German-Russian Bessarabian Colony of Borodino and Periojany [Beriojan] Chutor Genealogy List. Remmick-Hubert Web Site: Page H List - Letters
Last Updated: 22 Feb 2010
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R /S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z
Haarlose*, Haas, Haase, Haberer, Hach, Haeger, Haerter, Haetterle, Haertel, Hagedom, Hagedorn, Hagen, Hager*, Hahn*, Haier, Haller*, Handel, Haputman, Hargstaster(?) [poss Bergstrasser], Harlass, Harlos, Harlose*, Harloss, Harmel, Harter, Hartmann, Hartze, Hass, Hauf, Hauff, Haupt [Hauff?] , Hauser,[Hausser]] Hayer, Heberer, Hede, Hederley, Heforhes, Hehs [?Hess], Heger*, Hegner, Hehr, Heidsen, Heidt, Heier, Heihn, Heim, Hein*, Heirer, Helfrecht, Henke*, Henning, Hentz [Hintz], Henzel, Hepp, Herbst, Herr, Herter, Hertle, Herzge, Herzke, Herzker, Herzog, Hess*, Hesz, Hetzel(?), Hettich, Heydt, Heyn*, Hiersch, Hildebrand, Hildebrandt, Hiller, Himrich, Hindemith, Hintz, Hipp, Hirschkorn, Hirschmann, Hirkle, Hoch, Hoefel, Hoeffel, Hoeger*, Hoehn, Hoerter, Hoerth, Hoess, Hoffart, Hoffer, Hoffert, Hoffmann, Hoger, Hoier, Holdorf, Holstein, Holzhausen, Holzwarth, Hosel, Hoss, Hotz, Hoyer, Huberer, Huberle, Hubert**, Huesel, Humann, Humbert, Hummel, Hust
H to Heim /
Haerter / Hein
/ Hein2 / Hein3
/ Hein4 / Hein5 /
Hein6 / Hein7/
Hein 8 / Henke to
Herzog / Hess 1 /
Hess 2 / Hess
3 / Hettich to Hoeffel /
/ Hoeger
/ Hoeh. to Hz H6 /
Letters/ E-Mail of Interest
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1-Haberer E-Mail
S-50: Tom and Jan Stangl wrote 8 July 1998: "Just to pass on some good news. We found the German church records of the Haberer family of Borodino, Bess and Neu-Beresina, Odessa, while we were in Germany in June. Their POINT OF ORIGIN is the small village of ROHRBACH [now about seven hourse], which was in the extreme western edge of Wuerttemberg in 1803, when they emigrated to Alt-Ivesheim, Poland. The church records are found in Schiltach, Baden, a town which is about 5 km northwest of Rohrbach. As far as we know at this point, the records have never been microfilmed by LDS...." |
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In a message dated 6/4/03 2:50:18 AM,
<< Hi, My name is Andreas Haberer. I am from Germany. I was reading a lot of interesting things about the history of our family on your Webpage. Can you foreward this mail to someone of the Haberer family? Mayby they are interested to come in touch with me. I am living with my little Family in Bruehl- this is between Heidelberg and Mannheim. Most, of the rest of my Family live in the region between Worms and Bensheim. Best Regards Andreas Haberer |
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In a message dated 9/26/02 8:03:25 PM,Linda Herter: writes: I will begin by introducing myself. My name is Linda Herter of Golden Prairie, Sask., Canada. I am doing family history on my husband's side of the family and am having difficulty in tracing these people while in Russia. They were of German descent, their religion was Lutheran and they must have moved around quite a bit. My husband Larry's grandfather (DANIEL HAERTER / HERTER) immigrated from Russia sometime around 1910. I cannot find a passenger list for him, but I did find when his brother JACOB HAERTER / HERTER , wife PAULINE BITTNER and 5 children immigrated on May 27, 1909 and arrived at the Port of Quebec June 05, 1909. Jacob's d.o.b. was Sept. 1872 and birthplace is believed to be NEIMANCK, KRIM, RUSSIA. However, I have seen some microfiche and it states BORODINO as his birthplace. Also on this microfiche it mentions a PHILIPP d.o.b. 1874; JOHANNES d.o.b. 1876; ELISABETH d.o.b. 1878 all with BORODINO as the birthplace. The father of these children is listed as JACOB HARTER with an umelot above the a, and the mother is listed as FRIEDRIKA KRAMER with an umelot as well. There also was a GEORGE d.o.b. Aug. 16, 1880 as well as DANIEL d.o.b. Dec.25, 1889 but these are not found on this film. George's birthplace is listed as PRETORIA, SOUTH RUSSIA. There supposedly was another sister as well, maybe a MARY or MAGDELENA. JACOB HARTER died in Russia and his wife FRIEDRIKA (KRAMER / KRAEMER) HARTER immigrated to Canada along with her son GEORGE and family, as well as FRIEDRIKA"S brother ANDREW( ANDREAS) KRAMER / KRAEMER and family in 1911. I cannot find passenger lists for any of these people in the 1909-1912 time frame. I do not know the exact d.o.b. for FRIEDRIKA but on a website did find a d.o.b. for a FRIEDRIKA / FREDERIKA KRAMER as May 08, 1851 in BORODINO. ANDREW (ANDREAS) KRAMER / KRAEMER d.o.b. May 30, 1874 was born in MATHILDENDORF, BESSARABIA. I have the death certificate of ANDREW KRAMER and it states that his father was JOHN KRAMER and his mother as FREDERIKA ?, it looks like MEELZ or NEELZ. I want to trace this family history as far back as I can. George Dorscher gave me your email address ...... Linda Herter JARH: See Linda'scorrections in next letter >>
In a message dated 10/16/02 8:41:13 PM, writes: << This is in reply to the last email: Fredrica Meelz , Neelz, maybe even Meely or Neely. I had some info sent to me on a Johannes Kramer (Kraemer) and a Friederika Kroll (Knoll), (Knoell) and a list of 10 children. It states this; Friedrika Kramer b. May 08, 1951 Borodino; Andrew (Andreas) Kramer b. May 30, 1874 Mathildendorf, Bessarabia; Georg Kramer b. Sept. 29, 1868 Mathildendorf, Bess.; Barbara Kramer b. Mar 21, 1855 Teplitz; Katharina Kramer b. Mar 22, 1853 Borodino; Barbara Kramer b. Feb 07, 1858 Teplitz; Johannes Kraemer b. Feb 18, 1863 Mathildendorf; Margaretha Kraemer b. Aug 21, 1860 Borodino; Christina Kraemer b. Dec 21, 1870 Mathildendorf; Martin Kraemer B. Aug 11, 1850 Teplitz. The above mentioned Andrew Kramer I believe could be the brother of Friedrika Herter (Kramer). He died on May 24, 1938 and is buried a few miles from where I am living. However, the maiden names of the mother aren't even similiar in spelling ( Meelz, Neelz, Meely, Neely. Kroll, Knoll, Knoell). Could it be coincidence that the birth and death dates of this Andrew Kramer are the same as the Andrew Kramer that I am concerned about? How would his death date be known when he died here in Sask.? I also was told that Friedrika Kramer was raised in the village of KULM, Bessarabia which just happens to be the same village that my mother-in-law's mother came from. My mother-in-law's mother's name was Wilhelmina Knopp (Knapp) and her father was Andrew (Andreas) Sailer (Seiler). Jacob Haerter (Herter) married Friedrika Kraemer (Kramer) and they had 6-7 children. Jacob died in Russia, and some years later Friedrika, son Georg and his wife, and Friedrika's brother Andrew Kramer and family immigrated to Canada in 1911. #1.... Microfiche states Jacob Haerter (Herter), son of Jacob Haerter and Friedrika Kraemer was born Sept 1872 in Borodino.He married Pauline Bittner in 1893 and one of their sons called Jacob was born April 30, 1900 in Neimanck, Krim, Russia. I stated before that the Jacob Haerter (Herter) b.Sept 1872 was born in Neimanck, Krim, Russia, I had the wrong "Jacob". #2.Georg Haerter (Herter) b. Pretoria, S. Russia Canada in 1911 with his wife , mother, and mother's brother and his family. #3.Daniel Haerter (Herter) b. Dec.25, 1889 in Krim (Crimea) ?, Russia. Mig. about 1910 to Canada. He supposedly came with his nephew ( son of Daniel's brother Johannes who had died). The reason for leaving the country could have been that they had to join the army and therefore would they even be on a ship's list? #4. Philipp Haerter (Herter) b.Sept 28, 1874 and died as an infant, Borodino. #5. Johannes Haerter(Herter) b.Oct 22, 1876 Borodino #6. Elisabeth Haerter(Herter) b. May 10, 1878 Borodino I believe that there was also another sister in this family. I hope that I haven't confused you . I am sorry about the mistake in the birthplace of the Jacob's. If still unclear email again. Thanls. Linda
Hahn |
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Contact me for information.
Information on Helena Petrovna, nee von Hahn, Blavatsky, has been moved. You find her and other von Hahn's in my Hein genealogy This encludes the family of other von Hahn and Dolgorukov Families.
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In a message dated 23 Oct 2002 from Helmut Giessler
. The messasge was in German and bable fish translated it and I filled
in words and names not translated correctly:
<<My name is Helmut Giessller living in Wiernsheim / Stuttgart, Germany. My father is Rudolf Giessler b. ____ in Borodino. My grandfather was Rudolf Giessler b. 1886 in Borodino and his wife was Pauline, nee Hein, b. 1896. We are desc. of Friederich Giessler b. 1788 d. 1856 Borodino. who migr. at the age of 26 years old from Friedland / Mecklenburg. Pauline's parents were Jacob Hein and Christine , nee Haerter.>> |
![]() ................ ----- Original Message ----- Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 2:30 AM Subject: Re: Family name Hauff In a message dated 5/3/04 1:19:10 PM, helga.hauff writes: << Hello Judy, By coincidence I found your webpage with genealogical data on different family names on the internet. The reason I write to you is the family name Hauff which also is my family name. Also, the oldest Hauff on your list (Johann Georg Hauff, born 1797 who migrated to Poland and then to Bessarabia) and his wife come from the little village of Haiterbach where also my ancestors came from. I also know that Johann Georg Hauff's ancestors and my ancestors are related, in fact they have the go back to the same ancestor. By the way, nowadays there aren't any Hauffs in Haiterbach anymore. It looks like most of Johann Georg Hauff's descendants live now in Canada and in the USA. My ancestor who also left Haiterbach in the mid 18th century did not move so far as your Johann Georg. He moved from Haiterbach to a village in the Northern Black Forest, and members of the family Hauff still reside there. Are you a direct descendant of Johann Georg Hauff or how are you related to him? I found it very interesting to read the webpage and it would be nice to hear from you. Many regards from Germany Helga Hauff >> Note: Does not wish to give out e-mail.
In a message dated 4/17/02 3:26:51 AM, writes:
<< Hello! I'm an ancestor of Christian Hauser *08.11.1815 in Malojaroslawetz (Wittenberg) / Bessarabia m. Anna Kübler *1815 in Suzfeld / Poland. Their son is Johannes Hauser *03.12.1842 in Borodino. Do you have more informations about them? Tanja >>
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Hein Families |
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#Regine, nee Hess, Hein: In a letter from Flossie Libra |
Letter: Karl Hein is mentioned |
#Letters - Obit fr. e-mail: Wife of Louis Hein
Funeral services for Ida Hein, 89, of Ashley were Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2001, at 11 a.m. at Emmanuel United Methodist Church in Ashley Mrs. Hein died Sunday, Sept. 23, 2001, at the Ashley Medical Center. Ida Gruneich, daughter of Christoph and Christina (Schlenker) Gruneich was born March 25, 1912, six miles southwest of Kulm, ND. She attended country school near Kulm, then later at Kulm High School. She was united in marriage to Louis Hein on June 23, 1938, at Kulm. They made their home on her husbands farm 12 miles east of Ashley. They raised small grains and livestock. In 1966, they retired from farming and moved into Ashley. She then went to work at the Dinner Belle Cafe as a cook. She worked there for 10 years and two weeks until she retired. Her husband died in 1979. She continued to make Ashley her home. She was a member of Emmanuel United Methodist Church in Ashley and the Emmanuel United Methodist Women. Survivors include two sisters, Mellesina Mueller of Mandan, ND and Evangeline (Dan) Beck of Ellendale, ND, and two brothers, Albert (Martha*) Gruneich of Gult [Galt], CA, and Erwin (Hulda) Gruneich of Aberdeen. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband and one infant sister. Casketbearers were Dennis Quast of Forbes, ND, Roger Hein and Marvin Hein, both of Oakes, ND, Darold Opp of Aberdeen, Allen Anderson of Mandan and Mike Johannes of Minneapolis, MN. The organist was Laverna Wolf, and special music was performed by the Ashley Mens Quartet. |
Obit Annoucement:
Greeley Tribune Greeley, Colorado 02-06-02 Wilma Hein [wife of Albert George Hein] Wilma B. Hein, 74, of Fort Collins died Sunday, March 3, at Poudre Valley Hospital in Fort Collins. She was born April 26, 1927, to Jake and Mary (Rutz) Buderus in Windsor. On Feb. 5, 1946, she married Albert George in Fort Collins. He died July 22, 1994. Mrs. Hein was a homemaker. She helped farm the Mill farm on County Line Road. She was a member of Immanuel Christian Reformed Church and the Merry Megs Extension Club. She enjoyed gardening, chickens, fishing, camping, crafts and decorating cakes for her grandchildrenÕs birthdays. Survivors are a daughter, Kathy Hein of Fort Collins; two sons, Edwin of Windsor and Alvin of Torrington, Wyo.; two sisters, Verna Ernst of Torrington and Edna Schnorr of Johnstown; a brother, Chuck Buderus of Grand Junction; six grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Her husband, parents, and two brothers, Robert and Kenneth Buderus, are deceased. Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Thursday at Bohlender Funeral Chapel. Visitation will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Bohlender. Interment will be in Roselawn Cemetery. Contributions may be made to the Kathy Hein Memorial Fund in care of Bohlender, 121 W. Olive Street, Fort Collins, CO 80524. |
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Wednesday, June 12, 2002
Lodi News Sentinel, Lodi, CA Ella Hein, 81, of Lodi passed away Sunday, June 9 at her residence following an extended illness. She was born Ella Weigum on February 16, 1921 in Canada. Her family moved to Stockton when she was an infant. She graduated from Stockton High School in 1939 and she married Bennie Hein in Nevada on August 23, 1944. They lived in Stockton for all but two years of their married life. Her husband preceded her in death in 1994 and she moved to Lodi two years ago. She is survived by her daughter, Bonnie Crosby of Lodi; son, Ken Hein of Nevada; granddaughter, Cindy DelCarlo and her husband Leo of Stockton; and sister, Lillian Wheeler of Lodi. She was also preceded in death by a brother, Emil Weigum. Graveside services will be held Thursday at 10:00 am at Cherokee memorial Part with Chaplain Jim Russow of Hospice of San Joaquin officiating. Letters about Ella Hein: Hein Family Date: Sunday, November 6, 2005 8:23:51 PM From: Dear Judy; I accidently found your website and read two letters to you. One is a obit about my great-aunt Ella Weigum Hein, married to my grandfather's brother Benjamin "Bennie" Hein from Stockton, CA. Another was a letter from another of my grandfather's brother Walter and wife Marie, from Stockton-Lodi CA. I have been working on our families genealogy for sometime and have hit many brick walls. Are you related to us? I have only one contact from Canada, that has been very helpful, but he to seems to be having problems finding information as well. Martha Scherbenski is also mentioned and she is my grandfather's only sister from N.Dakota. Here is an example: Michael Heinrich m. Marie Zappel May 1825 Beresina, Poland (Great-great-great- great-grandparents) CHILDREN Christine Michael Johanna Elisabeth George (My great-great-great grandfather) Maria Magdalena George Heinrich m.Christina Motz Nov. 1859 CHILDREN David Johannes (My great-great grandfather) Jacob Christian Gottlieb Christina Elisabeth Leonard Maria George Daniel
Johannes Heinrich m. Christina Stickel 1881 CHILDREN Jacob (my great-grandfather) Samuel Karlina Johannes Gottfried Daniel Carl Reinhold Benjamin Magdelina Leonard (Note the Heinrich is changed to Hein as they come to the USA)
Jacob Hein m. Regina Gackley d. Jan. 1923 N. Dakota (2) Magdalina Horst CHILDREN David Jacob (My grandfather) Reinold John Martha Edwin Walter Benjamin Reuben
CHILDREN (Horst) Adam Maggie Emil Leonard Rosa Theadore Raymond Irene Orville
Please let me know if we are related and I will send more information to cross with you. Deb Wilson
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#Letters |
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E-mai, from Ingrid Reule ,, on
Magdalena, nee Hein, Oster, Wagner:
14 May 2002 "...Gilber Wanger was not a child to Magdalina Hein. The only son she had was with her first husband Edgar Walter Oster b. 11.06.1918 and +23.02.1925. When Magdalina remarried she was in her early fifties and too old to have babies. 1948 her first husband died. Leona told me that there were 3 children." |
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In a message dated 6/9/02 4:52:14 AM, writes:
<< Dear Judy, I checked the LDS film Nr.: 0071832, Culm- Landgemeinde for the Reule family and by accident I found the following birth entray and wrote it down for you: * 04.08.1795 in Kammer, Michael Hein, parents: Heinrich Hein and Christine Schumacherin. That is the Michael Hein who is mentioned in the Stumpp- book born in "Klammer". I think that might be interesting for you. With best wishes, Yours Ingrid>>
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Web Site of Kautz data: dated 26 Nov 02
Anna Hein April 07, 1862 Frank,Russia April 08, 1930 Billings,Montana
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In a message dated 12/28/02 2:41:24 AM, Alfred Hein, [S-233] writes
in part:
<< Hi Judy Remmick-Hubert .....He is listed on your sites as son of Michael Hein *1829 and Elisabeth Motz*1836.... Your Friend, Alfred Hein |
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e-mail removed ..... Sabine |
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In a message dated 5/25/03 9:55:19 AM, writes:
<< On a more serious note, you may have to update the Gruneich clan one more time. My husband Calvin died May 9, 2003. >> Nadine, nee Hein, Gruneich JARH: See Martha Hein, dau. of John Hein |
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In a message dated 6/3/03 5:25:32 PM, writes: << Hello Judy, It has been ages since I looked at any of this stuff. Nice improvements on your web site too. I noticed the error on my dad's birth year. Otto was born in 1940 not in 1933. His sister was born in 1933. Thanks I have some photos that I will email you too, as I have some time now as I am between jobs again. Sincerely Angel McKay ps. My husbands name is Keith McKay. >> [S-117]
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In a message dated 6/3/03 12:40:08 PM, writes:
<< Dear Judy, I'm currently researching passenger lists to find Glueckstalers arriving in North America, so they can be included in the immigrants list for next year's Glueckstal Colonies Research Association Bicentennial publications. When I find Glueckstalers on a ship, I always read the entire manifest and note any other GRs who traveled the same route and arrived the same date. Thus, I found the following entry and I'm wondering if you're interested.
S.S. Rhein, sailing from Bremen, 13 October 1910, arriving New York 25 October 1910. On board was Christof Hein, age 19, from Borodino, Bessarabia, traveling to join his brother, Ludwig Hein, in Ashley, ND. Father, Michael Hein, remained in Borodino, Bessarabia. He was 5'7" tall, had blond hair and black(?) eyes. He declared that he was carrying $70.
Is this one of yours? Best Wishes Allyn Brosz >> |
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In a message dated 7/20/03 4:31:00 PM, Stacy C., writes:
<< Hi, I figured the easiest way to list these additions/corrections was to start at the top of your page and work down. I've only listed birth/death dates for the deceased. Addition: Johanna Hein=Christian Schock Jr. Child #1 (not #7) - Rudolph Schock b. circa 1905, d. circa 1905 Child #2 - Emma Schock=Daniel D. Ruff .....Child #1 LaVerne Loretta Ruff b. March 05, 1934 Ashley, ND d. May 09, 2002 Everett, WA m. on June 23, 1951 in Aberdeen, SD to Marvin Heier b. June 29, 1929 d. September ?, 1960 spouse #2: m. on January 29, 1962 in Seattle, WA to Earl Glen Kimbro b. April 07, 1929 Boise, ID d. April 06, 2001 Everett, WA ..........Child #1 Barbara Rae Heier=Edward Zak ...............Child #1 Dawna LeeAnn Zak ...............Child #2 Emily Renee Zak m. Larry Kramer ....................Child #1 Aunika Leigh Kramer .....Child #2 Ralph (information okay) .....Child #3 Larry Lyle Ruff (twin) b. January 09, 1937 Long Lake, SD d. April 02, 1989 m. on February 01, 1964 to Judith Marie Hall .....Child #4 Lyle Ruff (twin) b. January 09, 1937 d. January 09, 1937 .....Child #5 Howard Ruff (info fine) ..........Child #1 Daniel Dean Ruff m. Heather Breen ...............Child #1 Ashley Amanda Ruff ...............Child #2 Emma Elaine Ruff ...............Child #3 Samantha Jean Ruff ...............Child #4 Johnathan Daniel "Bubba" Ruff ...............Child #5 Kylie Anne "Cookie" Ruff ...............Child #6 Tabitha Jane Ruff ..........Child #2 Timothy Terence Ruff m. Kim Hubbard .....Child #6 Donald D. Ruff b.May 05, 1941 Long Lake, SD d. September 13, 1971 Seattle, WA m. Sharon ? divorced after approx. 6 months .....Child #7 Arlene Emma Ruff m. Ronald Edward Armstrong ..........Child #1 Stacy (no E in my name) Marie Armstrong m. Ronald James Christopherson ..........Child #2 Cindy Ann Armstrong m Orrin Lee Converse IV ...............Child #1 Chloe Sianna Converse ..........Child #3 Amber Lee Armstrong m. JD Brandt (no periods in JD - that's his full name) ...............Child #1 James Edward Brandt ...............Child #2 Zachary David Brandt ...............Child #3 Jacob Daniel Brandt Child #3 Theodore Schock b.December 06, 1908 Ashley, ND d. January 13, 1966 Ashley, ND m. on September 28, 1940 in Ashley, ND to Kathryne Bertsch .....Child #1 Ann Marie Schock .....Child #2 Nancy Lee Schock (twin) .....Child #3 Tracy Theodore Schock (twin) m. Ursula Weise ..........Child #1 Joshua Schock ..........Child #2 Lindsey Schock .....Child #4 stillborn boy (twin) .....Child #5 stillborn girl (twin) .....Child #6 Sidney Jon Schock m. Susan Sackman ..........Child #1 Meagan Schock ..........Child #2 Joanna Schock Child #4 Esther (need to add H to her name) m. William Martz d. 1989 .....Child #1 Clarence Frederick Martz m. #1 Billie? no children, #2 Jill ?, #3 Marilee ?, #4 Caroline ? ..........Child #1 Royann (mother: Jill) ..........Child #2 Renae (mother: Marilee) Child #5 Viola (info fine) Child #6 Viola Christina Schock b. December 25, 1917 Ashley, ND d. April 9, 2000 Olympia, WA m. on August 31, 1941 at Johannesthal Baptist Church, SD to Harold Fischer Child #7 Leona (need A on end of name) b. December 15, 1921 Ashley, ND d. March 11, 1923 Ashley, ND Child #8 Ella Leona Schock (original birth certificate lists her name as Elia Viola but I have another, later, official b.c. with her name corrected to be Ella Leona) b. April 08, 1924 Ashley, ND d. December 06, 1973 Olympia, WA m. Clinton George Fleenor .....Child #1 Wanda Fleenor m. James Brady (Wanda is older than Karen) ..........Child #1 Lauri Ann Brady m. Craig Marsh ...............Child #1 Aiden Brady Marsh ..........Child #2 Brian James Brady ..........Child #3 Breann Elizabeth Brady .....Child #2 Karen Lynne Fleenor m. #1 Mike Tracy (no children) m. #2 Philip Michael Aragon ..........Child #1 Philip Kenneth Aragon ..........Child #2 Amy Marilyn Aragon
I think that's all for now!
Stacy C. >>
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This information was sent to me by Marie on February 15, 2000. In response to your letter concerning the Hein relation. To begin with Jacob Hein, Walts father; he had seven brothers namely: 1. Sam Hein - Canada 2. Carl Hein - Canada 3. Gottfried Hein - Canada 4. Benjamin Hein - Canada 5. Dan Hein - North Dakota 6. Rheinhold Hein - Canada 7. Leonard Hein - remained in Russia, he had a physical disability. 8. Walt Hein - she did not say where in the line he comes 9. A sister - no name yet. Walter knows very little of his ancestry, his mother died when Walt was about 10 years old. Dad (Jacob) remarried and accepted three of her children to the family, so there were seven brothers and one sister plus the three children of the wife. Walt and his step-brother left for California at the age of 16 with very little money, in 1936, so they were on their own from then on. It was during the depression, dust storms, no crops, no jobs. Later in 1937-38 , his folks moved to California. Three brothers and his sister stayed in Dakota, sister Martha is the only one still there. The other three passed away. Walts dad spoke very little of his ancestory. The Heins in Canada may know more, altho all of Dad Heins brothers have all passed away, but all their children still reside there, expect one the we know of. We traveled up ther twice for Hein family reunions. Some of the cousins there are well educated and may know more of their geneology. I will give you some addresses of the Canadian relatives: 1. Emil Hein ..... 2. Albert Hein .... 3. Ed and Vi .... 4. Bill and Elsie Link ..... Walt is 81 and I am 80 years. We are in fairly good health, we traveled a great deal with our RV, but have slowed down and still go on tour trips with various tour companies. We traveled to N.Dakota every three years to visit Martha and family. She may have some geneology information. Her address is Martha Scherbenski ...... We have quite a number of chapters of the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia; Address 632 D. St. Lincoln, Neb 68502. Here in California you may want to contact them for more information on your quest. The Mormon Church in SLC, Utah have geneology information also. I hope we have been helpful. Those older parents were so closed mouthed they never told their children anything. When Dad Hein married the second time he just brought her home with the three children, and announced this is your stepmother. He never told the younger ones when another baby was due. They were so, is the word, backwards? in that respect. Thats the way it was back then, they surely kept us in ignorance (so much for that). Walt was in the army; overseas 38 months in the South Pacific. He saw a lot of action. We got married and started out with zero. We have two college educated children a boy and a girl with excellent jobs and five grandchildren, who are great kids. Hope you can read this scribbling. Good luck, let us know if we are related. Sincerely, the Heins, Walt and Marie
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In a message dated 10/8/03 8:55:45 PM,
<< Dear Judy I came across your recent response in Rootsweb on St Petersburg and the surname Hein caught my attention. I am working on my familyt ree with my grandmother being born a Hein. I have traced the Hein family back to about 1800, Karl Hein and Charlotty Kaut from what is present day Lithuania, the area s/e of Kalvarija or n/e of Suwalki Poland. Have you possibly come across any Heins from this corner of Lithuania? Thank you Erwin Schmidt Mississauga Canada >> Letter #2 In a message dated 10/9/03 9:29:39 PM, writes: << They were small landowners and blacksmiths and attended the Lutheran Church in Kalvarija. >> |
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Letter #1
In a message dated 1/14/04 8:59:18 AM, Sabine Schindler , writes: << Hallo, my name ist Sabine Schindler, I am from Germany and I am searching for my father Otto Hein's ancestors. My great-great-great-great-grandfather was Georg Hein, born in Rudetz in 1807. His father was Konrad Hein, born July 15, 1833 in Borodino. According to the information on your homepage, we ought to have the same ancestors? I would be pleased to exchange dates and information with you. Unfortunately, I hardly have any information about Georg Hein and would like to know how his family went from Germany to Poland, Besserabia and back. I would appreciate your answer. Best regards, Sabine Schindler >>
Letter #2 In a message dated 1/21/04 3:57:51 AM, writes: << Hallo, ....Unfortunately, we do not have facilities for genealogical research as extensive as those in the US. Therefore, I very much have to rely on the internet regarding my search about Bessarabia. I was really impressed by your homepage; it is so packed with information, just great! Could you please send me the data about the Hein family in a ged format? In this way, I would be able to compare it with my data quite easily and, if necessary, to complete it. I would be pleased to supply you with my Hein file in this format. I just have to extract it from my family file first. I hope I will be able to do it this week. I'm sorry to say that I don't have any clue about Konrad Hein's parents myself. Maybe you have got some information for me so I can work on that question. Konrad Hein's family lived in Borodino and then in Jakobstal before being resettled to Germany. My father (born 1938) emigrated with his siblings and parents to Cannstatt (Germany) in approx. 1945. My mother was born in Swabia. Unfortunately, my father and his parents are not alive anymore, so I don't have any further information. (I've been researching for my Hein ancestors for about four years and I also do research about Hoffnungstal (Müller-Reinhardt family) and Germany. On your homepage, you often refer to a pedigree??/genealogical table???; how could I gain insight? Best regards, Sabine P.S.: My niece currently translates my emails as my command of the English language is quite outmoded. Do you know any German? >> Remmick's Notes: See M. Georg Hein b. 1807 family data:
Letter #4 <<...... Konrad Hein geb. 15.7.1833 in Borodino, verh. Karolina Nickel/Scheer ?? aus Paris
* Gottfried Hein geb.1.6. 1855 verh. Juliana Kraft * Christina Hein , gest. 25.12.1859
Gottfried Hein geb. 1.6.1855 Borodino, Tod 25.11.1929 Jakobstal, verh. 12.2.1875 in Klöstitz Juliana Kraft geb. 20.11.1855 Leipzig, gest. 21.8.1922 Jakobstal
* Jakob Hein geb. 9.7.1878 Karolina Flath geb. 12.4.1881 K * Johann Hein geb. 9.11.1870 Borodino. Tod * Friedrich Hein Tod * Friederika Hein geb. 12.10.1876 Borodino Tod * Rosina Hein Tod * Salomine Hein geb. 29.1.1883 Peterstal Heirat Hillius Emanuel am 14.6.1907 Klöstitz, geb. 22.10.1879 Neu Elft, Tod 1916 im 1. Weltkrieg * Friedrich Hein geb. 13.12.1886 * Reinhold Hein Tod * Alexander Hein Tod
Jakob Hein geb. 9.7.1878 Borodino, verh.12.2.1904 Karolina Flath in Klöstitz, geb. 12.4.1881 Klöstitz
* David Hein geb. 15.8.1905 gest. NN Jakobstal * Alois Hein geb. 5.2.1907 verh. Lydia Schoenberger 22.2.1933 in Borodino, geb. 11.2.1908 Mahtildendorf: Kind: Albert Hein geb. 11.6.1934, gest. 17.6.1934 Jakobstal * Reinhold Hein geb. 15.11.1908 verh. Herta Funk 13.2.1935, geb. 26.8.1915 Jakobstal, Kinder: Lilli Hein geb. 11.10.1935 in Jakobstal gest. Aug 1936 Jakobstal, Anna Lilli Hein geb. 11.6.1937 Jakobstal, Elfriede Hein geb. 27.4.1939 Jakobstal * Hulda Hein geb. 20.7.1910 verh. Julius Buechle * Alfred Hein geb. 20.11.1912 * Otto Hein geb. 15.10.1914 gest. NN Jakobstal * Albert Hein geb. 1916 gest. NN Jakobstal * Theodor Hein geb. 12.4. 1919, gest. NN Jakobstal
Alfred Hein geb. 20.11.1912 Jakobstal, gest. 1974 Pflugfelden/Ludwigsburg, verh. 13.6.1937 in Gnadenfeld, Else Mueller geb. 20.8.1913 Jakobstal, gest. 1959/60
1. Gertrud Hein NN 2. Otto Hein Kinder: Sabine Hein 3. Gerhardt Hein regards Sabine *Dates were given ____ but person is still living, I assume, so I have omitted these dates until there is a death date given. This is to protect living individuals from the bad guys. |
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Letter from: ??????? [Accidently was detached from original letter.
Do not know who sent this information]
<<....George Hein b. 1.10.1788 Maulbronn, died 30.11.1848 ...>> |
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Letter dated 23 Aug 2004 from Natalia,, on family of Alexander Hein of Heinrichstal/Zaporoshje-Prischib:
Dear Ms Remmick-Hubert
My name is Natalia Andrews-Hay and today is the first I have come across your website which was absolutely fascinating. I have been trying to research my Hein family on my fathers side for some time but as I have very little information it is proving rather difficult. From what I can gather my father Alexander Hein was born in Heinrichstahl near the Dnepr River on 31 October 1912. He was the youngest son of Heinrich Hein who agian was the younger brother of Jakob and Christian Hein. As my father spoke very little about his family I know of only a few other family members scattered across the globe but have not been able to obtain information about my grandmothers exact name or where the family may have come from in Germany. Since my father passed away 25 years ago finding other relatives is complicated. From your website I see that your family come from Borodino which is in Bessarabia and therefore a completely different area of the Ukraine how ever I would be very appreciative if you could suggest some avenues to follow in order to find where our family came from. I have second cousins in Germany and they are willing to help in searching documents but we are not sure where to start. Reading Russian is not a problem as I am a simultaneous interpreter and use Russian all the time however it is finding where records might be kept that is the problem. I have tried to access the LDS records of the St Petersburg Lutheran Archives I am not sure of exactly which church district I need to look for. Also I live in Sydney, Australia so it takes a while to obtain films from Utah.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Natalia Andrews-Hay
Note: Check out the Odessa Library under Collections. Go to full search and type in Heinrichstal. This will pull up records of those from Heinrichstal listed in the war records.
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Hein Family |
In a message dated 1/15/05 10:30:32 PM, Mike Hein, writes: It was great to see that I could link back some of my ancestors. It was unfortunate that I did ask more from my grandmother, Regine Hein (Hess) who died five years ago. I have included some changes (in red). There are children and marriges. If you like, I can update these. 1. Regine Hess b. 16 July 1911 m. Karl Hein and had lived in Edmonton, Canada See her story which was translated by Flossie Libra See Karl Hein for family in more detail. Issue: 2. Freeda Hein
Both Robert and Annie have deceased. There are a few other changes for Karl Hein's family tree.
Karl Hein b. 13 Dec 1895 d. 25 Oct 1970 m. 26 Nov 1927 to Regine Hess b. 16 July 1911 They migr. to Edmonton / Alberta, Canada Issue:
JARHT Note: See Regine, nee Hein, Hess' daughter letter under Hess Family. |
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David Hein
In a message dated 4/14/05 3:47:52 PM, writes: My grandaughter put me on your website. would you have information about DAVID HEIN born Jan 22 1857 in Krim Russia. He settled in Yankton South Dakota USA in 1877. I would appreciate any information I get. Letter #2 In a message dated 6/27/05 9:14:26 AM, writes: Subject: David Hein Sr. obituary clipping from the no. 45 Prairie Pixayune South Dakota DAVID HEIN CALLED Sunday afternoon marked the day close of the life of another of the pioneer settlers of this county when the spirit of David Hein left its earthly abode to answer the call of Him who wisely and will direct all things. As we are informed Mr. Hein was among the earliest settlers in this county coming about the year 1879 to take up a homestead. He was prominent in social and political circles and served this county in the official capacity of sheriff for nearly 18 years.For the passed five or six years he has been leading a more or less retired life resting from his arduous and active labors of his Lord. There was probably not another who was so generally known over the county and whose friends extend over such a large area. Mr. Hein was born in Krim, Russia on Jan. 22, 1857. At the age of 20 he came to this country and settled near Yankton S.D,where he was engaged in the pursuit of farming. After a little over a year residence in that community he moved to this county where he took up a homestead a short distance northwest of Artas where a postoffice later established bore his name. some twenty years ago he took up his residence in Mound City where he conducted a merchantile enterprice together his duties as sheriff.About seven years ago he moved to Herreid and conducted a hotel for a short period. Since then he has been living at intervals at Faith So. Dak. in Canada and in the vicinity of Glenham until he moved on the Frank Jilek farm south west of here.For a number of years Mr. Hein has been affected with stomach ailments and their complications and which the immediate cause. of his death He had been growing weak for some time but not until Saturday had he been confined to his bed and from which his soul departed to its reward Sunday afternoon, April,17 at the age of 64 years,2 months and 26 days. On April 28,1879 he was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Reimer at Yankton. His faithfull spouse together with two sons and six daughters survive to mourn his loss. Funeral services were conducted at the late home Tuseday afternoon and the remains accompanied by a large escort to their last resting place in the Mound City Cemetery. End |
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Walther Hein email DAVID HEIN David Hein and Elizaberth Riemer were married in Russia and lived there for some time before coming to South Dakota in 1878. They then moved to Campbell County in 1886 and fianally homesteaded near Artas which became the Hein post office. David and Elizabeth were post master and assistant postmaster. Then they moved to Mound City where Mr. Hein served as county sheriff for many years. The Heins also ran the hotel and the general store. Mr. Hein died in 1921, and his wife in 1928. The Hein family consisted of David (first born deceased at an young age). Flora. Christine. Mary. John. Josephine. Elizabeth. Dora. and David (my father). David my fathers family consisted of nine childern Martin. Ada. Emanuel. Ruth. Esther. Walther. Luis. Gerhard. Irvin. The family where born i n ( Pine Creek ) later became Waskatenau Alberta Canada.
DANIEL BORTH My mothers parents where born in south Russia , Province Bisrabian colony Berlin. They came to South Dakota 1888, homesteading around Mound City South Dakota. my grand mother name was Marie Borth (her family name Feye) There was six childern in the family consisting of Katie. Math. Daniel. Jakob. Leona (my mother) and Magdalena. I have a lot bills reciepts passports ect, I you are intrested I will photocopy them if I could get your mailing address and send them to you.
See more Hein letters .... continued |
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Heines of Dussesldorf and Hamburg Germany |
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Hildenbrand Families |
Letter: 29 April 1999: Hello Judy, >Time for me to pester you again. I have the naturalization papers of Jacob HILDENBRAND. He was born 2 April 1858 in Borodino. He settled in McIntosh County in ND and died there in June 1932. I am trying to locate the names of his parents ... A cousin of my grandma remembers there being an Uncle Jake and that he was buried near the farm in Lehr ND. I know that he had at least two wives - an Elizabeth HUMMEL whom I believe passed away in S. Russia and Helena BALZER who came with him and three children to the United States. ..This OBIT can be found in an 1932 issue of Der StaatsAnzeiger... like June or July issue... Any other suggestions on finding the name of his parents. I'm trying to prove that his father Johannes Hildenbrand was married to Christina WIEDMAIER and then later married Barbara WIEDMAIER, my great great grandmother. On his naturalization records it does show him residing last in Friedensfeld, S. Russia, -this is where my great grand father was born. Thanks -Kathy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Researching Surnames: Surrey England: LONGHURST-BOSWORTH-PENFOLD-WOOD South Russia: HILDENBRAND-WIDMAIER-SCHOCK-GUBART-ZIEBART, LANDSIEDEL-MUELLER-REILING-KUPFERSTEIN-LINK S.Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Michigan, USA: MITCHELL-QUINN-BARLOW-ARGO |
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Kath. Hildebrand b. Borodino/Bess. m. Samuel Kaldun b. bef. 1847 poss
Tarutino/Bess. S. Russia in 1832, father poss. Johann Jakob
Kaldun b. 1802.
Children: I. Justin Kaldun b. 13 Oct 1869 poss. Tarutino/Bess., S. Russia m. Ferdinand Manske on 23 Nov 1887 at Eigenfeld b. ? d. 11 Nob 1907 Shuttuck/OK, USA. Children were: 1. Ida Manske 2. Clara Marie Manske 3. John Manske 4. Mathilda Manske 5. Tobias Manske 6. Samuel Manske 7. Gotli[e]f Manske 8. Danile Manske 9. Benjamin Manske |
Hildenbrand[t] |
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Letter #1
The ship Havel left Bremen and arrived on 2 May 1895 in NY Harbor. This is the family that I said had different dates on their naturalization papers. Out of the four naturalization papers only one said they arrived in May 1895. One said May 1894 and the other two said April 1895. I thought they were all on different ships. Jay sent me the entire manifest for this ship, but I've only pulled the names of German-Russians. 0405. HILDEBRANDT, Barbara F 53y M Russia <<This is my great great grandmother Barbara Wiedmaier Hildebrandt, born in Alexanderhilf -she arrived in McIntosh County,ND in 1895, married Christoph Koepplin in Dec 1906 - rumored to have passed away around Napoleon, ND -would love to know what happened to her. In 1910 she was on the census in Lehr, McIntosh Co, ND. Her naturalization papers said she arrived in April 1895. 0406. HILDEBRANDT, Carl M 20y S Russia <<Carl, Born in Friedensfeld, S. Russiais the identical twin brother to Friedrick (below). He first married Maria BAUMANN, she passed away between 1914-1916, he then married Karoline SCHILLING STROBEL, the widow of Gottlieb STROBEL. The lived in McIntosh County, ND. Carl passed away in 1935. Karoline married his twin in 1941 after Fred lost his wife. Naturalization papers say he arrived in the US in May 1894. 0407. HILDEBRANDT, Friedrick M 20y S Russia <<<This is my great grandfather. I would have loved to have talked with this man, he passed away in 1951 before I was born. Fred first lived in Kulm and then later worked on his brother Israel's farm, north of Wishek, McIntosh Co. ND. Fred was first married to Eva SCHAFFER and they had five children. The youngest is Amelia Hildenbrand DOERR. She is living in a nursing home in Dimondale, MI and will be 95 years old in July. Eva passed away in April 1907 and Fred married my great grandmother, Pauline SCHOCK. They had six children. Pauline passed away in Feb 1941 and Fred married his brother's widow in Sept 1941. Karoline's daughters told their mom to marry him because "they all liked him, he looked like their dad, sounded like him too" so they married :) Naturalization papers said he arrived in May 1895. 0342. Fasser, Jakob M 31y M Russia <<<last name is now FASZER 0343. Fasser, Barbara F 26y M Russia <<<nee Hildebrandt, sister of Karl and Fred, born in Friedensfeld. Two daughters, Lydia (AMAN) and Ella (LIEBELT) are the only remaining siblings out of 11 children. The Faszer's naturalization papers said they arrived in April 1895. In 1910 they were found living in the Rosenthal Township area of McIntosh Co, ND. 0344. Fasser, Jakob M 3y S Russia <<Married Pauline BAUMANN 0346. Fasser, Paulina F 4m S Russia <<<<married John J. HILDENBRAND and lived in the Lodi, CA area...John J. Hildenbrand died in 1961 in San Joaquin County, parents were Hildenbrand/Koenig....Possibly Johannes HILDENBRAND and Katharina KOENIG <<<they arrived on the SS Augusta Victoria in May 1899. Can anyone confirm that the parents are Johannes and Katharina?
0403. Thicle, Ludwig M 26y M Russia <<< 0404. Hein, Gottfried M 26y M Russia <<<These two were close on the ship with Barbara Hildebrandt and her two sons Fred and Carl. Is there a connection? I do have searched the ODL for Hildebrandt info and could be the son of a Karl HEIN and Katharina HILDEBRANDT - I'm not sure if Katharina is connected to my Hildebrandt family though they were in the Borodino area before moving on to Friedensfeld. 0338. Stump, Vincenz M 55y M Russia 0339. Ronig, Karl M 48y M Russia <<< Probably Koenig..Possibly cousins??? Any one have any ideas? Letter #2 Yes, I do have they were in Borodino about the same time as my other Hildebrandt's. I'm trying to figure out if Katherina Hildebrandt's is related to my Hildebrandts in the area. Are her parents Johannes Hildebrandt and Christina Ruff? I did find the following children for Karl Hein and Katherina Hildebrandt on the ODL: Hein, Magdalena 20 Jan 1845 Friedenstal Carl Hildebrand, Katharina 1882636/1 410 3 Hein, Magdalena 20 Jan 1845 Borodino Karl Hildebrand, Katharina 1882636/2 64 10 Hein, Karl 30 Mar 1847 Borodino Carl Hildebrandt, Katharina 1882639/1 216 27 Heihn, Margaretha 15 Apr 1853 Friedenstahl Karl Hildebrandt, Katharina 1883188/1 171 31 Heihn, Katharina Christina 1 Jun 1855 Friedenthal Karl Hildebrandt, Katharina 1884075/1 282 27 Heihn, Christiana 21 Feb 1858 Friedenstal Karl Hildebrandt, Katharine 1884105/2 199 10 Heihn, Luisa 18 Jul 1860 Friedenstal Karl Hildebrandt, Katharina 1884080/1 231 33 PB 446; bap Toeplitz Heihn, Johannes Andreas 23 Nov 1862 Friedensthal Karl Hildebrandt, Katharina 1884095/3 205 53 bap Neu Arcis; pb 34 Heihn, Dorothea Friedrike 4 Sep 1867 Friendenstahl Karl Hildebrandt, Katharine 1884091/3 244 40
# Letter from Katy : 1 Aug 2001 - Hildenbrand Family continued:
I ordered a copy of Israel Hildebrandt's Pioneer biography by the WPA (1936-1940). The index (over 5,000 names) is at: ( a copy of each file can be ordered from NDSU for $5/per name) I transcribed Israel's file so that you could see the questions they asked on the questionnaire. Israel Hildebrandt was the brother to my great grandfather Fred. Old Settler Questionnaire 1. Name: Israel Hildebrandt Date of Birth: Oct 25, 1862 Birthplace: Borodino, Russia Nationality: German-Russian Location: Friedenvelt Russia Occupation: Farmer How did he get to America: boat Name of boat: Victoria Capt.: (blank) Sailing point: Odessa to Hamburg, waited 8 days at Hamburg for a boat to America Length of passage: 10 days Cost: 150 ruble for man & wife Port of entry in America? New York How did he get from that port of entry to his destination (rail, boat, or team?) Remained in New York 5 days, came to Eureka, S. Dak. by rail, arriving there May 28, 1889 2. Wife's Name: Susanna Moser Date of Birth: May 3, 1863 Birthplace: So. Russia Nationality: German-Russian Location: (blank) Occupation (blank) How did she get to America: boat Name of Boat: Victoria Capt.: (blank) Sailing point: Hamburg, Germ. Length of passage: 10 days Cost (blank) Port of entry in America? New York How did she get from that port of entry to her destination (rail, boat or team?) Rail
3. Mother's name: Barbara Wittmier Date of birth (blank) Birthplace (blank) Nationality (blank) Location (blank) Occupation (blank) How did she get to America? (blank) Name of boat (blank) Capt.: (blank) Sailing point; (blank) Length of passage: (blank) Cost (blank) Port of entry to America (blank) How did she get from that port of entry to her destination (rail, boat or team?) (blank)
4. Father's name: John Hildebrandt Date of birth (blank) Birthplace (blank) Nationality (blank) Location (blank) Occupation (blank) How did he get to America? (blank) Name of boat (blank) Capt.: (blank) Sailing point; (blank) Length of passage: (blank) Cost (blank) Port of entry to America (blank) How did he get from that port of entry to her destination (rail, boat or team?) (blank) (note from transcriber: it is noted on the side of this questionnaire that Israel's parents did not come to America. John Hildebrandt died in Russia in 1877, but Barbara Wittmier Hildebrandt did come to America. She arrived in 1895 on the ship Havel with her son's Fred and Karl and daughter Barbara who was with her husband Jakob Faszer and 3 children. Barbara lived in Lehr, McIntosh County and was married to Christoph Koepplin in Dec. 1906 - I have a copy of their marriage record) 5. Describe your early home and home life: Information furnished on attached sheet 6. Describe the early schools and churches: (note from transcriber - just the letter "T" on the line, nothing more as if they were interrupted when answering?) 7. When did you leave home? (blank) Where did you go? (blank) Why? (blank) What relative in your family induced you to go? (blank) What neighbor? (blank) 8. Where did you make your first permanent home? (twp) 133 range (77) (sec) 22 - in ( )'s above this it is handwritten "homestead" When were you married? Dec 29, 1883 (above the date in handwriting it says Zehrico, Russia) What are the names of your children (give married names of the girls) (present residence) Information given on attached sheet
9. Where was your next home (blank) How did you travel to it? (blank) Were there any later homes? (blank) Place (blank) Date (blank)
10. What business or occupation did you engage in: Farming Where? (blank) When? (blank)
11. What offices have you held? (town, county, or state, and the date of each) None
Office Length of term Dates Under Whom Where* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. (*Fort or town. If at any fort, tell about building of the fort, who commanded it there, and the names of the buildings, and the dates they were built)
12. Were you ever in the army? No Date of enlistment: (blank) enlistment papers (blank)
13. Have you made any long trips or voyages? No When? (blank) Under what circumstances? (blank) Give story of the same (blank) Did you keep a diary? (blank)
Children of Mr. and Mrs. Israel Hildebrandt
Name Address Date of birth Mrs. (Elizabeth) John Fode Bismarck May 9, 1886 (born in Russia) Mrs. (Barbara) George Weible Bismarck May 29, 1888 (born in Russia) Jacob (died at age 4) Nov. 1, 1884 (born in Russia) Mrs. (Susan) Nels Hanson Adrin Aug. 3, 1890 Mrs. (Rosie) Andrew Weixel Bismarck Feb. 29, 1892 Carrie (feeble minded) Nov. 25, 1893 John Wishek Oct. 18, 1896 2 children died in early infancy Charlie Burnstad Apr. 1, 1901 Mrs. (Emma) Edward Bender Lehr July 7, 1903 Mrs. (Ida) Paul Stephen Bismarck Nov 20, 1902
Early life in America: Mr. Hildebrandt filed his homestead in Ashley, June 14, 1889. Mr. Hildebrandt purchased a complete outfit for $400 in Eureka from a man named Piefer. For this he received a yoke of oxen, plow, wagon, food, supplies and other farm equipment. He purchased 3 hens and a rooster from a Mr. Weist (no. of Eureka) which gave him a start in chickens. He bought his first pig a year later from Mr. John Root (so. of Lehr) Mr. Hildebrandt said he broke 20 A. of land in August, 1889, but it was not planted until the next spring. The second year he planted flax but harvested a poor crop, receiving only 50 bu. which he sold in Eureka of $1.50 per bu. Mr. Hildebrandt informed me that not until 1891 did he have a really good crop. During the first summer, Mr. Hildebrandt stated he went to Eureka 14 times. The trip to Eureka could be made with oxen in one day. He bought his first team of horses and set of harnessing in 1891, for which he gave in return, 2 oxen and $200. A house made of sandstone (about 18' by 20') which was built in 1892 is still standing and is used by the family as a summer kitchen. The sandstone used in building this house was obtained about 1/2 mi. distant from the farm buildings. The house is still in excellent condition. Kathy |
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HEIER Johann 1836 13 36 40 1768294 1 Alt Posttal
HEIER Johann 1836 13 38 26 1767873 1 Alt Postal
HEIER Johann Georg 1851 199 107 1767873 1 Alt Postal
HEIER Johannes 1843 122 239 487 1766558 2 Kloestitz
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Wahl, Bessarabian Index, Phase 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Published by the Odessa Digital Library - 15 Jun 1994
This document may be freely used for personal, nonprofit purposes or linked by other WWW sites. It may also be shared with others, provided the header with copyright notice is included. However, it may not be republished in any form without permission of the copyright owner. Copyright 1994, DLW - 7370 Grevena Avenue NE, Bremerton, WA 98311-4042, (360) 692-8052 The Hess surnames are copied here with the permission of Dahl Wahl, [S-5], owner of the coyrighted material of 1994. Shows LDS film numbers, date of birth and having connection with Borodino / Bess. |
HESS, Benjamin 1909 287 156 1766614-1 Borodino to Kanada 1927 HESS, Christian 1880 314 169 1766614-1 Borodino HESS, Christian 1898 115 64 1766614-1 Borodino HESS, Christoph 1839 48 30 1766614-1 Borodino HESS, Christoph 1865 48 30 1766614-1 Borodino HESS, Emil 1909 314 169 1766614-1 Borodino HESS, Friedrich 1869 49 31 1766614-1 Borodino to Brazil 31.12.1925 HESS, Friedrich 1876 313 169 1766614-1 Borodino HESS, Friedrich 1901 49 31 1766614-1 Borodino to Brazil 31.12.1925 (Kaukasus) HESS, Gottlieb 1805 127 244 251 1768264-1 Beresina HESS, Gottlieb 1835 127 244 251 1768264-1 Beresina HESS, Gottlob 1896 287 156 1766614-1 Borodino to Kanada 1927 HESS, Jakob 1851 238 130 1766614-1 Borodino HESS, Jakob 1860 261 143 1766614-1 Borodino HESS, Jakob 1866 281 153 1766614-1 Borodino HESS, Jakob 1884 238 130 1766614-1 Borodino HESS, Jakob 1899 261 143 1766614-1 Borodino HESS, Jakob 1901 295 160 1766614-1 Borodino HESS, Jakob 1911 238 130 1766614-1 Borodino HESS, Johann 1880 315 170 1766614-1 Borodino HESS, Johann Georg 1839 315 170 1766614-1 Borodino HESS, Johannes 1856 26 19 1766614-1 Borodino HESS, Johannes 1890 51 32 1766614-1 Borodino HESS, Johannes 1899 313 169 1766614-1 Borodino HESS, Johannes 1903 49 31 1766614-1 Borodino to Brazil 1928 HESS, Reinhold 1877 399 236 1766541-1 Beresina (Borodino) HESS, Reinhold 1877 127 244 251 1768264-1 Beresina HESS, Reinhold 1879 50 31 1766614-1 Borodino HESS, Samuel 1876 287 156 1766614-1 Borodino HESS, Samuel 1888 261 143 1766614-1 Borodino HESS, Samuel 1899 295 160 1766614-1 Borodino
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HESS FAMILY - letters from Flossie Libra [S-12] |
MEMORIES OF BORODINO / BESSARABIA , as told to me [Flossie Libera]by
Regine Hein, Oct. 1982
Regine's parents, Samuel Hess and Katherine Ehni, were considered wee-to-do by Boroino standards. her fathers land holdings were larger than most. Besides what he recieved from his father he had boguth his brother Johannes share. The brother had disappeared while herding sheep and was never found. He also had added land from a Filler who had borrowed money from him. Samuel Hess was able to give each of his children 15 desatins (1 dessatine + 2 1/1 acres). He had nine children, Regine, the 7th. She recalled her mother did not mend their clothes but gave them away when worn. She did not want her children wearing patched clothes, a practice quite different from the necessity of many others. At certain times the Hess family traveled to the larger market of Tarutino to sell and to buy. Emil Regner, now of Didsbury Alberta, " [Canada], "described the Hess home as "a big white house on the corner". It is shown on the last map of Boroino avaiable as lot 331. The Regner home was down the adjoining side street. Both were on the south side of the village, so designated from the church in the center. The village, verylong and narrow, and divided by the Luthern Church......." Remmick's note: Complete story found on page 3 Regine, nee Hess, Hein's lineage:
Regine Hess m. M. Karl Hein. Issue: [All were living near Edmonton / Alberta , Canada]
Gen. 2 Jakob Hess b. 1 Jan 1828 Borodino m. 2 June 1848 to Dorothea Haberer b. 7 Jan 1832 Borodino, dau. of Andreas Haberer and Friederika Moesche. Issue:
Gen. 3 Adam Hess b. 1781 Eich n. Worms, Palatinate [Pfalz], Germany m. 1808 to Barbara Springling b. 1786 Eich n. Worms / Palatinate, Germany ------ Regine Hein's (Biography)(as learned from her by Flossie Libra - 1982) ---In Part---- Regine (Hess) Hein was born in Borodino, Bessarabia, Russia on July 167, 1911, one of nine living children of Samuel Hess and Katherine Ehni. Samuel Hess's parents were Jakob Hess and Dorothea Haberer. Jakob in turn was the son of Adam Hess and Barbara Springling the first generation to Bessarabia from Worms ind. Pfalz. Dorothea Haberer, daughter of Andreas haberer and Friedericka Moesche, also the first to Bessarabia from Wurtemberg. Both villages are now in West Germany. These relate to my own family as follows: My mother's mother was also a child of Jacob Hess and Barbara Springling, thus she and Regine's father were brother and sister. My mother and Regine were first cousins though at the time of Regine's birth my mother had been in the United States 13 years , since 1898. My grandmother Tetz, her mother, had, also, left Borodino, having remarried (Arthur Mauch) and moved to Kloestitz.
Following the first World War Bessarabia became part of Romania. Regine would have been about seven, thus her schooling and memories are from the Romanian period. This, too, was a decided advantage after World War II. During it Hitler had repartitinated the German settlers under an agreement with Stalin. Regine's parents plus brothers and sisters families eventually found their way to West Germany. German settlers on the east side of the Dniester River had remained under Russia and were resettled mainly in Siberia.
Only Regine's older brother, Gottlieb, his wife Lydia Hederley and children came to Canada, but earlier (1 927). Regine emigrated with them. She was 17. In telling of her departure she said her mother cried many tears making it hard for her to leave. But Regine felt it held the possibility of a better future. She also felt another sister was more favored at home making such conflict between them. The journey was begun from Borodino by wagon, leaving after lunch to arrive in nearby Bereina in time for the evening train. (Wether this rail line was there in my mother's time is unknown, since she traveled to Odessa to board a train.). Apparently this was was a slow local stopping at every station. They traveled all night and the next day to get to Kischineff (Kishinev). It's route was north and then east through Bendery (Bender) stopping there quite awhile. They would look across the Dniester River into Russian territory. With Kischineff on the railroads main line the speed of travel picked up, although they were once side tracked quite awhile to let another train pass that was carrying the Romanian King. He was quite sick at the time and died not long after. Their route took them through several European cities, including Budapest, Hungary where they stayed two days, eventually arriving in Paris in the evening. Here another physical, plus inoculations, were required before taking a small boat that connected to their ship. I believed they arrived in Canada at Montreal but not certain. It was June of 1927 when they came to Hanna, Alberta," [Canada], "to begin their new life..." "During the first summer Regine worked for a farm woman whose husband was away a good deal of the time drilling wells. By fall she was cooking on a cook wagon for harvest hands along with other girls. It was on the farm of her future husband's brother. She was marred in November. A month after her marriage she received a letter from her Aunt in Turtle Lake, North Dakota asking her to go to live with her. She was a sister of her mother's named Schock, and Regine often wondered if her life would have been quite different if she had not married so soon. She felt she would probably have gone to North Dakota. ...Regine and Karl Hein were married November 26, 1927 in the Lutheran parsonage in Coronation, Alberta. Karl Hein's first wife had died six months previously, leaving a 1 1/2 year daughter and Olga, who became Regine's step-daughter and was loved as her own. She was three the following January. Regine and karl farmed 3 miles north of Spondin, Alberta until 1932. Many Borodino and Bessarabian families were already in the area. My mother's sister Emilie Lehman and family were near the Hein farm (Lydia and Regine's daughter Freeda use to write to each other after the Heins moved away). A mile south of Lehmans was Moetz (Mrs. Fredericka Schock was sister to the wife of Regine's cousin, Emile Hess -- the oldest son of her uncle Andreas, the one who cast spells.). A mile from Moetz were the Regners, Emil's parents. Depression prices and almost no crops during the drought years forced Regina and Karl to sell their stock and leave.... Going into the 'bush' of the Peace River country they paid $10 for a homestead of 160 acres near Heinz Creek, living there for 13 years.... ....1947 . They bought a farm at Onoway, Alberta, very close to the west side of Edmonton. The last two children were born at Onoway.... ....Karl died in 1970 but Regine still lives in the same house....." [1982]. It is a good time for memories, as well as making more of them." The End. * See Mike Hein's Letter on corrections and additions in Regine, nee Hein, Hess's family |
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Hess Letter:Dbbie White, e-mail", dated 2 oct 2000 Judy, This is my Hess information, I saw you had Hess listed in your surnames. Corrections or additions would be greatly appreciated Debbie
HEINRICH1 HESS was born August 23, 1800 in Hugstetten-Frieburg, Baden, Germany, and died June 29, 1855 in Hoffnungstal, Kr Akkermann, Bessarabia, Russia. He married KAROLINE RADKE 1830 in Russia.
Children of HEINRICH HESS and KAROLINE RADKE are: i. CHRISTIANA2 HESS, b. September 07, 1832, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol, Taurien, Russia; m. KARL WAHL, June 23, 1855, Hoffnungstal, Kr Akkermann, Bessarabia, Russia. 2. ii. DAVID HESS, b. June 06, 1835, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol, Taurien, Russia.
iii. JACOB HESS, b. November 11, 1838, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol, Taurien, Russia; d. July 04, 1854, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol, Taurien, Russia. 3. iv. CHAROLETTE HESS, b. January 18, 1840, Hochstaedt, Molotchna, Russia; d. October 15, 1873, Hoffnungsthal, Ukrain, Russia.
v. KATHARINE HESS, b. 1842, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol, Taurien, Russia; d. February 10, 1842, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol, Taurien, Russia.
vi. EVA MAGDELENA HESS, b. December 25, 1844, Hoffnungstal, Kr Akkermann, Bessarabia, Russia; m. JOHANN WITTMAIER, October 21, 1862, Klostitz, Kr Akkermann, Bessarabia, Russia.
vii. PETER HESS, b. May 30, 1847, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol, Taurien, Russia.
viii. BARBARA HESS, b. July 22, 1848, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol, Taurien, Russia; d. September 26, 1849, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol, Taurien, Russia.
ix. KAROLINA HESS, b. June 28, 1851, Hoffnungstal, Kr Akkermann, Bessarabia, Russia; m. JOHANN KUCH, November 13, 1869, Klostitz, Kr Akkermann, Bessarabia, Russia.
x. MAGDELENA HESS, b. December 15, 1853, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol, Taurien, Russia; d. July 02, 1855, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol, Taurien, Russia.
3. CHAROLETTE2 HESS (HEINRICH1) was born January 18, 1840 in Hochstaedt, Molotchna, Russia, and died October 15, 1873 in Hoffnungsthal, Ukrain, Russia. She married JOHANN ADAM MANNHALTER February 07, 1857 in Kloestitz, son of GEORG MANNHALTER and ELIZABETH KAUTZ. -end of e-mail---- |
![]() Hess Letter #1 from: Armin Bruege 23 Aug 2016 Dear Judy, First of all, thank you very much for all the detailed work you do and did in the past! Thanks to your help I was able to obtain a lot of information about my ancestors and am able to forward this to my children as well. I am direct descendant of Adam Hess b. 1781 Eich / north of Worms, Palatinate m. Barbara Springling in 1805. And I also was wondering why there are Hess from Aich / Nuertingen (Wuerttemberg) and Eich (Worms / Palatinate). So I started research and was lucky that the city of EIch / Worms started an "emigration project". (http// Letter #2 26 Aug 2016 Dear Judy, Thanks for your response. I am happy if you add my e-mail as As a side note: "Hess" and "Wallewein" is my mothers side from Borodino. My fathers side is also from Bessarabia, from "Tarutino" with the names "Bruege" and "Schlenker". With kind regards / Met vriendelijke groet Mit freundlichen Gruessen Armin |
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Heydt Family Letters |
From Joerg Fischer, e-mail:
I come from Germany and I'm interested in searching for ancestors. A part of my family was born in south russia and I read in the internet that you have maybe further informations about the village Borodino in Bessarabia. The following Person lived in Borodino, but I think only for a short time. I couldn't found him and his family in the church records. And so I want to ask you what you know about: Jakob Heydt (one daughter is Elisabetha, born 1822 in Karlsruhe/ Molotschna/ Taurien). He lived in Borodino in the time around 1842. If you also know, where I can get informations about the village Karlsruhe/ Taurien, please contact me. I hope you can help me and I hope also, that you understand me strange English. I learned it in school and used it very seldom. I'm looking forward to your answer. Best wishes: Joerg Fischer |
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Hildenbrand[t] |
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Hoeffel Family Letters |
Letter#2: 22 Feb 1999 from Doug : |
Yes... you can certainly use my name and e-mail for your site for HOEFFEL's. I am very interested in the HOEFFEL's in France and Germany. You can also include the following: I am a direct descendant of Charles HOEFFEL born 12-8-1780 and died 12-9-1852 in Lutzelbourg, Lorraine, France. His sons Michael and Edward left France for Defiance Co., OH. I am a descendant of Michael. I have also found a reference to a Magistrate Philipp Jacob HOEFFEL, chief forester and master of the hounds, from Bouxwiller, Alsace, Germany (now France) in around 1648 who may or may not be related to Charles HOEFFEL in Lutzelbourg. I'm trying to see if the 2 HOEFFEL's are related. Another interesting tid bit... currently there is a Daniel HOEFFEL who is a minister in Alsace, France. That is like being a govenor of a state in the US. Anyways, I e-mailed him and his daughter, Dominique, responded. The response is as follows: ------------Letter to Doug HELLO DOUG Thanks for your message. I was very happy to get your mail. I am extremely interested in our family's genealogy. We are the descendants of the Hoeffels in Bouxwiller, and of Tim Hoeffel. We had a meeting with 200 members of the Hoeffel family from the whole world in May 1998. I'll try to find some more stuff for you in our family's attic. This was Dominique, Daniel's daughter. Sincerely Yours. ... please feel free to contact me or forward my e-mail to nyone interested in HOEFFEL's. -------------End of Letter to Doug Good day... Doug
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Hoeffel Family |
Shelley _____,,
Hoeffel family, dated 10 Jan 20000:
.....I am a direct descendnet of Charles Hoeffel b. 12/8/1780 in Lutzelbourg, Lorraine Fance. I was wornding if you could help...." Thank you, Shelley |
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Hoffman Letter:Letter from Roland Nies [S.225] dated 28 July 2000: See Gottfried Hoffman Gen. 1 Annetta L. Maier m. Roland Nies Gen. 2 Friedrich Maier b. 8 Jan 1904 Ashley, ND, d. 3 Feb 1987 Ashley, ND m. 24 Oct 1926 to Emila Hoffman b. 15 May 1906 Coldwater, ND d. 9 Sept 1928 Aberdeen, SD Gen. 3 Johannes Maier b. 3 oct 1869 Bersina/Bess. S. Russia d. 14 Feb 1959 Ashley, ND, USA m. 25 Jan 1890 Beresina/ Bess. S. Russia to Sarah Rempfer b. 16 April 1871 Beresina/Bess. S. Russia d. 28 Oct 1957 Ashley, ND Johannes Hoffmann b. 2 May 1878 Borodino / Bess. S. Russia d. 13 Jan 1971 m. 29 Dec 1898 to Christina Walz b. 17 March 1877 Beresina/ Bess. S. Russia Gen.4 Johannes Georg Maier b. 30 June 1834 Beresina/Bess. S. Russia d. 20 Feb 1881 Beresina/ Bess. S. Russia m. 24 Feb 1861 to Johanna Muller b. 9 Aug 1839 Beresina/ Bess. S. Russia d. 14 Aug 1884 Beresina/ Bess. S. Russia Matthaus Rempfer b. 1841 d. 1884 m. Dorothea Nitschke Johannes Hoffman b. 24 Sept 1851 Borodino/ Bess. S. Russia d. Feb 1923 Ashley, ND USA m. 4 March 1877 to Margaretha Kessel b. 24 Nov 1857 d. 1953 Ashley, ND, USA Phillip Walz b. 6 Jan 1851 Beresina/ Bess. S. Russia d. 25 Aug 1935 m. 8 Jan 1873 to Magdalena Dashendorf Gen. 5 Friedrich Maier b. 25 July d. 1 Dec 1863 m. March 1811 to Friedericka Ulrich b. 5 May 1794 d. 29 June 1851 Gottfried Muller b. 4 April 1808 d. 11 Feb 1853 m. Eva Rosina Fegien b. 1802 d. 16 Jan 1847 Johann F. Rempfer b. 1807 d. 1879 m. Wilhelmina Anhorn Gottfried Hoffman b. 21 March 1816 Borodino m. Karolina Mag. Tetz b. 10 July 1830 John Kessel b. 1825 m. ____ Fredrick Walz b. 17 Dec 1825 m. 1 Dec 1850 to Carolina Dietich b. 13 April 1831 Gen 6 Johann F. Rempfer b. 1782 Gultingen/ Calw, Wu m. Anna Maria Rieger b. 1786 Gultingen / Calw-Wu d. 1849 Johann Gottfried Hoffman b. 4 Sept 1792 Delitz/ Saxony d. 1860 Bordino / Bess. S. Russia m. Friederika, nee Renz, Kuebler b. 24 Sept 1802 ___Stuttgart, Wu. d. ___ Mathaus Kessel b. 1777 m. Magdalena Otterstetter Balthasar Walz b. 1800 Nagold/ Calw d. 1831 Wittenberg/ Bess. S. Russia m. Dorothea Frederick b. 1805
questions, corrections and additions, contact me at:
A / B / C / D / E / F / G / H / I / J / K / L / M / N / O / P / Q / R /S / T / U / V / W / X / Y / Z
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