of Kulm, ND USA in Remmick-Hubert's Web Site Kulm, ND's Genealogy
Last Updated: 10 Feb 2004
Mueller Page |
David Mueller , Sr.'s Family of Kulm Mueller, David [Sr.] b. ____ d. 22 Dec 1950 m. widow Elisabeth, nee Neumann, Wolfert b. ____ d. 25 Feb 1952. Migr. to USA in 1893 from Russia to Kulm/ ND, USA and were wedded a few days after they arrived on 25 Dec 1893 by Rev. Baumann. [See their early home] Issue [not in correct order]:
Elisabeth, nee Nuemann, was married four times. See letter #1 below. |
Letter #1
In a message dated 2/7/04 7:56:18 PM, writes for Arnie Oster : << A friend who doesn't have a computer is looking for the parents of Elizabeth and Julia Neuman. Elizabeth Neumann was married to David Mueller Her first marriage was to Andreas Wolfer at Kulm, North Dakota and they had a daughter Margaret Her second marriage was to John H. Mantei and they had a daughter Aleen b. Nov 1, 1907 and d. May 15, 1996 Her third marriage was to Fred G. Hildenbrand at Kulm, ND on August 23, 1910 Her fourth marriage was to William Issak
Margaret (above from first marriage) was born Sept 9, 1891 and d. Feb 21, 1964; she married John G. Gackle at Kulm They had a son: Georg H. Gackle b. Sep 24, 1912 and married on June 8, 1939 to Florence Ruder They lived in the Streeter, ND area. Can anyone help Arnie Oster find the parents of Elizabeth and Julia Neumann? He has a picture also. >>
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