List And Brief History of the German States, Grand Duchies, Principalities, etc before 1806......Page M. Remmick-Hubert Site
Last Updated: 29 April 2004
List And Brief History of the German States, Grand Duchies, Principalities, etc before 1806 continued......
Presently in France. Formerly the Duchy of Bar
which was passed in 1431 to Lorraine. See Lorraine...
Edward, Count of Bar d. 1336 m. Mary, the daughter of Robert II, Duke
of Burgundy d. 1305. Her sister Johanna m. Philip VI, King of France and
another sister Margaret was also wed to a King of France, Louis X, d.
Magdeburg. Presently in the German state (Land)
of Saxony-Anhalt. the capital by the Elbe River. Formerly principality
and archbishopric. Was the capital of Prussian Saxony. Granted
charter in 1188. The Reichstag vote was secularized and exercised
by Brandenburg. In 1524 accepted the Reformation. From 1561 to
1563 the archbishop, a prince of the House of Brandenburg, changed to
Protestantism and continued to rule the archbishopric as administrator. In
the Thirty Years War the Catholic imperials under Tilly stormed Magdeburg....
The city burned down and half of the people (abt 20,000) perished. From
1679 to 17450 many French and Palatine refugees escaped the French
revolutionaries which was the center of Lutheranism. Brandenburg retired
ownership at the Treaty of Westphalia and became a member of the Protestant
corpus at the Peace of Westphalia (1648) The City became a strong fortress
for the Prussian and was passed to the Hohenzollerns. In 1816 became
the capital of the the area which was under the rule of
Note: See family of Countess Elizabeth, nee Kaltenbrun von Kaltenborn, von Hahn-Hein b. abt 1762 poss from Magdeburg
(Mayence). Presently the capital of Rheinland-Pfalz and
on the left bank of the Rhine River. Formerly ecclesiastical electoral
principality. The following estates, titles and territories associated
with Mainz are: areas in Erthal, Schoeborn, Bassenheim, Ostein, Stadion,
Dalberg, Aschaffenburg, parts of Taubertal and Spessart regions, Kinzigtal,
Thuringia, Eichsfeld , Hessen, Erfurt, Amoeneburg, Kurmainz (electoral Mainz),
lands near Mainz, Bingen, Dieburg, Seligenstadt, Bensheim-Heppenhein.
After 1648 the lands added were areas in Chur, Konstanz, Augsburg,
Strassburg, Speyer, Worms, Wuerzburg, Eichstaett, Paderborn, Verden, Hildesheim,
Halberstadt, Prague, Olomouc (Olmuetz) and Fulda. After 1802 the lands were
restricted to an area west of the Rhine River. The areas after 1648
represented by the Catholic corpus at the Peace of Westphalia and represented
by the Kurmainz.
The history of the areas is first recorded in 38 B.C. when the Romans placed their castrum (camp) Moguntiacu, which was near a Keltic settlement which had existed since about 10 A.D. .... For the Romans it became the main stronghold and headquarters of the commanding officers who were trying to take control of Upper Germania Superior [Germany]. As the Romans ceased to exist, the Germans let the camp fall into ruins.... In 742 St. Boniface founded the archbishopric and the town became the center for Christianity in the Germanic people of the area. The Archbishops grew in power and in 10th c. they became the chancellors of the Holy Roman Empire.... In 1184 Emperor Frederick Barbarossa created a marvelous imperial festival and its golden years began. For a time the town even held the label of "Aurea Moguntia" ("Golden Mainz"). It was in 1450 that the printer Johannes Gutenberg, who had invented the printing press with the movable type, set up shop and cranked out the bibles which would establish a common German language. See the brief history of German in Linguistic Chart Showing German dialect spoken by Palatines . During the Thirty Years War, Mainz was invaded by the Swedes.... In 1792 Mainz was declared a republic. By 1801 the city of Mainz became French and taken into the Department of Donnersberg. After Napoleon's defeat, the city's garrisons held Prussian and Austrians troops.... In 1816 Mainz became the capital of the Province of Rhine-Hesse. In 1950 it became capital of the Land of Rhineland-Palatinate (Pfalz).
Manderscheid. Presently in Kreis Bernkastel-Wittlich,
Rheinland-Pfalz. Formerly Herrschaft and Grafschaft. In the early 1500s,
the rise of Protestants created what is known as the Reformation.
The Catholics prevented Protestants uprisings .... and the Catholics
remained in control. Mediatized by the Habsburg in 1546. For
a time the French troops occupied Manderscheid which was after 1792
to 1814 when the Prussians (Hohenzollerns) gained
the area.
Mansfeld. Presently in ______ When
it was in the German Democratic Republic it was in Kreis Hettstedt, Bezirk
Halle which is presently in Saxony-Anhalt. Formerly Grafschaft. One
of the ruling families was Mansfeld-Bornstaedter who were Catholic.
Their estates were "mortgaged" or absorbed by Saxony and Prussia.
The "allodial possessions" which remained were inherited by the House
of Colloredo. The majority of the people of the area were Protestants.
Marchtal. Presently in _____. Formerly
a prelate nullius.
Matsch [Metsch]. Presently a part of Tirol, Austria
and has been so after 1505 the same time it lost it's seat in the
Maulbronn. Presently in Kreis Vaihingen,
Baden-Wuerttemberg. Formerly a prelate nullius. It was founded
around the Cistercian Abbey which was built in 1146. 1504 it was
secularized by Wuerttemberg.... After 1556 it became Protestant seminary....
There was a time the abbey owned 100 villages (not
Maxlrain. See Hohen-Waldeck and
Mecklenburg. Presently in the Land Mecklenburg-West
Pomerania (Vorpommern) a region in what was called East Germany on the Baltic
Sea. Its former capital was Schwerin. It held the cities of:
Rostock, Wismar, Stralsund. It was an important Hanseatic port.
Its early inhabitants were the Slavic tribes (Obodrites) in the the
6th c. Thereafter, Prince Niklot d. 1169 is the ancestor of the
Mecklenburg rulers. .. Emp. Frederick Barbarossa raised the Wendish
rulers to Prince .... It was colonized and Christianized in the
12th c by Prince Niklot's des. Henry the Lion, Duke of Saxony,
The Princes of Mecklenburg , Henry the Lion was raised in rank
to Dukes of the Holy Roman Empire in 1348. His son Albrecht II became
Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin... His uncle John II's son held the title
of Princes of Wenden (ext. 1435). It was taken by the conquering House
of Wallenstein in 1628. The Wallenstein's lost it in 1632
and Mecklenburg Duchy reverted to the the Dukes of Mecklenburg... Mecklenburg
was divided in 1701 and became two duchies (Schwerin and Stargard) while
Albert II became King of Sweden through his mother's lineage. Albert's brother,
John was given the Duchy of Stargard. Albert's son, Magnus I and his
son Albrecht VI continued ruling of Schwern. In 1815 it was united
and became the Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Strelitz. Sided with Prussia
in the Austria-Prussian War (1866) and joined the German Empire in 1871.
In 1918 the Grand Dukes were deposed. In 1934 both Mecklenburgs
were united under the German Democratic Republic. In 1990 when East
Germany united to the west, Mecklenburg became united with West
Meerholz. Presently in Kreis Gelnhausen, Hessen.
See Wetterauische Grafenkolleg
Meersburg. Presently in Alsace, France. Formerly
Grafschaft. In the 16 c. it was part of Austria. (Not the town
on Lake Constance.)
Meissen. Presently in Bezirk Dresden, Saxony.
Formerly marquisate and bishopric. The ecclesiastical lands became
Protestant in 1587. Absorbed by Kursachsen (Electoral Saxony).
Formerly German Democratic republic. Best known, now, for its
Meissen pottery.
Memmingen. Presently in Swabia, Bayern (Bavaria).
Formerly Reichsstadt. Founded in the mid 13c by the
[Wittelsbach] Duke Welf VI... (Guelphs). Became a free
town in 1268... The family of Fuggers, a merchant dynasty of Augsburg, (from
1589) lived just to the south at their residence of Fuggenbau. Member
of the Protestant corpus at the Peace of Westphalia (1648). Reichsstadt
controlled 12 villages. During the Thirty Years War, Wallenstein stayed
here (1660)... and his troops occupied the area for a time.. In
1803 its territories fell to Bavaria.
Merseberg. Presently in Bezirk Halle, Saxony-Anhalt.
Formerly German Democratic Republic. A settlement of prehistoric
times was established earlier and was near where Henry I built his schloss
and then consecrated his schloss church in 931... which was raised to status
of cathedral when the bishopric of Merseburg was established in 968.
In 1543 to 1561 their territories became
Metternich, Counts of (von). Catholic family which
originated in the lower Rhine region and Luxemburg. See Winneburg and
Beilstein. Perhaps the best known in history is Clemens L. W. , Count
Metternich who later became Prince. Born in Coblenz. In 1801
was appointed Hapsburg Minister at Dresden and then at Berlin (1803-1806).
After Jena Battle he was sent as ambassador to Paris for three years...
In 1809 he became Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chancellor and negotiated
a new peace with France after the Battle of Wagram....Helped arrange the
marriage of Napoleon with Marie-Louise, the daughter of the King [Emp.*]
of Austria...He was part of the force for drawing nationalism through the
Holy Alliance and the Congress system.
*Emp. Francis II of the Holy Roman Empire until Napoleon disolved the empire in 1806 and so Francis became King Francis I of Austria [note: I'll have to double check but I think he regained title of Emp. of Austria after the defeat of Napoleon....]
Presently in Department Moselle, France and has been so since
1552 except the following years when it returned to Germany: 1871 to
1918 and, again, 1940 to 1944... Formerly Reichstadt and
Minden. Presently in Nordrhein-Westfalen. The
town had grown out of a fishing settlement at the ford on the Weser River.
In 798 Charlemagne founded the bishopric of Minden and this caused
a second nucleus of a settlement around the fortified cathedral... 10th c.
became a market place... 15th c. the town became a member of the Hanseatic
League. Formerly bishopric. Associated territory was Grafschaft
Ravensberg. Represented by Osnabrueck in the Catholic corpus
at the Peace of Westphalia (1648).... after which it was secularized and
the Reichstag vote was by Brandenburg and their elector turned it
into a garrison town.. It merged with Grafschaft Ravensberg for
administrative purposes in 1719. 1759 one of the battles of the Seven
Years' War was fought at Minden. Became part of the Kingdom of Westphalia
in 1808. From 1811 to 1813 a portion of its territory west of the Weser
River and the city of Minden was occupied by the French. After Napoleon's
defeat (1815) it was returned to Prussia
Moers. Presently in Nordrhein-Westfalen.
Formerly Grafschaft which became Protestant at the time of the Reformation.
The ruling family of Moers, the House of Orange, replaced
the family of _____ which had been in rule.
Moempelgard (Montbeliard). Presently in the Department
Doubls, France. Formerly Grafschaft and principality. After 1397
the territory belonged to the Wuerttemburgs. Occupied by the
French from 1676 to 1679, again in 1793 and annexed to France in 1801 where
it has remained.
Monfort (Monthor). Presently in Vorarlberg,
Austria. Formerly Grafschaft. Member of the Schwaebische
Grafenkolleg. The families of Monfort-Tettnang and
Rotenfels / Allgaeu until 1787 when the territories became Austrian
and was the representative..
Muelhausen / Thuringen. Presently in Bezirk Erfurt,
Thuringia. Formerly German Democractic Republic and before it was a
Reichsstadt. Member of the Protestant corpus at the Peace of Westphalia.
Although it was declared a free city, it was the center for
administration of a number of imperial estates (not
Muelhausen / Alsace (Elsace). Presently in Alsace,
France. Formerly Reichstadt. Became a member of the Swiss
Confederation in 1515. Became French in 1797.
Muehlingen. See Barby and Muelingen.
Muenchenroth. Formerly a prelate
Muenster / Westfalen. Presently in Nordrhein-Westfalen.
Formerly and still a bishopric. Associated with the following
territories, which were Herrschaft: Stromberg, Emsland, Vechta,
Horstmar, Lohn, Cloppenburg, Ahaus, Ottenstein. Represented by
Kurkoeln (Elector Cologne) in the Catholic corpus at the Peace of Westphalia
(1648). Muenster was the site of the "Thousand-Year Kindown" of the
Baptists / Mennonites (Wiedertaeufer) in 1534 - 1535. The city held
a close relationship with the House of Wittelsbach and more
often than not it's archbishops were usually a Wittelsbach. The territories
were secularized in 1802-1803 and it was divided among the following:
Prussia [Hohenzollern], Oldenburg,
Arenberg, Looz-Corswarem, Salm-Grumbach, Salm-Salm and Croy. There was
an ecclesiastical reorganization in 1821 which divided the old areas into
Bezirk Muenster ( some lands from Duesseldorf) and Bezirk
Muenster Im St. Gregoriental. Presently in France
and has been since 1648..... Formerly prelate nullius. The town
of Muenster / Alsace joined the Protestants in 1536.
Munzenberg. Presently in Kreis Friedberg, Hessen.
Formerly Herrschaft. The Stollberg family had owned this
area and was part of the Kurmainz (Electoral Mainz).
Murbach. Presently in Upper Alsace, France.
Formerly prince-bishopric. Represented by the Teutonic Knights
(Deutschorden) in the Catholic corpus at the Peace of Westphalia (1648).
"De facto" French territory after 1648, however, legally it was still
a member of the Reichsstand. Associated with Lueders. In 1764
the territory was secularized.
Myllendonk. Presently in _____ .Formerly
Grafschaft. Was ruled by the Counts von
A / B / C / D / E /F / G / H / H2 / I /J / K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U / V
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