German-Russian Bessarabian Colony of Borodino and Periojany [Beriojan] Chutor Genealogy List. Remmick-Hubert Web Site: Page Wagner List continued....
Last Updated:: 8 July 2014
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Obit, Letters and E-amil Bottom of this
Page W/ PageWagner 1 /Page Wagner 2
Joseph Wagner, son of Gottlieb Wagner
Julius Wagner, son of Johan Fried. and Kath., nee Heier, Wagner, b. 27 Feb 1863 d. 27 Feb 1933 m. Lydia Himrich
Karl Wagner b. 11 Nov 1866 Borodino / Bess., d. 1945 Russia , son of Kasper Wagner (b. 18 Jan 1835 Borodino / Bess) and Christina Scheurer, (b. 22 March 1836 Borodino / Bess.) m. (1) 9 Dec 1888 to Katharina Horst b. 9 April 1867 Hoffnungstal / Bess. d. 11 Aug 1923 Hoffnungstal / Bess); m. (2) 28 Feb 1924 Kloestitz/ Bess. to Christina Messinger b. 4 June 1863 Kloestitz/ Bess, dau. of Johann Jakob Conrad Messinger (b. 14 April 1818 Kloestitz/ Bess.d. 10 Oct 1906 Kloestitz/ Bess.) and Wilhelmina Roechert (b. 14 July 1834 Kloestitz/ Bess d. 3 March 1908 Kloestitz/ Bess.) (Source: Additions fr Steve Mogck in purple) Issue:
Kaspar Wagner b. 1792 / 1793 Frank / Saratov, S. Russia d. 1838 Frank / Saratov, S. Russia, son of Johann Philipp Wagner (b. 2 May 1760 Rendel / Hessen, Germany d. 1816 Volga / Altal Mountrains, Russia and Anna Marta Kling (b. 1792 Frank / Saratov, S. Russia d. 1838 Frank / Saratov, S. Russia) , m.(1) Rosina Margaretha, Mueller b. 1797 d. bef 1827; m. 1827 to (2) Rosina Lang b. abt 1805 d. 16 May 1877 Rosenfeld or poss. Borodino / Bess., S. Russia Issue:
[Kasper] Caspar Wagner noted in film #1768281Borodino, S-5
[Kasper] Caspar Wagner b. 1803 , migr. to Borodino with family, S-5
[Kasper] Caspar Wagner b. 1803 Neu Ilvesheim / Warschau, Poland d. 28 Feb 1854 Borodino / Bess, son of Adam Georg Wagner (b. abt 175) and Barbara Steinke (b. abt 1777) m. 31 March 1827 to Rosina Lang Kloestitz/ Bess b. abt 1808 Gorowitsch / ___, Poland
Kaspar Wagner b. 1804 Alt Ilvishein, Warschau-Pol., d. 1854 Borodino, S-2
Kasper Wagner, age 31, b. abt 1804, m. Rosina Lang, age 29, b. abt 1806 (Source: 1835 Borodino Census) Issue:
Kaspar Wagner, age 47, b. abt 1803 m. Rosina Lang, age 45, b. abt 1805 (Source: 1850 Borodino Census) Issue:
Kaspar Wagner b. abt
1803 Neu Ilvesheim/ __n. Warsaw, Poland d. 28 Feb 1854 Borodino / Bess.,
son of Adam Georg Wagner (b. abt 1775 d.
abt 1809) and Barbara Steinke (b. abt 1777)
m. 31 March 1827 Kloestitz/ Bess. to Rosina
Lang, age 45, b. abt 1805 (Source: 1850 Borodino
Census, Ingrid Reule) Issue:
[Kasper] Caspar Wagner b. 1835 Borodino, S-5
Kaspar Wagner b. 1804 d. 1854 Alt-Ilwishein / Warschau-Po, migr. to Borodino, S-1
Kasper Wagner b. 1804 Ilvisheim / Warschau, Poland d. 28 Feb 1854 (Source: Athur E. Flegel)
Kasper Wagner b. 1803 Neu Ilvesheim/ Warschau, Poland d. 28 Jan 1854, son of Adam Georg Wagner (b. abt 1775) and Barbara Steinke, m. 31 March 1827 to Rosina Lang b. abt 1808 Gorowitsch / ___, Poland
Kaspar Wagner, see Caspar Wagner
Wagner b. bef. 1848 m. Christina Scheurer
Kaspar Wagner [Wagner] b. 18
Jan 1835 Borodino / Bess, son of Kaspar
Wagner (b. 1803 Neu Ilvesheim / Warschau, Poland d. 28 Bef 1854 Borodino
/ Bess) and Rosina Lang
(b. abt 1808).m. Christina
b. 22 March 1836 Borodino, dau. of
Jakob Scheurer (b. 3 March 1797 Losdowo / Kulm, Prussia d. 15 June
1878 Borodino / Bess) and Dorothea Barbara
b. 10 May 1798
Walheim / Ludwigsburg,
Wuerttemberg d. 21 Aug 1845 Borodino
/ Bess.) Issue:
Kasper Wagner , son of Georg Adam Wagner and Barbara
Stein, b. bef. 1809 m. Christine
[Scheurer]. See Kasper
Kate. W. Wagner, d. 1922 m. White (See section of Georg A. Awagner b. 1760 m. Barbara Stein's thrid son's, Kasper Wager's, family data).
Kate Wagner, dau. of Michael and Kath., nee
Loeffelbein, Wagner b. 15 May 1889
Ashley, ND, m. Jacob Brandenberger. Issue:
Kathrina [Katrina, Katherina], dau. of Peter and Elizabeth, nee
Ueller, Wagner, b. 22 Jan 1832 m. 28 Dec
1850 to Karl Tetz Kloetitz/Bess. S. Russia.
Katharina Wagner b. 8 Feb 1861 Borodino d. Nov 1948, dau. of Johann Wagner and Katharina Heier, #1884094/2 113 11 m. Martin Kubier
Konrad, Conrad.....
[Konrd] Conrad Wagner listed on films #1766543 & 1768265, S-5
[Konrad] Conrad Wagner b. 1830 Borodino, S-5
[Konrad] Conrad Wagner see Konrad Wagner
Konad Wagner b. 1803 (Source: Heimatkalender)
Konrad Wagner b. 17 Sept 1809 d. 1889 m. 27 Dec 1834 Kloestitz/ Besss to Magdalena Nickel b. 18 May 1809 d. 1904. . Data from Ingrid Reule.
Konrad Wagner b. 17 Sept 1809 Neu Ilvesheim / Warschau, Poland d. 14 Oct 1889 Borodino / Bess. S. Russia, son of Adam Georg Wagner (b. abt 1775) and Barbara Steinke (b. abt 1777) m. 27 Dec 1834 Tarutino / Bess to Madalena Nickel b. 18 May 1809 Aich / Worms, Pfalz d. 1 Jan 1904 Borodino / Bess, dau. of Adam Nickel (b. 16 April 1786 Aiich / Worms, Pfalz d. 7 July 1849 Borodino/ Bess.) and Charlotte Becker (b. Jan 1788 Mettenheim / __, Pfalz) (Source: Ingrid Reule)
Konrad Wagner, age 41, b. abt 1809 son of Adam Georg Wagner (b. abt 1775) and Barbara Steinke (b. abt 1777)m. Magdalena Nickel, age 31, b. abt 1819 (Source: 1850 Borodino Census. NOTE: The 1835 Census tells us that he was abt 21 years old iwhich would mean he was b. about 1814. In the GRHS's report on the 1850 Census it tell us that 21 has been changed to 24. This would mean that Konrad was b. about 1811. It is believed he was born in 1809. This is the reason these records cannot always be as reliable as we, the researchers, hope.) Issue:
Konrad Wagner b. 17 Sept 1809
Ilwisheim, Poland d. 14 Nov 1889 Borodino, Bess.
S. Russia , son of Adam Georg Wagner (b.
abt 1775) and Barbara Steinke (b. abt 1777)
m. 27 Dec 1834 Tarutino/ Bess. to Magdalena Nickel
b. 16 March 1819 Alisch, Pfalz d. 11 Jan
1904 Borodino., dau. of Adam Nickel and Ccharlotta
Bauer , S-46, Issue:
Konrad Wagner b. 1809 Alt Ilvishein / Warschau-Pol., S-2 with wife Magdlaena Mueller b. 1799 Brenkenheim [Brackenheim?], Wu. , S-2
Konrad Wagner from Pol in 1814 to Borodino with wife Magd. Mueller fr. Brekenheim (?) - Wu. b. 1799 d. 1854
Konrad Wagner, age 21, b. abt 1814 m. to Magdalena Nickel, age 19, b. abt 1816, ((Source: 1835 Borodino Census)
Konrad Wagner b. abt 1814 m. 27 Dec 1834 Taurtino to Magdalena Nikkel b. abt 1816 , #1882643/1 176 62 [Note: he was 20 years old, b. Poland, son of Johann Adam Wagner; she was 18 years old, b. Borodino, dau. of Adam Nikkel].
Konrad Wagner see Conrad Wagner
Louisa Wagner , dau. of Kasper and Elizabeth, nee Hein, Wagner, b. abt 1835 m. Johannes Schaber
Lydia Wagner, dau. of John and Christina, nee Reile, Wagner, b. 21 July 1894 m. Edward Schock
Magdelena Wagner b. abt 1832 d. 1902 homestead n. Fairfax, SD USA , dau. of Johann F. and Maria, nee Lenzner, Wagner of Hoffnungstal. The Wagner family originally came from Hopfighein, Marbach, Germany in 1817. Magdelena m. Christian Metzger b. 1832 Hoffnungstal, S. Russia d. 1872, son of Christian and Christine, nee Schmied, Metzger. The Metzger family migr. from Holzerlingen, Wu, Germany in 1817 via the Danube River to Hoffnunstal/ Od. S. Russia. Information pps. 36-41, Vol. 5, Issue 3, Feb. 1998, Mertzger Family by Donna Metzger of the Hoffnungstal Odessa Newsletter by Dale Wahl. |
Magdalena Wagner b. 22 May 1864 Borodino, dau. of Michael Wagner and Katharina Mayer, #1884124/2 471 37; note: bap Kloestitz / Bess.
Magdalena Wagner b. 30 Oct 1867 Borodino, dau. of Michael Wagner and Philippina Bossert, #1884091/3 460 95
Margaretha Wagner, age 35, b. abt 1800 m. Michael Betsch, age 33, b. abt 1802 (Source: 1835 Borodino Census) Issue:
Margaretha Wagner, age 31, b. abt 1819 m. Christian Schwab, [step-son of Matthais Haberer, age 50, b. abt 1800). (Source:: 1850 Borodino Census) [NOTE: If Matthais Haberer wife, who is listed, is Christian Schwab's mother, then she should be mentioned, also. Her name was Susanna, nee Ulrich. There is not mention of Christian's father in 1850, however, his father is mention in 1835 as being Jacob Schwab.] Issue:
Margarethe Wagner b. 18 April 1819 Steinreinach / ____, Wuerttemberg m. Aug 1837 Arzis / Bess. S. Russia to Christian Schwab b. 15 Jan 1818 Beresina/ Bess. S. Russia d. 24 Jan 1871 Borodino / Bess. S. Russia, son of Michael Schwab and Maria Susanna Ulllrich (b. 1797) (Source: Ingrid Reule) Issue:
Mary Wagner, dau. of Michael and Kath., nee
Loeffelbein, Wagner b. 2 Sept 1890 m.
Andrew Rieb.
See letter: Issue:
Martha Wagner b. 21 Feb 1915 Borodinno, dau. of __NN__ Wagner and Christine, nee _NN__, m. abt 1939 to Alexander Anhold
Michael Wagner b. 5 Sept 1811 from Steinreinach / Waiblingen - Wu migr. to Borodino then to Lichtental/ Bess. with wife Kath. Otterstaetter b. 23 Jan. 1817 Borodino, S-1
Michael Wagner b. 1837 Borodino, S-5
Michael Wagner b. 1837, S-5
Michael Wagner b. 1840, S-5
Michael Wagner b. bef. 1848 m. Katherina Mayer Issue:
Michael Wagner b. bef. 1852 m. Philippina Bossert Issue:
Michael Wagner b. 10 Dec 1863 Borodino, son of Kasper Wagner and Christina Scheurer, #1884124/2 466 107
Michael Wagner b. 18 Apr 1864 Borodino, son of Adam Wagner and Louise Hein, #1884124/2 470 31
Michael Wagner , son of Adam Wagner and Elizabeth
Hein, b. 18 April 1864 Borodino d. 1947 Salem,
Oregon, USA m. 16 Jan 1886 Kloetitz, Bess. to Kathrina
Loeffelbein , dau. of Friedrich Loeffelbein
and Barbara Stadel, b. 16 April 1866 Beresina/Bess.
d. 11 Dec 1941 Salem, Oregon, USA. Issue:
Michael Wagner, b. 14 July 1869,. son of Johan Fried., and Kath. Heier, Wagner, m. Elizabeth Heine. Six Children.
Michael Wagner b. 14 June 1869 Borodino, son of Johan Wagner and
Katharina Heier, m. 1894 to Elisabeth
Hein b. 15 June 1873, dau. of Michael Hein and
Maria Elisabeth Motz.
Michael Wagner b. 16 April 1869 Borodino, son of Johann Wagner (b. 19 Dec 1838 d. 1 Oct 1908) and Katharina Heier (b. 4 Aug 1839 dd. 2 Jan 1915) (Source: Ingrid Reule; NOTE differs fr. Borodino rec. #1884124/2 470 31 of 14 April 1869??)
Michael Wagner, son of Michael and Kath. , nee Loeffelbein, Wagner, b. 12 march 1892 Ashley, ND m. Ethel Sargent
Michael Wagner b. 14 Jun 1869 Borodino, son of Johann Wagner and Katharina Heier, #1884110/3 437 47
Peter Wagner b. 1801 Ilvesheim / Mannheim-Ba, S-2
Peter Wagner b. 1 April 1801 Ilwesheim (sic) / by Warschau (Source: Heimatkalender)
Peter Wagner b. 1807 , migr. Borodino film #1766543, S-5
Peter Wagner b. 1807, migr. to Borodino film#1768265, S-5
Peter Wagner b. Jan 1807 Neu Ilvesheim/ Warschau, Poland d. 7 Ma 1866, son of Adam Geore Wagner (b. abt 1775) and Barbara Steinke (b. abt 1777) m. 25 July 1830 to Elisabetha Mueller b. 24 April 1808 Sulzfeld / ___, Poland d. 14 Apirl 1872 (Source: Ingrid Reule)
Peter Wagner b. . 4 Jan 1807
Kwitheim, Warsaw , Poland,
or, Neu Ilvesheim / n. Warsaw, Poland d. 7 May 1866 Borodino/ Bess., son
of Georg Adam Wagner and Barbara
Stein, m. 25 June 1830 to his brother's widow
Elizabeth, nee Mueller, Wagner. b. 28 Aug 1806
Sulzfelden/ Poland d. 14 April 1872 Borodino/
Bess. He inherited Henry Wagner's estate. Issue:
Peter Wagner, age 27, b. abt 1808, m. Elisabetha Mueller, age 31, b. abt 1804 (Source: 1835 Borodino Census) Living in Peter's house is his step-daughter Rosina Wagner, age 12. Issue:
Peter Wagner, age 43, b.. abt 1808 m. Elisabetha Mueller, age 44, b. abt 1806. (Source: 1850 Borodino Census). Issue:
Peter Wagner b. 25 Jan 1807 Neu Ilvesheim / Warschau, Poland d. 7 May 1866 Borodino / Bess. S. Russia, son of Adam Georg Wagner (b. abt 1775) and Barbara Steinke (b. abt 1777) m. 25 July 1830 Kloestitz/ Bess to Elisabeth Mueller b. 24 Aril 1808 Sulzfeld / ___, Poland d. 14 April 1872 Borodino / Bess. S. Russia (Source: Ingrid Reule) Issue:
Peter Wagner b. 22 Jul 1864 Borodino, son of Johann Wagner and Katharina Heier, #1884124/2 472 51
Peter Wagner b. 22 July 1864 Borodino, son of Johann Wagner (b. 19 Dec 1838 Borodino / Bess) and Katharina Heier (b. 4 Aug 1839 Alt Posttal / Bess.)
Peter Wagner m. ____ widow of Henry Wagner
Richard Wagner, son of John and Christina, nee Reile, Wagner, b. 11 Feb 1897 Selby, SD, USA m. Bertha Stangl
Rosa, nee ? , Wagner m. John Wagner
Rosina Wagner b. 3 Sept 1843 Borodino / Bess d. Aug 1866 Olgental / Bess m. 9 Dec 1865 Kloestitz / Bess to widower Gottlieb Bindewald b. 26 June 1833 d. 28 Feb 1908 [Note: Gottlieb's first wife was Karolina Lange b. 17 April 1836 After Rosina's death, Gottlieb married two more times. The third wife was Karolina Kautz b. 3 Nov 1848 and the fourth was Dorothea Hartmann.).
Rosina Wagner b. 16 Apr 1869 Borodino, dau. of Adam Wagner and Margaretha Mayer, #1884110/3 435 32
Sammuel Wagner, the younger b. early in 1700 poss Ilvesheim / Mannhein, Baden d. poss. Paltz / Hunrucken, Alsace. Son of Samuel Wagner, the elder. One child listed [in my records]: Gottlieb Wagner
Sameul Wagner, the elder, b. 1643 d. 1705 Paltz, Hunrucken, Alsace Issue:
Samuel Wagner Issue:
Sofia Wagner b. 1822 Borodino m. 25 Nov 1839 Beresina / Bess. to
Phillip Aug. Dietrich, son of Michael and Carolina,
nee Block Dietrich, b. 14 Nov 1818 Beresina
d. 2 Jan 1864 (fever) Beresina . She remmarried to Friedrich
Walz of Borodin on 24 April 1869. S-82,
Children were born in Beresina/Bess.:
Note#1-Wagners are also found in the Russian villages of Teplitz, Friedenstal, Sarata, Gnadental, Lichental.....
Note#2 - Brakenheim / Heilbronn-Wu
Mpte #3
Ingrid Reule Letters
Debbie Beck's A Bessarabia Web Site for German Russians
Ron Metz [S-46] e-mail 1 Dec 1999:
Dear Judy,
.....Iam researching Wagner, Nickel(Nikkel), Spiedel and Walz families. I have other Bessarabia photos but only sent the ones of Borodino. Let me know when the photos arrive! Thanks,
Ron Metz
- June 1999 -
in Borodino holding old photo of Borodino Lutheran Church
Wagners of Selby, SD
Selby SD, Golden Anniversary, 1900-1950. . . . . . . . . . .
Published by the Odessa Digital Library - 8 Mar 1994
Library: Odessa:
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Copyright 1994, Roger W. Ehrich, 1407 Locust Avenue, Blacksburg, VA 24060,
NOTE: This transcription of "Golden Anniversary Historical Book, 1900-1950 Selby, South Dakota" was prepared by Roger W. Ehrich on March 8, 1994. The book bears no copyright.
Mr. and Mrs. Johann Wagner, having raised a family of 11, found that chances for expanding their operations in the homeland were far too limited for the size of the family, which caused them to decide to go to America where land could be had just for living on it and tilling it. Johann Wagner was born in the village of Borodeno in Besserabia in South Russia on January 1, 1839. In 1860 he was married to Katherina Heier who was born October 20, 1839. To this union 11 children were born: Katherina, John I., Peter, Elizabeth, Michael, Christine, Gottfried, George, Hanna, Julius and one son who died very young.
Before coming to America the following children married and established homes of their own: Katherina (Mrs. Martin Kubier); John I. Wagner was married to Christine Riley; Elizabeth to Gottfried Heine; Peter and Michael also were married previous to coming to America. In the spring of 1894 Johann Wagner and his family, together with some of his married children and their families, started for America. Only two daughters and their families stayed behind, Katherina (Mrs. Martin Kubier) and Christine (Mrs. Loeffelbein). The Kubier family came to America a few years later, but Christina never came.
The families were headed for Bowdle, South Dakota where a distant relative lived who had encouraged Johann Wagner to come. The family became somewhat discouraged when they came through Chicago a few days after the violent Pullman strike, but when the sons got further west and saw the fine lands they were satisfied there was no mistake. The family arrived in Bowdle about the 3rd or 4th of May, 1894, and were brought to the Adam Wagner farm northwest of Bowdle, where the women and children stayed a few days while the men located land to file upon, and to build a temporary home.
Johann Wagner and two sons, John I. and Gottfried, located land two miles north of Selby, Mr. Wagner buying a relinquishment as did his son, John I.
Gottfried filed on a tree claim. The families built a 12 room sod house, and a sod barn as temporary housing on the NE 1/4 of 28-124-76. Peter and
Mike went further north to locate, Peter to Eureka, and Mike to Ashley, North Dakota.
Peter did not like the northern climate so went to Oklahoma where he permanently located.
Mike located on land northeast of Ashley.
One daughter, Elizabeth and her husband were encouraged by friends to join them in going to Salem, North Dakota where they located homesteads.
When proper details were arranged the family started to put in a crop. There were a few acres broken on Johann's and John's quarters, and beside that they were able to rent 60 acres from a neighbor. The father and sons had conducted a large work shop in their homeland so were able to build some of their implements, but they bought two plows and wagons and one team of horses, one team of oxen and three cows. While bringing the oxen and cows from Bowdle, Gottfried became lost so when he finally saw a farm he stopped to inquire where he was, and found he had taken the wrong fork in the road and had wandered too far north.
Their first crop was no bumper crop but was fair and the proceeds were sufficient to buy a few more necessities. Wheat sold for about 60 to 80 cents a bushel.
In the spring of 1895 Johann Wagner started to make adobe brick for a house to be built on his quarter, the southeast of 21-124-76. The bricks were made by mixing clay and straw to a consistency that it stuck. The mud was pressed into forms and stacked in the sun for drying and aging before building. The family was fortunate in their brick making and put out enough to also build a barn. Lumber for the roof was bought in Bowdle. The roof of the barn was made from timbers from the Missouri river, and covered with sod until finances were sufficient to put a wooden roof on in 1897.
Mr. Wagner also built a house on his NW 1/4 of 28-124-76 and moved his family over and set up farming, also to build up a very nice farm.
Gottfried, George, Hanna and Julius lived with their parents several years.
The sod house that was hurriedly built served as a small shanty for Gottfried, and when he built an adobe brick house and barn in 1897 on his NE 1/4 of 28-124-76, the sod house served as a temporary residence for many immigrants. The Kubier family were the first to use the sod house as a temporary home and were followed by the Wells family and Gottfried Heier family, brothers of Mrs. Johann Wagner, and several others. The Gottfried
Heier family and the Kubier family located homesteads in the Akaska area.
In 1898 the crops were good but an early winter set in which made choring a very difficult problem at times. Haystacks were completely covered and had to be shoveled out of the snow. The supplies had to be hauled from Bowdle which was a big day's journey. Snow along sleigh roads was 4 to 5 feet high, and only room for one sled. You could not pass another only in certain places. Gottfried tells of one instance when he was bringing home some coal. He met a sleigh loaded with grain sacks. The two men did not know what to do for a minute but it was agreed to unload the wheat sacks and tip the sled off the road and let the load of coal pass, and then reload the wheat. Both went their way again not to meet for many years, neither having inquired as to the others name, but in 1916 they met on the street in Selby and recognized each other and took time to get acquainted.
In 1899 when the railroad was being extended west, the Wagner boys got work on the grading gangs with their horses which enabled them to earn a little extra money. When Selby started in 1900 the Wagner's would walk two miles to work in Selby, helping folks who had moved homes from Bangor to get settled.
Gottfried was married to Elizabeth Himrich on October 31, 1901. To this union two children were born, Emil and Olga Wagner.
George Wagner started to work out as a hired hand before he became of age, and started to work as helper in a lumber yard in Bowdle and Eureka and Selby. He was also employed by Gross of Bowdle for a time. He was married to Elizabeth Ketterling of Bowdle, to which union three sons were born. George is now living in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Julius Wagner, who came to America as a lad, enjoyed attending the neighboring country school a mile and a half east of his father's farm. He in turn would teach Gottfried, who took care of the farm. When Julius became of age he wanted a homestead and found land southwest of Akaska as did his sister Hanna, Julius locating half a mile east of the Kubier farm.
They homesteaded in about 1903. In 1908 Julius was married to Lydia Himrich, and to this union four children were born: Esther, Reinhold, Clara and Susie who all attended the Selby schools at one time. Julius moved a house in to Selby and carried mail on a rural route for a number of years, often going out in quite stormy weather to get the mail through. He took quite sick in the flu epidemic which caused the collapse of a lung and therefore could not do hard work any more. He took on a Ward company medical route in Edmunds county. He was instantly killed while crossing the railroad tracks in Selby when his car was hit by a fast train. Mrs. Lydia
Wagner lives in Selby.
Johann Wagner died in 1906 and was laid to rest in a community cemetery two miles east of his home. Mrs. Wagner and her daughter carried on farming a year, renting out some land. Hanna was married in 1907 to Matt Ellwein of Roscoe, South Dakota, after which Mrs. Johann Wagner sold the personal property and went to live with her sons. She spent most of the time with Gottfried across the road from her home. She stayed with Gottfried until his health forced him to discontinue farming. Gottfried purchased a small home in Selby but agreed to again take his mother when his new home was finished which would have modern conveniences and living quarters for her.
She died on January 2, 1912, and was laid to rest beside her husband.
In settling the Johann Wagner estate, Gottfried purchased his father's homestead to go with his farm across the road, which he still owns. Although living a retired life in Selby, he still likes to spend many days on the farm.
John I. Wagner continued to live on his farm until 1926 when he decided to retire, and moved a house into Java where he and his wife died and were buried in the Java cemetery, leaving four children: Emma (Mrs. Alex Huber) of Selby; Christine (Mrs. John Schauer) of Selby; Mary (Mrs. Ed Schock) of Aberdeen, and Richard of Selby.
Of the Wagner boys who came to this country with their father in 1894. only Michael of Ellendale, North Dakota, Gottfried of Selby; and George of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, and one daughter, Hanna (Mrs. Ellwein) are still living. They have all endured pioneer hardships but have also enjoyed the blessings of good crops and prosperity, and good clean living. The Wagners' have often expressed gratitude to their father and mother for bringing them to this country, and letting them enjoy the freedom of a good government.
Colman Wagner was born in Austria-Hungary, January 18, 1868. He came to America with his parents, Michael and Theresa Wagner, and settled on a farm in Walworth county, 4 miles southwest of Selby, in 1888.
Christine Baer was born in Crimea, South Russia, September 2, 1871. She came to America with her parents, Bernhart and Katherine Baer, and settled on a farm in Walworth county, 22 miles southeast of Selby, in 1889.
Colman Wagner and Christine Baer were married February 1, 1893, and started farming on his homestead one mile south of his father's homestead. Here on this homestead their five children, Colman, Ernestine, Gazella, Wilhelmina and Arnold, were born.
The Baer church which was located about ten miles north of Hoven was started and built by Mrs. Wagner's parents and uncles.
In 1897 Colman Wagner entered into partnership with H. C. Baer in the implement and grain business in Bowdle. He went to Bowdle and back to the farm by bicycle until 1899 when he moved the family to Bowdle and back to the farm again in the same year. The Baer and Wagner partnership started an implement and grain business in Selby which Mr. Wagner managed along with his farming operations. In 1902 he moved with his family to Selby to continue in the business activities. The Baer and Wagner partnership continued in the implement and grain business until 1909 when the implement business was sold to Charles Schott and the Baer and Wagner partnership dissolved. Colman Wagner retained the grain elevator which business he continued until the elevator was set on fire by a train and burned down in 1923.
Mrs. Wagner, Mr. Wagner, Colman, Ernestine, Gazella, Arnold
(on lap). Wilhelmina.
Mr. Wagner was elected to the Selby city council in 1911 and served as councilman for 28 years until he died November 18, 1939. Mr. Wagner loved music and learned to play the violin and cornet without an instructor. He played with the Bangor and Selby bands for 46 years and always took an active part and interest in all band activities. He was considered as one of the best cornetists in this part of the country.
During the early years on the farm when Mr. Wagner was in business Mrs. Wagner often did most of the farm work, sometimes with hired men but more often alone. She did the chores, mowed and raked hay and took care of her small children.
Mrs. Wagner is the only one of the family still living at Selby at this time. The family still own the homestead farm and their home in Selby and Mrs. Wagner would rather live there than any other place.
The children, all living, are: Colman H. Wagner, county agent, Clark, South Dakota; Ernestine Miller and Gazella McIntyre of Idaho Falls, Idaho; Wilhelmina Allerdings of Los Angeles, California; and Dr. J. Arnold Wagner, a dentist at Seattle, Washington.
Selby data can be found at
In a message dated 5/29/03 9:38:57 PM, writes:
<< I have a couple corrections and additions to the Wagner webpage.
The source S-80 should be Norma Hettich, not Norma Hittich.
The daughter of John and Christina Wagner was Emma Wagner Huber, not Gertrude Emma Wagner Huber. (My mother, Norma Huber Hettich, was Emma Huber's daughter and does not recall ever having heard or seen where her mother's name was Gertrude. Emma may have had a sister named Gertrude that died as a child. My mother couldn't really remember.)
Daughters of Emma Wagner Huber were Palma Huber Klebel, Norma Huber Hettich, and Dolores Huber Hiatt.
I enjoy looking at your webpage.
Neva Welch
In a message dated 12/28/05 2:11:54 PM, writes:
Hey there,
I have a correction for you for the Rieb clan:
Mary Wagner, dau. of Michael and Kath., nee Loeffelbein, Wagner b. 2 Sept 1890 m. Andrew Rieb. Issue:
1. Gilbert Rieb
2. Sharon Rieb
3. Gladys Rieb
4. Walter Rieb
5. Albert Rieb
The correct order of this family tree from oldest to youngest is:
1. Gilbert
2. Sharon
3. Toni
4. Walter
5. Albert
6. Gladys
Colin Hendry
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes. --Douglas Adams
[Rote: S-240]
ubj: wagner family tree
Date: Saturday, October 28, 2006 2:57:38 PM
I have come across your family tree doing a search on google. I have an ancestor Johan George Zacharias Wagner b 1776 (my 2nd great-grandfather) who I suspect might have been the brother of George Adam born 1760. Could you please let me know if he appears on your list or if you have any record?
Your help is much appreciated.
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