Marsh, Dawson County, MT and early settlers plus additional information on German-Russian families
Last Updated: 6 Oct. 2001
Additional Information:
(1) Surnames of families who migrated to Marsh area before and about 1910. Those marked in blue Judy A. Remmick-Hubert has additional family data. They were:
Ackerman, Bailey, Brandner, Brost, Bunge, Cameron, Carson, Cookshenk, Cullen, Dalke, Davis, Deg, Dewald, Dittis, Elhard, Engel, Finch, Fode, Folger, Fry [Frey], Garvin, Gaub, Gebhardt, Gehnert, Goetz, Good, Graff, Gutjahr, Haidle, Hayes, Hauso, Hein, Hintz, Hoffer, Holzworth, Irion, Janssen, Johnsen, Johnson, Kalmbach, Kaul, Kelle, Kerner, Kesler, Koenig, Krenzler, Kosel, Kune, Legato, Littau, Lund, Meidinger, Miller [Mueller], Mittlesteadt, Necker, Neiffer, Nies, Olson, Opp, Perry, Pucall, Quast, Renn, Repp, Reuther, Rittel [Roedel] , Roesler, Rosin, Rothemocher, Ruff, Schaible, Schmidt, Schock, Schultz, Sellickson, Seteren, Siegle, Solheim, Speck, Sperle, Stadel, Steinbach, Stevenson, Sutcliffe, Sweeny, Treat, Ulrich, Vogele, Wahl, Wallis, Whaley, White, Will, Williams, Wold, Yale, Zimbach
Web Sites to find more information on German-Russian genealogy and history are:
AHSGR [American Historical Society of German Russian]:
GRHS [German Russian Historical Society]:
GRHC [German from Russia Heritage Collection] :
GRHS is connected to NDSU [North Dakota State University]
Contact : Michael M. Miller at his E-Mail :
Michael M. Miller is connected to the NDSU [see below]
Infomration about Bessarabian Archives [Deutschen aus Bessarabien and the Landsmannschaft der Bessarabiendeutschen] in Germany is found at:
Hubert Home Site
RemMick HomeSite
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