German-Russian Bessarabian Colony of Borodino and Periojany Chutor Genealogy List. Remmick-Hubert Web Site: Page E List
Last Updated: 27 May 2009
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E / Page Karl Ehni 1 , Page Ehni 2
Alvina, nee Ehni, Schwarz's Family Page
Gen. 1
Alvina Ehni m. Medmorf John Schwarz
Gen. 2 (Alvina Ehni's Parents)
Karl Ehni b. 1882 Tiraspol, S. Russia d. 1869 USA, son of Karl Ehni and Magdalena Kantner m. (1) Anna Adolf; m. (2) 1903 Efdokia Petroff, dau. of Fuerst [Pr.] Ivan Petroff and Fedosia Vasilenko, S-37 Migr. Ebenfeld, Khasawyurt [Caucasus], Iselkul [Siberia], Alexanderfeld [ Kuban], 1923 Muelhldorf, Germany to Harvey, ND, USA in 1925. He died in Aiken , Minn. USA and she died in Lodi, CA. Ten children. Efodkia would remarry two more times. Her second husband was Henry Fink of Lodi, Ca and her thrid husband was Johann Hertz of Lodi, CA.
Date of migr.: 18 Nov 1925 on S. S. Berlin to New York. Traveled to ND, USA. Date of Nturalization was 13 Sept 1937.
Children Karl and Amalia migr. to US in July of 1923 on S. S. Bremen to New York and traveled to Harvey, ND, USA
Des. of Jacob Ehni d. 1905 Keronish. See Jakob Ehni Family Page
Gen. 3 (Alvina's Grandparents)
Karl Ehni b. 23 Dec 1851 [poss in or near Borodino] Bessarabia, S. Russia d. 23 Aug 1911 Ebenfeld [Kaplanov], Caucasus, Russia m. Magdalena Kanter b. 28 May 1849 Odessa d. 14 Sept 1911 Ebenfeld [Kaplanov], Caucasus, Russia Issue:
Gen. 5 (Alvina's Great Grandparents)
Jacob Ehni d. 1905 Kersonish / ____ Russia m. _____ Issue:
The Petroff family was:
Gen. 1
Efdokia Petroff b. 19 Feb 1885 Ossinski / Bessarabia d. 7 Apirl 1977 Oakland, CA. m. (1) Karl Ehni; m. (2) Henry Fink m. (3) Johann Hertz. See issue by first husband above.
Gen. 2
Ivan Petroff who was of nobel birth and held the rank of "Fuerst" [Prince] was bron in Bessarabia and d. ca. 1910 m. Feodosia Vasilenko b. abt 1866 d. abt 1926 / 1927 Bessarabia.
The Petroff family did not want their daughter to marry beneath her social station and believed to have disowned their daughter Efdokia when she married the German-Russian Karl Ehni of Bessarabia.
Extract from the Vladikavkas Notary Archive Property Book of the Khasav-Yurtovsk Okrug for the year 1911:
page 302 #72
On October 2, 1910 there appeared before Konstantin Ivanovich Akimov, Khasav-Yurtovak Notary, in his office on Kabardinsky Street, Building #9, known to him personally and having the legal capacity to execute deeds: verified settler Konrad Genrikhovich and Konrad and Johan Konradovich Ree -- the wife of settler, Marija Gotlibovna Tseller, on the basis of the power of warrant give to him, the notary, on Aug 31 1905, Registration #517, and the settler of the village of Borodino, Akerman Uezd, Karl Yakobovich EHNI, who lives in Khasav Urt, in the company of witnesses personally known to the Notary: Gustave Andreerich Sheller, Fridrich Ioannovich Gaze and Johannes Johannesovich Grosman, who live in Khasav-Yurt, with the notice that they, the agent of Tseller and Eni [stet, should read as Ehni], wish to complete a Bill of Salve for immovable property under the following conditions: I Marija Gotlibovna Tseller, by law, of my own free will, have sold to Karl Yakobovich Eni the right to the immovable property belonging legally to me -- the right of property to ninety desjatins in the section of land bearing the name West Aitkhana (Zapadnaja Ajtkhanna), which has the total size of one thousand twelve desjatins, one thousand eight hundred seventy seven sazhins, and which lies in the Tersky Region of the Khasav-Ueut Okrug bordering on the (following) lands: of the Settler Jergej Yakovlevich Davydov on the north, of the former Princess Kaplanov on the east, of the Society of the Aksaev Nogaj's of the Eldarov Kub on the south, and the Princess Eldarov and Makhtiev on the west, which were acquired by them personally with other persons from Prince Budaj-Khan Abumuslimovich Kaplanov, by deed of property, certified by the Senior Notary of the Vladikavkaz Okrug Court on November 5, 1902, which right is sold by them into the common property of the buyers, with co-owners of the common country-cottage, with everything, constructed and planted, belonging to my properties. And I, Tseller, according to agreement, received from him, Eni, for the rights to this fixed property, the some of eight thousand give hundred fifty rubles, with assumption of all expenses on the part of the buyer. And, since this estate, in full, is deposited in the Kharkov Land Bank based on the revenue evidence of the Vladikvkaz Notarial Archive from 13 October, 1907, under Number 148/1692, in the sun, according to current value of the tax lists, of 48,3000 rubles for a period of 66 years and 2 months from July 1, 1907, this debt, with the permission of the administration of the above-named bank, placed in its certification of 21 September of this year under the number 17,339, the purchase price is transferred into the account onto the buyer with transfer in his name of attached restriction imposed on the entire mortgage in the above-mentioned sum, which now, for the liquidation realized as of 31 December of this year, 48, 847 rubles 71 kopecks is considered as the capital debt, in addition to arrears in the term payments. Until this transaction, the mortgage being sold has not been sold to anyone, anywhere, other than the Klarkov Land Bank, has not been entailed, is not in dispute or under interdict. Article 254 of Book 5 of the Law on DUties to Parties has been announced. For completion of this document, a copy of the afore-mentioned document has been given to the Notary. This document, executed by the Khasav-Yurt Notary Akimov, was affirmed by the Senior Notary of the Vladikavkaz Okrug Court on the 31st day of August, in the year one thousand nine hundred eleven. In addition there was paid the deed tax of three rubles, property tax of one hundred and seventy six rubles forty kopecks, office fee of eight kopecks, publication fee of six rubles, and forty three rubles for entering the main entry to the settler of the village of Borodino, Akerman Uezd, Karl Jacobovich ENI into the legal rolls
-- Senior Notary F. Broshinkij
Transfer prohibition is placed on the given document on the Ehi estate by local codes under # 112.
The following is the copy of the original legal transaction of Karl Ehni purchase of land as written above.
Photographs from Alvina, nee Ehni, Schwarz
Ehni -WW I Seee Enlarged photo
Right to left: 1904 - Grandmother Efdokia , nee Petroff, Karl Ehni [standing behind], with his wife Magdalena, nee Kanter, Ehni and Alvina Ehni. See larger photograph
Ehni with his son Karl on his lap and two daughters (to the right is) Margaret
and (to his left is) Alvina
See larger photograph