Vol. 16.
30 Sept. 2006 Let me see if I can write anything that makes sense as I listen to the CAL vs Oregon game while watching the Gants v. Dodgers. Probably not, so, maybe, I'd better just track down all the e-mails and create a new web site since the others are, now, full to the brime. This means I need to drag over all the logos and you will need to notice the difference in the URL which is http://www.remmick.org/LodiHigh/index.html to get back to the Senior class and old newsletters click on the following logo: Go Bears! Beat Standford! And we DID!!!!!
Garry, my husband, and myself at the Big Game, . 2006. ********************************************************************************** 20 April 2007 Well that was as far as I got on this newletter when I recieved word that my mother had just gone to the hospital in an ambluance. So, I'll just post the pages I have completed and begin this year with just letters dated up to April of 2007. Judy A. Remmick-Hubert . PS See some of you at our luncheon Friday, April 27, 2007 which Masha Sanger has arranged.