List And Brief History of the German States, Grand Duchies, Principalities, etc before 1806.......Page O. Remmick-Hubert Site
List And Brief History of the German States, Grand Duchies, Principalities, etc before 1806 continued......
Oberehnheim (Obernai). Presently in the Department
Bas-Rhin, France. Formerly Reichsstadt. See Landvogtei Hanenau.
French after 1648...
Obermuenster. Presently in _____ Formerly
a nunnery.
Oberstein. Presently in Kreis Birkenfeld, Rheinland-Pfalz.
Formerly Grafschaft. In 1682 the Reichstag vote was
Ochsenhausen. Presently in Kreis Biberrach,
Baden-Wuerttemberg. Formerly prelate nullius. Historically it
was linked to the Abbey St. Blasien. By 1803 it held the territory
of 35 villages in four officers (Amter) when it was
Odelheim. Presently would be in Baden-Wuerttemberg
but it's location is no longer known..... Formerly prelate nullius.
Oesterreich (Austria). Formerly marquisate, duchy,
grandducy and empire. When the Romans came into the area they had to
conquer the Kelts and so did occupy this territory (15 B.C.
-10 A.D.)... After the 5th c. in marked the Huns, Goths, Lombards and
Bavarians. In 788 the territories fell to Emp. Charlemagne...
955 Otto I conquered the Magyars.... as well as the area of
Bavaria... Afterwhich, Austria held Upper and Lower proper plus Vienna.
The rulers after 976 were titled margraviate. It became a duchy
in 1156....The House of Babenberg acquired Austria in 1251 through
Ottocar II of Bohemia which he ceded to Rudolf I Hapsburg in 1276.
The Grand Duchy of Austria was a member of the Catholic corpus at the
Peace of Westphalia (1648). Austria held nine provinces which were:
Vorarlberg, Tirol (Tyrol), Salzburg, Carinthia, Styria, Upper Austria,
Lower Austria, Burgenland and Vienna. With the rise of importance the
Hapsburg took up the crown of Emp. of the Holy Roman Empire from 1438 to
1806... Napoleon eliminated the title and thereafter Austria was ruled
by a Hapsburg King.... The family remained Catholic. After the
defeat of Napoleon, Austria held the following territories: Austria,
Bohemia, Moravia, S. Poland, Lombardy, Venetia, Carniola, Istria, Dalmatia
and the separate Kingdoms of Hungary, Crotia and Slavonia... There
was a Revolution 1859 which drove out Metternich and Francis Joseph, King
of Austria was restored to power. 1866 the Austrio-Prussian war costed
the Hapsburgs the territory of Venetia and eliminated them from farther German
affairs because the Hohenzollerns were taken into the position of Emperor
of the German states in Prussia... From 1866 to Nov 1918 the Hapsburgs ruled
the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. The Treat of Saint -Germain in
1919 fixed the present day boundaries of Austria.... The Hapsburg Dynasty
ended as well. It was fully incorporated into the Reich in 1940. In
1945 the Allies restored Austria which became a republic.. and was
held under a four-power occupation until 1955...
Brief history of the Hapsburgs (Habsburgs). The first Hapsburg listed on most family trees is Albrecht IV, Count of Hapsburg. They originally lived in Alsace [area is now in Switzerland) and held a great deal of property. Their castle can be found in the Aasgau before they took the ruling power of Austria in 1276 under Rudolf I, son of Albert IV of Hapsburg and his des. continued to rule until 1918.... The following are some of the titles found in their family tree: Mgv. of Burgau, Kings of Spain, Kings and Emp. of Austria, Kings of Bohemia, Kings of Hungary, Archdukes of Austria, Dukes of Modena and Kings of Poland....Princes of Altenburg, Grand Dukes of Tuscany...
Note: Edward Remick m. (2) 10 Jan 1953 to widow Lucile , nee Kulka, Krankuchen, dau. of Josephine, nee Ganz, and Harry David Kulka b. 17 Dec 1907 Quebec, Canada. Her mother was the illigetimate child of Emp. Francis Joseph I Hapsburg , Emp. of Austria and his mistress___Ganz. [Cousin to the actress Shelly Winters. See her book...]
Oettingen, Princes and Counts of (von). One
of the oldest dynasties in the German states.. Were
Catholic... The territories they were associated with were:
Wallerstein and Spielberg. Members of the Schwaebische
Grafenkolleg. In 1806 the family was mediatized and their territories
merged with Bavaria and Wuerttemberg. In 1665 Albert Ernest I, Prince
of Ottingen m. Christine, dau. of Eberhad II, Duke of Wuerttemberg and was
ancestor of Francis Joseph I Hapsburg, Emp. of Austria, King of Bohemia and
Hungary b. 1830.. In 1716 Mary b. 1693. dau of Francis Albert, Count of
Ottingen-Spielberg, m. Joseph, Prince of
Offenburg. Presently in Baden-Wuerttemberg where
the Kinzig River emerges from the Black Forest.... Recorded in 1101
then, again, in 1223 when it gained it's municipal charter.. It was an Imperial
City from 1289 to 1803... Formerly Riechsstadt. Member of the
Catholic corpus at the Peace of Westphalia (1648).... After the 16 c. Offenburg
was the seat of the imperial Landvoegte of Oretenau, a title held by the
Margrafen von Baden after 1701.... 1714-17 held the headquarters of
the Imperial Governor.... From 1771 to 1803 the city was occupied by
Austria.... In 1803 the city was taken by Baden...
Oldenburg. Presently in Niedersachsen. Formerly
a grand duchy... The territories were associated with Oldenburg were:
Herrscahft Varel, Duchy of Birkenfeld (in 1814), Herrschaft
Jever (in 1818), Herrschaft Knyphausen (in 1825).. The ruling
house were the Dukes of Holstein-Gottorp-Oldenburg who were members
of the Westfaelische Grafenkolleg. The House of Oldenburg was
Lutheran and des. of Frederick I, King of Denmark and Norway b. 1471 and
Sophia, dau. of Boguslav X, Duke of Pomerania and title of Grand Duke of
Oldenburg was given to their son Adolphus b. 1526. His des. would became
Dukes of Holstein-Gottorp, Emperors of Russia, Kings of Sweden and Grand
Dukes of Oldenburg. Some other other Oldenburger lands were:
the Amter Friesoythe, Vechta and Cloppenberg
[Kloppenberg], which is abt 26 miles southwest from Oldenburg.... Their
lands fell to the bishopric of Muenster in 1803... in return they received
Amt Wildeshausen which was formerly in the Hannoverian
Ortenberg. Presently in Kreis Offenburg, Baden-Wuerttemberg.
See Wetteraulache Grafenkolleg ( see
Ortenburg Presently in Kreis Vilshofen, Niederbayer
(northern Bavaria). Formerly Grafschaft. Member of the Wetterauische
Grafenkolleg. Ownership of the Grafschaft was in dispute.. In 1803
the Wittelbach's of Bavaria gained this territory in exchange
for Amt Tambach and Amt Sessbach....
Osnabrueck. Presently in Niedersachsen. Formerly
bishopric. The territory associated with this were: "enclave"
Reckenberg in Kreis Wiedenbrueck. Member of the Catholic corpus
at the Peace of Westphalia (1648). However, the treaty gave the
citizens of the catholic and protestant congregations equal parts of
bishops and parishes. The Catholic prince-bishop was Saxon Prince of
Welf who ruled alternately with the
Osterfriesland (East Friesland or Emden or Emsland).
Presently in the Regierungsbezirk Aurich, Niedersachsen ....
It is along the North Sea coastal region ....which includes
many islands. They city of Emden is found at the mouth of the Ems River where
in the 16c. one could find some 600 vessels in it's port ready for merchant
shipping.... Was formerly the province which separated the Netherlands
and Oldenburg. Formerly a principality and Grafschaft. 1454 became
country of the Holy Roman Empire... 1654 became a Duchy... 1683 the
Prussian Elector [Hohenzollern] made Emden
the base of his own fleet.... passed to Prussia in 1744... 1751 the
Prussian Frederick II the Great declared the city a free port ...
There was a great deal of conflict over the interests and ownership
of this area between the ruling Princes who were Lutherans and the city of
Emden , who's citizens were Catholic. In 1806 Napoleon's destroyed
Emden... The territory became Dutch and in 1810 it was passed to Hannover
in 1815 and back to Prussia in 1866.
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