German-Russian Bessarabian Colony of Borodino and Periojany [Beriojan] Chutor Genealogy List. Remmick-Hubert Web Site: Page H-Hein List
Last Updated: 27 May 2009
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H to Heim /
Haerter / Hein
/ Hein2 / Hein3
/ Hein4 / Hein5 /
Hein6 / Hein7/
Hein 8 /Henke to
Herzog / Hess 1 /
Hess 2 / Hess
3 / Hettich to Hoeffel /
Hoeger / Hoeh. to Hz
H6 /
Koblenz List - [Pixel]:
Hein, Alexander 1876 Krasna Lember?, Justine 1881 Russia 26 R57/neu 1485 marr. 15 Oct 1903 in Galatz
Hein, Alexander 1905 Kirpitsch Kutan, Cauc Schollmayer, Mathilde 1906 Atmagea 26 R57/neu 1485 marr. 25 Dec 1931 in Cogealac
Hein, Emil 1913 Hanofka Schelske, Mathilde 1904 Cogealac 26 R57/neu 1485 marr. 1 Apr 1937 in Cogealac
Hein, Johann 1897 Johannesruh, Cauc Arnold, Martha 1895 Krasna 26 R57/neu 1485 marr. 15 Nov 1940
Hein family in Ahrenfeld: Kratzke's, a Dau. Colony:
Letter from S-30 & S-45 Vina Mayer of Canada / May 1999
Hi Judy:
Here is the new data I have on the Hein family.
Gottfried Hein born 16 Dec 1896 Borodino. Married 22 Sep 1920 to Magdalena Mayer born 13 May 1900. Parents are Gottfried Hein and Elisabeth Harter, and Jacob Mayer and Karolina Ruff.
Children of Gottfried and Magdalena are:
You already have Magdalena Hein but I never knew her husband's data until recently....
Sandy Sprague,, E-mail 5 Jan 2000
Dear Judy,
I am back in the mode of geneology. I have been working fervently on some family records and have them back to Georg Hein born about 1788 in Maulbronn/Wuerttemberg, Germany.....
I have some old records and also lots of obituaries and family line information. Let me know if you are still interested.
Sandy Sprague
Heins found in other places which may or may not be linked to Hein s above:
LDS List: Friedrich HEIN Spouse: Bernhardine LOHMANN Marriage: 14 Oct 1871 Evangelisch, Muelheim An Der Ruhr, Rheinland, Preussen Note: The John Hein family of Lodi have desc. which migr. from Muelheim to Poland to Russia in 1814. Perhaps this family is part of their own who remained or a family who may have returned.
LDS List: Chris. Heine on 15 Mar 1842 Culmsee, Westpreussen, Preussen Parents:Father: Matthias HEIN Mother: Catharine TRENKEL
LDS List: Ludwig HEIN, Sex: M, Marriage -- Spouse: Amalie FEIGE Marriage: 29 Jul 1833 Kempen, Posen, Preussen
LDS LIst: Hein - Marriage to Anna Elisabeth HERTEL Marriage: 8 Jul 1790 Panienka, Posen, Preussen
LDS List: Friedrich HEIN m. to Maria BRUP, Marriage: 10 Jul 1702 Sietow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany
PIXEL -Land Register 1772/73 in West Prussia:
Ship Listings found the following at : , copied here with permission.
00391 HEIN Adam 36 RUSS ????? ??
01348 HEIN Andreas 22 RUSS ????? ??
00391 HEIN Augusta 19 RUSS ????? ??
00391 HEIN Friederich 7 RUSS ????? ??
00343 HEIN Johanna 46 RUSS ????? ??
00212 HEIN Maxmilian 19 RUSS Dakota ??
#1 Marvin Hein E-mail:
...My cousin, Wilma Ewert, recently told me that she had met you and that you had done some research on your mother's side of the family---the Heins.
I have done considerable research on my Hein family and have traced them back to 1803 in the Danzig (West Prussia) area. My great grandfather Johan Hein was born in Fuerstenau, Prussia, on April 9, 1830 or 31. In 1838 he with his family migrated to a colony of mixed religions (Lutheran, Catholics, Mennonites, etal.) on the Don River in the Ukraine. Johan Hein was the son of Martin and Katharina Bauman Hein and I have one bit of evidence that Martin was born in 1803 near Danzig. We have ample information about the family after they moved to South Russia.
Wilma mentioned in her recent e-mail that you had said Hein was often spelled Xeim in Russia. I have never heard of this. I'd be interested in knowing more about that.
Since I don't know what your research has involved, I'd be interested in knowing whether or not your information in any way ties together with mine. I'd be happy to hear from you.
Copyrighted material from Marvin Hein. Reprinted here with permission:
(revised July 1999)
I had always assumed the Hein story was a Mennonite one. At one point, assuming we were of Mennonite stock in Europe, I discovered through a friend, Gerhard Hein of Germany, that the earliest Hein namebearer that is encountered in the West Prussian (now Poland) Mennonite church baptismal records, according to Gerhard Hein, was Darius Hein. He may possibly be the family father of West Prussian Heins. His birthdate is unknown but he died "in the Lord" in Schadowitz on February 6, 1618. In 1599 he was voted as "minister of the word" in Neumuhle/Mahren.
In 1604 Darius Hein with Joseph Hauser and seven other brethren and their wives were commissioned to go to Prussia (from where I'm not certain). They remained there a short time in a Hutterite Bruderhof with about 73 other persons. The Bruderhof did not long endure and eventually dissolved. The residents apparently were assimilated among other Mennonites and it is possible that among them were some Heins. (In my latest conversation on 8-1-99 with Alan Peters, Fresno's ace geneaologist, I learned he now thinks Heins were originally Mennonite, not Lutheran, and that we will probably discover from the Mormon records that Darius Hein was indeed our forefather. He is also convinced that some of our forbears were Hutterites. Whether there is any connection I'm not sure, but in the list of passengers on the ship on which the Johan Hein family came to America, there are a good many distinctly Hutterite names.)
The truth of the matter is that our Hein family was not Mennonite, but Lutheran. However, there are Mennonite connections and these will become obvious as we follow the story. When our Hein forbears lived in the Danzig (Poland or West Prussia) the country was sometimes under German control and at other times Polish.
The Heins were German but they were Lutherans. Or were they Dutch?
Some German Mennonites moved from the Netherlands to the Danzig (now Gdansk) area in the 1530's. We do not know if any Heins were among these immigrants. What is certain is that Heins moved to Russia in the 1830's along with the major Mennonite movement into South Russia. This migration to what would become the Russian breadbasket came as the result of some manifestos issued in 1762 by the German born czar of Russia, Catherine the Great. She invited Germans to settle on lands in South Russia that were formerly under Turkish rule. Within ten years 100 German colonies were established in South Russia but these included no Mennonites.
Fifteen years later in 1772 Prussia annexed the Danzig area which was then renamed West Prussia. There was a threat of imminent required military service, together with some land restrictions, that made Mennonites and others nervous. At the same time Catherine sent special representative George Trappe to visit Mennonites in West Prussia. In return the Mennonites sent Jacob Hoeppner and and Johann Bartsch to South Russia to bring back a report on the area offered by Catherine. They reported favorably on the land and spoke of an agreement made with the Russian government that would guarantee complete religious freedom, exemption from military service and considerable independence in governing themselves even while subject to Russian rule. Moreover, they would be allowed to retain the German language and have their own schools. In order to begin this pioneering project, they would be granted land and some supplies and loans. Unfortunately, one other privilege that later became a liability was the permission to operate their own saloons.
The earliest invitations from Catherine no doubt came because she wanted to introduce modern agricultural methods to the steppes of Russia. Mennonites had become well known for their expertise in taming the watery lands around Danzig. No doubt the experiences of their forbears with Dutch agricultural methods served the West Prussians well.
Eight families with fifty persons left Danzig by wagon train on March 22, 1788. Their destination was Riga on the Baltic Coast. There they rested for a month while gathering supplies and waiting for others from West Prussia to join them. It took six weeks by wagon train to reach the town of Dubrovno, west of Smolensk, where they were forced to spend the winter because fighting had erupted again between the Turks and Russians. More West Prussian Mennonites joined them until there were 228 families at Dubrovno.
After breaking camp just before Easter, 1789, some of the settlers reached the Ukraine where they settled on the banks of the Chortitza River. Eventually the slower moving groups, joined by still more West Prussians, arrived at the colony to be named Chortitza. Four hundred families had come to make their home in this new land of promise.
Problems multiplied among these new settlers. Disease, death, rains, slowness in the arrival of construction materials and delayed government assistance added to their sorrows. While very poor, the people built fifteen villages by 1800 and many were farming. Education was difficult because no trained teachers were available and the children were needed at home to work.
This piece of history was not part of our Lutheran Hein experience, except that it provided the background for their eventual migration to Russia. No doubt the Heins listened attentively as reports came back to Danzig from the new Russian residents. At the same time more religious restrictions in West Prussia created more pressure for moving.
Another visit to the Ukraine by Mennonite Cornelius Warkentin resulted in the establishment of a colony 100 miles east of Chortitza along the Molotschna River. To these 100 acres came more West Prussians. Their experience was less trying since they could stay briefly with relatives in Chortitza before moving on to their new home. From 1804 to 1806, 365 families settled in Molotschna. By 1835 twelve hundred families had arrived and settled in 58 villages. This was the largest Mennonite settlement in Russia and was where our ancestors eventually lived.
As government restrictions in West Prussia became more stringent, pressure continued to build so that Mennonites, Lutherans and others were motivated to migrate. The first of our Hein ancestors moved in 1835, but not to the established colonies of Chortitza nor Molotschna. They were not yet Mennonites so they moved to a colony about 80 miles northeast of the established colonies where there was a colony of mixed religious groups---Mennonites, Evangelicals (including Lutherans) and Catholics.
Other family groups we have usually assumed were Mennonite and settled in this new colony included Justs, Lietkes and Priebs. These families formed a closely-knit group and when children of one of these were left orphans, another of the families would adopt the homeless. Eventually most of these families were converted to the Mennonite faith and all moved to the Molotschna colony, settling for the most part in Alexandertal.
From an account of the life of Abraham Cornelsen, one of the eighteen founders of the Mennonite Brethren Church (John A. Toews' A History of the Mennonite Brethren Church, 1975) we learn more about the non-Mennonite colony to which the Heins moved. Cornelsen, a teacher and the author of the Document of Secession, was ostracised from the main Mennonite Church after a small group had observed communion without an ordained Mennonite minister present and the Document of Secession was signed on January 6, 1860. Cornelsen was dismissed as a teacher and and was forced to spend the remainder of his days in Russia as a spiritual vagabond. In 1861 he took his family to a village deserted by Muslim people of Mongolian descent near the city of Berdjansk. They made their home in an abandoned sod hut, but soon were ousted by a group called the Bulgars.
At that time the Cornelsens came to the colony along the Donn River. This was the colony to which the Heins came. This fact is verified by the letter we now possess from the local congregation in the village of Don that enabled our great-grandparents Heins to emigrate to America. The letter is signed by this same Abraham Cornelsen.
In 1872 in the Donn colony there was a revival in which the Heins were converted and joined the Mennonite Brethren Church. Abraham Cornelsen was elected minister. Apparently the conversion of our forbears and some of their friends caused considerable consternation among the Lutherans. The situation was so serious that when Jakob Dirksen (probably from Molotschna or Chortitza) made a missionary trip to the Donn Settlement in 1876, he reported that Cornelsen had been imprisoned and no more church meetings were held. Cornelsen eventually was permitted to work in the church. This awkward existence among the Lutherans apparently led to the Heins, Justs and others moving to the Molotschna. An interesting sidelight is that the Abraham Cornelsen family followed the Heins to Kansas in 1879 and purchased 160 acres of land just across the road from where Johan Hein purchased 80 acres. The Cornelsen quarter secction is the site of the Ebenfeld Church where Cornelsen served as an elder. He suffered a stroke in 1883 and died on September 24, 1884, at the relatively young age of 58. It is thought that he was the first person buried in the Ebenfeld cemetery. Another interesting sidelight for native Fairviewites is that Cornelsen's widow,
Agatha Gaede Cornelsen, died August 14, 1909, while visiting her sons in Fairview.
Great-grandfather Johan Hein was the son of Martin and Katherina Bauman Hein and was born in Fuerstenau, Prussia, on April 9, 1830 or 1831. When he was only eight years old, Johan Hein came from Prussia to Russia with his parents.
Regina Schmidt Gratz, who would become our great-grandmother Hein, was born March 30, 1838, somewhere in West Prussia. Her family waited some seven or eight years longer before they came to the Ukraine. Information is rather scant but it appears that Regina had two brothers and one sister who made the journey to Russia with their parents. The Gratzes were also Lutheran.
Great-grandfather Johan Hein is said by one source (Aunt Carrie Suderman) to have been the oldest in a family of nine children---five brothers and three sisters. However, we have information only about two of his brothers, Jakob and Martin. Jakob, born June 5, 1848, and Wilhelmina Kintopp (born January 18, 1850) were married by Pastor Rinharte on October 22, 1870.
They both came from the village of Ekatherinoslav and had children named Emelie and Elizabeth. The other brother, Martin (named after his father), married Helena, daughter of Peter and Anna Schmidt Richert, and they had children: Johan, Elizabeth, Wilhelmina, Christina, Martin, Wilhelm and Jacob.
There is little information about those earliest days in the Hein family, but the trip to Russia no doubt was a real struggle. Great-great-grandfather Martin Hein led the horse on foot. Their food consisted of toasted rye bread and potato chips. The chips were not fried in deep fat but rather mixed with salt and water until they became dry and hard. Their standard drink was barley coffee without milk or cream or sugar.
Upon their arrival to this new land, everyone, including the children, had to work hard to help make a living. Great-grandmother Hein (then Regina Gratz) worked for a single man as a hired hand. She helped with the milking, harnessing of horses and did field work. During harvest she cooked the meals, mostly potatoes with jackets, clabber milk and rye bread. Her salary was fifteen dollars per year. When the first year was over, she bravely announced she would not work for this man any longer. She took another job, farther from home, but doing housework which pleased her much more.
How Johan and Regina became matrimonially inclined is not known. However, they were married on November 28, 1857, by Pastor Haltfroeter, who apparently was a Lutheran minister. From baptismal records we can assume they were not yet believers, at least not members of the church, explaining why the marriage was performed by a non-Mennonite. The Ebenfeld church records indicate that Johan and Regina were both baptized sixteen years later, on May 28, 1873. Pastor Haltfroeter was the officiating minister.
They rented several acres of land, plowed with two horses and a walking plow, and sowed wheat and other grains and harvested with a scythe. Great-grandmother Hein raked, bundled and shocked the grain. Great-grandfather made a hard surfaced threshing floor where the horses tramped out the grain. During the winter the grain was cleaned with a fanning mill, turned by hand, after which it was sacked and taken to market, a journey of three days. They worked hard and God's blessings enabled them to meet all the family's needs, but they never laid up great riches.
Our great-grandparents were blessed with a large family---12 children were born but seven died in infancy. They had two sets of twins, the oldest being girls (Aunt Minnie Lohrenz and Aunt Maria Janzen). The other twins were Uncle Will and a sister who died at birth.
Little more is known about the life of this Hein family for the next fifteen years. However, it is clear that the Heins, along with others, prospered economically, especially after moving to Alexandertal and becoming a part of the Mennonite family of friends. There was always pressure for more land, but South Russia was a vast area. Things were going well for these "alien" Mennonites. Land was plentiful. German continued to be their language. Religious freedom prevailed. All was well, or so it seemed.
A break came in 1870 when czar Alexander II gave ten years notice that military exemptions would be abolished for the colonists. Before the decade had passed, a war broke out and young men were being drafted. At first Mennonites were granted alternatives to military service in the form of medical service or by making contributions of food and/or money. For deeply religious people with a long history of pacifism, these alternatives already violated some of their convictions and they began seriously looking for other lands. The future looked ominous and the Heins and others began to look for a new land of freedom. The village people looked for a foreman who could assist them in making plans for emigration. They chose their minister, Edward Leppke and he made the arrangements for the long ocean voyage to America. They took few of their possessions with them, except their sheep coats, which were of great value.
In the Tabor College archives there is a copy of a membership certificate issued by Elder Abraham Cornelson in behalf of Johan Hein and his wife. Apparently this was a paper necessary for the Heins to emigrate to America, stating that the Heins were members in good standing in the Mennonite Brethren Church. This certificate also auithenticates that the Heins were baptized and received into the church in the colony along the Don River, not in Molotschna.
They traveled by way of Europe and when they arrived in Hamburg, Germany, great-grandfather Johan Hein became very ill. He was hospitalized for 24 days but found a friendly reception and was cared for lovingly in the hospital. He often spoke of this never-to-be-forgotten experience and the grace and guidance of the Lord he had received. The journey was delayed for several days and then a decision had to be made. Would great-grandmother and the children proceed without the head of the family or would they remain in Hamburg? The attending physician assured them that great-grandfather would recover soon but also urged the family to continue on their journey. great-grandmother was concerned about going alone with her family to a strange land, not knowing if and when her husband would follow. When she made her last visit to the hospital to bid him good-bye, she saw an ambulance leave and almost panicked. However, she found great- grandfather in his room, somewhat improved, and he encouraged her to go on with the group to America.
After three weeks of sailing on the ship Lessing, with a stop at Le Havre, France, they arrived in New York City on July 17, 1878. The ship list reveals a number of interesting tidbits. great-grandmother was 38 years old, traveling with twins Maria and Minnie (17), Johan (12), Wilhelm (8), and Caroline, less than a year old. Among the 223 people listed as passengers on the Lessing, a great majority were Mennonites. There must have been a considerable contingent of people from Hutterite background because of the number of Kleinsassers, Hofers, Mendels, Wipfs, Tschetters, Stahls and Glanzers. With very few exceptions all these Mennonites are listed as farmers. However, toward the bottom of the list (about thirty names) you find the non-farmers: Moses Simanowitz and Abraham Richower (tailors), Herman Ostrowsky (merchant), Elias Sachs (watchmaker), and Mendel Gdulinska (shoemaker).
After their arrival in New York City, they spent several more weeks riding the train to the Mid-West, courtesy of the Santa Fe Railroad. They arrived in Peabody, Kansas, and people with lumber wagons were waiting to take these new immigrants to their homes. But our great-grandmother had no home to which she could go. So the George Seibels (Leon Suderman's great-grandparents) took this fatherless little group to their house. They arrived after midnight. The Seibels had a small home with three rooms. Where would they all sleep? Since they had just harvested their wheat, and there was no granary, the Seibels had filled their bedroom with the grain. But the five Heins and the six Seibels spread quilts on top of the wheat, where the older children slept. (The "wheat bed" was a precursor of the "water bed" in this case) The others slept in the remaining bedroom. The Seibels insisted on the Heins remaining with them until great-grandfather Hein finally arrived forty days later.
The family began to look for a farm. They were told about an 80 acre farm located just one fourth mile northeast of where the Ebenfeld Church now stands. A black man, Dr. George Flippen, owned the property (according to Aunt Carrie Suderman). He could speak German so great-grandfather Hein could communicate easily. The Flippen family was very kind to our grandparents. He sold the Heins most of his belongings---a cow, walking plow and many other items. According to official Marion County records, the farm was purchased on August 17, 1878, for $1,000. The sellers are listed as Alfred and Lucinda Rhodes and we know nothing of their relationship with the Flippens. The mortgage was paid off in a little more than four years. However, there must have been some hard times, because there was another mortgage to Charles Whitney for $800 in 1882 and this was paid off on January 1, 1888. There are records of two more mortgages, one for $60 to Shupe, Tressler and Lark and another for $800 to the same firm. These were paid off on February 4, 1891.
I was prevented from including the rest of the article because the computer wouldn't let me send a message that long.
I'd be happy to hear from you further after you have perused this material.
Marvin Hein
Hein names found in LDS records:
Heimer, Michel Oliva Oliva Kreis Dsg Hohe 18011041 6037 609 1677
Hein , Thomas Brodsack Amt Marienb. Werder 18011033 6035 671 5
Hein'sche, Wttw. Mollde Amt Danzig 18011019 6034 856 3552
Hein, ? Brodsende Christburg Stuhm 18113030 6040 586 3616
Hein, ? Gr. Brodsende Amt Christburg 18113030 6038 734 3
Hein, ? Gr. Brodsende Amt Christburg 18113030 6038 736 3
Hein, Andres Kl. Suckschin Oliva 18011042 6036 268 1692
Hein, Andres Schoenwarling Oliva 18011041 6036 244 1679
Hein, Andres Schoenwarling Oliva Kreis Dzg. Hoehe 18011041 6037 562 1679
Hein, Andres Schoenwarling Oliva Kreis Dzg. Hoehe 18011041 6037 587 1679
Hein, Andres Schoonwarling Oliva Kreis Dsg Hohe 18011041 6037 614 1679
Hein, Barthol. Orloffer Feld Tiegenhoff 18011058 6036 583 474
Hein, Christian Steinwag Kulm 18113055 6039 663 560
Hein, Christoph Boydancke Roggenhausen 18113092 6041 603 1455
Hein, Christoph Boydancke Roggenhausen Kreis Graudenz 18113092 6043 1 615
Hein, Claus. Schlamsack Amt Elb. Niederung 18011026 6035 471 29
Hein, Constantia Shonberg Tiegenhoff 18011058 6036 605 482
Hein, Constantia Shonberg Tiegenhoff 18011058 6036 605 482
Hein, Dav. Altenau Amt Marienb. Werder 18011033 6035 701 17
Hein, David Bratwein Schwetz 181,13104#108 6042 2250 538
Hein, David Bratwien Schwetz 18113104 6043 108 582
Hein, David Marjenau Tiegenhoff 18011058 6036 580 470
Hein, Dietrich Tiensdorf Marienb. Kl. Werder 18011036 6036 89 3857
Hein, Erdamn Stobbendorff Tiegenhoff 18011059 6036 541 2007
Hein, Erdtman Limarzek Graudenz Graudenz 18113039 6040 823 1196
Hein, Erdtman Linarzek Amt Graudenz 18113039 6038 342 29
Hein, Gabriel Shonberg Tiegenhoff 18011058 6036 605 482
Hein, Georg Steinwag Kulm 18113055 6039 663 560
Hein, George Mosbruch Amt Elb. Niederung 18011027 6035 547 46
Hein, George Tannsee Amt Marienb. Werder 18011033 6035 715 22
Hein, George Torfbruch u. Friederichsberg Amt Elb. Niederung 18011027 6035 510 39
Hein, George Gotl. Pr. Konigsdorff Amt Kl. Marienburg 18011035 6035 839 14
Hein, Gerge Kl. Sibsau Amt Graudenz 18113041 6038 287 39
Hein, Gottfr. Nitzwalde Amt Graudenz Graudenz 18113042 6038 254 67
Hein, Gottfr. Nitzwalde Graudenz Graudenz 1811304267 6041 17 654
Hein, Hans Marjenau Tiegenhoff 18011058 6036 580 470
Hein, Hans Neuendorff Tiegenhoff 18011059 6036 527 495
Hein, Heinrich Pietzckendorff Tiegenhoff 18011058 6036 593 478
Hein, Hersch Schneidemuhl Neuhoff 18113087 6041 436 22
Hein, Jac. Schwartzdamm Amt Elb. Niederung 18011027 6035 550 47
Hein, Jacob Niedau Amt Marienb. Werder 18011033 6035 719 23
Hein, Jacob Shonberg Tiegenhoff 18011058 6036 605 482
Hein, Jacob Shonberg Tiegenhoff 18011058 6036 605 482
Hein, Jacob St. Georgen - Damm Elbingsche Hohe 18011063 6036 455 17
Hein, Jacob St. Georgen-Damm Amt Elbingsche Hohe Elbing 18011063 6038 187 17
Hein, Jacob Steinwag Kulm 18113055 6039 663 560
Hein, Joch. Zandersweide Marienbur 181,13131#2 6042 2834 615
Hein, Joh. Hackendorff Amt Elb. Niederung 18011025 6035 381 7
Hein, Joh. Schmerblock Amt Danz. Territ. 18011022 6035 283 7
Hein, Johann Rosenort Marienb. Kl. Werder 18011036 6036 67 3845
Hein, Johann Schoenau Amt Marienburg 18011034 6035 772 44
Hein, Johann Shonberg Tiegenhoff 18011058 6036 605 482
Hein, Martin Haberhorst Tiegenhoff 18011059 6036 525 493
Hein, Martin Tiegenort Amt Danzig 18011015 6034 681 2706
Hein, Mich. Furstenau Amt Elb. Niederung 18011025 6035 406 16
Hein, Mich. Schnakenburg Amt Danzig 18011012 6034 405 2644
Hein, Michael Kasemark Amt Danz. Territ. 18011021 6035 314 2
Hein, Michel Al - Rosengarth Marienb. Kl. Werder 18011036 6036 65 3843
Hein, Michel Stobbendorff Tiegenhoff 18011059 6036 538 2007
Hein, Michel Thorichthof Marienb. Kl. Werder 18011036 6036 97 3861
Hein, Molcher Kraffuhlsdorf Amt Elb. Niederung 18011027 6035 494 35
Hein, Natan. Schwansdorff Marienb. Kl. Werder 18011036 6036 74 3849
Hein, Nathan. Lindenau Amt Marienb. Werder 18011033 6035 724 26
Hein, Peter Kraffuhlsdorf Amt Elb. Niederung 18011027 6035 494 35
Hein, Peter Neu - Munsterberg Barenhoff 18011059 6036 564 2021
Hein, Wittwe Bohnsack Amt Danzig 18011011 6034 479 2626
Heine I, Hans Zeyer Amt Elb. Niederung 18011027 6035 518 41
Heine II, Hans Zeyer Amt Elb. Niederung 18011027 6035 518 41
Heine, ? Heydemuehle Stuhm 18113119 6043 2926 167
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