Old Maps of German, Russia, USA, A List - Remmick-Hubert Web Site:

Last Updated: 22 July 2013

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Alsace - See France
Austria-Hungary Empire [Rumania]
  • Banat German - mid 1700s to 1867
    • Map shows Hungary with some areas found around such as Volhnia, Ottoman Empire and others
    • Found in the article on Important Dates about half way down the page
  • Batschka - See Torza
  • Perjamosch / Banat
    • Map #1: shows enlarged section of a map which shows Perjamosch  and Sackelhausen from an old map; Hubert Families.
    • Map #3 - shows on modern map Perjamosch known, now, as Perim and Arad; Hubert Families
    • Map -shows Perjamosch [Perim], Sackelhausen [Sacalaz] and Ulmbach  [Peciu nou] on a 1999 map; Hubert Families
  • Sackelhausen / Banat
    • Map #1 -shows enlarged section of old map with Sackelhuasen [Sockelhausen] and Perjamosch; Hubert Families
    • Map #2 -Map of Rumania shows Temsvar and by this large city are the towns/villages of Sackelhausen and Perjamosch; Hubert Families
    • Map #3 -shows Perjaomosch [Perim], Sackelhausen [Sacalaz] and Ulmbach ]Peciu nou]; Hubert Families
    • Map -shows Perjamosch, Sackelhausen and Ulmbach; Hubert Families
  • Torza (Savino Selo) / Batschka, Ungarn, Austria-Hungary - Pfaff Families (Remmick)
  • Ulmbach / Banat
    • Map #1 -shows enlarged section of old map with Sackelhuasen [Sockelhausen] and Perjamosch; Hubert Families
    • Map #4-shows Perjaomosch [Perim], Sackelhausen [Sacalaz] and Ulmbach ]Peciu nou]; Hubert Families
    • Map-shows Perjamosch, Sackelhausen and Ulmbach; Hubert Families
  • Utvin Banat
    • Map #1-shows enlarged section of old map with Sackelhuasen [Sockelhausen] and Perjamosch; Hubert Families

Banat, Ungarn - See Austsria-Hungary [Rumania]
Beresan Area, S. Russia: See Russia
Berglicht / n. Merscheid , Rhineland-Pfalz, Germany
Bessarabian Area, S. Russia - See Russia
Black Sea Area - See Russia 
Borodino / Bessarabia / S. Russia [Ukaine] and Others  German-Russian Colonies in Bessarabia, S. Russia [Rumania/Ukraine] - See Russia
Danube River from Ulm, Wu. Germany to Black Sea  - 2 maps
  • Map 1 shows Ulm, Wu. where a great many German immigrants began their long journy on wooden boats that would take them to the mouth of the Danube River which flows into the Black Sea on their trek to Russia
  • Map 2 shows the flow of the Danaube River through Europe and all the way to the Black Sea
Edenkoben / Landau, Palatinate, Germany on the Rhineland-Pfalz (Palatinate) Old Wine Road (Weinstrasse) from Kirchheim-Bolanden to Kandel - See Germany
France  NOTE:  Some parts of Alsace have belonged to France and Germany.  See the history of Alsace.
Germany -
Hohenzollern Castle [Zollern Burg / Hohenzollern Burg] n. Tuebingen/ Ba-Wu, Germany
Hungary - See Austria Hungary Empire

Migration of Germans from Palatinate to the Banat area in Austria-Hungary to Russia by the route of the Danube River from Ulm, Wu. to the Black Sea

3 Maps: Migration By Land From German States and Estate to Russia  1763- 1824

Merscheid / n. Morbach, Rhineland-Pfalz, Germany
Moersfeld / Kirschheimbolanden, Pfalz , Germany
Montana, State of


Prussian Map 1772
Palatinate (Pfalz) - See Germany
Perjamosch / Bant See  Austria-Hungary Empire
  • Gdansk, port city on the Baltic Sea,  south to Kulm [Chelmo]
  • Borodoino History:  Where Did They Come From Project
    • Poland & Prussia  from "A" to "L"
      • Braunsberg / Pomerania (Poland)
      • Brosowo / Kulm, West Prussia  [Brzozowo / n, Chelmno, Poland]
      • Canstadt (Kanstatt or Canstadt) / Po. [Kanstadt = Katy / n. Warsaw, Poland]
      • Dolkin-Prussia n. Chelmno (Kulm) Poland
      • Duchy of Warsaw 1807-1815
      • East Prussia  (Ostreussen)
      • Grabow, Prussia (Poland)
      • Gross and Kleim Koenigshuld (See Klein and Gross Koenigshuld)
      • Gruenbach, Prussia  (Poland)
      • Kannstatt (Canstadt/ n. Warsaw (Poland)
      • Krammer / Kulm, Prussia  (Chelmno, Poland)
      • Klein and Gross Koenigshuld
      • Koenigsburg
      • Kutno / __, Poland  [Kutno / Lodz Dist., Poland
      • Kulm, Prussia  (Chelmno, Poland), Old and New maps
      • Lodz (Locsch) / Lodz (Lodsch) Voivodeship (Dist.), Poland
      • Louisenau / Posen, Po. [Louisenau (maerged with Hohensalza) / Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland]  
    • Poland & Prussia from "M" to "Zz"
      • 1772, - 1793 and 1795-Poland Map showing First, Second and Third Partions
      • Magrowolle (Wola Magierska) by Warshau IWarsaw) , Poland
      • New Sulzfeld (Neusulzfeld)/ Lodz, Duchy of Warsaw (Poland)
      • New Wuerttemberg (Neu-Wuerttemberg) / Lodz, Poland
      • Map showing partions of Poland in 1772, 1793 and 1795
      • Posen / Posen Province, Poland
      • Prussia
        • Map showing the history of Brandenburg & Pussia
            • Pre-12 th century - Northern March
            • Pre-13th cetnruy - Old Prussians
            • 1157-1618 Margraviate of Brandenburg  
            • 1466-1772 Royal (Polish) Prussia  
            • 1525-1618 Duchy of Prussia -
            • 1701-1772 Brandenburg-Prussia
            • 1701-1772 Kingdom "in" Prussia
            • 1772-1918 Kingdon of Prussia
            • 1918-1947 Free State of Prussia 
        • Prussia's Partion of Poland, 1772, 1793 and 1795
        • Expanion of Prussia from 1807 to 1871
      • Rehden, Prussia  (Radzyn Chelminski / Grudziadz, Poland)
      • Rudetz / Graudenz n. Kulm (Chelmno) Prussia (Poland)
      • Segartowitz / Kulm, Prussia  (Poland)
      • Stadt Schloppe, Prussia  [Schloppe = Czlopa / Walcz County, West Pomeanian Voivodeship, Poland.]
      • Thorn, Prussia  [Thorn = Torun/ Torun County, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland.]
      • Trebis, Prussia. [Trebis / n. Kulm , West Prussia ]
Rapperath / n. Morbach, Rhineland-Pfalz, Germany
Rhineland - Pfalz (Palatinate) on the Wine Road (an der Weinstrasse) Map
  • Edenkoben
  • Kirchheim-Bolanden
  • Neustadt an der Weinstrasse
  • Rhodt 
Romania - See Rumania
Rumania 1999
Saarland - See Germany
Sackelhausen / Banat - See Austria-Hungary Empire
Torza (Savino Selo) / Batschka, Ungarn, Austria-Hungary - Pfaff Families (Remmick)
Ulmbach / Banat - See Austria-Hungary Empire
U.S.A. [United States of America]
Utvin Banat - See Austria-Hungary Empire


List of web sites where maps are found elsewhere which were recomended by others:
  • Excellent Website which has many maps is Roll Family:



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