Marsh, Dawson County, MT, Story by Christine, nee Hein, Lepp, Early 1920 plus information on Sidney, MT
Last Updated: 6 Oct. 2001
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'MARSH'1 [Montana 2]
written by edited by Judy A. Remmick-Hubert 4
This little town of Marsh was at the edge of my first home in Montana. It was near the ranch my Dad, Ludwig Hein5, bought from Bob Olsen 6 , a 320 acre homestead 7 called 'THE BIG YELLOWSTONE RANCH". Before this, Dad had owned another farm near Kulm, N. Dakota which he sold in the spring of 1919. I was one year and 8 months old when my Dad moved from his homestead in Wyoming to the BIG YELLOWSTONE RANCH . The main house was a 3 room log cabin. We stayed there long enough for me to remember that it had 3 long rooms. One of those rooms was the kitchen that had a earth floor which is one of the first things I remember. The next thing I recall is : People standing around the log cabin. They were crying because my little brother 8 had been taken away in a box [coffin], which Mr. Gaub 9, who lived in the town of Marsh, had made out of some big boards. Then I, who was then age three years and ten months old, and my sister went to pick wild flowers which we placed on the grave by the Church which is, now, gone. This was my first memory that there was a God. Although the town of Marsh is gone, the grave yard with my brother's marked grave is still there in a fence . [The fence had been the side railings, head board and footboard, of Frederick Hein's crib.] The number is recorded at the Terry, Mt. courthouse. In April of 1921, my Dad traded THE BIG YELLOWSTONE RANCH for Betty Olsen's10 homestead that was eight miles away. There were no buildings on this new land , just a small homestead shed and some trees. By this time I was four years and 5 months old. I remember the whole family taking part in this early morning moving procession: We [my Dad, me, my sister Bertha11 who is a year younger than me] took the lead in the hay wagon. Following us were the rest of the family, my two sisters and two brothers, who were driving the cattle. Behind them was my mother12 who was driving a wagon with a double box with the furniture. These are the things I remember:
(1)a black stove (2) a homemade table (3) two chairs and a rocker (4) a couple of benches (5) some bed stands (6) corn bed sacks13 (7) bunch of feather quilts [Mother always had a lot of geese and every year she would pluck their down feathers to make quilts and pillows. Material used was often the empty floor sacks.] (8) tea kettle (9) coffee pot (10) dishes
We traveled along on trail [there were no roads]. Dad seem to know where we were going. As the time past, if seem to me that the eight miles to our new home was sure a long long move. ...we had to open many gates. Dad would stop the team then take one of the team horses out of the trappings to the wagon, ride to the owner of the ranch which we were about to enter, gain permission to take the cattle and wagon's through, then return to us. One of the first gate along the route had been the Cameron's Ranch's14 , who were rich people from England. After the Cameron Ranch, we reached the fence line of Jim Johnson's15 Ranch. They , too, were nice, rich, and from the east. The Jim Johnson place had a lot of large buildings. It was getting late but we were only three and one half miles from where we would put down our camp at the little shed in the grove of cotton wood trees. This is where the family would camp. I was so tired and hungry. It was getting dark ... We were spent... The creek was dry accept for the spring that was still bubbling up from the earth. It had formed a slough. Near it had been dug a hole where we could get drinking water and then water the stock. There was a little stove in the shed , unfortunately, someone had broken it and had carried parts of it away. But my mother and brother Richard16 got what they could togather and built a fire. I was more tired, hungry and colder . When I fell asleep , I was just too sick to care if I ate or ever grew warm again because I felt like I was dying. [I had been small for my age and no one had known that I had a heart disease at this time.] None of us had ever seen a doctor and the family did now what was wrong with me. In the days and weeks that followed, very neighbor in the area came to help and see who was coming to their neighborhood.
Folger's Store & Post Office - Hein Collection Dad bought a two room house from one of our neighbors who's name was Brost17 . Horses were put to the task of pulling the two room house to our farm. This was to be our home on the Spring Creek that was two miles from our closest neighbors, Jessie Miller18 . Jessie ran cattle, cowboys, etc. etc. for Jim Johnson who owned the ranch. I have to tell about the Jim Johnson ranch and the girls that came out to see us as we [the Hein procession] moved between their big barn and their ranch house. The four Miller girls were glad to see that there were four new neighbor kids to walk with them to school that fall. [The school had not, yet been built but soon would be for the children of Hein, Miller's, the three Sweenys19 and one Jensen20 ]. ...twelve in all would go to the new Benny School that would be up on a hill that begin that Nov. 25, 1921. There wasn't any well on the hill and water had to be taken to it when needed. I was five years old. The Christmas program Miss Perty, our teacher, put on could fill a book. That one room school house was really full of Christmas joy. The best I can remember in all my life. I didn't have to go to school until the fall of 1922 because the law said I didn't have to start because my birthday wasn't until the 25th of Nov of that year. Mother needed me at home to baby-sit since my older sister Maggie21 wasn't yet sixteen and by law she had to go to school until she was. After sixteen, the law couldn't keep Maggie in school and so she didn't get to go to school but stayed home to take care of Lillian who was six months old and Bertha who was a year younger than me. Mother really needed the help because I wasn't much help. All I did was cry because I was tired all the time. And I always felt like I was unable to breath. By this time, Bertha was the same size as me then passed me. That was why most people thought Bertha was older than me. I always felt it was she who took care of me, instead of me taking care of her. Now, my Dad was only five miles from where his only sister, Catherine [nee Hein] Ruff22 lived with her husband', Jacob23 , on Cabin Creek24 . ...Dad's sister was twenty years older than my Dad. So, it seem funny when aunt Catherine's kids called Dad "uncle Luie" which is short for Ludwig. Aunt Catherine and her husband had arrived in America25 long before my Dad did. So the Ruffs were some of the early ranchers in the Cabin Creek area. She had one son, John26 , who was the same age as Dad. He had his own homestead back in the hills where he made whiskey, which gave him a big income because he supplied the area. I got to see his "still". Aunt Catherine, also, had four daughters27 and they, too, had homesteaded in the Cabin Creek area. So we kind of fit into the the area because we were kin. I have so many many good memories. I was almost ten years old , nine years and ten months, when we moved to Sidney, MT. It was 1926 and the Benny Hill school would not open for only six children [five Heins and one Meidinger28 ]. So the little school house was moved and we moved to Sidney. Dad would get paid for moving and sending his five children to school. The last evening before moving, I went out in the big pasture to bring in the milk cows. I cried all the way out and all the way back to the barn. I didn't want to move. I could hardly speak English. Dad didn't want any one to speak anything but German in our home. I was nine years old when we left Marsh on the train to Sidney. Our ticket was paid by the Holly sugar factory29 because Dad had signed a contract with Alex Kling30 which meant that our family would top beets31 for him that fall. His place was at the edge of Sidney. So, all five of us school age children lost out on school until the beets were all toped. I didn't go to school at all that year. Nor did I make it passed the first row of beets. When I stood up I passed out because my weak heart hadn't provided adequate oxygen. I remember, now, that I thought, then, that I had died. Mrs. Kling said my belly button was out of place. So I stayed in bed. Every time I tried to get up, I had a sharp heart pain then I'd pass out. So, no school that year. After our move, Dad permitted us children to speak English. I was able to learned a lot that winter. In the fall of 1927, I started the fourth grade. I was ten and going to be eleven on the 25th of Nov. ____. Bertha had to help me a lot because I was still so small and always so very tired. Maggie....had stayed on the ranch at Marsh that was also on Cabin Creek because she had married and they didn't want to move to Sidney with Dad. She had married our neighbor boy, Gottlieb Gaub32. They moved into the house and all we took was what we could get in our baggage that we had taken on the train. Back to the train trip for a moment. When the rain took us away from Marsh, there were five kids. Lillian33 and Edwin34 were the two small ones and not school age. The house on the Kling's place had but two small rooms. So five children plus Mom and Dad had to fit into this place until the first of March when we moved into the big nine room house Dad had rented on an irrigation farm that was about one mile out of Sidney. It was known as The Bell Farm*. The rented farm soon became Dad's. It had a really nice house. And were we busy [cleaning, fixing , and painting it]. I was ten years old then and still missed the Marsh home very much. And I tried really hard to believe that there was a God. Today, it's hard for me to believe or understand why people go to church. God doesn't need all that stuff to get God to help them. God is just God. I had to start working in our own beet fields in 1927. Things were good for our family. And we all worked hard sun up to sun down. We had good food and lots of TLC [ tender loving care].
Ludwig Hein with his daughter Christine in one of the sugar beets fields on the Hein ranch. Mother was very bright and was the best one in our circle of German friends. She could read, write and spell any word presented to her. She was the only mother in the German church was was able to read the Bible. The rest of then were told about the Bible. [Before Christine, nee Schweikert, Hein died, she could speak and write 7 different languages. German, Russian and English were dominate.] As I've said, the year 1927 was a good year for all of us . And what I remember most was: we had only a mile to walk to school ; we owned that nice big house;and, I got my first store bought dress. The day my dress was purchased was a great day in my life. I'll never forget. Dad didn't go to town. Mother did.... Dad never went to town, but always stayed home...I really felt sorry for him because he never got to go to town and do the fun things. Dad was only 25 years old when he came to America 35 from Bessarabia, Moldavia 36. Bessarabia was on the extreme SW corner of the European U.S.S.R. 37 The year had been 1910. Dad had just spent three years in Siberia38, the part of Soviet in north Asia. He'd been in the Soviet army and had been afraid that a world war was coming. So, he came to American with one brother. [Christoph Hein39.] The rest of the Hein family died during the First World War. [Not quite true. Some of the cousins had survived and in 1940 would be relocated by the Soviets. Plus, his sister Catherine, as mentioned, lived in Montana.] He cried a lot and so many many he had mentioned that he wished that he had been able to go home [just once more before they had all died]. In 1918 the Bolsheviks had their revolution40. Later, Moldavia was annexed by the Rumanians41. My grandpa [Michael Jarig] Hein42 had lived in Bessarabia all of his life. My great grandpa [G. Michael Hein]43 and grandma [Margaretha, nee Roedel, Hein]44 moved to Moldavia in 181245. Grandpa Hein died after the First World War ended. All of Dad's brothers died46 during that war, accept the one [Christoph Hein] who came to America with Dad. On June 27th, 1940 the Rumanians gave up Bessarabia and the U.S.S.R. and once again Borodino47 lies within her boundaries. Borodino is where my parents and oldest sister, Maggie, was born. Our ancestors were German who moved to Bessarabia, so I have German blood lines, not Russian even though they were born in Russia. I am American and was born in Wyoming. I married Edward Lepp48 in Sidney, Mt. at the age of 25. We have a son, Don. E. Lepp49 and one grandson, Arlin D. Lepp50. I've retired. My husband, Edward, is not. We live, now, in Billings. [1983, in 1990 live in CO]. It's a great life. My mother passed away at the age of 97 on Nov. 12, 1982, so I've got a long way to go to beat her. Just so I stay in good health like mother did. I was one of 10 children51 she raised. Not long ago, my husband and I visited the Marsh area. It's gone, now. The town that once had a Lutheran Church where I spent every Sunday, is also gone. I can remember that church being built ... The Gaub family were good at carpenter work and there were four or five Gaub families. Just them alone made a large congregation. There was very little money, so I always wondered how it was paid. I remember one instance: The women were told to sit on the left side. The men were to go to the right... On this one particular Sunday, there was a lot of whispering. My Dad came into the church and whispered something to mother then to the other men. Dad and some of our neighbor men , one being Dad's nephew, John Ruff, left the church and went to our home. Later, I asked : 'What had all this whispering been about on that particular Sunday." I was told that a revenue man had gotten off the train and spent some time in Marsh's local store owned by Mr. Folger52 . The revenue man asked Mr. Folger to let everyone know that he was in town. It seems that everyone in Marsh had a barrel of whiskey. And he wasn't about to arrest everyone. And it was this news that reached our church through my father, who in his old clothes, claimed he need help to pull out some cows that were stuck in quick sand down by the Yellowstone river. So, the men left, on the pretense to help my father with his cows, to dump their whiskey. The whiskey had to be dumped or the revenue man would have to report it and then the person caught would be served with a fine. No one got fined. But I do remember watching our animals who had gotten drunk on the whiskey that had been dumped. The hogs were squealing . The ducks and geese just sat there swaying [in a drunken stupor]. I sure didn't understand what had gone on then but, now, I do, and find it quite funny. The Ruffs and Heins had lived all their life in Bessarabia where wine was drunk at meal time and at all their get together. Also, they had their own vineyards near their home ...So making something to drink from their own grain was part of their lives. However, this instance took place in 1920s and making one's own liquor was against the law53. Once I drank some whiskey from John Ruff's still, I got so sick. Since then I can't stand the small of grain made whiskey. And so I was cured for life. Soon after this whisky tasting of mine, my oldest sister, Maggie, had her wedding. Magdalena and Gottlieb G. Gaub got married in Feb. of 1926. John Ruff made the whiskey for the wedding. I got sick just smelling it, again.... About two years later, John Ruff came to our home in Sidney to spend some time with my Dad, his uncle and best friend. John had stomach cancer. And on his way home, he died in Glendive,MT. So when my father was told he had cancer,also, he was sure that he could stop it through prayer and diet. That was 1931 and my father died in 1955. My father had not cured the cancer but had gained 25 more good years. Daniel54 was born and married before the cancer got my father. Dad never touched whiskey any more. He did drink wine. Our parents started to make their own wine that was similar to what they had made in Bessarabia. Moldavia...had good land for vineyard. Dad never got vineyards out of his mind even up to his death...because he talked about it and the land in left in Bessarabia. ....I'd like to see Bessarabia. My husband Ed will retire in May of 1984. We will do some traveling and after we get settled in our retirement home at Howard CO, we may just take a trip to see where our families roots stared in German and Russia. The Lepps, my husband's family, came from Germany and Russia, too. Both of us speak German fairly well. Both our family's homestead at Burg, Wyoming. And both were born on homesteads about 10 miles apart...My family moved away, sold their homestead in July of 1918....My husband's family stayed in the Torrington area...Our parents were close friends, also, relatives. The Lepp's stopped to see my folks in 1939, after having spent time in N. Dakota visiting others. , just to see how my folks were doing. This was the way God found for me to meet the man I had been looking to be part of my life. I fell hard for Ed. He was so good looking. Oh, I was so lucky. He was for me. But it took a lot of praying. Christine and Ed were married 27 Nov. 1941 and soon will be celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary.
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Christine, nee Hein, Lepp b. 25 Nov. 1916 passed away Dec. 19, 1997 Howard, CO |
ENDNOTES: Note: Some of the
following notes will take you to other pages on this web site, to return
to this page you will have to use your server's back < button.
ð 1. MARSH, MT., USA no longer exsists, it was located near
Sidney, MT in Prarrie County See map
The road from Glendive, Mt lead southwest along the Yellowstone River
and after 19.5 miles in Dawson County stands a ghost town of seven buildings
of Marsch. You'll have to travel black to Terry to find
the historical booklet: MARSCH, MONTANA, REMEMBERING
COMMITTEE, First Edition There are 342 pages filled with history of
the town and the many families who were part of this community.
ð 2. CHRISTINE, nee HEIN, LEPP is the daughter of Ludwig and Christina, nee Schweikert, Hein ð 3. Judy A. Remmick-Hubert is the granddaughter of Ludwig and Christina, nee Schweikert, Hein and niece of Christine Lepp ð 4. LUDWIG HEIN : b. 1885 in Borodino/Bess. S. Russia; son of Michael Jarig Hein ð 5. BOB OLSEN: Worked for Charles Krug, married... Cabin Creek Resident son's farm samdwich between the Hein farms..... ð 6. HOMESTEAD: In 1862 the U.S. legistaltion enacted the Homestead Act to enhance westward expansion. This gaves the new settler/ homesteader 160 acres of government land who agreed to improve it for five years. Then it was the homesteader to do with what he/she will. Land grants were 320 acres. ð 8. LITTLE BROTHER: Frederick Hein b. 1920 Marsch, MT ð 9. MR. GAUB: Gottlieb Gaub, the elder, who was to be the father-in-law to Magdalena, nee Hein, Gaub . He married Margaretha Hohenecker. Homsteaded in area in 1912 fro Eureka, SD where they had first settled in 1908. had migr. from Glueckstal / Odesssa, S, Russia. His parents were Christoph G. Gaub and Christina Barbara Haidle. His elder son, Gottlieb G. m. Magdalena Hein. ð 10. BETTY OLSEN: "...on horse back, the wife of Bob Olsen who would ride to see the Hein family .." ð 11. BERTHA, nee HEIN, STROBEL m. Albert Strobel of Terry, MT ð 12. MOTHER: CHRISTINA, nee SCHWEIKERT, HEIN b. 1885 , dau. of Karl and Katarina, nee Henke, Schweikert ð 13. CORN BED SACKS: clean flour sacks made into bags that were filled with clean corn leafs ð 14. CAMMERON RANCH : A beautiful book titled PHOTOGRAPHING MONTANA 1894-1925 by Donna M. Lucey presents the many wonderous photgraphs of Mrs. Evelyn, nee Flower, Cameron. There are early photographs of Marsh and the old school house before it burned down. This encludes the town store owned by the Folgers. Mrs. Folgers was whom Lillian was named. There is a 1920 picture taken of a group of people in front of the local and only church. Some might even be members of the Hein family. History of the family is also encluded along with some exerpts of her diary. Her husbands name was Ewen Somerland Cameron. ð 15.JIM JOHNSON RANCH: James D. Johnson migr. from Illinois abt 1896...settled on Spring Creek.....died Encanto, CA where they had retirred....abt 1925.... ð 16. RICHARD R. HEIN : b. 19 Dec. 1911 Kulm/N. Dak. ð 17. BROST: " which Gottlieb Gaubs bought the same year we moved back to Cabin Creek: Michael Brost b. 20 May 1878 Dennewitz. S. Russia, son of Michael Borst and Caroline Iassac....He m. Maria Elhardt b. / Bess. S. Russia. the dau. of Christian Elhard and Barbara Zeller. Many members of the family through marriages are connected Ruff and Kraenzlers and were, therefore, Hein cousins. ð 18. JESSIE MILLER: Had four girls ð 19. SWEENY'S :1 girl, 2 boys: James Sweeny migr. from Sheldon township, Minnnesota. His wife was Ellen. Their children were: Howard, Ambrose, George, and Mary who m. Glenn Crone. ð 20. JENSENS: 1 girl ð 21. MAGGIE: MAGDALENA, nee HEIN, GAUB: b. 18 Jan. 1906 Borodino/Bess. S. Russia m. GOTTLIEB GAUB. ð 22. CATHERINE, nee HEIN, RUFF: b. 13 Dec. 1867 Heim Chutor/Bess. S. Russia which was not far from Borodino/Bessarabia, m. widower Jacob Ruff See Michael Hein 's child #2 Catherine Hein plus her family in detail and photographs ð 23. JACOB RUFF b. 6 Dec. 1856 Borodino/Bess. S. Russia; m. twice See Michael Hein 's child #2 Catherine Hein plus her family in detail and photographs ð 24. CABIN CREEK: This is the community that was partly in Dawson County and partly in Prairie County. To this day many families argue as to which county they belonged. Two of the Hein farms were part of the Cabin Creek ð 25. CATHERINE, nee HEIN, RUFF b. 1867 m. widower Jacob Ruff .... See Michael Hein 's child #2 Catherine Hein plus her family in detail and photographs ð 26. JOHN RUFF b. 1889 was younger than Ludwig Hein, his uncle, by four years See Michael Hein 's child #2 Catherine Hein plus her family in detail and photographs ð 27. FOUR RUFF DAUGHTERS : (1) Christina Ruff b. 1891; (2) Marie Ruff b. 1893; (3) Sophia Ruff b. 1898. See Michael Hein 's child #2 Catherine Hein plus her family in detail and photographs ð 28. MEIDINGER: Information written by Leonard Meidinger on his father, John G. Meideinger, and family found p. 38 in MARSCH, MONTANA, REMEMBERING THE YESTERYEARS 1910-1997, Collected by MARSCH MONTANA HISTORY BOOK COMMITTEE, First Edition ð 29. HOLLY SUGER FACTORY n. Sidney , Mt. ð 30. ALEX KLING ð 31. SUGER BEETS: When the German-Russian emigrates moved into the mid-western states of the U.S. they brought in beets and developed this industry. It spread into the Yellowstone, Yakima and Red River Valleys from the Dakotas, Montana to Washington. ð 32. GOTTLIEB GAUB: b. 22 Nov 1903, son of Gottlieb Gaub, the elder ð 33. LILLIAN, nee HEIN, REMMICK: b. 5 March 1922 Marsh Creek, MT., mother of author of this book m. EDWIN REMMICK from Streeter, N. Dak. who's family had, also, migrated from Russia. ð 34. EDWIN HEIN: b. 21 Sept. 1925 Marsh Creek, MT m. (1) Rosmary Lazio. *OLD BELL PLACE: Was the Lone Tree Fort ð 35. LUDWIG HEIN'S MIGRATION TO THE USA: See Christina, nee Schweikert, Hein's section. Gen. 4 ð 36. BESSARABIA / MOLDAVIA, U.S.S.R. . In 1994 the area is in the new Russian state of Ukraine. See map.Borodno location in Bessrabia in Southeran Russia [Ukraine] ð 37. EUROPEAN U.S.S.R. ð 38. DAD SPENT THREE YEARS IN SIBERIA: Ludwig Hein served three years as a private in the Tsar's Army, 4th Siberian Army Crops, Sharpshooters, Omsk, Siberia from 1906-1909 untill a prolonged illness gave him an honorable discharge and he returned to Borodino.... ð 39. CHRISTOPH HEIN: b. 13 Jan 1891 Borodino/Bess. S. Russia ð 40. RUSSIAN REVOLUTION OF 1917: ð 41.HISTORY OF MOLDAVIA: Borodino, A List of Historical Dates from Pre Roman Times to 1991 ð 42. MICHAEL JARIG HEIN:23 Nov 1844 Borodino/Bess. S. Russia, son of M. Jarig [Georg] Hein ð 43. G. MICHAEL HEIN: b. 23 Feb. 1807 Rudetz Kulm n. Graudenz/Prussia ð 44. MARGARETHA, nee ROEDEL[ Rettle] , HEIN b. 1808 Wurttemberg [German state] ð 45. MIGRATION: Seperate migrations. G. Michael Hein b. 1807 Rudetz/Prussia [now, Poland] went by ship to St. Petersburg ca. 1808 then by carriage to Moscow ca. 1808 to the Hahn home then war against Napoleon was resume. He then walked from Moscow that had been set aflame Napoleon and she had not arrived until ca. 1814 in another German-Russian village, didn't stay and went on a religious trek then returned later and met her husband in Beresina/Bess. S. Russia... ð 46. DEATH OF HEIN BROTHERS: Not all died in WWI. The elder brother, Gottlieb, died as a small boy. Brothers John, Israel, and Frederick died in WWI. Col. Daniel Hein, who had served the Romanovs then the White Army d. 1928 in Borodino/Bess. S. Russia ð 47. BORODINO / BESSARABIA, MOLDAVIA, UKARINE -1994. See Remmick-Hubert : Borodino.Bessarabia.Home .Site ð 48. EDWARD LEPP : b. 30 Sept. 1919, son of Peter and Margaretha , nee Schweikert, Lepp. See child #6 of Karl Schweikert.. His mother was sister to his wife's, Christine's mother which made them first cousins. ð 49. DONALD E. LEPP: b. 8 Sept. 1942, son of Edward Lepp ð 50. ARLIN D. LEPP : son of Donald E. Lepp ð 51. 10 HEIN CHILDREN: See Christina, nee Schweikert, Hein's FAMILY RECORD section. There were 5 children who died as infants or very young. All born to Ludwig and Christine, nee Schweikert, Hein were: (1) Magdalena b. 1906 Borodino/Bess. S. Russia; (2) Regina Hein b. 1907 Borodino; (3) Frederick Hein b. 1910 Ashly, N. Dak. USA; (4) Richard b. 1913 Van Tassel, Wym; (5) Regina b. 1913 Van Tassel; (6) Oscar b. 1914 Torrington, Wym; (7) Christof died in infancy; (8) Christine b. 1916 Torrington, author of this story; (9) Bertha b. 1918 Torrington; (10 & 11) twins died in infancy; (12) Lillian Hein b. 1922 Marsh, MT.; (13) Edwin b. 1925 Marsh; (14) Alice Hein b. 1928 Sidney, MT.; & (15) Danile b. 1932 Sidney. ð 52. MR. FOLGER: Noble C. Folger b. April 8, 1864 Hammond, Wisconsin. He built the first store in Marsch. Noble Folger m. Lillian Henke in Paynesville, Wisconsin. She was born in 1875 at Baldwin, Wisconsin. It is not known if Lillian's Henke family is related to Christine's mother's, Christine, nee Schweikert, Hein's mother Katrina, nee Henke, Schweikert One thing is certain, Christine's sister, Lillian, was named after Lillian, nee Henke, Folger. ð 53. DAYS OF PROHIBITION:1919-1933 ð 54. DANIEL HEIN b. 21 March 1932 m. Dalene Hood
Marsh is
All rights reserved Copyrighted material from Borodino / Bessarabia, S. Russia from "A" to "Zzzz" by Judy A. Remmick-Hubert. No part of these stories may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electroic including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from author and publisher. For any information write: Contact: Remmick-Hubert Corp., 221 Main Streeet, Suite 1300, San Francisco, California, 94105 or contaact: |
(1) List of Surnames of families who migrated to Marsch area before and about 1910. (2) Several web sites to find additional information on German-Russian Families (3) History of Sugar Beets with family photographs of Hein family (4) Kessel Family of Fallon, MT which is near Marsh (5) Ewen and Eveyln Cammeron Story plus the book about them written by Donna Lucey |
Hubert Home Site
RemMick HomeSite
Hein Genealogy |