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Remmick-Hubert Special Page - Lodi Union High School, Class of 1960-Newsletter

Vol. 7:  2 Feb: Page Two


Questions: (1) is::  Name an old song and tell us what moment/day of your life it brings back to your mind and why.  

Question (2): When is your 60th birth date and how do you plan on celebrating?


If you've had your 60th, how did you celebrate?

Question (3):  How did you celebrate your 21st birthday? Send a copy of a photograph of you or another member of our class celebrating his/her birthday.

Question (4): How did the events of 9.11.2001 change your life?

Examples only so you are not restricted to just these...: Did it change your relationship with your own family over the holidays? Did it change your view on War? Did Pres. Bush surprise you with his actions? Anyone have love ones over in Afghanistan?

Answers To Question #1:

"Name an old song and tell us what moment / day of your life it brings back to your mind and why."

record RCA Victor Record

EPA-4054 Sie 1

45 EP

1- (There'll Be) PEACE IN THE VALLEY (For You)

(Thomas A. Dorsey)

1 - IT IS NO SECRET (What God Can Do)

(Stuart Hamblen)


with the Jordenaires

Answer from Rita Henry (Rott):

Blue Suede Shoes (1955) I think .

Walking home from Needham, stopping off at the bowling alley on Walnut St. and having a cherry coke with Lynell Peden and Carolyn Bishop. We thought we were so bad.

Answer from Clyde Ehrhardt

The old son that comes to mind is Blue Moon. I can remember Bill Belforte trying to sing it. Surely after 40 years he should have it down by now. At our 50th reunion, maybe he will solo?

Answer from Robert L. Rocque

I remember sitting in a class in my sophomore year at Elk Grove High School(attended Elk Grove first three years and came to Lodi for my senior year) where the radio was playing in the background. The song was "Ronshee" (if I spell it right). I believe that was the neatest song I heard when it came out (1957). I'd hear it be played everyday in my class. Probably an art class.

Answer from Judy Bouska (Bonfilio)

Answer to old song/memories: I was something of a wallflower in high school but really came into my own in college, and I can remember in late high school or early college "Blue Moon" at all the dances, and "Harbor Lights." Both are soooooo nostalgic for me, even now. I guess the Platters must have been really big with me, because I also remember "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" so clearly. Actually, I also remember "Kansas City" and "Hey, Baby" from school dances. Even though I am not and never was musically talented, music is very important in my life and I hang a lot of memories on it, big time. Some people seem to be able to take it or leave it, but not me.

Answer from Marsha Sanger

question 1: Don't Be Cruel

I can remember hearing that song wafting out of the cafeteria windows while I was sitting in Mr. Hanlon's algebra class.

Answer from Judy A. Remmick-Hubert

When Dick Clark's  Show, which was an afternoon program  with dancer and songs from records with a special guest,  announced they needed students who were interested in being critics of new music that hadn't been heard by the general public,  I signed up and waited for the records to appear in our mail box  Well, it didn't take long for the Clark group to realize I wasn't going to be part of the group who realized what  "rock 'n roll" songs were going to become popular.  The free records just stopped appearing one week and that was the end of my reviews.  Course, now, when I think back, I realize why. My musical ear wanted quality not new sounds.  I didn't even liked Elvis Presley when he came into our lives on the radio and 45 EP records. It wasn't because of the songs, it was his voice.   One of songs I did like, however,  was on the flip side of the record show above and that was "I BELIEVE".  I immediately rushed to the record store, bought two copies and the sheet music for piano.  I still play it on my piano....

I never was a good dancer so the music I liked is what I call "listening music" and I think, that, also, made me different than most teenagers in the "Fifties".  Course, being a teenage girl, I was an easy target for the "love" [mushy] songs....





James Stewaer & Doris Day



William Holden & Jennifer Jones



Marilyn Monroe

More often than not my lunch money was spent in the music store on "jazz" back when it was "soul music" created by the southern blacks I first heard in New Orleans when I was very young.  It held sounds that held a tune which is unlike the "modern" jazz which reminds me of a scramble of sounds without a reason or purpose.  


Louis  "Satchmo" Armstrong who was a great influence and inspiration.

Story continued on next page

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