mrs. Francis Trierweiler)
Front Row:
Bejamin, John. J. , Rosina (Namel) and John Jr.
Picture was taken 29 Dec 1941 Tripp, SD
Under the photo is written:
Many tanks to Alma Bartunaek for the family picture and the many letters she wrote to help fill in the information pertaining to this family. At the time Alma began sending information, Ruben lived in the Nursing Home at Armour, SD; Harold lived in N. Sioux City, SD, as did his daughter; Thelma, deceased in '88, her husband lives in Woodburn, OR, and her children are scattered from the west coast to the east....Alma lives in Wagner, SD; Benjamin (decease), ...Joh Jr. lives in Gillette, WY.
#9 child
infomration from Nilus Johnson to Leona Koth:
Amelia [Emelia] Guthmiller m. John Pudwill
Amelia , nee Guthmiller, and John Pudwill and Their Family
Left to Right:
Back Row: Herbert, James, Rowland, Otto
Middle: Elsie,Lillian, Lorraine, Viola, Edna
Front: Norman, John, Amelia, John Jr.
All 14 children wre aborn at Axon, SD:
Story from the Pudwill Family History by a grandson Myron Rudwill and iwfe wife Sue:
John Pudwill b. 10 Feb 1881 at Alt-Danzig/ Russia; died 22 July 1960 at Yankton, SD
Marr. Amelia Guthmiller b. 7 Feb 1888 at Tripp, SD; d. 14 Feb 1968 at Wagner, SD
14 children: [see above]
Amelia Buthmiller's parents were Jacob and Fredericka (Rott) Guthmiller who were also German-Russians from the villages of Neudorf [Odessa, S. Russia] and Gluckstal [Glueckstal/ Odessa, S. Russia].
Johan and Amerlia Pudwill were farmers and lived most of their lives on a farm 8 miles norsth of Avon, SD. The far was in Monrode Township (96N), Section 16 and was 240 acres. Donald Pudwill (son of Herbert) and grandson of John and Amelia) talked with John's sister, Amelia Pudwill, known as Tente (meanitn "Aunt" in German) in June of 1981. Amelia told some of the John and Amelia Rudwill family history:
>>"Andrew was getting married and Mike [his father] kept teasing John that his little brother would beat him to the altar. John and been seeing Amelia Buthmiller. He went to visit her the evening before Andrew's wedding. John, Amelia, her brother and sister spent the evening talking in the summer kitchen. When they later retired for bed, Amelia went into the house, packed a bag and quietly reutnred to the summer kitchen where she climbed out a iwndow. John was waiting for her. They left by wagon for Delmont at about midnight. They arrive early morning (about 7:00 A.M.). Ameila had lost one of her shoews, so they waited until the stores were open to buy a new pair. They were maried about 8:00 A.M.. Tey returned home to fiend that the family had already left for Andrew's wedding. When the wedding paty and guest returned home, they found John and Amelia in bed. The folks began yelling at John, "Get out of that bed! What do you think you're doint with that girl?" John and Amelia pulled the covers up to their mouths to try to stop giggling, as they said, "We're married!"
Johan and Amelia were married at 8:00 A.M.. Andrew and Lydia were married at 1:00 p.M.. John beat his brother to the altar. A formal wedding picture was later taken of John and Amelia in borrowed clothes.
P.S. Early monring at the Guthmiller home, Amelia's mom saw the family dog run past the house carrying Amelia's good shoe in it's mouth. She wanted to know how that came to be and where was Amelia? The brother and sister covered for Amelia, saying that she didn't feel well and was still in bed sleeping. Amelia's father didn't recongize marriage. He had been very displeased at their dating, telling Amelia that he didn't want his daughter invovled with that red-headed Pudwill boy. On one occasion, Mr. Guthmiller hid in a ditch and shot at John as he rode by on his way to visit Amelia. John stopped the horse and shot back. (Tante says they were NOT joking.) Amelia became very homesick for her family. This continued until after Herb was born, when relations seems to imporve. Mrs. Giedd was the mid-wife when Herb was born. When John left to get her, he stationed Tante below the bedroom window telling her to stay there. Tante didn't understand what all the moaning was about, but kept her station untio John returned. The next day Michael told Tanie that the Dr. ha brought a baby to John an Amelia.<<
John Pudwill was a tall man with reddish hair. None of his children had red hair but several of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren had the Pudwill red hair. John died from cancer of the thraot. His wife, Amelia, lived alone in their retirement home in Avon for several years before becoming a resident of the Wagner Nursing Home where she died in 1968. It is interesting to note that three of John and Aelia's children married three children of Henry and Martha Johnson. Herb married Henrietta Johnson. Otto married Ella Johnson and Elsie married Ed Johson.