Last Update: 4 March 2010
Duck and Goose Drippings [Fat]
Fowl stuffing:
For a 4 to six pound bird mix about a quart of dried bread crumbs with 1/4 cup of meltet butter and 34 to one cup of water. For moist stuffing add more water. For apple stuffing add a cup of chopped apples to the stuffing. Good tart ones work best. For Giblet stuffing, add a cup of cooked and chopped giblets.
For a ten to twelve pound bird, just double the above recipe.
Recipe from Menno, SD
You might add a note under the roasting duck or goose, to save the grease from roasting the duck or goose and strain through a sieve while still hot. Save this goose or duck fat to use when baking bread or buns, etc.. Nothing makes a finer lighter baked product than duck or goose fat.