Last Updated: 15 Sept 2016

Hein family continued.
/ B / C /
D / E /
F / G /
H / I /
J / K /
L / M /
N / O /
P / Q /
R /S /
T / U /
V / W /
X / Y /
Haas, Haase,
Haerter, Haetterle, Haertel,
Haputman, Hargstaster(?)
[poss Bergstrasser], Harlass, Harlos,
Harlose*, Harloss, Harmel,
Hartze, Hass,
Hauf, Hauff, Haupt [Hauff?] ,
Heberer, Hede,
Hederley, Heforhes,
Hehs [?Hess], Heger*,
Hegner, Hehr, Heidsen, Heidt, Heier,
Heihn, Heim,
Heirer, Helfrecht,
Henning, Hentz [Hintz], Henzel,
Hepp, Herbst,
Herr, Herter,
Hertle, Herzge,
Herzke, Herzker,
Hesz, Hetzel(?),
Heydt, Heyn*,
Hildebrand, Hildebrandt, Hiller,
Hipp, Hirschkorn,
Hirschmann, Hirkle,
Hoch, Hoefel,
Hoeger*, Hoehn,
Hoerter, Hoerth,
Hoess, Hoffart,
Hoffer, Hoffert,
Hoger, Hoier, Holdorf, Holstein, Holzhausen,
Holzwarth, Hosel,
Hoss, Hotz, Hoyer, Huberer,
Humann, Humbert, Hummel,
H to Heim /
Haerter / Hein
/ Hein2 / Hein3
/ Hein4 / Hein5 /
Hein6 / Hein7/
Hein 8 /Henke to
Herzog / Hess 1 /
Hess 2 / Hess
3 / Hettich to Hoeffel /
Hoeger / Hoeh. to Hz
H6 /
Information from AHGRS's Germans Origin Project::
HessFN: said by the Belowescher Kolonien FSL
to be fromUC Isenburg (no locality mentioned) and a daughter married
HessFN: said by the Doenhof FSL to be fromUC
Gelnhausen (no locality mentioned).
HessFN: said by the Goebel FSL to be fromUC
Sipsmar(?), Breitenbach. Later spelled Gess and his 2nd wife's maiden name
is given as Goetz (Mai1798:Gb15).
HessFN: said by the Katharinenstadt FSL to be
fromUC Gruenberg.
HessFN: said by the Koehler FSL to be the maiden
name of frau Gerber.
HessFN: said by the Preuss FSL to be fromUC Dalheim,
HessFN: this family name was found recorded in
Winterhausen marriage records 1760-1769; see Flegel
Gen. #99
Hans Hess b. 1526 Wolfschugen d. 26 April 1573
/ Nuertingen-Wu. [Germany] m. Anna __NN__.
The lineage shows Hans' des. who
migr. to Borodino / Bess. S. Russia
? Hess, child of Jakob Hess and Dorothea
Haberer, m.
Giesler, S-3
? Hess b. poss. Borodino d. poss Brazil, S. America, dau. of Jakob
Hess m. Christian Eichelberk
Adam Hess b. 1781 d. 1853 Borodino migr. fr. Aich,
Nuertingen-Wu, S-1, S-2, S-5
Adam Hess b. 1781 Eich / north of Worms,
Palatinate m. Barbara Springling in 1805
. One child known. S-3
JARH Note: Curious. One Adam Hess is from
Aich and the other is from Eich. Sometimes "E" is pronounced "A". Both
are not that far away from Lutzelsachsen / Nuertingen -[Ba].-Wu and
Feudenheim / Nuertingen, [Ba.-] Wu. Eich is north of Worms. Aich
south of Worms and west of Mannheim. That still places them in close
range of the Hess families of Groetzingen / Nuertingen-
Ba.- Wu.
Adam Hess, age 53, b. at 1782 m. to Barbara
Springling, age 44, b. abt 1791 (Source: 1835
Borodino Census) Issue:
Konrad Hess, age 20
Jakob Heinrich , age 6
Katharina Hess, age 5
Adam Hess, age 69, b. abt 1781 m. Barbara Springling, age 64, b. abt
1786 (Source: Borodino 1850 Census) Issue
Konrad b. abt 1815 d. 1836
Jakob, age 22, b. abt 1828 m. Dorothea Haberer, age 18, b. abt 1832
Adam Hess b. 27 Oct 1781
Eich / north of Worms, Pfalz
[Palatinate], Germany not
An der Aich / Oberensingen, n. Nuertingen, Esslingen
Dist., Stuttgart Admin., Baden-Wuerttemberg .d. 12 or
21 Dec 1853 Borodino / Bess. S. Russia
m. 1808 to Barbara Springling b. 1786
in Eich, n. Worms/ Palatinate [Pfalz]. d. ____
(Source: C.H; & Arthur
E. Flegel has his death the 21 Dec 1853) .)
Note from Armin Bruege tells us that Adam is listed in Eich / Pfalz
and there was a family of Hess from Aich but not this Adam Hess and wife
Barbara. Corrected 15 Sept 2016, See Bruege's
e-mail. Issue:
Konrad Hess b. abt 1815 d. 1836 (Source: 1850 Borodino Census)
Jakob Hess b. 1 June 1828 Borodino
/ Bess. S. Russia d. 9 Jan 1896 Borodino, m. 2 June 1849 Kloestitz
to Magdalena Dorothea Haberer
b. 7 Jan 1832 Borodino d. 15 July 1886 Borodino, dau. of Andreas Haberer
(b. 21 March 1798 Rohrbach / __, Wuerttemberg) and
Friederika Mehle (b. 16 Dec 1799
Lieingeim / __, Wuerttemberg) Issue:
Andreas Hess b. 16 Oct 1851 Borodino b. 16 Oct
1851 Borodino / Bess m. (1) Friederika
b. 17 Oct 1851 Borodino, dau. of Karl
Tetz (b. 18 April 1828 Borodino) and Katharina Barbara
(b. 22 Jan 1832 Borodino) ; m. (2)
Maria Taschner Issue:
Friedrich Hess b. 9 Jan 1876 Borodino
m. 22 Jan 1899 Kloestitz to
Maria Schock b. 17 Nov 1879 Borodino, dau. of
Karl Schock b. 4 Dec 1858 Borodino / Bess and Elisabetha
Bodamer (b. 9 Jan
1856 Kloestitz/ Bess) Issue:
Johannes Hess b. 25 Nov 1899 Borodino
m. 30 May 1923 Kloestitz/ Bess to Maria
b. 2 Feb 1900 Borodino, dau. of Johanns
Weber (b. 3 Nov 1873 Borodino) and Barbara
(b. 22 June 1876 Hoffnungstal / Bess)
Elsa Hess b. 28 Sept 1925 Borodino
Ida Hess b. 25 Sept 1926 Borodino
Magdalena Hess b. 26 Oct 1929 Borodino
child / no name given
Albert Hess b. 21 Jan 1933 Borodino
Emil Hess b. 27 July 1909 d. 1913
Borodino/Bess m. 9 Dec 1931 Borodino to Marta
b. 21 Aug 1908 Borodino, dau. of Johann
Fried b. 8 Oct 1876 Borodino) and Katharina Bippus (b. 31 Dec 1880 Borodino)
Issue: 3 children/ no names given
Johanna Hess b. 12 May 1878 m. David Motz b.
23 April 1876 Borodino, son of Jakob Motz (b. 14 June
1846 Borodino) and Katharina Sackmann
(b. 24 Jan 1848
Borodino) Issue:
Jakob Motz m. 10 Feb 1926 Kloestitz
/ Bess to Pauline Kaepple /
Kapple b. 6 June 1899 Hoffnungtal
/ Bess, dau. of Jakob Kaepple (b. 3 Oct 1870 Hoffnungstal / ess) and Katharina
(b. 1 ug 1872 Neufall / Bess. S. Russia)
Elfrieda Motz b. 11 Dec 1926 Borodino /
Emil Motz b. 16 April 1928 Borodino
Hilda Motz b. 16 June 1929 Borodino
Erna Motz b. 26 March 1932 Borodino
child / no name given
Johannes Motz m. 15 Jan 1931 Kloestitz/
Bess to Ottilie
b. 11 April 1907 Jakobstal / Bess, dau. of Israel Schaber (b. 1866 Borodino)
and Eva Ulrich
(b. 1869 Borodino) Issue: 2
children / no names given
Daniel Motz
Reinhold Motz
Benjamin Motz
Regina Motz m. Gottlieb
b. 27 Jn 1907 Hannovka/ Bess.
Issue: 1 child / no name given
Christian Hess b. 13 Feb 1880 Borodino m. 14
Dec 1906 Kloestitz/ Bess to Emilia
Ost b. 14 Aril 1889 Borodino, dau. of
Johann Jakob Ost (b. 30 Jan 1854 Borodino)
and Karoline
(b. 3 June 1856 Borodino) Issue: Issue:
Elisabeth Hess b. 18 Nov 1907 Borodino
/ Bess
Samuel Hess b. 29 Sept 1909
Emilie Hess b. 1911
Regina Hess b. 11 Sept 1911 m.
Samuel Hein
b. 2 March 1907 Borodino, son
of Gottfried Hein b. 21 July 1872 Borodino, who is the son of Johannes
Hein and Rosina
therefore des. of Georg Hein and Elisabeth
Hoeger) and Elisabeth Harter (b. 25 May 1877 Borodino
/ Bess)
Christian Hess b. 29 April 1915 Borodino
m. 28 Nov 1939 Taurtino / Bess to Emma Schuet b. 17 Sept 1918 Borodino
/ Bess, dau. of Edwuard Schuett (b. 7 April 1887 Borodino) and ilhelmine
Reule (b. 6 Oct 1891 Friedenstal / Bess) Issue:
Otto Hess b. 6 Jan 1940 Borodino /
1 chld / no name given
Martha Hess b. 2 April 1920
Otto Hess b. 16 Feb 1923
Maria Hess b. 21 Aug 1925 Borodino
Margaretha Hess b. 28 Jan 1853 Borodino m. 9 Dec
1871 Kloestitz/ Bess to Jakob
b. 18 Jan 1850 Borodino, sonof Lorenz
Siegloch (b. 8 Feb 1806 Zuffenhausen
/ __, Wuerttemberg) and Elisabeth
(b. 9 Jan 1812 Sulzfeld / __, Poland)
They lived in Borodino
on Lot #394 which was latter occupied by
Johannes Siegloch b. 18 Sept 1874 Borodino / Bess
m. 21 March 191 Kloestitz/ Bess Christine
b. 2 Oct 1875 Beresina / Bess, dau.
of Simon Hagel (b. 10 Oct 1851 Beresina / Bes) and Anna Maria
(b. 30 May 1854 Beresina). Issue:
Arnold Siegloch b. 13 Dec 1916 Borodino / Bess
m. 22 Feb 1939 Borodino to Ida Fueller b. 15 Aug 1918 Borodino, dau. of Martin
Fueller b. 22 Dec 1865 Borodino) and Christine Schock (b. 27 Oct 1882 Borodino).
Issue: 1 child / no nam given
Martha Siegloch b. 13 Nov 1918
Olga Siegloch b. Borodino
Robert Siegloch b. Borodino
Magdalena Siegloch b. 28 Feb 1882 Borodino m. 4
April 1902 Kloestitz / Bess to Johannes
b. 4 Oct 1880 Borodino, son of Johannes
Schock (b. 2 March 1849 Borodino) and Friederike
(b. 4 Aug 1850 Borodino)
Johannes Schock b. 5 July 1902 Borodino /
Gustav Scock b. 10 May 1905 Borodino
Emilie Schock b. 11 June 1907 Borodino m. 1 March
1928 Kloestitz/ Bess to Gottfried
b. 24 Feb 1903 Borodino, son of Christoph
Wallewein (b. 19 Sept 1880 Borodino) and Justine
(b. 10 Oct 1885 Borodino) Issue:
Elfriede Wallewein b. 28 Nov 1928 Borodino, son
of Christoph Wallewein (b. 19 Sept 1880 Brodino) and Justine Hess (b. 19
Oct 1`885 Borodino) Issue:
child / no name given
Johannes Schock b. 17 May 1909 Borodino m. 1 May
1931 Borodino m. 13 Dec 1933 Borodino to Maria
b. 13 July 1914 Borodino, dau. of
Andeas Wallewein (b. 4 Nov 1883 Borodino) and Magdalena
(b. 12 May 1883 Borodino)
child / no name given
Elvira Shock b. 23 July 1937
Jakob Schock b. 31 May 1909 Borodino m. to Anna
b. 30 Dec 1910 Borodino, dau. of Rudolph
Albert Ziegler (b. 9 Feb 1891 Borodino) and Christina
(b. 26 Oct 1897 Borodino; des. __NN___; See
Family). Issue: 2 children / no names given
Helene Schock b. 23 Dec 1911 Borodino m. (__NN___;
m. (2) 14 July 1932 Kloestitz/ Bess to Immanuel
b. 14 Aug 1909 Bordino, son of Samuel
Motz (b. 29 Oct 1878 Borodino) and Barbaa
(b. 4 Feb 1879 Hoffnungstal / Bess) Issue:
m. (1) Issue
child / no name given
m. (2) Isue:
2 children / no names given
Ida Shcock b. 27 April 1913 Borodino m. 13 Dec
1938 Borodino to Leopld Pfitzer b. 13 April 1912 Hoffnungstal / Bess, son
of Wilhelm Pfitzer (b. 17 July 1871 Hoffnungsal / Bess) and Christine Speidel
(b. 23 Nov 1876 Borodino) Issue: 1 child / no name
Else Schock b. 11 Aug 1915 Borodino
Marta Schock b. 19 May 1921 Borodino
Alma Schock b. 17 May 1924 Borodino
Christina Siegloch b. 7 May 1884
Borodino m. 12 Jan 1906 Kloestitz/ Bess to widower
b. 26 Jan 1878 Borodino, son of Karl
Sigloch (b. 5 Sept 1852 Borodino) and Katharina
(b. 28 Feb 1856 Borodino). [NOTE:
Lorenz was wedded twice bef. his marriage to Chrisina. His first
wife was Maria Weippert
b. Borodino). His second wife
was Christina Schiewe
of Dennewitz/ Bess and hey had a son
Johannes in 1900 in Borodino]. Issue:
Pauline Siegloch b. 22 Nov 1906 Borodino /
Samuel Siegloch b. 7 Dec 1908 Borodino m. 11 Jan
1933 Borodino to Martha
b. 26 Jan 1913 Borodino, dau. of Jakob Stickel (b. 24 Oct 1867 Borodino)
and Katharina Bippus
(b. 27 Feb 1872 Borodino)
Adolf Siegloch b. 21 Oct 1937 Borodino
2 children / no names given
Otto Siegloch b. 1909 Borodino
Elsa Siegloch b. 25 Feb 1912 Borodino
Emil Siegloch b. 28 Dec 1913 m. 8 Dec 1937 Beresina/
Bess to Bertha Kaempf
b. 3 Feb 1917 Beresina/ Bess, dau.
of Jakob Kaempf (b. 2 April 1875) and Magdalena
(b. 2 Spril 1878 [stet] Beresina /
Bess) Issue: 1 child / no name given
Robert Siegloch b. 1 Dec 1919 Borodino
Helena Siegloch b. 30 May 1922
Daniel Siegloch b. 31 Oct 1889 Borodino m. 19 April
1912 Kloestitz/ Bess to Margaretha
b. 17 Jan 1890 Borodino, dau. of Johannes
Mayer (b. 19 March 1851 Borodino) and Barbara
(b 30 Jun 1854 Borodino)
Hilda Siegloch b. Borodino / Bess
Elsa Siegloch b. 2 Aug 1913 Borodino m. 16 Nov
1932 borodino to Oskar
b. 27 Aug 1906 Borodino, son of Martin Fueller (b. 22 Dec 1865 Borodino /
b. 27 Oct 1882 Borodino) Issue:
3 children / no names given
Emile Siegloch b. Borodino
Arthur Siegloch b. Borodino
Herbert Siegloch b. Borodino
Arnold Siegloch b. Borodino
Ida Siegloch b. Borodino
Erna Siegloch b. Borodino
Adolf Siegloch b. 26 May 1930 Borodino
Samuel Siegloch b. 2 Feb 1887 Borodino m. (1) Regina
b. 3 Jan 1889 Borodino, dau. of Johannes
Schock (b. 2 March 1849 Borodino) and Friederike
(b. 4 Aug 1850 Borodino); m. (2) 29 Nov 1939 Borodino to Margarehe Beths
b. 2 Jan 1888 Issue:
m. (1) Issue:
Otto Siegloch b. 3 June 1907 Borodino m. 26 May
1935 Borodino to Lilli Emilie
b. 6 Oct 1914 Mathildendorf/ Bess, dau. of Johannes Giessler (b. 28 Oct 1889
Mathildendorf/ Bess) and Magdalena
(b. 6 Dec 1891 Mathildendorf)
Issue: 2 children / no nmes given
Else Siegloch b. 21 Jan 1912 Borodino
Erna Siegloch b. 2 Sept 1913 Borodino
Eduard Siegloch b. 10 Nov 1916 Borodino m. 22 Feb
1939 to Ida Nannt
b. 12 Jn 1918 Borodino, dau. of Gottfried
Nannt (b. 23 March 1885 Borodino) and Katharina
(b. 13 Sept 1879 Borodino). Issue:
1 child / no name given
Elfrieda Siegloch b. 4 Jan 1920
Anna Siegloch b. Borodino
Alma Siegloch b. 1922 Borodino
m. (2) Issue:
no data
Friederika Hess b. 18 March 1856 Borodino
/ Bess. S. Russia d. 21 Nov 1935 m. 23 Jan 1875 Kloestitz/ Bess Johann
Tetz b. 27 March 1853 Borodino / Bess d. 18
March 1893 Borodino, son of Karl Tetz (b. 18 Aprl 1828 Borodino) and Katharina
Barbara Wagner (b. 22 Jan 1832 Borodino)
Christina Tetz b. 25 Nov 1882 Borodino / Bess d. 29 Aug 1965 Colville,
WA, USA m. 3 July 1911 Spokane, WA, USA to Robert
Gourlay b. 17 Jn 1877 Sebringwille / Ontariao
, Canada d. 4 May 1956 Colville, WA, USA
Jakob Hess b. 6 Dec 1860 Borodno d. [in 1901 was found to be missing]
m. Eva Giessler Borodinoo/Bess d. 15 Jan
1927 Borodino,, dau. of Heinrich Giessler (b. 4 May 1927 Borodinno)
and Eva Margarethe Dalke (b. 28 March 1829
Borrodino) Issue:
Justine Hess b. 19 Oct 1885 Borodino m. Christoph
Wallewein b. 19 Sept 1880 Borodino, sonof Christoph
Wallewein (b. 22 Dec 1839 Borodino) and Maria Stauber (b. 19 Feb 1849
Beresina/Bess, S. Russia) Issue:
Gottfried Wallewein
Jakob Wallewein
Christophy Wallewein
Maria Wallewein
Martha Wallewein
Benjamin Wallewein
Johanna Wallewein
Otto Wallewein
Emma Wallewein
Magdalena Wallewein
Emilie Wallewein
Otto Wallewein
Alfrieda Wallewein
Johannes Hess b. 15 Oc 1890 Borodino m. Maria
Kosel b. 19 April Borodino/Bess., dau. of ___Kosel
and Christina Kosel (b. 23 Sept 1871 Borodino/Bess) Issue:
Johannes Hess
Emma Hess
Otto Hess
Albert Hess
Alma Hess
Anna Hess
Elfriede Hess
___ Hess
Christine Hess b. 7 Aug 1892 Borodino d. 30 March 1933 Borodino
Andreas Hess b. 25 Oct 1894 Borodino m. Hoffnungstal / Bess to Chrisine
Maier b. 31 July 1892 Borodino, dau. of Andreas
Maier (b. 23 Feb 1869 Borodino) and Katharina
Reule (b. 29 Dec 1870 Borodino)
Hulda Hess b. 13 May 1912 Borodino m. 11 Jan 1931
to Michael Hermann
b. 18 Dec 1908 Beresina/ Bess, son
of Jakob Herrmann (b. 5 May 1880 Beresina / Bess) and Katharina
(b. 28 July 1884 Beresina) Issue:
2 children / no names given
Herbert Hess b. 20 July 1914 Borodino
Samuel Hess b. 20 Feb 1916 Borodino
Eva Hess b. 29 March 1918 Borodino
Andreas Hess b. 10 Jan 1921 Borodino
Woldemar Hess b. 10 Feb 1922 Borodino
Irma Hess b. 28 Dec 1924 Borodino
Christian Hess b. 1933 Borodino
Christian Hess b. 8 April 1898 Borodino m. 31 Jan
1924 Kloestitz / Bess to Christine Zeh
b. 17 April 1903 Borodino, dau. of Christoph
Zeh b. 11 Feb 1872 Borodino) and Karoline
Gensburg (b. 25
June 1865 Borodino) Issue:
Christine Hess b. 1925 Borodino / Bess
Erna Hess b. 1927 Borodino
Emanuel Hess b. 1928 Borodino
Richard Hess b. 1936 Borodino
Erich Hess b. 1937 Borodino
3 children / no names given
Jakob Hess b. 14 April 1899 Borodino m.
(1) 22 Nov 1918 Kloestitz/ Bess to Katharina
Maier b. 6 Spril
1895, dau. of Andreas Maier (b. 23 Feb 1869 Borodino) and Katharina
Reule (b. 29 Cec
1879 Borodino) ; m. (2) 22 Nov 1928 Kloestitz/ Bess to Alwina
Hein b. 15 Sept 1907
Kerbrickenden / Caucasus, Russia, dau. of Johannes Hein b. 31 Aug 1879 Borodino;
des. of Michael Hein b. 1795 and Maria
Elisabeth Zappel b. 1805) and Friederika Seidler
(b. 8 Dec 1886 Borodino) Issue:
m. (1) Issue:
Ely Hess b. 11 April 1920 Borodino
Adele Hess b. 12 May 1926 Borodino
m. (2) Issue:
Albert Hess b. 27 Nov 1929 Borodino
2 children / no names given
Christine Hess b. 25 Sept 1864 Borodino m. . Friedrich
Giessler b. 11 Aug 1862 Borodino, son of Johann
Friedrich Giessler (b. 21 Dec 1832 Borodino) and Louise
Fischer (b. Gueldendorf/Kherson, Russia)
Friedrich Giessler
Alexander Giessler
Katharina Giessler
Christine Giessler
Johanna Giessler
Daniel Giessler
Samuel Giessler
Emanuel Giessler
Magdalena Giessler
Magdalena Hess b. 22 Dec 1866 Borodino m. Christian
Hoefel b. 7 Aug 1858 Dennewitz/ Bess, son of
Christian Hoefel (b. 21 Nov 1827 Wittenberg/ Bess, S. Russia) and Katharina
Otterstaetter (b. 11 May 1834 Borodino)
Friedrich Hoefel b. 3 Nov 1886 Gnadenfeld
Emilie Hoefel
Magdalena Hoefel
Christian Hoefel
Mathilde Hoefel
Pauline Hoefel
Anna Hoefel
Johannes Hoefel
Samuel Hess b. 27 Aug 1876 Borodino m. Katharina
Ehni b. 12 Aug 1876 Borodino, dau. of
Johannes Ehni (b. 21 April 18487 Borodino) and Katharina
Schock (b. 24 March 1852 Borodino
b. 16 or 17 July 1911 m. 26 Nov 1927 to
M. Karl Hein b. 13 Dec 1895 They lived in Edmonton
/ __, Canada. Issue:
Freeda Hein m. Bob Harrison
d. 2004 Issue:
Dianne Harrison m. Roboert
Ridky Harrison m. Lorrie ___ Issue:
Erna Hein m. Ralph Huff. Issue:
Barbara Huff m. ____
Larry Huff
Carol Huff
Annie Hein M. Gordeon Javorsky. Issue:
Debbie Javorsky m. Gregg Kosomovsky.
Malamie Kosomovsky
Bryce Kosomovsky
Ryan Kosomovsky
Ellen Javorsky
Kevin Javorsky
Lalutie Javorsky Laurie
Keith Javorsky
Albert Hein m. Judy Klobstein Issue:
Joyce Hein m. Clinton Boyer Issue:
Jordan Boyer
Kendra Boyer
Michael Hein m. Shelly Kinsep
Greg Hein
Helen Hein m. __NN__and div. No children recorded
Reinhardt Hein m. Lorraime Bechlet.
Mark Hein [deceased by Jan 2005]
Gayle Hein
Robin Hein
Dwayne Hess
Danny Hein m. Linda Monk Issue:
Jeffery Hein
Trevor Hein
Kerri Hess
Raymond Hein m. Elaine Breitkreiz
Robert Hein b. 24 June 1947 d. March 1974 in an auto accident m. Barbara
Curry d. Jan 1976 of cancer. Their children
lived with their mother's oldest sister Lyne Fierson. Issue:
Bobbie [Hein] Fierson
Cinda [Hein] Fierson
Note: Lyne Fierson and her husband adopted Bobbie and Cinda.
Marilyn Hein m. Rudie Olekson
Emily Hein m. Harvey Boncko
Erin Boncko
Nicole Boncko
Magdalena Hess b. May 1913 m. 8 Jan 1936 Borodino to Otto
Schock b. 29 Nov 1912 Borodino, son of Gottfried
Schock (b. 9 Sept 1887 Borodino) and Christina Heck
(b. 2 July 1889 Kloestitz). They lived in Berkheim / n. Esslingen,
W. Germany. Otto was in a Russian Concentration Camp for 1 1/2 years.
Was released in 1947. Because he was ill he was not allowed out
of Russia. Issue:
Herbert Schock
Erna Schock
Freeda Shock
Ella Schock
Johannes Hess b. 16 Jan 1919 orodino d. WWII. They had
migr. to Poland ... he was killed in the war m.
__NN__Scheffelmeier. She remarrid __NN__.
Justina Hess b. Borodino
Barbara Hess b. 14 July 1858 d. 1916 Borodino m. Christian
Appel b. 3 Nov 1856 Friedenstal/Bess d. 1936
Borodino/Bess. Issue:
Dorothea Appel b. 20 Aug 1881 Borodino
Adam Hess b. 27 Nov 1781 Aich / Worms, Pfalz
d. 21 Dec 1853
Wahl text
Adam Gess b, 27 Nov 1781 Aich / Worms, [Pfalz]
(Deutschland = Germany) (Source: Arthur E. Fegel)
Albert Hess liv. in Germany in 1990, son of Samuel Hess and Magdalena
Sieglock, S-3
Alma Hess dau. of Samuel Hess and Katherine
Ehni, S-3
Alvina Hess dau. of Gotlieb Hess and Lydia
Hederley, S-3
Andreas Hess b. abt 1736 d. 18 Jun 1837 Borodino, son of Christian
Hess, #1882647/3 121 73 (1 year old)
Andreas Hess b. abt 1736 d. 18 June 1837, son of Christian
Andreas Hess b. aft. 1849, son of Jakob Hess and Dorothea
Haberer, S-3
Andreas Hess b. 10 June 1881 Borodino , son of Christoph Hess and Magdalena
Ensel m. 8 March 1907 Kloestitz, Bess. to Rosina
Zann [Zahn?] from Beresina and family in 1912.
Obit in Ashely Tribune, ND 16 Aug. 1934
Andreas Hess b. 25 oct. 1894 Borodino d. 12 Dec. 1936 Borodino m.
Christine Mayer b. 30 July 1892 Borodino d.
1965 Germany, Chilren: 8 known, S-30
Andreas Hess b. 1851, S-5
Ann, Anna, Anny.......
Anna Maria b. 30 Nov 1788 Friedland / Mecklenburg
d. 30 Nov 1849 m. Karl
+Anna Maria Hess m. widower Johann Michael
Reule b. 25 May 1777 Weissach,
Vaihingen, [Germany] d. 7 Aug 1856, son of
Johann Conrad Reule and Maria Catharina Rappen.
This was Ann's third marriage. S-33. [??His first wife was widow
Margaretha, nee Gruen, Ruele b. 1802 Morgental
/ Warsaw [Poland] d. 20 June 1875 Borodino / Bess] Issue:
Anna Maria Reule b. 12 Dec 1825 Borodino/ Bess., d. 10 March
1828 Borodino/Bess.
Friederike Philippine Reule b. 3 Feb 1828 j. 13 Nov 1847 to Christoph
Gottfried Reule b. 24 April 1832 Borodino / Bess. d. 21 April 1894 Borodino
/ Bess. m. 5 Feb 1855 to Katharina Margaretha Knodel
+Anna Hess b.
7 May 1789 Groetzingen / __, Wuerttemberg d. 24
Aug 1836 Borodino / Bess, dau. of Johann Jacob Hess
(b. 13 June 1764) and Katharina Pfitz
[b. 11 Dec 1765) ;m. (1) 1807 to Johann Conad
Regner b. abt 1770 Magierowa Wola/ Warscau,
New East Prusia [Poland] d. 1817 Borodino / Bess ; m. (2)
19 Feb 1818 Kloestitz/ Bess. Russi to Jacob Bauer
b. 1778 d, 1820; m. (3) m. 17 April
1821 to widow Johann Michael Reule b.
25 May 1777 d. 7 Aug 1856, son of Johann Conrad Reule (b. 3 Jan 1752 d. 14
May 1824 ) and Maria Catharina Rappen b. 1750
d. 1882); [Source: Ingrid Reule new 18 Nov
2010] Issue :
Issue m. (1)
Konrad Regner b. 25 Dec 1808 Blunzky / __, Poland d. 23 Jan 1856
Borodino / Bess m. (1) 16 Aug 1831 Kloestitz/ Bes to Eva Rosina
Mann; m. (2) 24 Oct 1846 Kloestitz/ Bess to
Magdalena Mueller b. 2 Feb 1800 d. 1854
Johann Georg Jakob b. 30 Aug 1817 Borodino / Bess
Issue m. (2) (no names given)
Issue m. .(3)
Anna Maria Reule b. 12 Dec 1825 Borodino/ Bess., d. 10 March
1828 Borodino/Bess.
Friederike Philippine Reule b. 3 Feb 1828 j. 13 Nov 1847 to Christoph
Gottfried Reule b. 24 April 1832 Borodino / Bess. d. 21 April 1894 Borodino
/ Bess. m. 5 Feb 1855 Kloestitz/ Bess to to Katharina Margaretha
Knodel b. 6 Dec 1837 d. 1919 XXX
Anna Maria Hess b. 1778 Wilhelmswald/ Lentschuetz,
Poland d. 11 Nov 1834 Kloetitiz/ Bess. S. Russia m. abt 1822 to Johann
Doelker b. 1782 d. 28 Feb 1846 [Source
Ingrid Ruele Pers.-Nr. 7302]
Anna Marie Hess b. 30 Nov 1788 Friedland / ___ Mecklenburg
d. 30 Nov 1849 m. Karl Renke
(Source: Arthur E. Flegel)
Anna Maria Hess b. 1789 Wuerttemberg
Wahl text
Anna Maria Hess b. 7 May 1789 Groetzingen/ ,
Wu d. 24 Aug 1836 Borodino/ Bess. S. Russia, dau. of Johann
Jakob Hess (b. 13 June 1764 m. 27 Jan 1785 Groetzingem
___, Wu ) and Katharina Pfiz b.
11 Dec 1765
Anna Maria, nee Stickel , Hess b.
1790 d. 1849 migr from Egenhausen, Calw-Wu, m. Jakob
Hess b. 1786 migr. from Egenhausen, Calw-Wu, S-2
Anna Hess, age 31, b. abt 1820 m .Jakob
Ulrich, age 34, b. abt 1816 son of Christian
Ulrich, age 78, b. abt 1772 and Katharina
Prueschel, age 47, b. abt 1803 (Borodino
1850 Census) Issue:
Margaretha Ulrich, age 10
Katharina Ulrich, age 5
Christina Ulrich, age 3
Anna Maria Ulrich, age 1
Maria Hess b. abt 1820 m. Jakob Ulrich
b. abt 1816 son of Christian Ulrich, (age 78, b. abt 1772 ) and
Katharina Prueschel, (age 47, b. abt 1803)
Margaretha Ulrich, age 10, b. abt 1840
Katharina Ulrich, age 5 b. abt 1845
Christina Ulrich, age 3, b. abt 1847
Anna Maria Ulrich, age 1, b. abt 1849
Christoph Ulrich b. 12 Nov 1859 Borodino, Jakob Ulrich Anna Maria
Hess, #1884080/1 422 89
Christian Ulrich b. 17 Jan 1862 Borodino, son of Jakob
Ulrich and Anna Maria Hess, #1884095/3
403 4
Annie Hess dau. of Gottlieb Hess and Lydia
Arnold Hess b. aft. 1914 , son of Samuel Hess and Katherine
Benjamin Hess b. 1909 d. 1982 n. Hanover, Germany, son of Samuel
Hess and Katherine Ehni m. Marta Motz [Moetz] . Children: 4
Carl Hess b. 1829, S-5
Carolina Hess b. 30 Mar 1863 Borodino, dau. of Karl Hess
and Eva Kessel, #1884099/3 423 27
Carolina Hess b. 30 Sep 1867 Borodino , son of Jakob Hess and
Elisabeth Hoeger, # 1884091/3 459 80
Christian Hess (poss. Hoess) b. 26 Sept 1796
Dale Wahl text)
Christian Hess b. 27 Sept 1796 Groetzingen/ Nuertingen,
Wuettemberg d. 5 Dec 1853 (Source: Arthur E. Flegel)
Christian Hess b. 28 Sept 1796 Groetzingen/ ___,
Wuerttemberg. Migr. 1814 to Russia d. 5 Dec 1853, son of Johann
Jakob Hess (b. 13 June 1764 ) and Katharina Pflitz
(b. 11 Dec 1765) m. 1 June 1815 to Katharina
Fueller b. 25 June 1797
Sulzfeld/ Kraichgau/ Baden d. 9 Oct 1846 (Source:
Kloetitz/Bess. Rec.)
Christian Hesss. age
39. b. abt 1796. m. to poss? Katharina Fueller.
age 38. b. abt 1797 (Source: 1835 Borodino Census)
Jakob Hess, age 8
Karl Hess, age 5
Katharina Margretha, age 1
Christian Hess, age 54, b. abt 1796 m. to (1) Katharina
Fueller (Source: 1850 Borodino Census) Issue
m. (1):
Jakob Hess, age 23 b. abt 1827 m. Anna Maria
Weippert, age 23
Karl Hess, age 20, b. abt 1830 m. Eva
Kessel, age 23 Issue:
Katharina Hess, age 1, b. abt 1849
Katharina Margretha, age 17, b. abt 1833
Christian Hess b. 1796 migr. fr. Groetzingen/
Nuertingen-Wu, S-2, S-5
Christian Hess b. 26 / 27 /
28 Sept 1796
Goertzingen / __, Wuerttemberg
d. 5 Dec 1853, son of
Johann Jakob Hess (b. 13 June 1764) and Katharina Pfitz (b. 11 Dec
1765) m. 1
/ 27 June 1815 to Katharina
Fueller b, 25 / 27
June 1797 Sulzgeld / __, Poland or
Sulzfeld / Kraichgau,
Baden d. 9 Oct 1846 Borodino / Bess., S. Russia
(Source: Steve Mogck and Ingrid Reule
and Arthur E. Flegel
& Ingrid Reule) Issue:
Jakob Hess, age 23 b. abt 1827 m. Anna Maria
Weippert, age 23 [Source: Borodino 1850 Census)
b, 1828 Issue:
Jakob Hess b. 30 April 1851 Borodino / Bess m.
19 Dec 1875 Tarutino / Bess to Katharina Magdalna
b. 19 Oct 1852 Borodino / Bess, dau.
of Konrad Otterstaeter (b. 18 Sept 1829 Borodino) and Christina
(b. 6 July 1829 Borodino)
Magdalena Hess b. 27 Oct 1882 Josefsdorf/
Jakob Hess b. 8 Aug 1884 Borodino m. 15 June 1905
Kloestitz/ Bess to Christine
b. 13 June 1885 Borodino, dau. of
Andreas Reinhardt (b. 25 March 1851 Borodino) and Christina
(b. 26 Jan 1856 Borodino) Issue:
Regina Hess b. 1906 Borodino
Jakob Hess b. 1908 Borodino
Johannes Hess b. 1910 Borodino
Jakob Hess b. 11 May 1911 Borodino m. 13 Aug 1933
Kloestitz/ Bess to Emilie
b. 19 Dec 1915 Borodino, dau. of Friedrich
Schilling (b. 21 Oct 1874 Borodino / Bess) and Eva
(b. 22 July 1879 Borodino)
Otto Hess b. 1933 Borodino
Emile Hess b. 1939
2 children / no names given
Paulina Hess b. 20 Oct 1912 Borodino m. 2 Feb 1938
Borodino to Gottlieb
b. 6 May 1908 Borodino , son of Johannes Schaefer (b. 11 April 1880 Borodino/
Bess) and Friederike Schock
(b. 24 Dec 1884 Borodino) Issue:
1 child / no name given
Johannes Hess b. 1913 Borodino
Reinhold Hess b. 17 April 1915
Eduard Hess b. 1916 Borodino
Oskar Hess b. 1918 Borodino
Regina Hess b. 1923 Borodino
Daniel Hess b. 1924 Borodino
Friederika Hess b. 30 Aug 1887 Borodino m. (1)
30 Dec 1905 to Friedrich Weippert
b. 26 Nov 1883 Kloestitz/ Bess, son
of Johannes Weippert (b. 1854 Kloestitz/ Bess) andd Katharina
(b. 5 July 1860 Borodino/ Bess); m.
(2) 4 Oct 1918 Kloestitz/ Bess to Gottlob
b. 26 Dec 1889 Borodino, son of Andreas
Schaefer (b. 1 Dec 1862 Borodino / Bess) and Karolina
(b. 4 Dec 1865 Borodino)
m. (1):
Katharina Weippert b. 1905 Borodino
Friedrich Weippert b. 1907 Borodino
Elisabetha Weippert b. 1908 Borodino
Helena Weippert b. 8 Dec 1911 Borodino m. 15 Feb
1932 Kloestitz / Bess to Adolf Wahl b . 9 Oct 1905 Hoffnungstal / Bess, son
of Wilhelm Wahl (b. 13 Oct 1877 Hoffnungstal / Bess) an Magdalena Klingartner
(b. 10 Oct 1876 Hoffnungstal / Bess) Issue: 4 children / no names are
Benjamin Weippert b. 14 March 1914
Else Weippert b. 1916 Borodino
m. (2) Issue:
Karolina Schaefer b. 1919 Borodino
Johannes Schaefer b. 1920 Borodino
Reinhold Schaefer b. 1921 orodino
Otto Schaefer b. 1922 Borodino
infant / no name
Lilli Schefer b. 1925 Borodino
Elisabeth Hess b. 1884 Josefsdorf/ Bess m. 28 March
1903 kloestitz/ Bess to Christian
b. 19 Oct 1873 Beresina/ Bess, dau.
of Christian Schwarz (b. 18 Dec 1848 Beresina/ Bess) and Kaharina
(b. 14 Aug 1852 Beresina)
Johannes Schwarz b. 10 Dec 1899 Josefsdorf/
Katharina Schwarz b. 29 Jan 1901 Jossefsdorf m.
7 Jan 1921 Kischinev / Bess to Friedrich
b. 25 March 1889 Neu Sarata/ Bess, son of Andreas Riethmueller (b. 1 Nov
1857 Neu Elft / Bess) and Rosina
Oskar Riethmueller b. Sept 1921
Frieda Riethmueller b. 1 June 1923 Missowka /
Dina Riethmueller b. 6 Jan 1925
2 children / no names given
Friederika Schwarz b. 1907 Josefsdorf
Adolf Schwarz b. 31 Dec 1911 Missowka / Bess.,
S. Russia m. 21 Dec 1938 Missowka / Bess to Emma
b. 21 March 1920 Tenzerin Nikolajewka / ___ Issue: 1 child /
no name given
Christine Schwrz b. 13 Aril 19914
Magdalena Schwarz b. 26 Oct 1920
Johannes Hess b. 29 May 1854 Borodino m. Rosina
b. 20 Sept 1856 Borodino, dau. of
Ferdinand Fueller (b. 1 Oct 1830 Borodino) and Margamretha
(b. 17 Jan 1834 Grossliebental)
Johannes Hess b. 7 Nov 1879 Borodino / Bess m.
Susanne Flegel
b. 4 Dec 18879 Leipzig / Bess, dau.
of __NN___. Issue:
Martha Hess b. 4 Dec 1903 Kurutschika/ Bess
m. 27 May 1927 Kolatschowka/ Bess to Albert
b. 28 May 1903 Brienne / Bess., son of Daniel Mattheis (b. 18 March 1870
Brienne / Bess) and Chrstine
(b. 5 Nov 1872 Benkendorf/ Bess)
Irma Mattheis b. 20 April 1928
Else attheis b. 29 June 1929
Walter Mattheis b. 28 Dec 1931
2 children / no names given
Albert Hess b. 5 Aug 1910 Kurudschika, m. 9 Jan
1936 Jan 1936 Leipziig / Bess to Ida
b. 27 Nov 1910 Leipzig/ Bess, dau.
of Jakob Hoffmann (b. 31 Aug 1882 Kurudschika/ Bess) and Rosina
(b. 12 April 1885 Leipzig / Bess)
Issue: 2 children / no names given
Friederika Hess b. 11 Oct 1888 Blumental / Bess
m. 15 April 1907 Tarutino / Bess to Adam
b. 14 April 1884 Kischinev / Bess,
son of Adam Sackmann (b. 19 May 1858 Wittenberg/ Bess) and Barbara
(b. 27 Nov 1856 Wittenberg/ Bess.
Melesina Sackmann b. 1 July 1908 Kurudschika/
Artur Sackmann b. Kuruudschika
Albert Sackmann b. Kuruudschika
Hulda Sackmann b.
Adam Sackmann b. Kurudschika
Johann Sackmann b. 23 March 1918 Kurudschika m.
30 Oct 1939 Kurudschikda / Bess to Else
b. 26 Feb 1918 Kurudschika/ Bess,
dau. of Johann Nutz (b. 22 March 1874 Leipzig / Bess) and Maria
(b. 17 Sept 1875 Leipzig) Issue: I child / no name
Artur Sackmann b. Kurudschika
Friederika Sackmann b. 29 June 1923
Emanuel Hess b. 1 Oct 1890
Katharina Hess b. 27 July 1895
Maria Hess b. 27 Feb 1898 Kurudschika / Bess m.
13 Jan 1`921 Tarutino/ Bess to Johannes
b. 24 Dec 1898 Kulm / Bess, son of
Adam Sackmann (b. 19 May 1858 Wittenberg/ Bess) and Barbaa
(b. 27 Nov 18856 Wittenberg)
Erna Sackmann b. 22 July 1922 Kurudschika/
Robert Sackmann b. 19 Aug 1926
Theodor Sackmann b. 31 Dec 1928
2 children / no names given
Samuel Hess b. 17 May 1900
Christine Hess b. 2 Feb 1862 Borodino m. 19 Nov
1886 Kloestitz/ Bess to Karl
b. 25 Dec 1862 Hoffnungstal / Bess,
son of Johann Philipp Bollinger (b. 22 Sept 1840 Neudorf/ Od., Kherson, S.
Russia) and Elisabeth Singer
(b. 22 May 1840 Karlstal/Od.)
Karl Bollinger b. 10 Oct 1887 Hoffnungstal / Bess
m. 1 March 1912 Kloestitz/ Bess to Paulina
b. 1 June 1889 Hoffnungstal / Bess, dau. of Ludwig Ehrmann (b. 26 April 1843
Hoffnungstal / Bess) and Christina
(b. 20 Jan 1853 Hoffnungstal / Bess)
Emilie Bollinger b. 10 Dec 1912 Hoffnungstal /
Bess m. Reinhold
b. 20 Sept 1910 Hoffnugstal / Bess, son of Eduard Eisenbeiss (b. 31 Jan 1877
Hoffnugstal / Bess) and Elisabetha
(b. 28 Nov 1878 Hoffnungstal / Bess)
Issue: 1 child/ no name given
Otto Bollinger b. 17 March 1914
Immanuel Bollinger b. 2 Sept 1919
Adolf Bollinger b. 2 Sept 1919
Albert Bollinger b. 4 Sept 1922
Elisabetha Bollinger b. 14 Sept 1890 Hoffnungstal/Bess
m. 12 Dec 1913 Kloestitz/ Bess to Gottlieb
b. 26 Oct 1889 Borodino , son of Friedrich
Scheurer (b. 21 Dec 1856 Borodino / Bess) and Katharine
(b. 9 Sept 1852 Borodino) Issue:
Eduard Scheurer b. 4 May 1915 Borodino
Emil Scheurer b. 8 June 1916 Borodino
Erna Scheurer b. 28 Aug 1918 Borodino
Emilie scheurer b. 30 Dec 1919
Herbert Scheurer b. 12 Jan 19924
Eduard Bollinger b. 25 Nov 1897 Hoffnungstal /
Bess m. 5 Sept 1919 Kloestitz/ Bess to Magdalena
b. 15 Dec 1898 Hoffnungstal // Bess,
dau. of Bernhard Singer (b. 13 Jan 1851 Hoffnungstal / Bess) and Regine
(b. 25 June 1852 Hoffnungstal / Bess)
Anna Bollingerr
Erna Bollinger b. 13 April 1921
Herbert Bollinger b. 3 Aug 1923
Emil Bollinger
Emil Bollinger
child / no name given
Gottlieb Bollinger b. 25 Nov 1888
Magdalena Bollinger b. 19 June 1894 Hoffnungstal
/ Bess m. 20 Dec 1918 Kloestitz/ Bess to Ludwig
b. 10 Nov 1894 Hoffnungstal / Bess,
son of Ludwig Ehrmann (b. 7 Oct 1869 Hoffnungstal / Bess) and Barbara
(b. 19 Oct 1873) Issue:
Emil Ehrmann b. 20 Oct 1919 Hoffnungstal /
Ludwig Robert Ehrrmann b. 26 March 1921
Adolf Ehrmann b. 17 Feb 1923
Anna Maria Ehrmann b. 16 Nov 1925
Herta Ehrmann b. 3 July 1927 Hoffnungstal
Emilie Ehrmann b. 14 Oct 1928
Emil Ehrmann b. 10 Nov 1934
Gottlieb Hess b. 22 May 1870 m. 9 Jan 1897 to Christina
b. 21 Feb 1874 Borodino / Bess, dau.
of Valentin Weippert (b. 10 April 1832 Borodino / Bess) and Elisabeth
(b. 1 April 1835 Borodino / Bess)
Gottlieb Hess b. 1897 Jakobstal/ Bess
Emilie Hess b. 15 Feb 1900 Jakobstal m. 28 Dec
1926 Marienfeld / Bess to Jakob
b. 9 June 1903 Borodino / Bess, son
of Christian Weippert (b. 17 Oct 1870 Borodno) and Margaretha
(b. 30 Jan 1880 Hoffnungstal / Bess)
Else Weippert b. 3 Oct 1924 Marienfeld /
Arnold Weippert b. 29 Dec 1929
2 children / no names given
Samuel Hess b. 26 June 1902 Mintschuna/
Benjamin Hess b. 19 Nov 1903 Mintschuna m. 16 Dec
1928 Marienfeld/ Bess to Melitta
b. 20 Sept 19099 Fundu Sarizika/ Bess., S. Russia, dau. of Jakob Dalke (b.
30 Aug 1876 Borodino / Bess) and Maria
(b. 20 Nov 1877 Alt Posttal / Bess)
4 children/ no names given
Emil Hess b. 25 Jan 1931
Elfriede Hess b. 2 March 1934
Erwin Hess b. 16 Nov 1941 Tuschenwald/ Lodz,
Gotthilf Hess b. Jakobstal / Bess
Reinhold Hess b. 10 April 1906 Minttschuna/ Bess
d. 26 Feb 1944 Gueldenbach / Kherson, USSR m. 24 Feb 1930 Marienfeld/ Bess
to Hulda Katharine Mogck
b. 23 April 1904 Tarutino / Bess,
dau. of Erhard Mogck (b. 11 March 1873 Gnadental / Bess) and Barbara
(b. 28 Nov 1873 Teplitz/ Bess)
Issue: 4 children / no names given
Berta Hess b. Dec 1907
Gotthilf Hess b. 30 Dec 1911 Marienfeld/
Johannes Alfred Hess b. 6 Nov 1914 Marinefeld m.
18 Jan 1940 Sarata / Bess to Lydia Buech b. 20 March 1914 Manukbejewka/ Bess,
dau. of Johannes Buech (b. 18 Oct 1886 Eigenheim / Bess) and Olga Leimert.
Issue: 1 child/ no name given
Christina hess b. 3 Aug 1917
Katharina Hess b. Jakobstal
Johannes Hess
Artur Hess
Alfred Hess
Christine Hess
Katharine Hess
Karl Hess, age 20, b. abt 1830 m. Eva
Kessel, age 23 [Source: Borodino 1850 Census)
b. 20 June 1827 Borodino,
dau. of Michael Kessel (b. 25 July 1804 Ludwig/
Wuerttemberg d. Borodino / Bess) and Marie Agnes
Mann (b. 2 Jan 1804
Segartowiitz/ Kulm, Prussia d. Borodino) Issue:
Katharina Hess, age 1, b. abt 1849
Michael Hess b. 12 June 1851 Borodino / Bess m.
__NN__ Issue:
Rudolf Hess b. 20 Nov 1891 Gutjaz / ____ m.
1912 Alt Onesti / Bess to Margarethe
b. 5 May 1895 Alt Onesti / Bess ,
dau. of Wilhelm Kullmann (b. 1859 Eckenstahl / Galizia,
____ Issue:
Christina Hess b. 14 June Alt Onesti / Bess m.
10 March 1935 Alt Onesti / Bess to Emil
b. 12 April 1911 Hoffnungstal / Bess,
son of Jakob Denning (b. 23 March 1875 Alt Arzis / Bess) and Marie
(b. 20 Oct 1882 Neu Elft / Bess.
Ella Denning
2 children / no names given
Stefan Hess b. 1919 Alt Onesti
Johann Hess b. 1921 Alt Onesti
Emilie Hess b. 1927 Strembeni / Bess
child / no name given
Karl Hess b. 1912 Onesti / Bess
Christine Hess b. 8 June 1854 Borodino m. Samuel
Reule b. 14 Oct 1853 Borodio / Bess Issue:
Jakob Reule b. 28 Dec 1885 Neu Nikolajewka/ Bess
m. 13 March 1913 Reulingen-Reiling / Bess to Margarethe
b. 10 Aug 1895 Hoffnungstal / Bess,
dau. of Christian Hoeger (b. 1 May 1851 Borodino / Bess) and Katharina
(b. 25 March 1852 Hoffnungstal / Bess)
Jakob Reule b. 8 Aug 1913 Reulingen-Reiling /
Emma Reule b. 9 May 1916
Olga Reule b. 26 April 1918 Reulingen-Reiling m.
(1) __NN____; m. (2) 8 March 1941 Rabenstein / ____ to Rudolf
b. 7 Feb 1918 Borodino / Bess., son
of Johannes Stepper
(b. 29 May 1885 Borodino) and Mathilda
Scheffelmeier (b. 1886 Josefstal / Bess) Issue:
m. (1)
child / no name given
m. (2)
no children given
Martha Reule b. 27 Feb 1922
Johannes Reule b. 20 Jan 1927
3 children / no names given
Johannes Reule b. 10 Sept 1889 Neu Nikolajewka
m. 19 Dec 1919 Kloestitz/ Bess to Sarah
b. 18 Feb 1896 Hannovka/ Bess,, dau.
of Friedrich Sass (b. 3 Sept 1859 Neu Arzis / Bess) and Susanna
(b. 4 Dec 1860 Poland)
Louisa Reule b. 12 Jan 1921 Hannovka/
Era Reule b. 5 June 1922 Hanovka
Berta Reule b. 19 May 1924 Hanovka
Johannes Reule b. 18 March 1927
Jakob Reule b. 26 May 1929 Hannovka
2 children / no names given
Israel Reule b. 2 April 1893 Neu Nikolajewka
Gottlieb Reule b. 28 Jan 1895
Katharina Hess b. 18 March 1833 Borodino m. 27 Dec 1851 Kloestitz/ Bess
to Johann Michael Zeh b. 22 Oct 1831 Borodino,
son of Andreas Zeh (b. Feb 1793 Ilwisheim / __, Baden)
and Maria Milke (b. May 1804 Kolisch / __ Poland)
Christina Zeh b. 26 Jan 1856 Borodino m. 21 Nov 1874 to Andreas
Reinhardt b. 25 March 1851 Borodino, son of
Christian Reinhardt (b. 13 Aril 1826 Borodino) and Maria Magdalena
Maier (b. 2 April 1830 Borodino)
Katharina Reinhardt b. 7 July 1875 Borodino m. 23 Jan 1897 Kloestitz
/ Bess to Jakob Hein b. 19 Jan 1871 Borodino,
son of Jakob Hein (b. 16 May 1838 Borodino) and Barbara
Kessel (b. 18 Sept 1841 Borodino)
Sofie Hein b. 11 Oct 1897 Borodino m. 15 May 1924 Kloestitz/ Bess to
Georg Harter b. 14 Feb 1895 Borodino, son of
Karkl Harter (b. 23 June 1858 Borodino) and Christina
Schock (b. 16 Aug 1859 Borodino)
Hubert Harter b. 24 Dec 1928 Borodino
Johannes Hein b. 1899 Borodino
Christine Hein b. 26 April 1901 Borodino m. 10 Feb 1927 Kloestitz /
Bess to Johannes Ehni b. 4 May 1902 Borodino,
son of Jakob Ehni (b. 12 Sept 1871 Borodino) and Margaretha
Wagner (b. 2 Dec 1876 Borodino)
Frieda Ehni b. 3 Nov 1927 Borodino
Jakob Ehni b. 29 Sept 1929 Borodino
Jakob Hein b. 18 April 1903 Borodn
Regine Hein b. 15 July 1907 Borodoino
Pauline Hein b. 1905 Borodino d. 1909 Caucasas, Russia
Reinhold Hein b. 1909 Caucasas, Russia
Otto Hein b. 7 July 1915 Caucasas
Johannes Hein b. 31 Dec 1917 Borodino/ Bess.
Konrad Reinhardt b. 23 Nov 1879 Borodino m. 17 Nov 1905 Kloestitz
to Maria Koenig b. 24 Oct 1881 Alt Posttal,
S. Russia, dau. of Friedrich Koenig (b. 8 Dec 1848 Alt Posttal) and Katharina
Elhardt (b. 6 Jne 1854 Alt Posttal)
Maria Reinhart b. 1 March 1908 Borodino m. Alfred
Wiederspohn b. 1905 Kloestitz/ Bess, son of
Samuel Wiederspohn (b. 29 July 1861 Kloestitz) and Katharine
Rueb (b. 16 May 1870 Kloestitz)
Emma Reinhardt b. 24 Oct 1909 Borodino m. 16 Oct 1906 Borodino Robert
Menge b. 7 Dec 1908 Borodino, son of Daniel Menge (b. 5 Oct 1867 Borodino)
and Emilie Bogner (b. 23 Nov 1876 Tarutino / Bess. S. Russia
Reinhold Reinhardt b. 8 Dec 1911 Borodinom. 20 Jan 1937 Hoffnungstal
? bess to Helene Bollinger b. 6 May 1911 Hoffnungstal, son of Konrad
Bollinger (b. 30 Dec 1866 Hoffnungstal) and Katharina Singer (b. 4 Oct 1871
Hoffnungstal/ Bess)
Paulina Reinhadt b. 8 Nov 1913 Borodino m. Eduard Messner
Martha Reinhardt b. 3 March 1920 Borodino
Eduard Reinhardt b. 24 Feb 1922 Borodino
Johannes Reinhardt b. 24 June 1924 Borodino
Ida Reinhardt
Ida Reinhardt
Christine Reinhardt b. 13 June 1885 Borodino m. 15 June 1905
Kloestitz to Jakob Hess b. 8 Aug 1884 Borodino,
son of Jakob Hess (b. 30 April 1851 Borodino) and Katharina Magdalene
Otterstaetter (b. 19 Oct 1852 Borodino)
Regina Hess b. 1906 Borodino
Jakob Hess b. 1908 Borodino
Johannes Hess b. 1910 Borodino
Jakob Hess b. 11 May 1911 Borodino m. 13 Aug 1933 Kloestitz / Bess to
Emilie Schilling b. 19 Dec 1915 Borodino, dau.
of Friedrich Schilling (b. 21 Oxct 1874 Beresina/ Bess. , S. Russia) and
Eva Ost (b. 22 July 1879 Borodino)
Otto Hess b. 1933 Borodino
Emil Hess b. 1939 Borodino
Paulina Hess b. 20 Oct 1912 Borodino m. 2 Feb 1938 Borodino to Gottfried
Schaefer b. 6 May 1908 Borodino, son of Johannes
Scaefer (b. 11 April 1880 Borodino) and Friederike Schock
(b. 24 Dec 1884 Borodino)
Johannes Hess b. 1913 Borodino
Reinhold Hess b. 17 April 1915 Borodino m. 10 Dec 1939 Beresina / Bess
to Else Wegenast b. 16 Aug 1919 Beresina
Eduard Hess b. 1916 Borodino
Oskar Hess b. 1918 Borodino
Christine Hess b. 1920 Borodino
Regina Hess b. 1923 Borodino
Daniel Hess b. 1924 Borodino
Christian Reinhardt b. Borodino m. Margarethe
Magdalena Reinhardt b. 27 Dec 1881 Borodino m. 4 Jan 1904 Kloestitz
/ BBess to August Reinhardt b. 30 Dec 1878 Hoffnungstal / Bess, son of Jakob
Reinhardt (b. 3 Dec 1845 Hoffnungstal / Bess) and Christina Magdalena
Nitschke (b. 4 Feb 1847 Brienne / Bess, S. Russia
Christine Reinhardt b. 20 Oct 1904 Hoffnungstal / Bess m. 8 Dec 1926
Kloestitz / Bess to Rudolf Mueller b. 16 March
1900 Hoffnungstal / Bess, son of Christian Mueller (b. 14 July 1870
Hoffnungstal / Bess) and Johanna Braun
(b. 18 Nov 1875 Beresina/Bess. S. Russia) Issue:
Elfriede Mueller b. 8 Aug 1931
Elwire Mueller b. 6 Nov 1937
Eduard Reinhardt b. 16 Nov 1906 m. Christine
Reinhold Reinhardt b. 9 Aug 1910 m. Anna
Luise Reinhardt b. 19 Dec 1916
Margaretha Reinhardt b. 15 Sept 1891 Borodino m. 14 Oct 1909 Kloestitz/
Bess to Jakob Scheurer b. 4 March 1888 Borodino,
son of Friedrich Scheurer (b. 21 Dec 1856 Borodino) and Katharine
Krohn (stet) (b. 9 Sept 1852 Borodino)
Jakob Scheurer b. 30 Aug 1909 Borodino m. 22 Nov 1933 to Emma
Schwabe b. 9 Nov 1909 Katzbach/ Bess, dau. of
Jakob Schwabe (b. 29 Aug 1883 Katzbach) and Doroehea
Schelske (b. 1891 Katzbach)
Christine Scheurer b. 15 Feb 1911 Borodino m. 20 Feb 1936 Kloestitz/
Bess to Jakob Esslinger b. 26 Jan 1908 Kloestitz,
son of Jakob Esslinger (b. 16 Sept 1869 Kloestitz) and Karolina
Schlenz (b. 17 Dec 1873 Kloestitz)
Emma Scheurer b. 27 July 1912 Borodino m. 13 March 1937 Borodino to
Jakob Grosshans b. 31 Oct 1908 Borodino, son
of Christian Grosshans (b. 18 Sept 1864 Borodino) and Christina
Tetz (b. 13 Feb 1864 Borodino)
Reinhold Scheurer b. 5 Aug 1914 Borodino
Benjamin Scheurer b. 16 July 1916 Borodino m. 28 Dec 1940 Borodino to
Helene Zeh b. 17 Nov 1917 Borodino, dau. of
Georg Zeh (b. 16 Aug 1871 Borodino) and Friederika Hoeger
(b. 3 Jan 1873 Borodino)
Reinhold Scheurer b. 15 Feb 1919 Borodino
Johannes Scheurer b. 26 Jan 1921 Borodino
Otto Scheurer b. 27 July 1923 Borodino
Eva Zeh b. 31 May 1862 Borodno m. 2 June 1883 Kloestitz/ Bess to Jakob
Morgenstern b. 10 Dec 1858 Plotzk / Bess. S.
Russia, dau. of Karol Morgensern (b. 9 Nov 1934 Schochowitz / __, Poland)
and Chrstina Hopp (b. 1835 Theophil / __, Poland)
Reinhold Morgenstern b. 15 Aug 1886 Tschiligider/ Bess. S. Russia m.
31 March 1921 Arzis / Bess. to Magdalena Faas b.
4 Maly 1891 Teplitz/ Bess. S. Russia, dau. of Johannes Faas (b. 7 Sept
1856 Teplitz / Bess) and Barbara Handel (b.
30 Oct 1858 Teplitz) Issue:
Emil Morgenstern b. 26 Jan 1922 Tschiligider m. 7 May 1938 to Robert
Bauch b. 24 May 1895 Neu Kloestitz/ Bess. S.
Russia, son of Jakob Bauch (b. 23 March 1867 Neu Kloestitz) and Wilhelmine
Seidler (b. 28 Sept 1869 Neu Kloestitz) .
NOTE: Robert's first wife was Lydia Bucholz b. 1899 Tarutino
/ Bess, dau. of Samuel Buchholz (b. 10 Feb 1857 arutino) and Luise Rosenau
(b. 18 Oct 1865 Tarutino)] Issue:
Elsa Bauch b. 30 June 1922
Friedrich Bauch b. 9 Jan 1926
Otto Bauch
Hulda Bauch
Ella Morgensstern b. 30 May 1923 Tschiligider
Johannes Morgenstern b. 20 July 1926 Tschiligider
Jakob Morgenstern b. 23 Sept 1927 Tschiligider
Alfred Morgenstern b. 12 Aug 1931 Tschiligider
Baby Mogensern b. 20 May 1933 Tschiligider
Emma Morgenstern b. 3 Sept 1892 Tschiligider m. 7 May 1938 Robert
Bauch b. 24 May 1895 Neu Kloestitz
Maria Morgenstern b. 31 March 1891Tschiligider m. Aldexader
Friedrich morgenstern b. 14 Dec 1898 Tschiligider
Oskar Morgenstern
Jakob Morgenstern b. 8 Aug 1895 Tschiligider m. 15 Jan 1925 Kloestitz/
Bess to Lydia Hoffmann b. 21 July 1893 Kloestitz,
dau. of Matthaeus Hoffmann (b. 20 Sept 1863 Kloestitz) and Katharina
Klein (b. 23 Jan 1866 Kloestitz) Issue:
Johann Morgenstern b. 1901
Samuel Morgenstern b. 1897
Katharina Morgenstern
Christian Hess b. bef. 1819 m. _______ Issue:
Andreas Hess b. abt 1836 d. 18 Jun 1837 Borodino, son of Christian
Hess, #1882647/3 121 73 (1 year old)
Christian Hess b. d. 8 Apr 1834 Borodino, son of
Johann Georg Hess, # 1882643/1 188 57 (1 year 3 months
Christian Hess b. 5 Dec 1863 Borodino, son of Jakob Hess
and Anna Maria Weippert, #1884124/2 466
Christian Hess b. 13 Feb 1880 m. Emilie ____ b. 14 April 1889.
Christian Hess d. [in war] m. ____ Issue:
Otto Hess d. [in war] m. none
Elizabeth Hess b. 17 Nov 1907 m. none
Martha Hess m. (1) Harnos [d. in war], m. (2) Heier.
Christina , nee Kriesel, Hess b. 1784 .
or fr. Schwarzdamm / ____, Prussia d. 9 Nov 1860 (76 years, 7 months),
Wahl text
Christina, nee Kriesel, Hess b. Schwarzdamm / Prussia d. 9 Nov
1860, age 76 years, 7 months (Source: bessarabian project, Dale Wahl
Christina Hess , dau. of Jakob Friedrich Hess and Anna Maria
Christina Hess b. 2 Feb 1862 Borodino, dau. of Jakob
Hess and Anna Maria Weippert, #1884095/3
403 8
Christina Hess b. 25 Sep 1864 Borodino, dau. of Jakob
Hess and Dorothea Haberer, #1884124/2
475 77 ; note: bap Hoffnungsthal
Christina Hess b. 1 Jan 1869 Borodino, dau. of Johann Georg
Hess and Johanna Wallewein, #1884110/3
433 1
nee Mayer,
Hess b. 30 July 1892 Borodino d.
1965 Germany, m. Andreas Hess b. 25 oct. 1894 Borodino d. 12 Dec. 1936 Borodino
, S-30
Christoph Hess b. 1839, S-5
Christoph Wilhelm Hess b. 1839, S-5
Hess b. bef. 1845 m. Magdalena Engel
Jacob Hess, b. 5 Dec 1860 Borodino, son of Christoph Hess and
Magdalena Engel, #1884094/2 112
Johannes Hess b. 11 Feb 1863 Borodino, son of Christoph Hess
and Magdalena Engel, #1884099/3 422 12
Magdalena Hess b. 25 Jul 1867 Borodino, dau. of Christoph
Hess and Magdalena Engel, #1884091/3 457
David Hess b. 1835, S-5: Hoffnungstal to Hochstaette, Aauerien
Daniel Hess b. 1859 , S-5 : Hoffnungstal to Hochstaette, Aauerien
Daniel Hess b. 15 Nov 1869 Borodino, son of Jakob Hess and
Anna Maria Weippert, #1884080/1 422 90
Daniel Hess b. bef 1880 Borodino / Bess, son of __NN____ m. Magdalena
__NN___ Issue:
b. 12 Aug 1895 Sarizika, son of Daniiel Hess (b.
/ Bess) and Magdalenaa __NN__ (b. Borodino) m. 16 Jan 1919 Tarutino / Bess
to Lydia Kron
b. 23 Nov 1895 Moskowei , dau. of
Jakob Kron (b. 23 Nov 1853 Borodino) and Karoline
(b. 19 March Katzbach/ Bess.
Lilly Hess b. 19 Nov 11919 Alexandrowka/
Albert Hess b. 20 May 1921 Albota /
Daniel Hess b. 10 Nov 1922 Alexandrowka /
Rosa Hess b. 20 May 1926 Albota
Robert Hess b. 27 Sept 1928
Dorothea, nee Haberer, Hess , dau. of Andreas
Haberer ad Friederika Moesche b. 7 Jan. 1832
d. poss. Borodino m. Jakob Hess on 2 Jun 1849
Edger Hess des. of Benjamin Hess and Marta
Moetz, S-3
Ella Hess. of Johannes Hess and ?
Scheffelmeier, S-3
Hess [dau. of Johann Heinrich Hess and Anna Elisabetha
Johannes Stehr, son of Jakob Stehr
and Catharina __NN__
b. 6 Dec 1780
/ Mannheim , Baden-Wu [Germany]
d. poss. Russia
m. (1). Anna Catharina
m. (2) Elizabeth Hess
migr. with wife Elis. , son Michael, age 1/2 years old, and brother-in-law
Jacob Hess to Russia in 1809 to Friedrichsfeld / Molotschna, Taurien, S Russia
Christian Michael Stehr b. about 1809 possibly in Kherson / S. Russia
while waiting to settle in Friedrichsfeld Issue:
Michael Stehr b. abt 1811 Friedrichsfeld / Molostschna,
S. Russia d. 29 July 1879 Beresina / Bess. S. Russia m. 26 April 1837
in Tarutino / Bess. S. Russia to Katharina Dietrich
, dau. of Daniel
Dietrich. b. 1815
d. 11 April 1883 . Issue:
Michael Steer [Stehr] b. 30 June 1846 Beresina / Bess. S. Russia
Elizabeth Stehr b. 10 June/ 10 Aug _____[Source: Ingrid Reule]
1838 Beresina / Bess. S. Russia d. 7 March 1866 Beresina
m. Daniel Rattei
Johann Stehr b. 13 Dec 1839 Beresina d. 15 Aug 1895 Beresina m. 29
April 1882 Justina Moritz m. (2) Katherina
Schaber Mueller
Thomas Stehr b. 29 Dec 1841 Beresina d. 20 Nov 1894 m. 26 Jan 1867 Kloestitz
/ Bess. S. Russia to Karolina
Baelder b. 24 May 1844
m. (2) 19 Jan 1884 to Wilhelmine Schmidt b.
8 April 1856
Issue m. (1)
Margaretha Stehr b. 31 May 1875 Beresina/ Bess. S. Russia
Elisabeth Stehr b. 19 Aug 1877 Beresina / Bess. S. Russia , dau. of
Thomas Stehr and Karoline Baelder [Source: Ingrid Reule]
Issue m. (2)
Friedrich Stehr b. 9 March 1885, son of Thomas Stehr (b. 29 Dec 1841
d. 20 Nov 1894) and Wilhemine Schmidt b. 8 April
XXX Nicholai
Stehr moved
Katharina Stehr b. 16 Sept 1844 Beresina d. 8 Aug 1845 of
Michael Steer [Stehr] b. 30 June 1846 Beresina / Bess. S. Russia
Daniel Stehr b. 12 May 1848 d. [after 1875,
he did not die of a high fever in 11847 or 849]
Daniel Stehr m. abt 1873 to Katharina Hunt
John Daniel Stehr b. 18 June 1876 Beresina, S. Russia
d. 29 Oct 1940 m. 23 Jan 1897 to Lydia Flegel
b. 4 July 1874 Kulm/ Od. S. Russia. Migr. in 1901 they with two children.
Lived in his uncle's home, Nicholi Stehr, who farmed near Edgeley, ND.
They homesteaded near his uncle and built a sold house. Moved
to Fortune after the lost of their home and animals from a PrarieFire
of 1905 then to Canada. 1911 returned to Jud, ND.
Photograph. Issue:
Anna Stehr m. Ted Leisch of St. Paul,
Jacob Stehr of Jamestown, ND
John Stehr, Jr. of Bismark, ND b. 1905
Edith Stehr m. __- Wilson of Edgeley,
Christina Stehr m. William Fortin of Edgeley
Ted Stehr of Bismarck
Note: There were grandchildren mentioned: Florence Tabolski of
Lamoure; Stanely Sutton of St. Paul Minnesota; Ralph Wilson of Edgeley;
Ruth Wilson Schrum of Gackle; Robert, Ted, Jr., Lydia and Rayond Stehr ,
all, of Bismark. There were great grandioned: Harold, Charles and Dwight
Stehr, all of Gackle, ND.
Friedrich Steer bap. in Beresina 17 Aug 1850 d. 23 Oct 1851 Beresina
/ Bess. S. Russia S-65
Simon Stehr b. 24 Aug 1852 d. 6 March 1854 of convulsions,
Beresina / Bess. S. Russia
Friederika Stehr b. 19 Aug 1855 Beresina d. 6 May 1856 of small
Christina Stehr b. 16 May 1857 Beresina d. 14 Dec 1872
Michael Stehr b. 4 July 1860 d. 12 Jan 1863 of convulsions
Daniel Stehr b. 17 April 1867 Beresina / Bess. S. Russia [Ingrid
Jakob Michael Stehr b. abt 1810 m. Maria Marbach
(Habach rec. in some records) Issue:
Michael Stehr, b. 24 Oct 1835 Leipzig / Bess. #1882645/2 116 311
Bap: 27 Oct.
Christian Stehr b. 1816 d. 1904 m. 1 May
1838r to Anna Rosina Roedel b. 1823
Jakob Stehr b. 10 July1839 Beresina/ Bess.,S.Russia d. 1841
Beresina / Bess. S. Russia
Elisa Stehr, [twin]b. 11 May 1841 Beresina / Bess., S. Russia
Elasabetha [Elisabeth] Margaretha Stehr [twin] b. 12 May 1841
Beresina / Bess. m. (1)
Schaefer. #1883193/2 228 7 m. (2) 26
June 1858 Kloestitz/ Bess. S. Russia to Andreas
Singer b. 23 May 1836 d. 16 Sept 1872; m. (3)
3 Jan 1874 to Karl Retzlaff b. 22
May 1831 d. 25 Oct 1905 Issue:
Issue m. (2) ? Schaeffer
Katrina Schaffer b. 22 July 1859
Borodino m. Jacob Singer b. 1859 Hoffnunstal
/ Bess. d. 1905 Hoffnungstal / Bess.
Elisabetha Singer b. 3 May 1896 Hoffnungstal
m. (1) 11 Jan 1918 to Johann
b. 31 Dec 1895 Borodino, son of Jakob
Otterstaetter (b. 3 June 1856 Borodino) and Katharina
(b. 23 Aug 1857 Borodino); m. (2)
16 Feb 1936 Kloestitz to Daniel
b. 9 March 1901 Bendry, son of Konrad
Otterstaetter (b. 24 Nov 1861 Borodino / Bess) and Friederika
(b. 27 Oct 1864 Mathildendorf/ Bess)
m. (1) Issue
Rob ert Otterstaetter b. 25 Dec 1918 Borodino /
Magdalena Otterstaetter b. 22 July 1920
Johann Otterstaetter b. 9 April 1922
m. (2)
Robert Otterstaetter b. 18 May 1927
Marie Singer b. 1919 m. Daniel
Hein, son of Michael
Jarig Hein and Christina S. Stehr. See Danile Hein for the family
in detail.
Magdalena Stehr b. 2 [27 Source: Ingrid Reule] March 1843 d. 11
June 1843 #1198701
Gottfried Stehr b. 13 Aug 1844 m. 12 Sept 1863 [Source Ingrid
Ruele has the date as 13 Sept 1863 Tarutino / Bess. S. Russia ] to [Rosina]
Margaretha Nicholaus. b. 10 March
1843 Issue:
Gottfried Stehr b. 3 June 1864 Josefsdorf/ Bender, Bess., S. Russia
[Ingrid Reule]
.Jakob Stehr b. 11 April 1875 Josesphstal / Bess
Christina S. Stehr
[Stier] b. 1845
Eva Rosine [Rosina] Stehr b. 22 Jan 1852 also known as Eva Rosine Steer
(Stehr) b. 22 Jan 1852 [ bap. 27 Jan 1852 Bap. 1854 #25-B 24 1198702],
Katharina Steer b. 24 May 1854 bap. 27 May 1854 #1198702
Johannes Stehr b. 10 May 1857 bap. 18 May 1857 #1198702
Christoph Stehr b. 5 April 1859 Borodno/ Bess. S. Russia d. poss OK,
USA or Vanguard, Saskatchewan, Canada m. 18 Oct 1874 Kloestitz/
Bess. #1895629-1...... to Katharina Deg
Letter Issue:
Jakob Stehr m. 13 Jan 1902 to Elizabeth
Deg. b. ca 1878 d. poss. Morse /Saskatchewan,
Canada. Issue:
Lydia Stehr b. 16 March 1903 USA
Frederick Stehr b. 10 April 1905 USA
Edward Stehr b. 28 Nov 1906 USA
Matilda Stehr b.30 March 1908 29 Aug 1979 USA m. ____
Jacob Stehr b. 1909 Canada d. 1988
John Stehr b.22 Oct 1910 13 Sept 1989
Millie Stehr b. 12 April 1912 d. 25 April 1987
Lizzie Stehr b. 8 Mar 1914 d. 10 May 2000
Otto Stehr died in infancy during the flu epidemic of 1918
Bertha Stehr died in infancy during the flu epidemic of 1918
Carl Stehr b. 13 Sept 1916 d. 7 Nov 1997
Elsie Stehr died in infancy during the flu epidemic of 1918
Erna Stehr b. 9 Jan 1921 d. 4 May 1993
Friedrich Stehr b. 1 Jan 1862 Josephsdorf son of Jakob Stehr and Rosine
Redel, S-61
Michael Stehr b. Sept 1863 d. 1864 Josephsdorf/ Bess. S.
Christian Stehr b. d. poss. Canada m. Louise
Hille .
Emilie Stehr b. 3 Nov 1874 Josephstal Bess
Salome Stehr b. 5 Sept 1877 Josefsdorf/ Bender, S. Russia [Source: Ingrid
Marie Stehr b. 30 Nov 1878 Josefsdor/ Bender, Bess. S. Russia [Ingrid
dau. m. Long of Kulm, ND, USA.
Stehr (Steer) b. 18 Aug 1813 Friedrichsfeld, Molotschna, [Taurien] S. Russia
d. 28 Dec 1905 Kulm, ND, USA m. (1) 20 Dec 1834 Tarutino/Bess. S. Russia
to [Anna] Katharina Barbara Raempfer
b. 4 July 1814 abt 1846; (m. 2) 22
May 1846 Beresina/Bess. S. Russia Maria Friederika
Mantei b. 11 June
1822 d. 26 Jan 1854 m. (3) 28 Jan 1855 Kloestitz / Bess. to Luise
Domris [Domries] b. 17 Nov 1830
S-65; m. (4) 4 Sept 1858 Kloestitz/ Bess. S. Russia to Louisa
Hoffmann b. 15 May 1818 [Source of marriages
and wifes' birth dates are from Reule
m. (1 ) Anna Katharina Barbara Raempfer Issue:
Johann Fried. Stehr b. 3 Oct 1835 Beresina / Bess. S. Russia
d. 28 Jne 1859 Bersina/ Bess. S. Russia
Daniel Stehr b. 10 Jan 1839 Beresina / Bess. S. Russia son
of Nikolai Stehr and Barbara Raempfer
[stet] [Bess. Village birth rec. 183X by R. Drefs] m. about
1866 to Katharina Stahl
Regina Stehr b/ 16 Nov 1869 Beresina / Bess. S. Russia, dau. f Danie
Stehr b. 1839and Katharina Stahl [Source: Ingrid Reule].
Catharina Stehr b. 21 Aug 1879 Beresina / Bess. S. Russia [Source
Ingrid Reule]
Nikolalus Stehr b. 8 May 1881 Beresina / Bess. S. Russia [Source
Ingrid Reule] d. 24 Aug 1953 Irvin / Alberta, Canada m. 28 Oct 1907
Kloestitz / Bess. S. Russia to Karolina Engel
b. 17 Nov 1885 d. 13 March 1961, dau. of Valentin
Engel b. 1849 and Katharina Schaber b. 1852
Daniel Stehr [twin] b. 30 Jan 1884 Beresina, sonof Daniel Stehr b. 10
Jan 1839 and Katharina Stahl [Source: Ingrid Reule]
Rosina Stehr [twin] b. 30 Jan 1884
Jakob Stehr b. 7 June 1885 Beresina / Bess. S. Russia [Source:
Ingrid Reule]
Nicolai Stehr b. 6 Feb 1842 [Source Ingrid Reule) or 6 March
1842 Beresina/ Bess. S. Russia d. 29 Feb 1920 Jud/
LaMoure Country, ND, USA, son of Nicolli Stehr and Anna Barbara
Rempfer, m. 26 Jn 1867 to Christine
Nitschke b. 15 July 1845 Issue:
Issue m. (2)
Maria b. 2 Oct 1885 Beresina / Bess. S. Russia d. 25 April 1926 Hilda/
Alberta, Canada
Magdalena Stehr b. 21 Oct 1871 Beresina/ Bess. S. Russia d. 4 May 1945
Olds / Alberta, Canada m. 1 Feb 1893 Beresina / Bess. S. Russia to Georg
Rempfer b. 7 July 1876 d. 7 May
Victoria Stehr b. bef 1888 m.
15 March 1903 to Christian Nitschke b. poss
Beresina / Bess. S. Russia, poss. son of Fredrick and Fredricka, nee
Wold [Wolt], Nitschke.....
Photograph Issue:
Bertha Nitschke m. Jake Gulke of
Emma Nitschke m. Gottfried Nitschke of
Ottelia Nitschke m. Carl Wangrud of Jud
Theodore Nitschke of Jud
Richard Nitschke m. Verla Withnell of
Edna Nitschke m. Ervin Kleingartner of
Rudy Nitschke m. Murel Tompkins of Jud
Loretta Nitschke m. Jake Batsch of
Hulda Nitschke
Anna Maria Steer, 6 Jul 1841 Beresina #1883192/2 142 25, S-61,
dau. of Nichaus Steer and Barbara
m. Christian Friedrich
b. 4 April 1843 Beresina/ Bess, son of Andreas Wolt and Katharina
Reinschmidt /
Kleinschmidt Issue
Katharina Wolt b. 14 Aug 1869 Beresina / Bess m.
8 Feb 1890 Kloestitz to Gottlieb
b. 25 Nov 1862 Kloestitz, son of
Karl Jans (b. 5 Dec 1826 Leontieff / ___) and Justine
(b. Pais/ Bess) Issue:
Lydia jans b. 15 Nov 1891 Kloestitzz/
Anna Jans b. 14 July 1898 Kloestitz/
Katharina Stehr b. 16 Sept 1844 Beresina / Bess. S. Russia
m. (3) Luise (Louisa) Domris. Issue :
Johann Georg b. 18 May 1857 Beresina, son of Nicolai Stehr b. 1813 and
Loisa Domris b. 1830 [Source: Ingrid Reule] m. 16 Feb 1884
Tarutino / Bess. S. Russia to Louisse
Roehl Issue:
Samuel Stehr b. 23 March 1885 Beresina/ Bess. S. Russia, son of Johann
Georg Stehr b. 1857 and Louise Roehl [Source: Ingrid Reule]
Ludwig August Stehr b. 7 July 1863 Beresina / Bess. S. Russia d.
1922 Braila / Dobrudscha, Rumania [Ingrid Reule] m. 30 Dec 1883
Kloestitz / Bess. S. Russia to Katharina Hermann
b. 20 Sept 1864 d. 1922 Issue:
Pauline Stehr b. 24 Aug 1883 B eresina / Bess. S. Russia, dau. of Ludwig
August b. 1863 and Kaharina Hermann b. 1854 [Source: Ingrid Reule]
Ludwig August b. 11 Feb 1885 Beresina / Bess. S. Russia
Reinhold Stehr, son of Ludwig August Stehr b. 1863 and Katharina Hermann
b. 1864 [Source Ingrid Reule]
Olga Stehr [Source: Ingrid Reulle]
Fredrich Stehr b. 2 Jan 1865 Bersina/ Bess. S. Russia, son of Nicolai
Stehr and Louisa Donris
Gottfried Stehr b. 7 Nov 1868 Beresina / Bess. S. Russia d. 20 March
1869 Beresina/ Bess. S. Russia [Ingrid Reuele]
Maria Stehr b. ?
Johannes Stehr b. 24 July 1859, son of Nicolai Stehr b. 1813 and Louisa
Domris b. 1830 [Source: Ingrid Reule]
m. (4) 4 Oct 1858 Kloestitz/Bess. S. Russia to Louisa
Hoffman b. 15 May 1818 poss. Russia
Gottlieb Stehr b. 21 June 1859 Beresina d. 21 Jan 1878 Beresina / Bess.,
S. Russia [Ingrid Reule]
Katharina Stehr b. 20 Jan 1861 Beresina /
2 Feb 1861 Beresina m. Ferdinand
b. 3 Jan 1864 Tarutino / Bess, son
of Gottlieb Milbrad and Wilhelmina
Pauline Milbrat b. 24 July 1889 Tarutino / Bess
m. Samuel Tetzlaff
b. 29 April 1879 Tarutino / Bess,
son of Daniel Tetzlaff (b. 23 June 1851 Tarutino / Bess) and Wilhelmina
(b. 31 Oct 1855 Leipzig / Bess)
Rudolph Tetzlaff b. 17 July 1912 Neu Tarutino /
Bess m. 28 June 1937 to Maria
b. 18 Nov 1912 Neu Tarutino / Bess,
dau. of Daniel Fandrich (b. 11 April 1879 Tarutino / Bess) and Christine
(b. 14 Dec 1884 Mintshuna/ Bess) Issue:
1 child/ no name given
Adele Tetzlaff b. 29 March 1914 Neu
Emil Tetzlaff b. 20 June 1918 Neu
Eduard Tetzlaff b. 22 Oct 1919 Neu Tarutino m.
5 Oct 1939 Mathildendorf/ Bess to Elsa
b. 14 March 1920 Neu Taarutino / Bess,
dau. of Samuel Fredrich (b. 28 Jan 1874 Tarutino / Bess) and Friedeike
(b. 25 Dec 1881 Mathildendorf/ Bess)
Issue: 1 child/ no name given
Woldemar Tetzlaff b. 25 July 1921 Neu
Herbert Tetzlaff b. 20 March 1923 Neu Tarutino
/ Bess
Helmut Tetzlaaff b. 10 July 1927 Neu
child b. 5 June 1929 (twin) Neu
child b. 5 June 1929 (twin))
Ewald Tetzlaff b. 9 March 1933 Neu
Beta Stehr b. 21 Sept 1861 Beresina/ Bess., S. Russia
Anna Stehr b. 18 March 1862 Beresina / Bess. S. Russia [Souce:
Ingrid Reule]
Anna Stehr b. July 1866 Beresina / Bess. S. Russia d. 30 Sept 1939 Tariverde
/ Dobrudscha, Rumania m. 12 Dec 1882 Kloestitz/ Bess. S. Russia to Johann
Jakob Holzwarth b. 17 Jan 1862 d. 26 March 1917
Gottieb Stehr b. 5 July 1867 Friedenstal / Bess. S. Russia [Ingrid
Jacobina Stehr b. 22 Feb 1819 Friedrichsfeld / Molotschna,
S. Russia d. 28 Feb 1851 Beresina / Bess. S. Russia m. 17 Oct 1837 to
Johannes Maerz ; m. (2) 1849 to Michael
_____[? Adam below?] Jacob Stohr b. abt 1820 m. (1) Sophia, nee
Wagner, Stohr d. 14 Jan. 1840 Rohrbach
[Ghost story] m. (2) ___ Issue:
poss. [Johann] Adam [Stohr] Stehr m. ___? Sophia
Wagner. Issue:
Ludwig Stehr [Stohr] b. 6 July 1834 Rohrbach/ Os. S. Russia
Eva Catharina b. 1 Jan 1837 Rohrbach / Od. S. Russia
Eva Katharina Stohr b. 1 Jan 1838 Rohrbach #148 1 1882647/3 d. 15 May
1839 Rohrbach / Od. S. Russia
Eva Catharina d. 15 May 1839 Rohrbach
Elizabeth Stehr b. 3 or 25 July 1821 poss. Friedrichsfeld / Molotschna
[Taurien] Russia d. 28 Oct 1871 Beresina m. 26 Dec 1840 to Johann Georg
Rempfer b. 15 Sept 1821 [Source:
Ingrid Reule] Issue:
Catharina Rempfer b. 19 Nov 1868 Neu-Beresina / Bess.
Elisabeth Hess b. 5 Dec 1859 Borodino, dau. of Johannes
Hess and Barbara Bergstraesser, #1884080/1 423
Elsie Hess dau.Samuel Hess and Magdalena
Sieglock, liv. in Germany, S-3
Emil Hess b. aft. 1883 , child. of Frederick Hess and ?
Schock, m. Marta
Fried, S-3
Emilie Hess b. 1905 , dau. of Samuel Hes and Katherine
Ehni, was in 1982 liv. in Germany m. David
Khrone , Children: 8 known , S-3
Emily Hess dau.of Gottlieb Hess and Lydia Hederley
, S-3
Erhert Hess son of Benjamin Hess and Marta
Moetz. last liv. in Germany, S-3
Ernie Hess, son Samuell Hess, the younger Magdalena
Sieglock. nown liv. in Germany, S-3
Eva Hess dau. of Samuel Hess, the younger andd Magdalena
Sieglock, Last known liv. in Germany
Eva , nee Geissler, Hess b. 13 Jan
1859 m. Jacob Hess b. 6 Dec 1860. Both fr. village of Borodino. She
is the dau. of Heinrich Geissler b. May 1827 and Eva Margaretha,
, nee Dalke, b. 28 March 1829 They had 12 children. See film
#1768261/1. Source from Dale Wahl's E-mail of 5 Sept 1998
Frederick, Friedrich,
Friedrich Hess m. 24 Nov 1895 to Margaretha
Reule b. 1 Oct 1871 Borodino , dau. of
Gottfried Reule and Katharina Margaretha Knodel, S-33
Frederick Hess son of Andreas Hess b. aft. 1849 , S-3
Friedrich Hess m.
Katharina Hein, dau. of
Christoph Hein and Christina Motz migr.
to Aracatuba, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil in 1926.
See e-mail. Informant
is Dalva, a granddaughter.
Frederick Hess b. aft. 1866, son of Andreas Hess m. ? Schock, Children:
2, S-3
Fredericka, Friederika
Friederika Hess b. bef. 1808 m. Danie Wittke Issue:
Maria Friederika Witke b. 7 Aug 1823 Borodino / Bess. m. 28 Dec 1843
to Peter Holzwarth b. 28 Dec 1823 Kloestitz,
son of __NN____
Friederika, nee Grau, Hess , age 33, b.
abt 1817 m. (1) __NN__ Hess; m. (2) Jakob
Rambach, age 32, b. abt 1818. (Source:: 1850
Borodino Census) Issue:
m. (1)
Friederika Hess, age 10, abt abt 1840
Jakob Hess, age 8
Johannes Hess, age 7
Konrad Hes, age 5
M. (2)
Philipp Rambach, age 1
Friederika Hess b. 18 March
1856 Borodino d. 21 Nov 1935 [in home of her son Christian Tetz], dau.
of Jakob Hess and Dorothea
Haberer, m. (1)
Johann Tetz
on 23 Jan. 1875 Kloestitz, m.
(2) Arthur Mauch , S-3. Children:
12 known
Issue m. (1)
Johann Tetz b. 16 Sept 1875 m. (1) ; m. (2) ; m. (3); m. (4) Pauline
Gassler Issue:
Johan Tetz who was last known living in East Germany
Jakob Tetz b. 18 Oct 1876 d. 1916 m. Louise Grosshams. After the
death of her husband she moved to Tarutino / Bess. Issue:
Edward Tetz who became a Past m. Hilda Grosshams
and known to live in Ludwigsburg, Wu. Germany
Johann Tetz missing in action during WW II
Hulda Tetz m. ___ Senger and
last known to live in Hanover, Germany
Else Tetz m. ___ Brieske and last
known living in Ludwigsburg - Wu. , Germany
Andreas b. 29 March 1878 m. Katherine
Christian b. 15 April 1880 m. Katherine Ulrich
and last known to have lived in Mariewka / Bess.
Christina Tetz b. 25 Nov 1882 Borodino /
Bess. S. Russia d. 29 Aug 1965 Colville , WA, USA m. 3 July 1911 Spokane,
SW, USA. Robert Gourlay b. 17 Jan 1877 Sebringville,
Ontario, Canada d. 4 May 1956 Colville, WA, USA, son of Samuel Gourley
and Phoebe Clara Johns. . Issue:
Flossie Gourlay [informant]
m. Joseph Frank Libra b.
29 Jan 1909 d. 22 May 1988, son of Frank Libra, Sr. (1869-1952) and
Josephine Emily Vasek;
letters from Flossie about Borodino.
Kathleen Libra m. Stephen Bennnett, son
of Charles P. Bennett and Anne
Fussenich Issue:
Laura Bennett m. ? __Deaton; .m. Todd
Amber Marie Bennett-Deaton
Russel Bennett
Sammuel Thomas Gourlay m. Vera McClean. No children to this
Blanche Gourlay m. Al Estep Issue:
Jon Robert Estep m. Judy Vanderbol
Karl Tetz b. 20 Jan 1885 m. Anna Wiederspohn
and last known living in Jakobstal / Bess Issue:
Olga Tetz m. Schmalz. Issue:
Edward Schmalz
Paul Schmalz
Waltraud Schmalz
Emilie Tetz
Else Tetz
Regine Tetz
Katherine Tetz d. age 19 by buring to deathy while working for Pastor
Peters in Kloetitz / Bess.
Eva Tetz [no data known at this time]
Emilie Tetz b. 20 July 1891 m. Gottfried Tetz
d. 28 May 1981; m. (2) Ludwig Lehman
and had 5 children in Mieschuna / Bess then migr. to in Castor / Alberta,
Friederika. nee
Hess, Tetz-Mauch b.
18 March 1856 Borodino d. 21 Nov 1935 [in home of her son
Christian Tetz], dau. of Jakob Hess
(b. 3 March 1828) and Dorothea
Haberer (b. 7 Jan 1832) [NOTE:
m. 23 Jan. 1875 Kloestitz to
(1) widower Johann Tetz
b. 27 Mar 1853 Borodino d. 18 March 1893 Borodino, son
of Karl Tetz b. 18
April 1828 borodino and
Katharina Wagner, (b.
22 Jan 1832 Borodino); m. (2) Arthur Mauch (see
photograph.] , S-3. Children: 12 known See
Issue m. (1)
Johann Tetz b. 16 Sept 1875 m. (1) 29 Nov 1876
Tarutino / Bess to Louise Schmidt b. 29 Sept 1876 Tarutino / Bess, dau. of
Daniel Schmidt (b. 1 March 18563 Tarutino) and Karolina Schmidke (b.
4 Nov 1856 Paris / Bess, S. Russia ; m. (2) ; m. (3); m. (4) Pauline
Gassler Issue:
Johan Tetz who was last known living in East Germany
Jakob Tetz b. 18 Oct 1876 d. 1916 m. Louise Grosshams.After the
death of her husband she moved to Tarutino / Bess. Issue:
Edward Tetz b. 12 July 1906 Borodino. Edward became a Pastor &
m. Hilda Grosshams
b. 12 Jan 1919 Friedenstal, dau. of
Immanuel Grosshans (b. 9 March 1895 Friedenstal ) and Friederika Shock (b.
6 Sept 1896 Friednenstal). Known to
live in Ludwigsburg, Wu. Germany
Johann Tetz missing in action during WW II
Hulda Tetz m. Senger and last known
to live in Hanover, Germany
Else Tetz m. Brieske and last known living in Ludwigsburg - Wu.
, Germany
Andreas b. 29 March 1878 m. Katherine
Christian b. 15 April 1880 m. Katherine Ulrich
and last known to have lived in Mariewka / Bess.
Christina Tetz b. 25 Nov 1882 Borodino / Bess.
S. Russia d. 29 Aug 1965 Colville , WA, USA m. 3 July 1911 Spokane, SW, USA.
Robert Gourlay b. 17 Jan 1877 Sebringville,
Ontario, Canada d. 4 May 1956 Colville, WA, USA, son of Samuel Gourley
and Phoebe Clara Johns.
See photograph of Christina. Issue:
Karl Tetz b. 20 Jan 1885 m. Anna Wiederspohn
and last known living in Jakobstal / Bess Issue:
Olga Tetz m. Schmalz. Issue:
Edward Schmalz
Paul Schmalz
Waltraud Schmalz
Emilie Tetz
Else Tetz
Regine Tetz
Katherine Tetz d. age 19 by buring to deathy while working for Pastor
Peters in Kloetitz / Bess.
Eva Tetz [no data known at this time]
Emilie Tetz b. 20 July 1891 m. Gottfried Tetz
d. 28 May 1981; m. (2) Ludwig Lehman
and had 5 children in Mieschuna / Bess then migr. to in Castor / Alberta,
Isssue m. (1)
Johannes Tetz b. 11 March 1913 Marijewka/
Ida tetz b. 17 July 1913 Marijewka
Jakob Tetz b. 5 May 1915 Borodino m. 6 Dec 1934
Kloestitz/ Bess to Regine Graesssle b. 28 Jan 1913 Borodino, dau. of Daniel
Graessle (b. 12 July 1885 Borodino) and Johanna Schulz (b. 25 Aug 1887 Jakobstal
/ Bess) Issue:
Erna Tetz b. 21 Feb 1935 Borodino
Otto Tetz b. 13 Dec 1939 Borodino
child / no name givenXXX
Emma Tetz b. 15 March 1912 Marijewka
Samuel Tetz who was born after his father died and died as an infant
Issue m. (2)
Berta Mauch
Olga Mauch
Notes: data from Flossie Libra ion 14 Sept 1990
Samuel Tetz who was born after his father died and died as an infant
Issue m. (2)
Berta Mauch
Olga Mauch
Notes: data from Flossie Libra ion 14 Sept 1990
Fredericka Hess of Borodino m. Israel Hein,
son of Michael Hein*. One child known. Became a widow at the
Freeda Hess, dau. of Samuel Hess and Magdalena
Georg (Jerg) Bernhard b. 21 Aug 1667 m. 18 Feb 1696
Groetzingen/ Wu [Germany] to Barbara
Leipold. Issue:
Johann Jacob Hess (Buerger u. Stadtknecht) b. 28 May 1697
Groetzingen/ Wu d. 17 March 1748 Groetzingen/Wu
m. (1) 1 Nov 1735 to Anna Barbara Herman b.
5 Nov 1705 d. 15 Dec 1776; m. (2) 1 Oct 1721 Groetzingen/Wu to Catharina
Burcher b. __NN__ d. 13 April
1735 Reule
Personal Sheet 6598
Georg Hess b. bef 1818 m. _________ Issue:
Katharina Hess b. abt 1836 d. 12 Jun 1837 Borodino, dau. of Georg
Hess , #1882647/3 121 72 (1 year old)
Georg Hess b. 1 July 1793 Groetzingen / ___, Wuerttemberg
d. 2 June 1866, son of Johann Jakob Hess (b. 13 June 1764) m.
1814 to Philppine Weber b. Dec 1795
Fackelberg/ Zweibruecken, Pfalz d. 1870
(Source: Kloetitz/ Bess. Rec.)
Georg Hess (Hoss, Hesz), age 40, b. abt 1795,
m. to Philippina Weber, age 37, b. abt
1793, (Source: 1835 Boridno Census) Issue:
Jakob Hess, age 19
Katharina Hess, age 16
Johann Christian Hess, age 9
Margaretha Philippina Hess, age 6
Georg Hess (age 57) b. abt 1793 m. Philippina
Weber (age 55) b. abt 1795 (Source: 1850
Borodinoo Census) Issue:
Jakob Hess was age 19 in the 1830 Borodino Census and it's rec. in the
1850 Borodino Census that he died 1847
Johnnes Hess (age 25) b. abt 1829 m. Barbara
Bergstraesser (age 25) Issue:
Anna Hess, age 15, b. abt. 1835
Georg Hess b. 1 July 1793
Groetzingen / __, Wuerttemberg d. 2 June 1866 Borodino
/ Bess, son of Johann Jakob Hess (b. 13 June 1764) and Katharina
Pfitz (b. 11 Dec 1765) m. Philippine
Weber b. Dec 1795 Fackelberg
/ Zweibruecken , Pffalz d. 1870 Borodino/ Bess. S. Russia (Source:
Ingrid Reule)
Gottfried Hess b. 1805 b. or fr. Schneid / ___,____
Wahl text
Georg Hess, age 23, b. abt 1812 m. to Eva
Hauff, age 18, b. abt 1817, (Source: 1835 Borodino
Georg Hess, age 40, b. abt 1810 m. Eva
Hauff, age 36, b. abt 1814 (Source: 1850
Borodino Census) Issue:
Elisabeth Hess, age 13, b. abt 1837
George Hess, age 11, b. abt 1839
Christina Hess, age 2. b. abt 1848
Gottfried Hess b. 8 Feb 1863 Borodino, son of Jakob Hess
and Dorothea Haberer #1884099/3 421 11
Gottlieb Hess b. 3 Sept 1805 Scnait (Scneid) / Waiblingen,
Wuerttemberg d. 19 Feb 1885 Beresna m. 14 Feb 1832 Kloestitz/
Bess to widow Anna Maria , nee Fischer, Wegenast
b. 1795 Wornosche / __, Poland, dau. of __NNN__. . Her first
huband was Jakob Wegnast b. 2 Aug 1783. (Source: Ingrid Reule).
Gottlieb Hess b. 1835 of Beresina, S-5
Gottlieb Hess b. bef. 1839 m. Christina
Wagner. Children: 1 known, S-3
Gottlieb Hess b. 22 June 1870 Borodino , son of Jakob Hess and Anna
Maria Weippert, m. (1) 9 Jan 1897
to Christine Weippert b. 21 Feb 1874 Borodino
d. 1 Nov 1928 Marienfeld m. (2) 23 June 1929 Marienfeld to Sophie
Hein b. 10 Dec 1878 Borodino Issue:
Gottlieb Hess b. 1897 Jakobstal d. 1898 Jakobstal
Katharina Hess b. Jakobstal d. Jakobstal
Johannes Hess d. Marienfeld
Arturd Hess
Alfred Hess
Christine Hess died
Katharine Hess died
Sammuel Hess b. 26 June 1902 Minschunam
Emilie Hess d. 1932 Katharinowka
Benjamin Hess b. 19 Nov 1903 Minschunam m. Metitta
Emilie Hess b. Dec 1907 Jakobstal m. Jakob
Reinhold b. 28 March 1906 Minschunam m. Hulda
Berta Hess b. Dec 1907 d. 22 April 1922 Marienfeld
Gotthilf Hess b. 30 Dec 1911 Marienfeld m. Huld
Rieger d. 5 April 1940 Katharinowka
Johann [Johannes] Alfred Hess b. 6 Nov 1914 Marienfeld m. Lydia
Buech (Biech)
Christian Hess b. 3 Aug 1917 Mariefeld
Remarks: File 258,311 Marienfeld/ Bess./ Koblenz Extraction (E.Wise)
Father was Jakob Hess b. 1827 Borodino d. May 1901 and mother was Anna Maria
Weippert b. 1828 d. Dec 1901.
One of them had an ancestor Katharina Fuller b.
25 June 1797 Groezingen n. Nuerdingen m. 1815 to ____
Gottlieb Hess b. 1862 or 12
Dec 1872 Borodino / Bess, son of Christoph Wilhelm Hess (b. 22 May
1839 Borodino / Bess d. 31 Aug 1915 Borodino ) and Maria Magdalena
Engle (b. 19 Sept 1841 d. 5 Feb 1908) m.
22 Nov 1896 Kloestitz/ Bess. to Katarina Mittelstaedt
b. 28 March 1876 Klostitz/ Bess, Johannes Mittelstaedt (b. 16 Jan
1850 Kloestitz/ Bess. ) and Karolina Kling (b.
7 Nov 1855 Neu-Arzis / Bess.) d. 1918 verschollen Gottlieb is the des.
of Jakob Hess (b. 28 Jan1815 Borodino) and
Johanna Rosina Arlt (b. 14 Aug 1817) [NOTE:
Gottlieb's birth date of 1862 is from Anna, des. of Gottlieb; Anna
also sent the names of his children] Issue:
Johannes Hess
Gottlieb Hess b. 1895
Regina Hess
Gottlieb Hess b. 28 Jan. 1896 poss. Borodino d. poss. Canada,son of
Samuel Hess and Katherine Ehni. m. Lydia
Hederley. Children: 9 known
Gottliebina Weber, age 44, b. abt 1792 m. Johann
Schilling, age 44, b. abt 1791 (Source: 1835
Borodino Census) Issue:
Elisabetha Schilling, age 13
Georg Schilling, age 9
Johann Schilling, age 6
Henry Hess, son of Samuel Hess and Katherine
HEINRICH1 HESS was born August 23, 1800 in
Hugstetten-Frieburg, Baden, Germany, and died June
29, 1855 in Hoffnungstal, Kr Akkermann, Bessarabia, Russia. He married KAROLINE
RADKE 1830 in Russia. Issue:
CHRISTIANA HESS, b. September 07, 1832, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol,
Taurien, Russia; m. KARL WAHL, June 23, 1855,
Hoffnungstal, Kr Akkermann, Bessarabia, Russia.
DAVID HESS, b. June 06, 1835, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol, Taurien,
JACOB HESS, b. November 11, 1838, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol, Taurien, Russia;
d. July 04, 1854, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol, Taurien, Russia.
CHAROLETTE HESS, b. January 18, 1840, Hochstaedt, Molotchna, Russia;
d. October 15, 1873, Hoffnungsthal, Ukrain, Russia.
KATHARINE HESS, b. 1842, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol, Taurien, Russia; d.
February 10, 1842, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol, Taurien, Russia.
EVA MAGDELENA HESS, b. December 25, 1844, Hoffnungstal, Kr Akkermann,
Bessarabia, Russia; m. JOHANN WITTMAIER, October 21, 1862, Klostitz, Kr
Akkermann, Bessarabia, Russia.
PETER HESS, b. May 30, 1847, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol, Taurien,
BARBARA HESS, b. July 22, 1848, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol, Taurien, Russia;
d. September 26, 1849, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol, Taurien, Russia.
KAROLINA HESS, b. June 28, 1851, Hoffnungstal, Kr Akkermann, Bessarabia,
Russia; m. JOHANN KUCH, November 13, 1869, Klostitz,
Kr Akkermann, Bessarabia, Russia.
. MAGDELENA HESS, b. December 15, 1853, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol, Taurien,
Russia; d. July 02, 1855, Hochstadt, Kr Metripol, Taurien, Russia.
CHAROLETTE2 HESS (HEINRICH1) was born January 18, 1840 in Hochstaedt,
Molotchna, Russia, and died October 15, 1873 in Hoffnungsthal, Ukrain, Russia.
07, 1857 in Kloestitz, son of GEORG MANNHALTER and
Note: Family data from Debbie White, e-mail:
Jakob Hess b. 1786 d. 1855 Borodino migr. fr.
Groetzingen, Nurtingen, Wu, S-2
Jakob Hess b. 1786 migr. from Egenhausen, Calw-Wu
m. Anna Maria Stickel b. 1790 d. 1849 migr from
Egenhausen, Calw-Wu, S-3
Jakob Hess b. 22 Dec. 1786 d. 1855 fr. Groetzingen,
Nurteingen-Wu. Children: 2 known, S-1
Information is from Anna, 27 Sept 2007, March
Jakob Hess b. 20 Dec 1786
Groetzingen/Nuertingen-Wu (Germany) d. 1855
Borodino/Bess. S. Russia , son of Jacob Hess and Catharine
Pfizin m. 1811 to Anna Maria
Sickle b. 11 Aug 1790
Egenhausen/ Calw, Wu (Germany) d. 1849 Borodino
/ Bess. S. Russia. Issue:
See family in detail
Jakob Hess b. 1791 Egenhausen / Calw, Wu m.
Anna Maria Stickel
Dale Wahl text)
Jakob Hess b. abt 1814 m. 28 Oct 1834 Tarutino to Johanna Rosina
Arld [poss Arlt]
#1882643/1 177 43 [notes: he was 20 years old and the son of Jakob
Hess/ she was 18 years old, b. Poland, and the dau. of Gottfried Arld
[Arlt] See Jakob Hess b. 1815 from Engenhausen
/ Calw-Wu......
Jakob Hess b. 1815 migr. from Egenhausen,
Calw-Wu, m. Johanna Arlt b. 1817
migr. fr. Katzbsach/Bess.
Jakob Hess b. 28 Jan 1815
Borodino, son of Jakob Hess (b. 20 Sept 1786 Groszinger/
__, Wuerttemberg) and Anna Stickel (b.
11 Aug 1790 Altensteig / __, Wuerttemberg m. 23
Oct 1834 Tartino / Bess to Johanna Rosina Arlt b.
14 July / Aug 1817 Katowisch /
Prussia [Kattowitz / __, Poland], dau. of
__NN___ (Source: Steve Mogck and Ingrid Reule)
Christine Hess b. 17 March 1836 Borodino m. 12 Nov 1854 Kloestitz/ Bess
to Briedrich Balmer b. 12 June 1835 Tepltiz,
son of Johannes Balmer (b. 24 Aug 1794 Emmingen / __,
Wuerttemberg) and Anna Maria Lieb (b.
22 Oct 1799 Tuttlingen / __, Wuerttemberg)
Johannes Balmer b. 1857 Teplitz/ Bess m. (1) 3 Jan 1879 Alt Arzis /
Bess to Elisabeth Hausser b. Brienne/ Bess. S. Russia m. (2) to Barbara
Schmauder b. 1881 Teplitz Issue:
m. (1) Issue:
Friedrich Paul Balmer b. 21 Nov 1883 Alt Arzis m. 12 June 1909 to Margaretha
Schmauder b. 8 May 1886 Teplitz,
dau. of Johann Georg Schmauder (b. 14 Sept 1861 Teplitz) and Maria Magdalena
Erfle (b. 25 Nov 1863 Teplitz) Issue:
Maria Balmer b. 6 April 1911 Teplitz m. Reinhold
Marks b. 1 May 1905 Jekaterinowka/ Bess., son
of Johannes Marks (b. 6 Jan 1869 Kulm / Bess) and Kaharine
Decker (b. 9 March 1873)
Emma Balmer b. 1 March 1886 Teplitz m. Leopold
Schmauder b. 25 Aug 1879 Teplitz, son of Franz
Schmauer (b. 22 July 1832 Teplitz) and Margaretha Kern
(b. 9 Feb 1840 Teplitz) Issue:
Barbara Schmauder b. 15 Feb 1910 Teplitz m. 12 Jan 1832 Arzis to
Gustav Fredrich b. 25 Nov 1903 Kulm, son of
Daniel Fredrich (b. 25 Nov 1879 Teplitz) and Eva __NN___ b. 1885 Bordino
/ Bess
m. (2) Issue:
Theodor Balmer b. 13 May 1907 Teplitz m. Olga
Bross b. 7 April 1910 Alt Posttal / Bess. S.
Christine Balmer b. 6 Nov 1865 Teplitz m. 24 Sept 1886 Paris / Bess.
S. Russia to Ferdinand Bork b. 30 Oct 1861 Paris,
son of August Bork (b. 1814 Poland) and Luise Kelm
(b. 1816 Paris/ Bess) Issue:
Ferdinand Bork
Julius Bork
Maria Anna Bork b. 24 Feb 1889 Paris / Bess
Christine Bork b. 1 June 1891 Paris m. 4 Oct 1913 Alt Elft / Bess to
Mathias Beglau b. 30 April 1883 Beresina/ Bess.
S. Russia, son of Jakob Beglau (b. 15 April 1844 Beresina) and Friederika
Wegernast (b. 1844 Beresina). His first
wife was Maria Phahl. Isse:
Erma Beglau b. 3 Oct 1914 Beresina/ Bess
Erna Beglau b. 26 Dec 1915 Arzis/ Besss
Herbert Beglau b. 25 July 1917 Alt Elft / Bess. S. Russia
Erna Beglau b. 3 Aug 1918 Alt Elft
Emma Beglau b. 4 Jan 1920 Alt Elft m. 22 Sept 1939 Friedenstal / Bess
to Otto Gehre b. 15 Oct 1914 Friedenstal / Bess,
son fo Gottlieb Gehre (b. 2 May 1872 Friedenstal) and Margaretha
Litz (b. 17 Nov 1874 Friedenstal) Issue:
Erich Gehres b. 12 Dec 1939 Friedenstal / Bess.
Ilse Beglau b. 25 Nov 1922 Neu Paris/ Bess.
Herbert Beglau b. 23 May 1924 Neu Paris
Artur Beglau b. 10 May 1826 Neu Paris
Jakob Bork b. 7 Dec 1894 Paris m. 31 Jan 1919 AZlt Elft / Bess to Bertha
Krueger b. 4 Sept 1896 Paris / Bess, dau. of
Simmon Kruegger (b. 16 Feb 1868 Paris) and Elisabeth
Kappel (b. 4 March 1870 Arzis / Bess)
Emma Bork b. 14 June 1897 Paris/ Bess m. Adolf
Lydia Bork b. 25 Nov 1899 Paris m. 26 Nov 1920 Paris / Bess to Wilhelm
Breitkreuz b. 20 July 1896 Paris, son of Ferdinand
Breitkrez (b. 23 Oct 1851 Paris / Bess) and Karoline
Kunusch (b. 11 Sept 1855 Paris)
Herbert Breikreuz b. 15 Feb 1922
Willi Breikreuz b. 11 Feb 1924 Paris
Islse Breitkreuz b. 22 July 1926
Leontine Bork b. 13 June 1903 Paris m. Simon Oelke
Pauline Bork b. 1904 Paris d. 1904 Paris
Arthur Bork b. 29 Jan 1906 Paris m. 19 Jan 1930 Paris/ Bess to Emilie
Haase b. 1 May 1908 Tschmetschelly / Bess.
S. Russia
Jakob Balmere b. 17 April 1868 Teplitz
Margaretha Balmer b. 24 June 1870 Teplitz
Adam Balmer b.. 1873 Teplitz
Christoph Wilhelm Hess b. 22 May 1839 m. 13 Nov 1859 Kloestitz/ Bess
to Maria Magdalena Engel b. 19 Sept 1841 Kloestitz
Katharina Magdalena Hess b. 5 Dec 1873 Borodino m. 17
Feb 1897 Kloestitz/ Bess to Christoph Thumlert b.
20 April 1876 Borodino, son of Konrad Thumlert b. 22 Sept 1833 Borodino)
and Katharina Motz (b. 15 Feb 1844 Borodino)
Christine Thumlert b. 26 Oct 1898 Borodino m. 8 Sept 1903 Kulm / Bess.
S. Russia to Nathanael Leischner b. 24 Sept 1903 Kulm / Bess, son of Gottlieb
Leischner (b. 14 April 1875 Kulm) and Karolina Hillius (b. 10 sept 1882 Leipzig
/ Bess. S. Russia)
Magdalena Thummlert b. 4 March 1900 Neu Borodino / Bess
Johannes Thumlert b. 10 Feb 1902 Ismailowka / Caucasas, Russia m. 29
April 1927 Kloestitz/ Bess to Magdalena Bollinger
b. 4 Marrch 1900 Hoffnungstal, dau. of Jakob Bollinger (b. 21
Oct 1867 Hoffnungstal / Bess) and Margaretha
Aldinger (b. 6 Nov 1865 Hoffnungstal)
Emma Thumlert b. 24 Nov 1927 Neu Borodino /Bess
Luisa Thumlert b. 8 Jan 1930 Neu Borodino
Lydia Thumlert b. 27 May 1905 Ismailowka m. Jakob
Eduard Thumlert b. 1 Aug 1906 Ismailowka
Maria Thumlert b. 5 June 1907 Kessafurt / Caucasas, Russia m. Heinrich
Luise Thumlert b. 5 Dec 1908 Kessafurt m. 17 April 1933 Hoffnungstal
/ Bess to Rudolf Kunz b. 24 Aug 1907 Borodino,
son of Friedrich Kunz (b. 16 March 1876 Borodino) and Katharina
Knodel (b. 9 May 1878 Borodino) [NOTE: Rudolph's
first wife was Lydia Hein b. 7 Feb 1909 Borodino,
dau. of Jakob Hein (b. 12 June 1862 Borodino) and Christina
Harter (b. 28 Oct 1866 Borodino)]
Else Kunz b. 28 Nov 1937 Borodino/ Bess
Nathalia Thumlbert b. 2 March 1911 Kessafurt m. Gottlieb
David Thumlert b. 1 Oct 1912 Kessafurt m. 21 Nov 1937 Kloestitz/ Bess
to Else Herrmann b. 5 June 1911 Beresina/ Bess.
S. Russia, dau. of Friedrich Herrmann b. 10 Nov 1875 Berestina) and Katharina
Dietterle b. 29 Oct 1876 Kloestitz)
Eduard Thumlert b. 1913 Kessafurt
Christian Hess b. 28 April 1876 Borodino m. 21 Feb 1902 Kloestitz to
Magdalena Grabau b. 17 Jan 1879 Borodino, dau.
of Jakob Grabau (b. 31 July 1854 Borodino) and Karoline
Tetz (b. 14 July 1854 Borodino)
Samuel Hess b. 9 Dec 1902 Borodino
Chrstian Hess b. 7 Dec 1904 Mintschuna/ Bess S. Russia
Alexander Hess b. 16 Oct 1907 Mintschuna
Magdelena 1908 Mintschuna
Emil Hess b. 17 June 1910 Mintschuna m. 21 Feb 1935 Leipzig / Bess.
to Ida Gross b. 14 Feb 1915 Mintschuna, dau.
of Gottlieb Gross (b. 29 June 1884 Kulm / Bess, S. Russia) and Magdalena
Laib (b. 31 Dec 1889 Hoffnungtal)
Reinhold Hess b. 19 Feb 1879 Borodino m. 28 Jan 1904 to Dorothea
Weber b. 6 Feb 1885 Borodino, dau. of Jakob
Weber (b. 23 Aug 1854 Borodino) and Friederika
Ulrich (b. 24 Jan 1857 Borodino)
Maria Magdalena Hess b. 14 Dec 1905 Borodno m. 4 Jan 1927 Kloestitz/
Bess to Christian Lang b. 4 Dec 1902 Borodino,
son of Friedrich Lang (b. 29 April 1869 Borodino) and Katharinna
Tetz (b. 13 June 1873 Borodino)
Herta Lang b. 18 Aug 1927
Frieda Lang b. 22 Aug 1929
Emil Lang b. 29 Aug 1931
Reinhold Hess b. 9 Sept 1932
Ella Lang b. 18 March 1934
Hilde Hess b. 3 Dec 1907
Reinhold Hess b. 12 Oct 1909 Borodino m. 9 Aug 1934 Kloestitz to Ida
Lang b. 12 Oct 1912 Borodino, dau. of Friedrich
Lang (b. 29 April 1869 Borodino) and Katharina
Tetz (b. 13 June 1873 Borodino)
Pauline Hess b. 22 March 1914
Jakob Hess b. 1816, Borodino, S-5
Jakob Hess b. 1818, Borodin, S-5
Jakob Hess b. __Grossingen / n. Tuebingen, Wuerttemberg d. 8 June
1855 m. Chistina Grassle (Bess. project,
Dale Wahl)
Jakob Hess b. bef. 1821 m. _______ Issue:
Margarethe Hess b. May 1837 Beresina d. 6 Jun 1837 Borodino
, dau. of Jakob Hess, #1882647/3 121 71 (6 days old)
Jakob Hess b. bef 1819 m. ______ Issue:
Rosina Johanna Hess b. Feb. 1835 d. 23 Feb 1835 Borodino, dau.
of Jakob Hess, # 1882645/2 132 34 8d
Jakob Hess b. 1827, S-5
Jakob Hess, "the elder" b. 1
Jan / 1 June / 3 March 1828 Borodino ,
son of Adam Hess (b. 27 Oct 1781
Aich / Worms , Pfalz*
d. 12 Dec 1853 Borodino / Bess. S. Russia) ) and Barbara
Springling (b. 1786) m. 2 Jun 1849 in
Kloetstitz/Bess. S. Russia to Dorothea Barbara Magdalena
Haberer b. 7 Jan 1832 Borodino, dau.
of Andreas Haberer (b. 21 March 1798
Rohrbach / Waldsee, Wuerttemberg) and Friederika
Moesche [Mehle b. 9 Jan
1801 Bietigheim / __, Wuerttemberg], (S-3, S-5; note: Father fr.
Eich [Aich] n. Worms/ Palatinate
and Ingrid
Andreas Hess m. ____ Issue:
Friederick Hess m. ___ Schock [Her sister
was Friedericka, nee Hess, Motz, who lived in Spondin/ Alberta Canada.
Her brother was David Schock.]
Emil Hess m. Marta Fried.
XXXXMarguerita Hess m. Jakob Siegloch.
They lived in Borodino on Lot #394 which was latter occupied
by Bippus] Issue:
Girl [ __NN___] m. ___Abel
Sammuel Hess aft. 1846, son of Jakob
Hess and Dorothea Haberer , m. Katherine
Ehni, Children: 16 known, S-3 .....
Friederika Hess b. 18 March 1856 Borodino
/ Bess. S. Russia d. 21 Nov 1935 Mariewka / Bess. S. Russia m. 23 Jan 1875
Kloestitz/ Bess., S. Russia (1) Johann Tetz
b. 27 March 1853 Borodino / Bess. S. Russia d. 18 March 1893 Borodino / Bess.
S. Russia m. (2) Arthur Mauch ,
S-3. Children: 12 known Issue:
Christina Tetz b. 25 Nov 1882 Borodino / Bess. S. Russia d. 29 Aug 1965
Colville , WA, USA m. Robert Gourlay b. 17 Jan
1877 Sebringville, Ontario, Canada d. 4 May 1956 Colville, WA, USA m. 3 July
1911 Spokane, SW, USA. Issue:
Jacob Hess b. 6 Dec 1860 Borodino,
sonof Jakob Hess and Dorothea
Haberer, #1884094/2 112 104 m. Efa
____ Issue:
Samuel Hess b. 29 Aug 1876 Borodino / Bess, son of
Jacob Hess and Magdalena Dorothea Haberer m.
Katharina Ehni b. 12 Aug 1876 Borodino, dau.
of Johannes Ehni and Katharina Schock.
Justine Hess m. ___ Wallowein
Pauline Hess m. Jakob
Johanna Hess m. Filip Bippus. Issue:
Christina Hess
Lena Hess
girl Hess m. Christian Eichelberk.
Family migr. to Brazil, S. America
Gottfried Hess b. 8 Feb 1863 Borodino, son of Jakob Hess
and Dorothea Haberer #1884099/3 421 11
Johannes Hess son of Jakob Hess and Dorothea
Haberer, S-3. Vanished while herding sheep and
his body was never recovered.
Christina Hess b. 25 Sep 1864 Borodino, dau. of Jakob
Hess and Dorothea Haberer, #1884124/2
475 77 ; note: bap Hoffnungsthal
Magdalnea (sic) Hess b. 22 Dec 1866 Borodino, dau. of
Jakob Hess and Dorothea Haberer, #1884091/3
452 137 m. Christian Hoeffel Lived in
Gnadenfeld/ Bess. Issue:
Friedrich Hoefel b. 3 Nov 1886 Gnadenfeld /
Emilie Hoeffel b, 29 Dec 1888 Gnadenfeld m.
Lemke.b. 8 July 1883 Eigenheim
/ Bess, son of Karl Ludwig Lemke (b. 2 Nov 1836 Kulm / Bess) and Chrisine
Fruck (b. 26 June
1846 Leipzig/ Bess) Issue:
Neili Lemke m. Manfred Mueller who was
known lat living in Esslingen / n. Goerdelereweg, W. Germany
Manfred Mueller
Caroline Mueller
Magdalena Hoefel b. 6 Jan 1892
Christian Hofel b. 28 Nov 1897 Gnadenfeld m.
9 June 1921 Brienne / Bess to Mathilde
b. 21 May 1898 Brienne/ Bess, dau..
of Heinrich Mattheis (b. 30 Aug 1860 Brienne / Bess) and
Henriette Herrmann
(b. 4 Jan 1861 Brienne/ Bess)
Herbert Hoefel b. 25 April 1922 Bnadenfeld/
Ella Hoefel b. 23 Dec 1927 Brienne /
Mathilde Hoefel b.. 5 April 1900
Paulina Hoeffel b. 8 Nov 1902 Gnadenfeld
m. Gottfried Keherer
Anna Foefel b, 28 Biv 1904 Gnadenfeld
Friederick Hoeffel m. ___ Lived in Mintschuna / Bess. Issue:
Emil Hoeffel m. Hulda ___
Erna Hoeffel m.
____ Heer
Johannes Hoefel b. 255 Feb 1907
Justina Hess b. 16 Oct 1869 poss Borodino, dau. of of Jakob Hess
and Dorothea Haberer, #1884110/3 441
96 m. Andreas
Janke b. 21 Sept
1865 d. June 1943, S-3
Magdalena Hess, dau. of Jakob Hess and Dorothea
Haberer, m. Hoeffel,
Justina Hess b. 16 Nov 1869 Borodino, dau. of Jakob Hess and
Dorothea Haberer
Jakob Hess b. before 1840 . Grossinger/ by
Tuebingen, Wur d. 8 June 1855 m. Christina
Dale Wahl text)
Jakob Hess b. 1842, S-5
*Jakob Hess, age 8, b. abt 1842, son of __NN__
Hess and Friederika Grau:
(Source: Borodin 1850 Census)
Friederika, nee Grau, Hess, Rambach, age 33, b. abt 1817, m.
(1) ____ Hess; m. (2) Jakob
Rambach, age 32, b. abt 1818 Issue:
m. (1) Issue:
Friederika Hess, age 10 b. abt 1840
*Jakob Hess, age 8, b. abt 1842
Johannes Hess, age 7 b. abt 1843
Katharina Hess, age 6 b. at 1844
Konrad Hess, age 5 b. abt 1845
m. (2) Issue:
Philipp Rambach, age 1
Jakob Hess, Sr. b. 1827, S-5
Hess b. bef. 1831 m. Anna Maria
Weippert Issue:
Jakob Friedrich Hess b. bef. 1846 m. Maria
Weippert. One child known., S-3
Christina Hess b. 2 Feb 1862 Borodino, dau. of Jakob
Hess and Anna Maria Weippert, #1884095/3
403 8
Christian Hess b. 5 Dec 1863 Borodino, son of Jakob Hess
and Anna Maria Weippert, #1884124/2 466
Peter Hess b. 21 Oct 1867 Borodino, son of Jakob Hess
and Anna Maria Weippert, #1884091/3 460 92
Daniel Hess b. 15 Nov 1869 Borodino, son of Jakob Hess and
Anna Maria Weippert, #1884080/1 422 90
Jakob Friedrich Hess b. bef. 1846 m. Maria
Weippert. One child known., S-3
Jakob Hess, Jr. b. 1860, S-5
Jakob Hess , the younger, son of Jakob Hess and Dorothea
Haberer, S-3
Jacob Hehs (Hess) b. 6 Dec
1860, son of Adam Hess (b. 27 Oct 1781) and Barbara Springling
(1786) m. Magdalena Dorothea Haberer
(Source: Ehni Family of Borodino: Odessa Collection/ Families
by Martin R. Schock:
& C.H.) Issue:
Samuel Hess b. 29 Aug 1876 Borodino / Bess, son of
Jacob Hess and Magdalena Dorothea Haberer m.
Katharina Ehni b. 12 Aug 1876 Borodino, dau.
of Johannes Ehni and Katharina Schock.
Gottlob Hess b. 28 Jan 1896 m. Lydia Hatterle
b. 22 Sept 1895 Kloestitz/ Bess
Samuel Hess b. 1 Oct 1899 Borodino m. Margaretha
Sigloch b. 14 May 1899 Borodino, dau. of Samuel
Sigloch and Christina
Jacob Hess b. 10 Aug 1901 m. Regine Schock b.
11 Jan 1902, dau. of Daniel Schock and Magdalena
Magdalena Hess b. 13 June 1903 d. 1911
Emilie Hess b. 30 Aug 1905 m. Daniel Kron
b. 25 Jan 1903 Borodino, son of Jakob Kron and Catharina
Olga Hess b. 9 Aug 1907 m. Rudolf Wiehsner b.
19 Aug 1905 Borodino
Benjamin Hess b. 26 Aug 1909 d. 19 Feb
1982 Germany m. Marthja Motz b.
6 pril 1910 Borodino d. 1986 Germany
(Source: __C.H. ___, who tells us that this line is from
Adam Hess b. 1781) Issue:
Edgar Hess
Inge Hess
Wilma Hess
Hubert Hess
Gerhard Hess.
Regina Hess b. 16 July 1910 m. Karl
Hein. They left for America on 27 My
Magdalena Hess b. 31 May 1913
Otto Hess b. 4 March 1915 d. 1915
Otto Hess b. 10 Aug 1917 d. 1917
Johannes Hess b. 16 Man 1919
Jacob Hess b. 6 Dec 1860. m. Eva , nee
Geissler, Hess b. 13 Jan 1859 Both fr.
village of Borodino. She is the dau. of Heinrich Geissler b.
May 1827 and Eva Margaretha, , nee Dalke, b. 28 March 1829 They had
12 children. See film #1768261/1. Source from Dale Wahl's
E-mail of 5 Sept 1998
b. 6 Dec 1860 Borodino,
son of Jakob Hess (b. 1 Jan 1828 Borodino) and Magdalena Dorothea
(b. 7 Jan 1832 Borodino) m. Eva Giessler b. 13 Jan 1859 Borodino
Justine Hess b. 19 Oct 1885 Borodino m. Christoph
Wallewein b. 19 Sept 1880 Borodino, son of Christoph
Wallewein (b. 22 Dec 1839 Borodino) and Maria Stauber
(b. 19 Feb 1849 Beresina/Bess, S. Russia) Issue:
Gottfried Wallewein b. 24 Feb 1903 Borodino
m. 1 March 1928 Kloestitz to Emlie
b. 11 June 1907 Borodino, dau. of
Johannes Schock (b. 4 Oct 1880 Borodino) and Magdalena
(b. 28 Feb 1882 Borodino)
Elfriede Wallewein b. 28 Nov 1928
Jakob Wallewein b. 25 July 1905
Christophy Wallewein b. 15 May 1906
Maria Wallewein b. 11 April 1909 Borodino
m. 10 Feb 1932 Kloestitz to Alexander
b. 4 Sept 1907 Hoffnungstal / Bess.
S. Russia, son of Johann Eider (b. 3 Sept 1873 Hoffnungstal / Bess) and Maria
(b. 17 Set 1878 Hoffnungstal/
Martha Wallewein b. 1 Nov 1911
Benjamin Wallewein b. 2 Nov 1913
Johanna Wallewein m. 24 Feb 19938 Borodino
to Emil Stickel
b. 26 Nov 1914 Borodino, son of Jakob
Stickel (b. 24 Oct 1867 Borodino) and Katharina
(b. 27 Feb 1872 Borodino
Otto Wallewein
Emma Wallewein b. 30 Sept 1918
Magdalena Wallewein b. 8 Jan 1920
Emilie Wallewein (twin) b. 18 March
1921 Borodino
Otto Wallewein (twin) b. 18 March 1921
Elfrieda Wallewein b. 14 April 1924
Johannes Hess b. 15 Oc 1890 Borodino m. 31 March
1911 Kloestitz / Bess. to Maria Kosel
b. 19 April Borodino/Bess., dau. of ___Kosel and Christina Kosel
(b. 23 Sept 1871 Borodino/Bess) Issue:
Johannes Hess b. 16 April 1911 Borodino
Emma Hess b. 31 Aug 1912 m. 16 Jan 1935
Borodino to Jakob Kron
b. 18 Nov 1909 Borodino, son of
Johann Kron (b. 13 Aug 1876 Borodino) and Barbara
(b. 31 Oct 1877 Borodino)
Otto Hess b. 12 March 1919 Borodino
Albert Hess b. 17 July 1921 Borodino
Alma Hess b. 28 Feb 1924 Borodino
Anna Hess b. 17 Aug 1926 Borodino
Elfriede Hess b. 10 Dec 1928 Borodino
___ Hess
Christine Hess b. 7 Aug 1892 Borodino d. 30 March 1933
Borodino m. 3 June 1910 to Johannes
b. 20 July 1892 Borodino, son of Daniel
Schock (b. 3 Sept 1853 Borodino) and Friederika
(b. 3 Feb 1852 Borodino).
Martha Schock b. 12 June 1910 Borodino
Johannes Schock b. 20 Aug 1911
Elsa Schock b. 29 Dec 1914 Borodino
Emile Schock b. 20 March 1919 Borodino
Elfriede Schock b. 13 April 1921
Caecilie Schock b. 24 Aug 1924
Irma Scock b. 12 June 1927 Borodino
Andreas Hess b. 25 Oct 1894 Borodino m. Christine
Maier b. 31 July 1892 Borodino / Bess, dau.
of Andreas Maier (b. 23 Feb 1869 Borodino) and Katharina
Reule (b. 29 Dec 1870 Borodino)
Hulda Hess b. 13 May 1912 Borodino m. 11 Jan 1931
Beresina / Bess to Michael
b. 18 Dec 1908 Beresina/ Bess. S.
Russia, son of Jakob Herrmann (b. 5 May 1880 Beresina) and
Katharina Speidel
(b. 28 July 1884
Herbert Hess b. 20 July 1914 Borodino
Samuel Hess b. 20 Feb 1916 Borodino
Eva Hess b. 29 March 1918 Borodino
Andreas Hess b. 10 Jan 1921 Borodino
Woldemar Hess b. 10 Feb 1922 Borodno
Irma Hess b. 28 Dec 1924 Borodino
Christian Hess b. 1933 Borodino
Christian Hess b. 8 April 1898
Borodino m. 31 Jan 1924 Kloestitz/ Bess to
b. 17 April 1903 Borodino, dau. of Christoph Zeh (b. 11 Feb 1872 Borodino)
and Karoline Gensburg
(b. 25 June 1865 Borodino)
Christine Hess b. 1925 Borodino
Erna Hess b. 1927 Borodino
Emanuel Hess b. 1928 Borodino
Richard Hess b. 1936 Borodino
Erich Hess b. 1937 Borodino
Jakob Hess b. 14 April 1899 Borodino
m. (1) 22 Nov 1918 Kloestitz to Katharina
b. 6 April 1895, dau. of Andreas Maier
(b. 23 Feb 1869 Borodino) and Katharina
(b. 29 Dec 1870 Borodino); m. (2)
22 Nov 1928 Kloestitz to Alwina
b. 15 Sept 1907 Kerbickenden / Caucasas,
Russia, dau. of Johannes Hein (b. 31 Aug 1879 Borodino) and Friederika
(b. 8 Dec 1886 Borodino) Issue:
m. (1) Issue:
Albert Hess b. 27 Nov 1929 Borodino
m. (2) Issue:
Elly Hess b. 11 April 1920 Borodino
Adele Hess b. 12 May 1926 Borodino
Jacob Hess, b. 5 Dec 1860 Borodino, son of Christoph Hess and
Magdalena Engel, #1884094/2 112
Jakob Hess b. bef. 1872 m. Elisabeth
Hoeger Issue:
Carolina Hess b. 30 Sep 1867 Borodino , son of Jakob Hess and
Elisabeth Hoeger, # 1884091/3 459 80
Jakob Hess m. Regine Schock Issue:
Woldermar Hess, child of Jakob Hess and Regine
Schock, S- 3
Hess b. bef
1868 m. Christine Giessler Issue:
Christina Hess b. 6 Dec 1883 Borodino, dau. of Jakob Hess and Christine
Giessler, #1895615/2 565 106
Hess b. bef 1867 m. Eva Giessler
Eva Hess b. 20 April 1882 Borodino, dau. of Jakob Hess and Eva
Giessler, #1895610/1 531 77
Jakob Hess b. 8 Nov 1883 Borodino, son of Jakob Hess and Eva
Giessler, #1895615/2 564 97
Justina Hess b. 19 Oct 1885 Borodino, dau. of Jakob Hess and Eva
Giessler, #1897695/1 575 83
Jakob Hess b. 1901 , son of Samuel Hess and Katherine
Ehni m. Regine
Schock. Germany. Children: 3 known,
Johann, Johan, Johannes......
Johann Jacob Hess (Buerger u. Stadtknecht) b. 28 May 1697
Groetzingen/ Wu d. 17 March 1748 Groetzingen/Wu,
son of Jerg (Georg) Bernhard Hess and Barbara
Leipold, m. (1) 1 Nov 1735 to Anna Barbara
Herman b. 5 Nov 1705 d. 15 Dec 1776, dau. of
Johann Jacob Hermann (b. 8 April 1679 Groetzingen)
and Magdalena Muehleisen (b. 5 March 1680
Groetzingen); m. (2) 1 Oct 1721 Groetzingen/Wu
to Catharina Burcher b. __NN__ d.
13 April
1735 Reule
Personal Sheet 6598
Johan Georg Hess (Buerger u. Schneider) b. 25 Nov 1737 Grroetzingen
d. 14 July 1790, son of Johann Jakob Hess (b. 28 May 1697) and Anna Barbara
Hermann (b. 5 Nov 1705
Groetzingen / __, Wuerttemberg d. 15 Dec 1776) to
Maria Elisabetha Haid b. 16 Nov 1729 d.
9 June 1797, dau. of __NN___ See Reuele
Sheet 6599 Issue:
Johann Jakob Hess b. 13 June 1764 Groetzingen / Wu.
[Germany] m. 27 Jan 1785 Groetzingen/Wu to Katharina
Pfitz b. 11 Dec 1765
Johann Jakob Hess (Buerger u. Schneider) b. 13 June 1764
Groetzingen / Wu. [Germany], son of Johann Georg
Hess (b. 25 Nov 1737)and Maria Elisabetha Haid (b.
16 Nov 1729), m. 27 Jan 1785 Groetzingen/Wu to Katharina
Pfitz b. 11 Dec 1765 See Reuele
Sheet 6599 Issue:
Johann Georg Hess b. 3 Dec 1785 Grotzingen d. 21 Jan 1788
Jakob Hess b. 20 Dec
1786 Groetzingen d. 1855 Borodino / Bess. S. Russia
m. 1811 to Anna Maria Stickel b. 11 Aug 1790
Egenhausen / Calw, Wu [Germany] d. 1849 Borodino / Bess. S. Russia See family
and des. in detail....
Christian Hess b. 10 March 1788 Groetzingen d. 11 Aug 1788
Anna Maria Hess b. 7 May 1789 Greotzingen m. Michael Reule
Johann George Hess b. 29 Sept 1790 Groetzingen d. 14 Oct 1791
Catharine Hess b. 27 Nov 1791 Groetzingen
Johann Georg Hess b. 1 July
1793 Groetzingen d. 1865 Borodino m. 1814 to Katharina
Weber b. 1795
See Family and des. in detail
Friederich Hess b. 2 Jan 1795 Groetzingen d. 17 Jan 1798 Groetzingen
Christian Hess b. 26 Sept 1796 Groetzingen
m. 1 June 1815 to Katharina Fueller b. 25 June
1797 Issue: [see below]
Friederich Hess b. 1 Aug 1798 Greotzingen d. 28 April 1802
Matthaeus Hess b. 25 Febv 1800 Greotzingen d. 6 May 1801 Groetzingen
Jakobine Barbara Hess b. 10 June 1802 Groetzingen
Johann Heinrich Hess b. bef 1774 poss.
_________ n. Mannheim,
Germany and Anna Eliz.
Hess b. 22 Aug 1789
Freudenheim / Mannheim -
Baden d. poss Borodino / Bess. S. Russia
m. widower
Stoehr b. 6 Dec 1780 Lutzelsachen
/ Mannheim - Baden. They migr.
to Friedrichsfeld / Molotschna, [Taurien], Russia in 1809
Johann Georg b. 2 July 1786 Groetzingen/ Nurtingen,
Wu d. 2 June 1866 (Source: Arthur Flegel)
Johann Georg Hess, Sr. b. 1793, Borodino, S-5
Johann Georg Hess b. 1 July
1793 Groetzingen /
Nuertingen-Wu d. 1865 Borodino, son of Jacob Hess and Catharine
Pfizin m. 1814 to Katharina
Weber b. 1795
See Family and des. in detail
Johann Georg Hess b. 1 July 1793 (Source: Heimatkalender)
Johann Georg Hess b. 1794 d. 1866 Borodino, migr. from
Groetzingen / Nuertingen-Wu, S-2
Johann Georg Hess, Jr. b. 1810, Borodino, S-5
Johann Georg Hess b. 1811 d. 1865 Borodino migr. fr.
Groetzingen, Murtingen-Wu, S-1, S-2
Johann Georg Hess b. 25 May 1811 Aich / Worms, Hessen d. 25 June 1865
(Source: Arthur E. Flegel)
Johann Georg Hess b. bef. 1815 m. _______ Issue:
Christian Hess b. abt Jan 1833 d. 8 Apr 1834 Borodino,
son of Johann Georg Hess, # 1882643/1 188 57 (1 year 3
months old)
Johann Georg Hess b. 25 Dec 1810 Worms / ___, ____ m. Eva
Hauff b. 27 July 1814 Wittenberg/ Bess.
(Source: Steve Mogck) Issue:
Johann Georg Hess b. 17 Oct 1839 Borodino / Bess. S. Russia m. Johanna
Wallewein b. 3 Feb 1844, dau. of __NN__
Johann Hess b. 8 Aug 1880 Borodino m. 6 March 1903 to Elisabeth
Weber b. 10 July 1884 Borodino, dau. of Konrad
Weber (b. 9 Jan 1850 Borodino) and Margaretha
Ottedrstaetter (b. 13 Dec 1880 Borodino) Issue:
Margaretha Hess b. 27 Jan 1904 Borodino m. Johannes Wilhelm
Schock b. 24 Dec 1899 Borodino, son of Johannes
Wilhlem Schock (b. 9 Aug 1857 Borodino) and Karolina
Bippus (b. 4 Oct 1861 Borodino)
Otto Schock b. 29 Aug 1924 Borodino
Alfred Schock b. 2 April 1926 Borodino
Emma Schock b. 30 July 1927 Borodino
Johannes Schock b. 26 Dec 1928 Borodino
Marta Schock b. 6 March 1929 Borodino
Daniel Schock b. 28 Feb 1930 Borodino
Johanna Hess b. 22 Feb 1907 Borodino m. 12 Nov 1931 Kloestitz/ Bess
to Benjamin Kron b. 25 Nov 1905 Borodino, son
of Christian Kron (b. 9 May 1866 Borodino) and Elisabetha
Zeh (b. 15 June 1865 Borodino) Issue:
Otto Kron b. 23 June 1933 Borodino
Bejamin Kron b. 30 June 1937 Borodino
Johannes Hess b. 14 Aug 1914 Borodino
Jakob Hess b. 10 July 1916 Borodino
Martha Hess b. 13 Sept 1919 Borodino
Benjamin Hess b. 21 April 1921 BOrodino
Christina Hess b. 28 June 1848 Borodino m. 27 Feb 1869 Kloestitz/ Bess
to Johann Laemmle b. 19 May 1843 Worms / Od.,
Kherson, S. Russia, son of __NN___. [NOTE: Johann was a widower and
married first to Elisabetha
Ebner,] Issue:
Christian Laemmle b. 11 Nov 1872 Hoffnungstal / Bess m. 20 Jan 1894
KKloestitz/ Bess to
Uhlich b. 11 Nov 1872
Kloestitz, dau. of Christian Uhlich (b. 2 Jan 1835 Kloestitz) and
Anna Maria
Hofer (b. 6 Dec 1837 Alt Posttal / Bess)
Johann Laemmle b. 1895 Hoffnungstal / Bess
Elisabetha Lammle b. 14 Oct 1895 Hoffnungstal
Katharina Laemmle b. 23 July 18997 Kloestitz
Paulina Laemmle b. 1899 Kloestitz
Johannes Laemmle b. 1901 Kloestitz
Emilie Laemme b. 1903 Kloestitz
Margareta Lammle b. 19 Dec 1906 Kloestitz
Johanna Laemmle b. 6 July 1908 Kloestitz
m. 4 June 1931 Tarution / Bess to Daniel
b. 13 Jan 1902 Manukbejewlka/ Bess,
son of Daniel Stelter (b. Kulm / Bess) and Luise
(b. Kulm/ Bess)
Friedrich Laemmle b. 4 June 1911 Kloestitz
Jakob Laemmle b. 2 April 1876 Hoffnungstal
Johann Laemmle b. Hoffnungstal
Pauline Lemmmle b. 10 June 1878 Hoffnungstal
Rudolf Laemmle b. 15 Oct 1884 Hoffnungsal
Amilie Laemmle b. 5 Oct 1887 Hoffnungstal
Margaretha Laemmle b. Hoffnungstal
Margarethe Hess b. 2 Nov 1859 Kloestitz/ Bess
Johannes Hess (age 25) b. abt 1823, son of
Georg Hess (age 57, b. abt 1793) and Barbara
Weber ,
m. to Barbara
Bergstraesser (age 25) b. abt 1823 (Source:
1850 Borodino Census)
Johann Georg Hess b. 1839, Borodino, S-5
Johann Georg Hess b. bef 1854 m. Johanna
Wallewein Issue:
Margaretha Hess b. 12 Aug 1864 Borodino, dau. of Joh. Georg
Hess and Johanna Wallewein, #1884124/2
473 61 ; note: bap Beresina
Christina Hess b. 1 Jan 1869 Borodino, dau. of Johann Georg
Hess and Johanna Wallewein, #1884110/3
433 1
Johannes Hess b. 29 May 1854 Borodino/Bess. S. Russia d.
2 March 1927 Kurudscika/ Bess. S. Russia [Source: Steave and Pam Wale
Family history -
m. 26 Jan 1879 Kloetitiz/ Bess. S. Russia to Rosina
Fueller b. 29 Sept 1856 Borodino / Bess.
S. Russia d. 8 Feb 19396 Kurudschika/ Bess. S. Russia, daul. of
Ferdinand Fueller (b.
1 Oct 1830 Borodino/Bess. d. Feb 1916 Borodino/Bess and Margaetha
Schaffer (b. 17 Jan 1834 Grossliebental/Od,
S. Russia) Issue:
Johannes Hess b. 7 Sept 1879 Borodino m. Susanna
Flegel b. 23 Dec 1879 Leipzig/ Bess d.
25 April 1932 Kurudschika/ Bess., dau. of Louisa
Fried (b. 3 May 1839
Borodno/Bess.) Issue:
Martha Hess b. 4 Dec 1903 Kurudschika/ Bess. S. Russia m. 27 May 1927
Kalatschowka / ____ to Albert Mattheis b.
28 May 1903 Brienne/ Bess. S. Russia Issue:
Irma Mattheis b. 20 Paril 1928 d. 1930 Tamurka/ Ukraine
E. Mattheis
Walter Mattheis b. 28 Dec 1931 d. 17 Feb 1932 Tamurka / Ukraine
Emilie Hess b. 16 Nov 1905 Kurudschika/ Bess. S. Russia
A. Hess
E. Hess
R. Hess
Friederika Hess b. 10 Oct 1888 Blumental/ Bess m. 26 Jan 1879 Kloetitz/Bess.
to Adam Sackmann b. 14 April 1884 Albota/Kahul,
Bess. S. Russia. Issue:
Artur Scakmann
H. Sackmann
A. Sackmann
A. Sackmann
MelesinaSackmann b. 1 July 1908 Kurudschika/ Bess.
J. Sackmann
F. Sackmann
Catherina Hess b. 27 July 1895
Maria Hess b. 27 Feb 1898 Kurudschika/ Bess m. 26 Jan 1879 Kloestitz/
Bess. to Johannes Sackmann b. 24 Dec 1898 Kulm/Bess.
S. Russia Issue:
E. Sackmann
R. Sackmann
T. Sackmann
A. Sackmann
E. Sackmann
Samuel Hess b. 17 May 1900 Kurudschika/Bess m. 26 Jan 18879
Klostitz/Bess. to Dorotha Scmidke b. abt 1900
Johann Hess b. 30 Jan 1861 Borodino, son of Karl Hess and
Eva Kassel, #1884094/2 113 8
Jacob Hess b. 6 Dec 1860 Borodino, sonof Jakob Hess
and Dorothea Haberer, #1884094/2 112 104
Johann see below Johannes Hess
Johannes Hess son of Jakob Hess and Dorothea
Haberer, S-3
Johannes Hess b. 1825, Borodino, S-5
Johannes Hess b. 1843, Borodino, S-5
Johannes Hess b. 1854, Borodino, S-5
Johannes Hess b. bef. 1845 m. Barbara
Bergstraesser Issue:
Elisabeth Hess b. 5 Dec 1859 Borodino, dau. of Johannes
Hess and Barbara Bergstraesser, #1884080/1 423
Johannes Hess b. 11 Feb 1863 Borodino, son of Christoph Hess
and Magdalena Engel, #1884099/3 422 12
Johanna (Hana).....
Johanna, nee Arlt, Hess b. 1817
migr. fr. Katzbsach/Bess m. Jakob Hess b. 1815 migr. from
Egenhausen, Calw-Wu, , S-2
Johanna Hess b. aft. 1866 dau. of Jacob Hess, the younger. m.
Filap [Philip] Bippus. Children: 2
known, S-3
Justina Hess b. 16 Oct 1869 poss Borodino, dau. of of Jakob Hess
and Dorothea Haberer, m.
Andreas Janke
Justina b. aft 1866. of Jakob Hess m. ? Wallowein
Justina Hess b. 16 Nov 1869 Borodino, dau. of Jakob Hess and
Dorothea Haberer, #1884110/3 441 96
Karl... see Carl.....
Hess b. bef. 1849 m. Eva Kessel
Johann Hess b. 30 Jan 1861 Borodino, son of Karl Hess and
Eva Kassel, #1884094/2 113 8
Carolina Hess b. 30 Mar 1863 Borodino, dau. of Karl Hess
and Eva Kessel, #1884099/3 423 27
Karl Hess b. 9 Jul 1869 Borodino, son of Karl Hess
and Eva Kassel, #1884110/3 437
Karl Hess b. 1820 / 20 Feb 1829 Borodino / Bess.,
son of Christian Hess (b. 28 Sept 1796) and Katharina
Fueller (b. 25 June
1797) m. 1845 to Eva Kessel b.
1820 / 20 June 1827 Borodino / Bess, dau. of Michael
Kessel (b. 25 July 1804 Ludwig/ Ludwigsburg, Wuerttemberg d. Borodino / Bess)
and Marie Agnes Mann
(b. 2 Jan 1804 Segartowiitz/ Kulm, Prussia d.
Borodino)) Issue:
Jakob Hess b. 1848 Borodino d. 1912 Hantscheschti m. Elisabetha
Hoeger. Issue:
Jakob Hess b. 20 June 1874 Borodino d. 1912 Borodino m. 20 Oct 1898
to Maria Herrmann b. 31 March 1879 Ryschkanowka
d. 24 Dec 1958 Hittfeld Issue:
Regina Hess b. 10 Dec 1902 m. ____
Elisabeth Hess b. 23 March 1904 m. Ludwig
Adolf Hess b. 25 Feb 1906 Bratuleni m. Karoline
Mann b. 6 Aug 1906 Scholotti Issue:
Karoline Hess m. Theodor
Adolf Hess m. Hilde Benkow
Jakob Hess m. Marion Greve
Albert Hess m. Inge Oldmann
Karoline Hess m. Franz
Mathilde Hess m. Robert
Dorothea Hess m. Andreas
Rudolph Hess
Margarette Hess b. 18 Oct 1878 Borodino m. Gottfried
Kuebler b. 1869
Borodino d. 6 Aug 1934 Hantscheschti
Friedericke Hess m. ____ Ackerman. Migr.
to USA
Michael Karl Hess b. 12 June 1851 Borodino d. 1904 Strymbeni m. (1)
__ Popp; m. (2) Johanna
Denis b. 1866 d. 1920 Issue:
m. (1) Issue:
Johann Friedrich Hess b. 1885. [note: 1 Weltkrieg
m. (2) Issue:
Rudolf Hess b. 11 Nov 1891 Gudijasch m. 28 March 1912 to Margarete
Kullmann b. 17 May 1895 Alt-Oneschti
Karl Hess b. 13 July 1912 Alt-Oneschti d. gefallen m. 1934 to Lusie
Christine Hess m. Jakob
Stefan Hess m. (1) Ema Busch m. (2)
Angelika Regs Issue:
m. (1) Issue:
Adolf Hess
Johann Hess
Ludwig Hess m. Anna Theuser
m. (2) Issue:
Karl-Heinz Hess
Johann Hess
Heinrich Hess
Wilhelmine Hess
Emilie Hess m. Erich
Ludwig Hess m. Irma Schulz
Katharina Hess
Rudolf Hess
Philipp Hess
Albertine Hess
Adolf Hess m. Renate Mueller
Maria Hess b. 1894 m.
Karl Hess b. ___ Strymbei
Christine Hess b. 16 June 1896 Strymbeni m. Philipp
Weber b. 13 Aug 1893
Elisabeth b. Strymbeni
Eva Hess b. Strymbeni
Wilhelmine Hess b. 10 Feb 1902 m. Ludwig
Karoline Hess b. abt 1856 Borodino m. Konrad
Konrad Hess b. abt 1860 m. Elisabeth Kraft
Johann Hess b. 23 Dec 1894 Jakobstal d. 1973 Massendor m. Mathilde
Schneider b. 17 July 1897
Juliane Hess b. 4 Jan 1905 m. Karl Buchfing d. 1944 gefallen
Christine Hess b. 8 June 1854 Borodino d. 21 Sept 1937 m. Samuel
Reule b. 17 Oct 1853 Reulingen / Bess. d. 21
Feb 1936 Reulingen / Bess. S. Russia Issue:
Jakob Reule b. 28 Dec 1885 Neu Nikolajewka/ Bess
m. 13 March 1913 Reulingen-Reiling / Bess to Margarethe
b. 10 Aug 1895 Hoffnungstal / Bess,
dau. of Christian Hoeger (b. 1 May 1851 Borodino / Bess) and Katharina
(b. 25 March 1852 Hoffnungstal / Bess)
Jakob Reule b. 8 Aug 1913 Reulingen-Reiling /
Emma Reule b. 9 May 1916
Olga Reule b. 26 April 1918 Reulingen-Reiling m.
(1) __NN____; m. (2) 8 March 1941 Rabenstein / ____ to Rudolf
b. 7 Feb 1918 Borodino / Bess., son
of Johannes Stepper
(b. 29 May 1885 Borodino) and Mathilda
Scheffelmeier (b. 1886 Josefstal / Bess) Issue:
m. (1)
child / no name given
m. (2)
no children given
Martha Reule b. 27 Feb 1922
Johannes Reule b. 20 Jan 1927
3 children / no names given
Johannes Reule b. 10 Sept 1889 Neu Nikolajewka
m. 19 Dec 1919 Kloestitz/ Bess to Sarah
b. 18 Feb 1896 Hannovka/ Bess,, dau.
of Friedrich Sass (b. 3 Sept 1859 Neu Arzis / Bess) and Susanna
(b. 4 Dec 1860 Poland)
Louisa Reule b. 12 Jan 1921 Hannovka/
Era Reule b. 5 June 1922 Hanovka
Berta Reule b. 19 May 1924 Hanovka
Johannes Reule b. 18 March 1927
Jakob Reule b. 26 May 1929 Hannovka
2 children / no names given
Israel Reule b. 2 April 1893 Neu Nikolajewka
Gottlieb Reule b. 28 Jan 1895
Karl Hess b. 1869 Borodino d. 3 Aug 1929 Fundu-Sarazika m. (1)
Magdalena Dalke d. 17 Aug 1914 Fundu-Sarazika;
m. (2) Maria Ebert. Issue:
m. (1) Issue
14 children
Daniel Hess b. 14 July 1899 Fundu-Sarazika m. Emilie
Kleinknecht b. 7 Jan 1903. Issue:
Anna Maria Hess m. Franz
Albert Hess m. Hulda Rosental
Magdalena Hess m. Heinrich
Herbert Hess m. Erika Fallin
Alred Hess m. Marlis Jelitto
Adolf Hess m. Erika Sophia Holsten
Note: Anna's changes will
be in green
Karl Hess b. 9 Jul 1869 Borodino, son of Karl Hess
and Eva Kassel, #1884110/3 437
Katharina Hess b. 7 Aug 1821 Borodino / Bess. S. Russia. Conf.
1834. d. 15 Jan 1886 Tarutino m. 1 Feb 1840 Tarutino / Bess to
Christoph Gill b. 6 May 1816 Tarutino / Bess
d. 23 Aug 1879 Tarutino / Bess, son of Christian Gill (b. 6 Jan 1772 Alt
Sorg / Poen, Prussia ) and Anna Elisabetha
Ermann (b. 6 July 1799 Popow / n. Weilun,
Dombrowtiz, Prussia) (Source: Dale Wahl GRHS Collection-Erdmann)
Samuel Gill b. 14 April 1841 Tarutino / Bess d. 26 March 1842
Karoline Gill b. 2 July 1842 Tarutino
Margaretha Magdmalene b. 9 March 1844 Tarutino d. 15 april 1849
Christoph Gill b. 9 June 1846 Tarution d. 23 July 1847 Tarutino
Karl Mathais b. 24 Maly 1848 Tarutino d. 11 Aug 1866
Mathias Karl Gill b. 29 May 1848 Tarutino
Johannes Gill b. 25 Jan 1851 Tarutino
Jacob Gill b. 4 Aug 1852 Tarutino d. 17 June 1883 Tarutino
Gottlieb Gill b. 25 Sept 1855 Tarutino . d. 21 Oct 1874
Marin Gill b. 11 Nov 1857 Tarutino
Christiian Gill b. 7 June 1860 Tarutino d. 25 April 1929
Andreas Gill b. 78 July 1862 d. 26 Dec 1863 Tarutiino
Katharina, nee Hess, Gill [Source:]
m. Chistophy Gill b. 6 May 1817, son of Christian
Gill (b. 6 Jan 1772) and Anna Elisabetha
Erdmann, (b. 5 Feb 1799 d. 5 uly 1834).
They lived in Taurtino/Bess.
Katharina Hess b. 18 March 1833 Borodino / Bess, dau. of Christian Hess
(b. 28 Sept 1796) and Katharina Fueller (b.
25 June 1797) m. 27 Dec 1851 Kloestitz/ Bess to Johann
Michael Zeh b. 22 Oct 1831 Borodino / Bess.,
son of Andreas Zeh (b. 2 Feb 1793 Ilvesheim / __, Baden) ) and Maria
Milk (b. 1804 Kkolisch / __, Poland)
Katharina Hess b. abt 1836 d. 12 Jun 1837 Borodino, dau. of Georg
Hess , #1882647/3 121 72 (1 year old)
Konrad Hess, son of Gottlieb Hess and Christina
Wagner, S-3
Margarette Hess b. 1795, Beresina [Maria?]
Magdalena Hess, dau. of Jakob Hess and Dorothea
Haberer, m. Hoeffel,
Magdalena Hess of Borodino.m.Christian
Hoeffel m Children: 3 known, S-3
Magdalena Hess b. ca. 1858 d. poss. Hoffnungstal/Bess., dau. of
Gottlieb Hess of Borodino m. Wilhelm Wahl on
5 May 1883
Magdalena Hess , dau. of Samuel Hess and Katherine
Ehni, m. Otto
Schock, last liv. in Germany
Magdalena Hess b. 25 Jul 1867 Borodino, dau. of Christoph
Hess and Magdalena Engel, #1884091/3 457
Magdalnea Hess b. 22 Dec 1866 Borodino, dau. of Jakob
Hess and Dorothea Haberer, #1884091/3
452 137
Margaretha Hess, age 18, b. abt 1817 m. to Philipp Otterstaetter, age
22, b. abt 1813 (Source: 1835 Borodino Census) Issue:
Katharina Otterstaetter, age 1/2
Margaretha Hess b. 1 May 1828 Borodino d. 8 Nov 1903 Hoffnungstal
/ Bess, dau. of Georg Hess (b. 1 July 1793) and Philippine
Weber (b. Dec 1795) m. 31 Oct 1854 Hoffnungsal
/ Bess to Johann Pfitzer b. 18 Aug 1833, son of __NN____
Margarethe Hess b. May 1837 Beresina d. 6 Jun 1837 Borodino
, dau. of Jakob Hess, #1882647/3 121 71 (6 days old)
Margaretha Hess b. 29 Sept 1837 Beresina, dau. of Gottlieb Hess (b.
3 Sept 1805) andd Anna Maria Fischer (b. 1795)
(Source: Ingrid Reule)
Marguerita Hess, dau. of Jakob Hess and Dorothea
Haberer, m.
Siegloch, S-3
Margaretha Hess b. 2 Nov 1858 Borodino, dau. of Johann Geog
Hess (b. 25 Feb 1810) and Eva Hauff
(b. 25 July 1814) m. 6 Dec 1882 Kloestitz/ Bess to Johannes
Zeller b. 2 April 1857, son of Johann Georg
Zeller (b. 17 June 1832 Kloestitz/ Bess) and Friederika
Kubie (d. 30 Nov 1905)
Margaretha Hess b. 12 Aug 1864 Borodino, dau. of Joh. Georg
Hess and Johanna Wallewein, #1884124/2
473 61 ; note: bap Beresina
Maria Hess, age 46, b. abt 1789 m. Michael Reule, age 56, b. abt 1779
(Source: 1835 Borodino Census) Issue:
Friedericka Reule, age 6
Gottfried Reule, age 3
Maria Hess b. 1789 Friedland/ ___, Mecklenburg
Dale Wahl text)
Maria Christina Hess b. 17 March 1836 Borodino / Bess d. 21 July
1921 Teplitiz/ Bess. S. Russia m. 2 Nov 1854 Kloestitz/ Bess. S. Russia to
Jakob Friedrich Balmer b. 12 July 1835 Teplitz/
Bess d. 9 March 1912 Teplitz/ Bess, son of Johannes Balmer (b. 24 Sept 1794
Emmingen / Wuerttemmberg, Germany)) and Anna Maria
Lieb (b. 27 Oct 1799 Dettingen
/ Erms, Wuerttemberg) (Source WISE Family Genealogy by Elli Wise GRHS
Person ID 1846)
Michael Hess b. abt 1857 Borodino m. 8 July 1876 Lustdorf
to Caroline Ost b. abt 1857 Borodino, #1884070/1
474 [Notes: Nicolasfeld; They werre both 19 years old,
both b. Borodino
Otto Hess b. aft. 1913 d. 1982 Canada , son of Samuel Hess and
Katherine Ehni
Pauline Hess b. aft 1866 dau. of Jakob Hess m. Jakob
Peter Hess b. 21 Oct 1867 Borodino, son of Jakob Hess
and Anna Maria Weippert, #1884091/3 460 92
Philppina , nee Weber, Hess b. ___ Feckelberg
by Zweibruecken d. 30 July 1879 (Source: Bess. Proj. by Dale
Regina Hess b. 16 July 1911 Borodino/ Bess. S. Russia, dau. of
Samuel Hess and Katherine
Ehni m. Karl Hein in
3 plus letters Plus
family lineage to Germany.
Robert Hess, son of Samuel Hess and Katherine
Robert Hess, son of Jakob Hess and Regine
Schock, S-3
Rosina Johanna Hess b. Feb. 1835 d. 23 Feb 1835 Borodino, dau.
of Jakob Hess, # 1882645/2 132 34 8d
Sammuel Hess aft. 1846, son of Jakob Hess and Dorothea
Haberer , m. Katherine
Ehni, Children: 16 known, S-3
b. 27 Aug 1876 Borodino, son of Jakob
Hess (b. 1 Jan 1828 Borodino) and Magdalena Dorothea
(b. 7 Jn 1832 Borodino) m. 22 Sept
1895 Kloestitz to Katharina Ehni
b. 12 Aug 1876 Borodino, dau. of Johannes
Ehni (b. 21 April 1847 Borodino) and Katharina
(b. 24 March 1852
Borodino)Issue: [see below]
Samuel Hess, son of
Jakob Hess and Dorothea Haberer, m.
Katharine Ehni. Issue:
Gottlieb Hess b. 28 Jan 1896 d. 1972 m. Lydia
Hederley. They migr. to Canada Issue:
Otto Hess
Alma Hess
Henry Hess
Adam Hess
Norma Hess
Robert Hess
Alvina Hess
Annie Hess
Emily Hess
Samuel Hess b. 1 Oct 1899 d. April 1981 m. Magdaena
Sieglock. Mig.r to Wilderstadt, W. Germany
Arnold Hess
Eva Hess
Albert Hess
Benjamin Hess
Freed Hess
Elsie Hess
Ernie Hess
Jakob Hess b. 10 Aug 1901 m. 23 Dec 1921 Kloestitz/
Bess Regina Schock
b. 11 Jan 1902 Borodino ,
dau. of Danie Schock (b. 28 Sept 1876 Borodino) and
Magdalena Harter (b.
29 Oct 1875 Borodino) Issue:
Waldermar Hess b. 28 June 1924
Robert Hess b. 30 June 1926
Freeda Hess
Emily [Emilie] Hess b. 30 Aug 1905
m. Daniel Khrone and had lived in Herbrechtigen,
W. Germany Issue:
Frieda Khrone
Annie Khrone
Alma Khrone
Lena Khrone
Erma Khrone
Herbert Khrone
who died in a mortocyle accident at the age of 19
Hilda Khrone m.
Olga Hess b. Aug 1907 m. Rudolph Weisner
living Berkheim, W. Germany Issue:
Hilda Weisner
Albert Weisner
Ella Weisner
Erika Weisner
Herbert Weisner
Benjamin b. 26 Aug 1909 Borodino /
Bess. d. 26 April 1982
Germany m. 30 Oct 1931 Borodino
to Marta Motz b.
6 April 1910 Borodino, dau. of Daniel Motz (b. 11 Feb 1869 Olgental / Kherson,,
Russia) and Regina
Bippus (b. 3 March
1878 Borodino) They lived in
Ronda, W. Germany
Gottlob Hess b. 28 Jan 1896 m. Lydia Hatterle
b. 22 Sept 1895 Kloestitz/ Bess
Samuel Hess b. 1 Oct 1899 Borodino m. Margaretha
Sigloch b. 14 May 1899 Borodino, dau. of Samuel
Sigloch and Christina
Jacob Hess b. 10 Aug 1901 m. Regine Schock b.
11 Jan 1902, dau. of Daniel Schock and Magdalena
Magdalena Hess b. 13 June 1903 d. 1911
Emilie Hess b. 30 Aug 1905 m. Daniel Kron
b. 25 Jan 1903 Borodino, son of Jakob Kron and Catharina
Olga Hess b. 9 Aug 1907 m. Rudolf Wiehsner b.
19 Aug 1905 Borodino
Benjamin Hess b. 26 Aug 1909
d. 19 Feb 1982 Germany m.
Marta Motz b. 6 pril 1910 Borodino
d. 1986 Germany (Source: __ C.H.___,
who tells us that this line is from Adam Hess
b. 1781 and he has all the records of this branch) Issue:
Edgar Hess
Inge Hess
Wilma Hess
Hubert Hess
Gerhard Hess.
Regine Hess b. 16 July 1911 m.
Karl Hein and
had lived in Edmonton, Canada
her story which was translated by Flossie Libra See
Karl Hein for family in more detail. Issue:
Freeda Hein
Erna Hein
Annie Hein
Albert Hein
Helen Hein
Reinhardt Hein
Danny Hein
Raymond Hein
Robert Hein
Marilyn Hein
Emily Hein
Regine Hess b. 17 July 1911 Borodino
Magdalena [Llena] Hess b. May 1913 m. 8 Jan 1936
Borodino Otto Schock b. 29 Nov 1912 Borodino,
son of Gottfried Schock (b. 9 Sept 1887 Borodino) and Christina Heck
(b. 2 July 1889 Kloestitz). They had lived in Berkheim/
n. Eslingen, W. Germany Otto was in a Russian Concentration Camp
for 4 1/2 years. Was released in 1947 but because he was ill, was not
allowed out of Russia. Issue:
Herbert Schock
Erna Schock
Freeda Schock
Ella Schock
Johannes Hess 16 Jan 1919 Borodino d. WW
II They had migr. to Poland.... he was killed... in the war..... m.
___ Scheffelmier. She remmaried. Issue:
Samuel Hess b. 1 Oct 1899 poss. Borodino d. poss Germany, son
of Sammuel Hess and Katherine Ehni, m. Magdalena
Sieglock . Children: 7 known, S-3
Wilma Hess des. of Benjam Hess and Marta
Moetz. Last liv. in Germany
Wernher Hess b. 1460 Wolfschugen / _____
[Germany] See his des. who
migr. to Borodino / Bess. S. Russia , S-233
Woldermar Hess, child of Jakob Hess and Regine
Schock, S-3
Zacharias Hess b. 15 Nov 1632 or 15 Nov
1635 Groetzingen / ___ Wuerttemberg d. 17
June 1719 Goretzingen, son of Friedrich Hess (b. 24 July 1605/ __, Wuerttemberg)
and Katharina Huettenloch (b. 16 Sept
1673) m. 15 May 1660 to Anna Katharina Neckher b.
1631 Groetzingen d. 6 May 1705 Groetzingen,
dau. of Hans Neckher (b. 6 Jan 1597
Groetzingen / ___,
Wuerttemberg) and Elisabeth
(b. abt 1610) Issue:
Jerg Benhard Hess b. 21 Aug 1669 Groetzingen / ___,
Wuerttemberg m. 18 Feb 1696 Groetzingen / __, Wuerttemberg to Barbara
Leipold, dau. of Jerg Benhard Leipold
(Source: Ingrid Reule and Jerry Reiswig, des. of
Ludwig Georg Henne....... )
Johan Jakob Hess b. 28 May 1697
Groetzingen, Wu d.
17 March 1748 Groetzingen m. (1) 1 Oct 1721 Groetzingen, Wu to Catharina
Burcher; m. (2) 1
Nov 1735 Groetzingen, Wu. to Anna Barbara
m. (1) Issue:
no data
m. (2) Issue:
Johann Georg Hess b. 25 Nov 1737
Groetzingen / Wu d.
14 July 1790 Groetzingen, Wu m. 27 Nov 1759 Groetzingen, Wu to Maria Elisabetha
Johann Jakob Hess b. 13 June 1764
Groetzingen, Wu m. 27
Jan 1785 Groetzingen, Wu to Katharina Pfitz
b. 11 Dec 1765 Groetzingen. Issue:
Anna Maria Hess b. 7 May 1789
Groetzingen, Wu d. 24
Aug 1836 Borodino /
Bess., S. Russia m. 1821 Kloestitz/ Bess., S. Russia to widower Johann
Michael Reule b. 25
May 1777 Weissach / Vaihingen, Wu
d. 7 Aug 1856 Borodino
/ Bess, son of Johann Conrad Reule (b. 3 Jan 1752
Weissach / Vaihingen, Wu.
d. 14 May 1824 Kulm / Bess.) and Maria Catharina
Rappen (b. 1750
Perouse / Heimsheim, Wu
d. 1828 Kulm / Bess., S. Russia) [Note: See Johan Reule section.
His first marriage was to Margaretha
Meichelin and they
had 5 children.]
Friederika Philippine Reule b. 3 Feb 1828 Borodino
/ Bess. d. 5 Aug 1866 Borodino / Bess. m. 13 Nov 18847 to Christoph
Wallewein b. 28 Jan
1811 Kanstadt / Poland, son of Andreas Wallewein (b. 1776
Heidelberg/ Baden d. 14
Oct 1820 Borodino / Bess.) and Katharina
Anna Maria Wallewein b. 9 May 1852 Borodino / Bess
m. 9 Dec 1871 Kloestitz/ Bess to Daniel Strub
b. 8 Aug 1848 Kloestitz/ Bess.
Gottfried Reule b. 24 aril 1832 Kloestitz/ Bess.
d. 1894 Kloestitz/ Bess. m. 5 Feb 1855 Kloestitz / Bess to Katharina
Margaretha Knodel b.
6 Dec 1837 Borodino / Bess d. 1919 Borodino / Bess, dau. of Andreas Knodel
(b. 30 Nov 1803 Magierowa, Warsaw, Poland d. 7 Jan 1856 Borodino / Bess.)
and Margartha Esslinger
(b. 16 Jan 1804 Mileszki / Poland d. 15 Oc
1841 Borodino / Bess.)
Katherina Reule 21 June 1859 Borodino / Bess d. 1
May 1925 Ashely / North Dakota, USA m. 12 Dec 1880 Borodino / Bess.
to Ludwig Hein b. 28 Nov 1859 Borodino /
Bess d. 1942 Ashley, North Dakota, USA, son of
Johann Michael Hein (b. 16 March
1819 Borodino) and Katharina
Volkert Issue: (See
Hein section)
Daniel Reule b. 8 Dec 1881 Borodino / Bess d. 1945
m. 1929 Galatz/ Romania to Margaretha
Ehmann b. 27 June
1900 Kloestitz/ Bess., S. Russia d. 1945, dau. of Johann Ehmann (b.
10 June 1868 Kloestitz/ Bess d. 28 Oct 1918 Kloestitz / Bess.) and Chritina
Uhlich (b. 16 June
1867 Kloestitz/ Bess d. 28 Nov 1900 Kloestitz/ Bess)
Arthur Reule b. 12 Jan 1934 Galatz / Romania d.
22 Aril 1934 Borodino / Bess
Anna Maria Reule b. 20 Jul 1938 Borodino / Bess,
S. Russia d. 13 Dec 1997 Minden / Germany
questions, corrections and additions, contact me at:
/ B / C /
D / E /
F / G /
H / I /
J / K /
L / M /
N / O /
P / Q /
R /S /
T / U /
V / W /
X / Y /